Dumbest Fight You Ever Had With Significant Other



  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    Our dumbest fights always surround playing video games together, lol. We both turn into 13 year old Xbox boys screaming "Whatever, you ****ing gaywad!" at each other if a game gets particularly heated. So dumb, soooo dumb :)

    Classic. I lvoe the use of such nostalgic insults as gaywad.

    I once had an argument over paying too much attention to my dog.

    Dude , she was jealous of the dog??:noway: :laugh:

    Sadly yes. Mind you at the time my dog was just a puppy, so most of the attention was of the "Don't eat the chair" "Don't chew on power wires" "Don't piss on the carpet" variety
  • cspong
    cspong Posts: 260 Member
    Our dumbest fights are always about little bits of trivia that mean nothing, lmao. Yesterday was if there are shells for pickup trucks that fold up (there are, he didn't think there were)... and we don't even have a truck :/

  • seasons01
    seasons01 Posts: 14
    The only time I argue is when I am stressed...
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    We once had a raging screaming match over the physics of water boiling in a kettle. Seriously.
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    (Note, I am 22, my boyfriend is 20)

    Me: (Totally joking) "You didn't acknowledge my half-birthday today; You're the worst boyfriend ever."

    Him: "Oh..I didn't know people still celebrated those..." (Referring to the child-likeness of the idea)

    Me: "Yep, one more birthday where I can drink and YOU can't! :drinker: "

    Him: "[insert profanity here]"
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    We fight about stupid things constantly. I feel good that we agree on the important things, though. lol

    He often gets upset that I don't drink enough (alcohol) often enough. I find that one odd.

    We fought over how to squeeze the toothpaste tube so much that now we each have our own tube. :laugh:

    I think the most recent dumb fight was when he came into my computer room/office and stamped his approval stamp for work all over this piece of blank paper. I asked him why he just wasted a of piece paper (I have to print an insane amount of stuff for school) and he freaked out, pulled all the loose change from his pocket and threw it at me screaming "Now I bought your dumb piece of paper and I can do whatever I want to it!" I told him he was acting stupid and left the room, he followed me and continued yelling, pulling things off the wall, throwing them. I still don't even know what he was so upset about. :noway:
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    Last week I was surfing and my OH sat on the beach , when I came out of the water he had moved to a warmer spot. I had to carry the board for ten minutes accross the beach. I had a little freak out because I wanted my towel , he had a BF because he didn't want to get drowned by the tide coming in ! Huh how unreasonable and selfish is he !:mad:

    LOL.... In hindsight it may have been hormones :blushing:

    That's the thing about stupid fights ..always funnier in hindsight!!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    So many. We argued over what the rabbit would sound like if he could talk the other day.

    :laugh: That one is great!
  • gumigal82
    gumigal82 Posts: 350
    we argued yesterday as he bought me FULL FAT WHIPPED CREAM YOGHURTS i wanted 0% fat free.... we had a hell of a bust up...LOL it's ever so funny thinking about it. How sad are we!! LOL

    Yeah, we never argued over "normal" stuff...that is hilarious! I think he got upset once because I brought him the wrong flavor scone from Starbucks...and I told him "you don't even like Starbucks, so what's the difference?"
  • cspong
    cspong Posts: 260 Member
    So many. We argued over what the rabbit would sound like if he could talk the other day.

  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    These are all so funny! Love is strange, keep em coming!!
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    I was drunk and wanted to go to the cemetery he didnt,it turned into a fight somehow lol
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    My husband and I, about 15 years ago when we first got married, had a silly fight about who should clean out the pockets of pants. I had put a pair of his pants in the dryer and something was clunking around. I didn't notice it just thought it was the zipper of a jacket that was also in there. He goes over and yanks open the door and proceeds to get all sorts of mad at me about not cleaning out the pockets of his pants. There was some sort of rock that he had picked up somewhere along the way. He has cleaned his own pockets out ever since that day.

    ETA: We also always argue when we play spades together whether he is my partner or not. It's all in fun though. What's a good spades game without some trash talking?
  • Stupidest fight in history. One morning, our Rottie Shep bit the park maintenence guy on his pant leg and dragged him around. He seemed okay and we left. I called my wife at work and told her what had happened. She wanted me to find the guy. I refused. We argued about it for an hour. The way I saw it, the guy was only bit on his pant leg. He didn't make a big deal about it. I don't know why my wife made such a fuss. My dog has never liked a man in uniform. One time he ripped a guy's pantleg completely off with one bite. Needless to say, I took out my check book and asked him how much money he wanted. I didn't even bother to tell my wife about the guy and his pantleg.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    here is a really stupid one

    husband said that he coudlnt' find the vacuum cleaner filter thing and asked me if i knew where it was. he usually does the vacuuming.
    i said no, i didn't see it.
    he says that maybe i moved it accidentally.
    i said, no i didn't, i would know if i saw it because it is very distinctive looking.
    he says well maybe you just were tired and didn't realize it.
    i said no i didn't move it, maybe it fell somewhere...

    and on and on.
    we never found it. i am convinced he still thinks i "accidentally moved it somewhere" but i didn't... so i've let it go but it's still in the back of my mind as our most ridiculous fight.

    other ones have been about whether it is warm enough to change to "summer" sheets or if it's cold enough to change to flannel sheets.

    whether the dog needs to get her frontline today or tomorrow

    if i say something in a certain tone he will get mad like "what's wrong with you" like i'm being a bi*ch and i'll just say "sorry, i didn't hear you correctly, everything is fine" and then he acts like "well somethign is wrong" and i say "no it's not i'm sorry if my voice came across that way"... and on and on

    other stupid crap like that. we dont' really fight about big things, that's funny...
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    He bought Hellman's mayo "made with olive oil" and I pointed out to him that it's just regular mayonnaise... With some olive oil added. I get annoyed when he buys "fat free" processed crap, especially when he does NOT need to lose weight.
  • This is funny topic... I actually had to think a bit on this one because my beau and I have a lot of silly spats... which do always end up laughing about when all said and done! Most of them are usually about where "I" put something.... I am always blamed for putting "his stuff" where it doesn't belong because I am always cleaning.... um, excuse me for being neat. "Where the bleep did you put my HAT??? GAWWWWD... I can never FIND anyhing in this HOUSE!!! ......I shrugged my shoulders a few times and let him rant a bit and finally...."Dear, you are wearing your hat...... " Yea, that was a good one.
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    So many. We argued over what the rabbit would sound like if he could talk the other day.

    i can seem myself having an argument like that. =)
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    It was midnight I got up to go to the bathroom and forgot to flush...next day he walks in and asks how much toilet paper do you use?!
    I reply with I dunno I was half asleep when that happened so I thought about it and said I wrap it up in a ball and use it. Maybe 10 sheets or so.

    I thought about it some more then asked him how many sheets do you use?

    He replies 3 sheets.

    I call bullsh!t on him and the argument started. We still laugh about it to this day when I yell across the room "Hey 3 sheets....." he knows exactly who I'm talkin bout...
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    just thought of another one. he got me some kind of salad at the zoo a few months ago. i said i didn't want the chicken on it because it looked gray (probably was deep fried and got the gray color when it was put in a refridgerator after that) and i wasn't going to eat it. i put it aside and just ate teh rest of the salad. he got mad and said i was wasting food, what was wrong with it? i said, well you eat it if you think it's so great. of course he didnt!