Yes. You CAN eat 'normal' food! (my rant.)



  • cdnwinter79
    Amen to that!
    Thank you for writing this and putting this whole eating healthy thing into perspective. Eating is a lifestyle change, you have to do it slowly or you're not going to make it, just like excercise. You don't go all gung-ho at the beginning, you ease yourself into it, because, it's a lifestyle change! Why would eating be any different??
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    for a while, I was seeing an abundance of "what's gonna happen to my boobs" threads. new batches daily, it seemed. but, lately, I'm seeing new folks coming in and asking if they can eat so-called 'normal' food. and, of course, soon thereafter they are informed by various members that, no, all of that food is terrible and they must stock their fridge with organic lettuce grown under the sunshine reflected off a tropical rainbow.

    that really bothers me. people join this site, often, after years of failed attempts. many are frustrated ... discouraged. so much so that it probably wouldn't take much for them to just throw it in and give up. and you know what just might be that push? the organic rainbow lettuce brigade.

    you know what, that food is certainly nutritious. no one is really going to argue that point. and is nutritious food better for your body than not-so-nutritious food? well, yeah. but here's the thing, ORLBs. that's an extreme change many -- if not most -- people can't make. and, yes, I said can't -- not won't. it isn't always as simple as just throwing away all the food you've got and restocking with fresh produce and tofu burgers. the first obstacle is cost. the second is ease/feasibility. and that's not even figuring in the fact that many -- if not most, again -- don't like to eat that food!

    I get the concept that food is fuel. sometimes you have to eat things you may not like. but I'm not going to make it long by making that kind of food my only kind of food. that's no way to live, dreading your next meal. and most people won't. that's why diets fail. and that's why MFP works. because a calorie is a calorie.

    Yes. You CAN eat 'normal' food. I'll eat pizza. I'll eat chocolate. I eat pasta and bread and even, now and then, a cookie or some candy. I lost 3.5 pounds this past week. I've lost more than 17 pounds in less than two months. and it's because I'm learning to keep my food portions under control. I keep under my calorie limit. I plan ahead if I know I'm going to have a larger meal or a higher-calorie treat that day. and if it just happens without planning and I decide to take that treat? that means a longer stint at the gym to burn those extra calories off.

    the ORLBs will now start sputtering, 'but that's not healthy!' and to that, I'd like to ask if being obese is healthy. I think ... no. so. let's move to basic food math:

    eating less of most the food I like, keeping calories under my limit = weight loss;
    weight loss = a healthier me;
    therefore, eating less of most the food I like, keeping calories under my limit = a healthier me.

    shedding that extra weight automatically makes you healthier, no matter what it is you are eating. there's simply no way around that fact. now, that isn't to say that you shouldn't make smart decisions. that isn't to say that you shouldn't work to find 'healthy' foods that you like, working them into your daily life. but, like weight loss, that's a process. it doesn't need to happen overnight.

    focus on what works. turn yourself into a better you. and do it in a way that will allow it to be a life change. and if, for you, that means 'normal' food? do it, and do it without any of the guilt you've been programmed or pressured to feel.

    I think I love you! That was the best post I have ever seen on here!
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    it's been a month, so .... bump.
  • redcut
    redcut Posts: 176
    nicely said I could not agree more I eat what I want as long as it is my calories for the day and I have lost 31lbs.
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    Great post, this whole concept is actually called "If It Fits Your Macros" (IIFYM) aka "flexible dieting".

    Why I can manage to drink a glass of wine each day and still lose weight. It's all about numbers
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Great post, this whole concept is actually called "If It Fits Your Macros" (IIFYM) aka "flexible dieting".

    Why I can manage to drink a glass of wine each day and still lose weight. It's all about numbers

    Yup yup!
  • pandasmama3
    pandasmama3 Posts: 120
  • Drawberry
    Drawberry Posts: 104 Member
    for a while, I was seeing an abundance of "what's gonna happen to my boobs" threads. new batches daily, it seemed. but, lately, I'm seeing new folks coming in and asking if they can eat so-called 'normal' food. and, of course, soon thereafter they are informed by various members that, no, all of that food is terrible and they must stock their fridge with organic lettuce grown under the sunshine reflected off a tropical rainbow.

    that really bothers me. people join this site, often, after years of failed attempts. many are frustrated ... discouraged. so much so that it probably wouldn't take much for them to just throw it in and give up. and you know what just might be that push? the organic rainbow lettuce brigade.

    you know what, that food is certainly nutritious. no one is really going to argue that point. and is nutritious food better for your body than not-so-nutritious food? well, yeah. but here's the thing, ORLBs. that's an extreme change many -- if not most -- people can't make. and, yes, I said can't -- not won't. it isn't always as simple as just throwing away all the food you've got and restocking with fresh produce and tofu burgers. the first obstacle is cost. the second is ease/feasibility. and that's not even figuring in the fact that many -- if not most, again -- don't like to eat that food!

    I get the concept that food is fuel. sometimes you have to eat things you may not like. but I'm not going to make it long by making that kind of food my only kind of food. that's no way to live, dreading your next meal. and most people won't. that's why diets fail. and that's why MFP works. because a calorie is a calorie.

