TIME magazine and breast feeding a 4 year old



  • TheChocolatePrincess
    TheChocolatePrincess Posts: 137 Member
    If he got teeth he ought to be eating a sandwich, not sucking on a boob. Sorry, breastfeeding a CHILD (not an infant or even a toddler) is inappropriate.

    Even women in nomadic societies only breastfed/breastfeed children that old out of necessity (i.e. there is a drought or food shortage so it makes more sense to give what there is to eat to the mother and she can nurse the child from her body).

    Maybe in times of desperation, like the lady who was stranded in the snow storm who kept her children alive by breastfeeding all of them (she had an infant and two older ones).

    Other than that, I feel (from watching those specials on co-sleeping and breastfeeding forever) that the children who breastfeed too long are emotionally stunted and tend to hold on to infant like habits longer than children of their same age group. IMHO, it stunts emotional development, just like thumb sucking, pacifiers, blankies, and binkies.
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    Pump it and put it in a cup...you wouldn't keep giving a 3-7 year old milk in a bottle

    because it would ruin their teeth. We shouldn't be deciding how long to breastfeed for based on the limitations on a bottle.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    My mom let me naturally wean - for me that was 3 and a half. It wasn't something she set out to do, but it just felt natural. I'm obviously not embarrassed by it now (nor was I then). I'm a healthy, successful adult now.

    I don't like the TIME cover though. It's making the opposite point that the woman on the cover makes in her interview. The title is "Are you Mom enough" or something to that effect and what Gromet (I think that's her name) says is that there is more than one way to raise a child, this is what works for her, and that she wants the mommy wars to stop and for mothers to support each other. I applaud her sentiment.
  • TheChocolatePrincess
    TheChocolatePrincess Posts: 137 Member
    From what I have seen, it is supplemental. The kids are eating real food and nursing whenever they feel the need which is typically emotionally driven, not hunger driven.

    Mommy becomes a living binkie.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I didn't breastfeed my first but plan on trying again with my next. I think the only reason the cover was gross was because of the way the two were posed. It was posed as a sexual looking scene rather than a natural, nuturing moment.

    Seriously, I know the kid was 3 but he looks like he could be 6. And he's standing on a chair sucking on his mother's naked breast.

    I feel it' sperfectly normal to do this inpubic until a certain age, but I don't feel a large child should be sucking on their mother's breast. By that age they are exposed to tv, video games and realize what things are sexualized.
  • mcqlove87
    mcqlove87 Posts: 59
    I'm against Time Magazine for pitting mothers against each other. And doing it on Mother's Day.

  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    greasygriddle_wechnage Posts: 246 Member
    I'm against Time Magazine for pitting mothers against each other. And doing it on Mother's Day.


    i am a mother. and i also have to say, at that age, or after 1yr, has NOTHING to do with the child anymore, this has everything to do about her. research.
  • chantalb20
    chantalb20 Posts: 132
    I'll be breastfeeding my son until he's 3 or 4.
    I'm 19 years old, and I made that decision the moment he was born - i want to give him the best, i produce plenty of milk, why shouldn't i? it's not disgusting, it's natural. sure, not everyone wants to, and that's completely their choice, but just remember that the international weaning age is between 4-7 years; it's only because breasts have become so sexualized that we find it 'weird'.
  • xNJAx
    xNJAx Posts: 170 Member
    I'm not a mummy yet, but personally I don't understand why anyone would *want* a child that age sucking on their boob! In my opinion, if the child is old enough to 'ask' for it or bite off a nipple it's too old to have one in it's mouth! :noway:

    There are plenty of ways to give breast milk without continued breast-feeding!
  • StarryEyed500
    StarryEyed500 Posts: 225 Member
    My almost-3 year old would throw a hissy fit if he didn't get a daily breastfeed. As long as he keeps asking, I won't refuse.

    Kudos to any mother not bowing to the unfair peer pressure to give up too early.

    *He's very tall for 3 lol
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    I personally find it disgusting-what are your thoughts?

    In most countries children are breastfed until they wean themselves...usually around ages 3-4. This is not unusual or even discussed in those countries....it is just way of life. In American, breasts are not seen as life-giving, nutrient providers...they are seen as sexual objects. I don't fault you for your opinion. You are just a product of your society.

