Do you remember your first kiss?



  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    First boyfriend in high school.

    His name was Gil Gilbert.

    Yes, Gil Gilbert. Go ahead and laugh, I do.

    Anyway, he had a HUGE mouth and these giant lips and I think he thought that a kiss involved trying to put as much of his partner's face inside of his mouth as possible.

    I swear I had slobber from nose to chin and cheek to cheek when it was over.
  • Denise6914
    Denise6914 Posts: 176
    I was 14 and had just started high school. It was in the cafeteria. I thought I was soooo cool because he was on the football team.
  • w_i_n_d_y
    w_i_n_d_y Posts: 216 Member
    I remember my first kiss (1983), yeah I'm old. And I remember the first kiss that counted (2011).
  • buffybabe
    buffybabe Posts: 180 Member
    Yup, it was my senior year in high school. This guy I had a crush on walked me to class one day and kissed me right before I went in. That was all...
  • arojas1227
    arojas1227 Posts: 56 Member
    I remember :) I was 14 and had been with my boyfriend for a few months. We were at the park and he kissed me.
    Turned out to be a total jerk, but I think the story is still nice.

    My first kiss with my husband was a few months after we met. We were sitting outside my old house talking just talking about our childhoods and he kissed me.
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    Yep, it was a dare, the day before my 11th birthday. We were in the creek and they let us hide behind an outcropping of rocks. But they made us switch gum to prove we did it. LOL! So gross, but you don't forget your first kiss.
    We 'went together' for months off and on.
    We're still good friends and he and my husband played in a garage band in high school.
    His wife jokes I'm the only ex-girlfriend she likes. LOL!

    *Just kissing folks... NOTHING ELSE!!

    Oh and first kiss with my husband... TERRIBLE, but funny! :)

    We had gone out to a movie and dinner, but just as friends. We ended up talking till 2:00AM in my driveway. At one point in the conversation I asked him where he thought this was going. (I.E. was this a thing or just friendship.) He, being the literal sort said, "I think we kiss now."

    So of course it was bad. LOL!

    But it improved by the second one... that same night.
  • shellicious777
    shellicious777 Posts: 48 Member
    Yes I remember it like it was yesterday. Sitting in the back seat of my brothers Cutlass in 1983 with the cutest boy in the world. I was chewing grape bubble yum and he asked me for a piece and I said this is all I have and I stuck it out and he leaned over and kissed me and took my gum. We've been together since that day!
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    ahh yes. Truth or Dare... with my ex boyfriend, who I never kissed WHILE he was my boyfriend (cause we were like 11 then, so it barely counts). silly.
  • bricktowngal
    bricktowngal Posts: 206
    unfortunaltely yes i do and i remember who it was with, thank you for reminding me can somebody pass me the memory bleach please

    hahaha Ditto! I feel the same way!!
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    Best friend in the eighth grade. We were techies in the school's theatre crew and our favourite lunch time activity was to shut the curtains, kill the lights and we'd all play hide and seek. Long story short we had the same hiding spot and both of us refused to move so we both stayed there, he said something like "I dare you to kiss me" and passed it off as a joke (as he often does) so I gave him a hug instead and boom, we kissed. It was awkward and kind of sloppy and we've had "history" over the years since then, thankfully the last time we kissed he was a WAY better kisser. :blushing:
  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    I was 7 years old and playing on the mcdonalds playground, some kid starting stalking me and asked me to marry him so I said yes and we When I was about 12 or 13 I ran into him again and it was all very weird....
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    I was 15, I snuck out of the house to run around with friends. He was my one of my girlfriend's older brother and he tasted like beer! He said "Oh! You have braces!"
  • Drawberry
    Drawberry Posts: 104 Member
    My first kiss was when I was 21, in the car saying goodbye to not-yet-boyfriend as he dropped me home. I was nervous and scared out of my mind, I had the door open so I could bolt if it didn't end well. I kissed him, awkwardly, and after a moment we just kinda sat there and he said "What's that door open for? get back here you" and hugged me.

    And now we live together. Huzzah!
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    I was 13, I was kissed by this guy I knew in the neighborhood, he caught be totally by surprise when he stuck his tongue in my mouth and I bit his tongue and I bit it hard. We are talking blood. Nobody told me about French kissing
  • andreachirillo
    andreachirillo Posts: 52 Member
    I remember the first one that mattered...I remember that butterfly in my tummy when it happened. And 16 years later when I kiss the same man (who was a boy back then) I still sometimes get that feeling! I love him... :blushing: :love:
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    First Kiss???? Hell, I can't even remember my LAST kiss..... :grumble:
  • starrynightskys
    starrynightskys Posts: 31 Member
    I was 13 and at a school disco. He asked if he could kiss me and I said yes, it wasn't great, he bit my lip a little and "Dilemma" by Nelly and Kelly was playing. urgh.

    He went to a different school but he managed to get his number to me by giving it to a friend of his who was in my science class at school.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    First kiss ever: I was 14. I was dating my first boyfriend. I kissed his teeth, then ran out of the room in terror. I was smooth.
  • CrazyGraciegirl
    I've never actually had a real kiss. :embarassed:
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    6th grade, Koi Stein (named changes to protect the poor young woman... but that is a rough translation:laugh: ) On the bluff over looking a bay on the Pacific ocean. it was well planned out, sweet and lead to more kisses later that year. :smooched: