Sweaty girls at the gym-hot or not?



  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Thanks for all the input! I did say I do go there and put in an intense, hard workout, regardless of whether or not people of the opposite sex are near by, and I will keep doing so no matter what. I always feel sexy after a good hard workout because I feel tight and toned, but I was just wondering because if I did want to talk to someone at the gym, and the consensus was "gross" then maybe I'd just do so before I start sweating so hard.

    I'm not totally vain, I promise.


    Nah, you're at a gym, you're supposed to be smelly and sweaty! Just talk to him/her!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    As logn as your make-up is ok, and your outfit matches, it's hot. :huh:
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    Well, I don't know how anyone could find me attractive after going to the gym. Not only do I get sweaty but my face turns bright, bright red. I hate it. And I don't like talking to anyone after because I get uncomfortable because my face is so red. :laugh: Oh well though. The only way to stop that is to stop exercising & I definitely can't do that.
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    Honestly if a girl is cute dry she'll only get cuter sweaty. SO I guess I don't have a problem with it at all. As long as you don't mind sweaty guys. I have no problem sweating through 2 shirts and part of my shorts on cardio days. I'm a friggin' mess.

    ^^ that is a good point. If you expect them to think you are cute sweaty, you should be prepared to reciprocate!
  • shannypoo21
    shannypoo21 Posts: 329 Member
    Okay - I'm a guy... so here's my opinion.

    I am impressed by women that are comfortable enough in themselves to go to the gym not to look cute - but to work hard and earn the sweat! People (men and women) that go to the gym to look good while there (except for impressive workouts of course) are not there for the right reasons. So - in short -

    1 - Go to the gym
    2 - Work Hard
    3 - Don't worry - sweat!
    4 - If you meet someone there - great!
    5 - Enjoy what you have accomplished while earning that sweat : )
    6 - Go home knowing you worked out well!

    ^^^LOVE IT!!!
  • rininger85
    rininger85 Posts: 131
    I like me a hot sweaty mess of woman at the gym =) gives me more motivation myself to work harder so I can get in shape lol
  • Lentz16
    Lentz16 Posts: 26
    I say it's HOT! As long as you don't have a B.O. then you are cool. =)
  • grum84
    grum84 Posts: 428 Member
    Thanks for all the input! I did say I do go there and put in an intense, hard workout, regardless of whether or not people of the opposite sex are near by, and I will keep doing so no matter what. I always feel sexy after a good hard workout because I feel tight and toned, but I was just wondering because if I did want to talk to someone at the gym, and the consensus was "gross" then maybe I'd just do so before I start sweating so hard.

    I'm not totally vain, I promise.


    Honestly, just the fact that you would take the first action and just go up and talk to the guy in the first place is a plus in my book. I mean if you want to talk to someone, why does it have to always be the guy to initiate anymore. If you know what (or who) you want, go get it.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    I HATE those girls that come in the gym wearing barely nothing, and kind of glide around at 1.5 on the treadmill in a full face of makeup & jewelry. Meanwhile, I'm next to them running my butt off at 6.0 for 15 mins about to die and standing in a pool of my own secretion!

    I will admit, there are some HOTTIES at my gym, and I sometimes wonder if I lost more weight would one of them notice me. However, I’m not going to sacrifice my workout and lose out on burning extra calories to slow down and be cute. If he is interested, he will see you thru that puddle of sweat! That’s just my take on it.
  • juliegin
    juliegin Posts: 77 Member
    I HATE those girls that come in the gym wearing barely nothing, and kind of glide around at 1.5 on the treadmill in a full face of makeup & jewelry. Meanwhile, I'm next to them running my butt off at 6.0 for 15 mins about to die and standing in a pool of my own secretion!

    I will admit, there are some HOTTIES at my gym, and I sometimes wonder if I lost more weight would one of them notice me. However, I’m not going to sacrifice my workout and lose out on burning extra calories to slow down and be cute. If he is interested, he will see you thru that puddle of sweat! That’s just my take on it.

    I'm definitely not THAT kind of girl, don't want to give that impression. I do work hard at the gym. Those girls bother me too. Thanks for the comment!
  • lauren128m
    lauren128m Posts: 75
    I'm sure you look better than all the girls who don't work out. I think guys like girls who can stay in shape.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    activity is hot
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    lol don't know why this matters. you go to the gym to work out and sweat not to look hot for other people
    technically you go to the gym so you CAN look good body-wise for yourself and others besides being healthy and making yourself feel good. =) But honestly, if I'm doing the gym I go first thing in the am with usually wild, yesterday's oily hair and no makeup and the comfiest things I can find, it's embarrassing walking home after. BUT I do go to a woman's gym.
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    activity is hot

    ^^ yup..I love a girl who knows how to put in work. ALL KINDS!
  • tomakehermine
    HOT! means you are actually freaking accomplishing something.
  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
    If you still look good at the end of your workout, you didn't do it right. That's all.

  • PraguuMaya
    PraguuMaya Posts: 16
    Going to the gym means just having time for yourself. Who cares what the other 'hot' people at the gym think? You are going in there for YOU !

    Impressions are made outside the gym; hard-work is made inside.
  • MarkMenconi
    I think its Hot!!!

    I wonder how people can leave the gym without sweating..... I leave w/my shirt completely wet.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I literally had to stop and wipe up a puddle during my cardio kickboxing class last night, just so I wouldn't slip and fall in my own sweat. I sweat a LOT when I work out. I also go HARD in the gym. My cute little matching work out clothes are still cute and matching when I'm done---but they're soaking wet and I've got sweat dripping down my face. When I see a super sweaty person, I just think they've worked their butt off!