Help ladies before I punch someone... PLEASE



  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I have advice, it's all spiritual though, so if you want it feel free to inbox me.
  • ediesmommy
    ediesmommy Posts: 76
    In all honesty, the first thing I would lose is the couch potato boyfriend. You seem to have enough stress in your life. Get rid of some of it. He's good for at least, what, maybe 180lbs of it?? Then you need to re-analyze and re-prioratize. How much time and energy is the "side business" using up, and how much actual income is it bringing in? You have enough on your plate. Before I turn to meds or anything, I would simplify and see where you are then.
  • SarahLee10
    SarahLee10 Posts: 10 Member
    odd question, but are you on birth control pills? I had to switch pills about 5-6 years because whatever the hormanal compound was just did not agree with me. I wanted to slap anyone who looked at me funny. I hope you find the answers you need. Good Luck!
  • lokun1
    lokun1 Posts: 5
    Since punching someone can have some really negative repercussions (even though it would feel SO GOOD) why not try something just as physical? Zumba is a great stress buster for me ~ when I was younger I did kick-boxing which wore off all the stress & had the added benefit of actual contact with the heavy bag or sparring partner ;)

    You can also try a good balanced multi-vitamin + a B-complex (150mg). That has helped me a lot with the lack of energy issues. If you are going the herbal route, make sure you get it from a reputable source since they are not regulated by the FDA and have been known to have issues with potency levels and unlabeled additives.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    first of all, breathe. Your drs are NOT trying to harm you, they are trying to help. What you're describing are SYMPTOMS, NOT your actual illness (experience) Your brain is producing little, or NO serotonin. THIS is causing your symptoms. When our brains stop making serotonin, they are INCAPABLE of fixing this WITHOUT MEDICATION. period. so you need medication. Serotonin uptake meds DO NOT work overnight. It takes time- 4 to 6 weeks before you begin to feel better. Remember, your ILLNESS is fighting this- YOUR ILLNESS DOES NOT WANT TO GO AWAY.
    Discuss this with your drs. Take your anti-depressant and CAREFULLY track side-effects - they will change the ones not working until they find one that DOES work with fewer side-effects. HOWEVER - a CHANGE is taking place in your brain & your body, there are going to be SOME side effects until you stabilize. Ask your doctor for anti-anxiety meds for every day in the meantime symptoms. for example, I was taking Paxil (anti depressant) daily then ativan for anxiety.
    Channel your aggression - work out, punch a bag ... USE that energy in a positive way. Journal. This saved my sanity. Write about how you feel - get it out - don't hold stuff in.
    If individual therapy is too expensive, you can possibly find a group therapy program for little or nothing. Even just going to AA meetings and talking will help.
    It helped me immensely to research my illness. I read everything I can get my hands on to try to understand myself.
    Try to understand - YOUR BRAIN, NOT YOUR DOCTORS, is your enemy right now. and punching someone does not help anything and just gets you a reputation that will haunt you the rest of your life. don't be me.
    Get well, feel better - we're here for you!
    and PS - I was just looking at this article this morning - check it out
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I have some very real anger issues/mood swings like you but I am finally learning to control this stuff. Find a therapy. If you can't pay for one (I can't) then figure out something you can do that is like therapy. Maybe just take half an hour out of your day for some "me" time, start a journal or even a blog. Read, make a video blog, get some sort of hobby. Yoga helps some people. It won't be easy and you'll probably go through phases of doing better and then going all hulk on everyone you meet and then doing better again, but eventually it's something you can work out.

    You might be entirely different, but I can be really defensive. The hardest thing to figure out was that not everyone is out to get me and maybe I am actually overreacting. It freaking sucks having to take a look at yourself from this point of view, but it helps so much. I hope you can work through it!
  • Juliet_622
    Juliet_622 Posts: 165 Member
    have you tried a talking therapy? like CBT?

    I used to see a therapist, tho I am not sure what CBT is. It did help having a non-bias party to talk to about things, but $$$$ is an issue when it comes to things like that .

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. It's a type of psychotherapy that is often used for anxiety, depression, eating disorders, etc.
  • evita6983
    evita6983 Posts: 25 Member
    Sometimes when you feel stressed or overwhelmed it helps to make a list of things you need to get done. Sometimes everything you have to get done is in your head and you are going from one thing to another. If I make a list, it takes a lot of my mind, and you can cross of as you go. Kind of a feeling of letting some things leave your mind once they are on paper. I don't know if it makes sense, but it helps sometimes. You can go from the most important to the least. Hope you can feel better very soon!