    This!! 100% this!!!! The whole reason mammals have breasts is to suckle their young. A human child's immune system doesn't even fully develop until around 7, so at ages 3 and 4 the child is still receiving benefits from breast milk. There's absolutely nothing "disgusting" about it - it's one of the most natural things a woman can do.
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    I breastfed all 4 of my kids for various lengths of time. The longest being 1 year. I have friends who breastfed until 2-3 years of age. I think breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world to do and loved every minute of it. With that being said, I think the cover was done in poor taste. I actually cringed when I saw it. I think they could've photographed a mother breastfeeding her 3 year old son in a much better light. It screams controversy!
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    I did not breastfeed my kids that long...the longest was 18 months. It would not have been my personal choice to be breastfeeding my kids at that age, but who am I to judge? As far as the magazine cover goes, when I breastfed my babies, if there was anyone around other than my other small children, I always had a light blanket thrown over me and the baby. Just my personal choice. The magazine cover was bold, but shouldn't be surprising to anyone because it's not like breastfeeding older children is anything new. I support it because it is my hope that people will be more accepting of breastfeeding as a whole and not be so prudish about it when they see mothers breastfeeding their babies in public.

    And for the people who say if a kid has teeth, they should not breastfeed.....that's ridiculous. A lot of babies start getting teeth at around 3 months and they should still be breastfeeding at that age.
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    From what I have seen, it is supplemental. The kids are eating real food and nursing whenever they feel the need which is typically emotionally driven, not hunger driven.

    Mommy becomes a living binkie.

    Do you not see? A binkie was designed to replace a breast. Tits have been around millions of years, the pacifier is a new artificial invention. I know which I'm choosing.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I'm against Time Magazine for pitting mothers against each other. And doing it on Mother's Day.


    i am a mother. and i also have to say, at that age, or after 1yr, has NOTHING to do with the child anymore, this has everything to do about her. research.

    You say you agree with the post about not pitting mothers against each other and then you make a judgement about mother's who breastfeed past 1 year?
  • whitetiger011680
    whitetiger011680 Posts: 218 Member
    Pump it and put it in a cup...you wouldn't keep giving a 3-7 year old milk in a bottle

  • k1mmi3
    k1mmi3 Posts: 10
    I don't think it is disgusting or any of the other negative comments that have been made - I breastfed my daughter until she was two and my son until he was 18 months old and they both weaned themselves. I will say that as my family is plagued with asthma and allergies it was definate choice to continue with my daughter and I never even thought about it with my son.

    Re peoples views - it is purely based on the society in which they live, for example if you lived in Mongolia you would find it strange it someone stopped feeding at one or even 18 months!

    Think this topic should just bring home the fact that we should not be so judgemenal and especially when we are being manipulated into being so by an emotive picture...

    As this is a weightloss site - breastfeeding is an amazing way to lose weight to, mother natures remedy for getting back into shape!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    The kid is 3, not 4.

    thanks for the correction-even at 3 years old-its disgusting. Not breast feeding itself-just at that age and the cover was just disturbing.

    I agree that there is nothing wrong with breastfeeding, but when a child is old enough to verbally ask for a drink, he/she is too old to have mom's boob in their mouth. If you feel breast milk is best for your child, fine, there's this wonderful invention called a BREAST PUMP. Pump it out and put it in a sippy cup. I also agree that the way TIME magazine portrayed it was more than a little creepy. What mother, even one who breastfeeds their three year old, would stand with their boob hanging out and have their child stand in a chair and go to town on it... It seems a little pornographic to me.
  • foxy2311
    foxy2311 Posts: 179
    I heard this on the radio on my way to work. By the way they were talking you'd think the kid was 10. I was freaked out by that. But to hear it's only a 3 year old...eh. I think if the kid can begin to verbalize that they want mom's milk (ie. Grown Ups lol) then it's definitely time to ween.
  • DoubleE615312
    DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
    First off to each his own...none of my business

    My personal opinion is if you can breastfeed great do it. but let's wean the child a little earlier than 3. If the mother wants to continue then I agree with others, pump and put in a cup. I have read there is no significant nutritional value in breast milk after a year of breastfeeding. just my .02