    Yes. You CAN eat 'normal' food. I'll eat pizza. I'll eat chocolate. I eat pasta and bread and even, now and then, a cookie or some candy. I lost 3.5 pounds this past week. I've lost more than 17 pounds in less than two months. and it's because I'm learning to keep my food portions under control. I keep under my calorie limit. I plan ahead if I know I'm going to have a larger meal or a higher-calorie treat that day. and if it just happens without planning and I decide to take that treat? that means a longer stint at the gym to burn those extra calories off.

    the ORLBs will now start sputtering, 'but that's not healthy!' and to that, I'd like to ask if being obese is healthy. I think ... no. so. let's move to basic food math:

    eating less of most the food I like, keeping calories under my limit = weight loss;
    weight loss = a healthier me;
    therefore, eating less of most the food I like, keeping calories under my limit = a healthier me.

    shedding that extra weight automatically makes you healthier, no matter what it is you are eating. there's simply no way around that fact. now, that isn't to say that you shouldn't make smart decisions. that isn't to say that you shouldn't work to find 'healthy' foods that you like, working them into your daily life. but, like weight loss, that's a process. it doesn't need to happen overnight.

    focus on what works. turn yourself into a better you. and do it in a way that will allow it to be a life change. and if, for you, that means 'normal' food? do it, and do it without any of the guilt you've been programmed or pressured to feel.


    My favorite part is where arrogant douche biscuits tell you that they're a better and healthier person then you. Because we all know organic rainbow sunshine lettuce is the only way to be healthy, and that every one of us must live the exact same way.
  • DonaA123
    DonaA123 Posts: 337 Member
    for a while, I was seeing an abundance of "what's gonna happen to my boobs" threads. new batches daily, it seemed. but, lately, I'm seeing new folks coming in and asking if they can eat so-called 'normal' food. and, of course, soon thereafter they are informed by various members that, no, all of that food is terrible and they must stock their fridge with organic lettuce grown under the sunshine reflected off a tropical rainbow.

    that really bothers me. people join this site, often, after years of failed attempts. many are frustrated ... discouraged. so much so that it probably wouldn't take much for them to just throw it in and give up. and you know what just might be that push? the organic rainbow lettuce brigade.

    you know what, that food is certainly nutritious. no one is really going to argue that point. and is nutritious food better for your body than not-so-nutritious food? well, yeah. but here's the thing, ORLBs. that's an extreme change many -- if not most -- people can't make. and, yes, I said can't -- not won't. it isn't always as simple as just throwing away all the food you've got and restocking with fresh produce and tofu burgers. the first obstacle is cost. the second is ease/feasibility. and that's not even figuring in the fact that many -- if not most, again -- don't like to eat that food!

    I get the concept that food is fuel. sometimes you have to eat things you may not like. but I'm not going to make it long by making that kind of food my only kind of food. that's no way to live, dreading your next meal. and most people won't. that's why diets fail. and that's why MFP works. because a calorie is a calorie.

    Yes. You CAN eat 'normal' food. I'll eat pizza. I'll eat chocolate. I eat pasta and bread and even, now and then, a cookie or some candy. I lost 3.5 pounds this past week. I've lost more than 17 pounds in less than two months. and it's because I'm learning to keep my food portions under control. I keep under my calorie limit. I plan ahead if I know I'm going to have a larger meal or a higher-calorie treat that day. and if it just happens without planning and I decide to take that treat? that means a longer stint at the gym to burn those extra calories off.

    the ORLBs will now start sputtering, 'but that's not healthy!' and to that, I'd like to ask if being obese is healthy. I think ... no. so. let's move to basic food math:

    eating less of most the food I like, keeping calories under my limit = weight loss;
    weight loss = a healthier me;
    therefore, eating less of most the food I like, keeping calories under my limit = a healthier me.

    shedding that extra weight automatically makes you healthier, no matter what it is you are eating. there's simply no way around that fact. now, that isn't to say that you shouldn't make smart decisions. that isn't to say that you shouldn't work to find 'healthy' foods that you like, working them into your daily life. but, like weight loss, that's a process. it doesn't need to happen overnight.

    focus on what works. turn yourself into a better you. and do it in a way that will allow it to be a life change. and if, for you, that means 'normal' food? do it, and do it without any of the guilt you've been programmed or pressured to feel.
    totally agree
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    Kudos. To that I would add, stop eating all the processed foods that are supposed to be healthy for you because they are low ____.

    Eat things that come from the ground, or things that eat things that come from the ground. It really simplifies things and gives you food your body might even actually recognize and not treat in a hostile fashion.

    That, and exercise a half hour a day. That may actually be more important than losing weight.
  • amazing_shrinking_woman
    Dear OP,

    I love you.

    That is all.
  • schenry417
    schenry417 Posts: 11
    I totally agree - it's all about balance and being aware of what you're putting in vs. what you're working off. The key is to enjoy yourself and enjoy life. I LOVE food and there's no way I can live on plain salads and veges my whole life. I do eat organic, but that's just my choice for many a reason.

    Today, I knew I was going out with friends after work where I will likely over-indulge. But, I'm trying to plan it out a bit - first, I've kept my calories to a minimum today. Second, I've taken a look at the menu and decided a turkey patty salad with balsamic vinaigrette will be what I order rather than a cheese burger BECAUSE I also want sweet potato fries AND (here's where I will go over my daily caloric intake) a beer. That's right - totally empty calories. And, I'm okay with that because I enjoy having a beer with friends. I will log it and move on and continue to be healthy in other areas.

    Balance equals happiness.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    it's been a month. so ... another shameless bump.
  • katiepie111
    katiepie111 Posts: 83 Member
    thankyou! i love this post - i have tried and failed so many times i couldnt count (binge eater here!) to lose weight, i finally think i can sustain it this time, because i allow myself 'normal food' and am learning to not feel guilty about it - so i can sustain it! i have finally got my head around that fact and feel alot more free - ive only been doing this for a little over 3 weeks this time, but find i dont even crave takeaways anymore (sweets are another issue :)) but give me a healthy chicken meal with veges and pasta and il be all over it!
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    it's been a while. so zombie thread is alive.