    I LIVE off of my lists!! Between work, being a mom, running a business and just the regular life stuff, I get easily overwhelmed. Making lists takes all the stress out of my head and puts it into reality of what needs to get done. If I don't write it down, I'm constantly thinking that I have to do this or remember that. Mental stress is exhausting!
  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    First, let me give you a big ((hug))
    When my boys were 3yr & 3 mos i instantly became a single mother one day. Thought i was going to lose my mind! I know how you feel. Trying to keep up with the house and all the bills, work full time & take care of little ones ALL on your own can be overwhelming to say the least. I was either crying all the time or screaming at my toddler and was a total B#$tch! I ran to the doctor and asked for an anti-depressant. Did NOTHING for me. All i can say is, do your best and if you feel a meltdown coming on, put yourself in timeout! Keep the mantra "This too, shall pass".... and trust me, it will:flowerforyou:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I have some very real anger issues/mood swings like you but I am finally learning to control this stuff. Find a therapy. If you can't pay for one (I can't) then figure out something you can do that is like therapy. Maybe just take half an hour out of your day for some "me" time, start a journal or even a blog. Read, make a video blog, get some sort of hobby. Yoga helps some people. It won't be easy and you'll probably go through phases of doing better and then going all hulk on everyone you meet and then doing better again, but eventually it's something you can work out.

    You might be entirely different, but I can be really defensive. The hardest thing to figure out was that not everyone is out to get me and maybe I am actually overreacting. It freaking sucks having to take a look at yourself from this point of view, but it helps so much. I hope you can work through it!

    I had the same problem in my early 20's. I was pissed off most of the time.

    Eventually you realize it's a huge waste of energy and time, but it takes a lot of work to get there. Just keep doing things you enjoy and try to not think the worst of others.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    OP: I highly recommend a punching bag and boxing gloves. No I'm not kidding. Punching things and kicking them actually helps.
  • dinovino_59
    dinovino_59 Posts: 1,700
    I had anxiety problems too so my doc wrote me scrip for Ativan/ first I took it when I felt anxious then I realized that if get a good nights sleep my anxieties now I take one every night right before I go to bed, I sleep great, wake up feeling fine and have no more anxiety issues....
  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    Maybe you need a new boyfriend. One that can do s*it and actually run his own business. That's probably about 50% of your stress right there.

    and celery juice
    Just drop whatever starts building up your stress levels. Some things cannot be avoided, OTHER THINGS CAN.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I often go through the same things... I'm a single parent with very little support at home. I have twin 7 year old boys one of which is a special needs child. I drive an hour to work and an hour home everyday and workout 7 days a week. I have to be chef, coordinator, fashion consultant, hair stylist, hygenist, maid, tutor, worker, driver, exercise machine, laundry attendant and so much more for my boys. Add in my mother who lives with us. She does nothing..... she's there when my kids get home from school, but she spends her time off in her room watching tv and checking on my kids to make sure they aren't breaking stuff. She doesn't cook, doesn't clean, only washes her own clothes but won't fold them and leaves them in the dryer. She works but spends a lot of her money on crap and her cigarette habit. So, it's like having a third really, really grown child in the house who makes a huge mess.

    For me, exercise is key... so is my nutrition. If I don't eat well enough, I'm tired and cranky and all stabby feeling and such. If I don't workout at least some everyday, I get the same way. My caffeine intake is closely monitored so I can get some sleep at night which is very important. I also started listening to hypnosis tapes at night. They help me to relax and fall asleep and they are also kind of weight focused... moreso life-motivational, but you get that idea. I was offered medication and took some for a while, but I felt like the meds just made me not give a crap whether or not my life was good or bad. I didn't like that. So, I'm med free and doing things to take care of myself as best I can.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I highly recommend therapy for anxiety. Talking out your issues in a safe place feels good. And it's good to go unload them, breath and walk back into life. Plus, it's an hour by yourself which is sounds like you really need. So that's suggestion 2... Take a break! You don't have to be on all the time. Hire a sitter and go do something you enjoy. Make it a regular date you do just for you. Even if money and time is tight... You need to find a way to do this for yourself. your kid will thank you.
    There are tons of relaxation techniques you can try. Give them a few tries before you write them off. They will all feel awkward at first because you're too tightly wound to do it right. So keep at it. Lastly... Antidepressants are generally effective for anxiety. You will have a short 2 week period of time when you start them or change dosage where you'll be tired. Really tired. But then the fog should clear. you can go a long long way with my first two suggestions though
    Good luck
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    In all honesty, the first thing I would lose is the couch potato boyfriend. You seem to have enough stress in your life. Get rid of some of it. He's good for at least, what, maybe 180lbs of it?? Then you need to re-analyze and re-prioratize. How much time and energy is the "side business" using up, and how much actual income is it bringing in? You have enough on your plate. Before I turn to meds or anything, I would simplify and see where you are then.

    This. I had to do it too. but i'm so much happier now. :) i lost 235lbs over night lol
  • EWilliamson
    EWilliamson Posts: 50 Member
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    If punching people is wrong, I don't wanna be right. It kind of sounds like your boyfriend is asking for it.

    My moods have drastically improved since taking a B-complex vitamin (includes B12). A doc recommended it to me years ago for PMS and I only now got around to taking it.

    However, no supplement or vitamin, no tipz&trikz will be able to give you the necessary catharsis of removing stressful people and things from your life.
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    Just try punching someone. Start with your bf, he's more likely to forgive you than if it were some random person.
  • minussam
    minussam Posts: 127 Member
    St. John's Wort. If your not taking any meds, this would help you with your anxiety and stress. I too am a single mother, and when my daughter was young and I was severely stressed out, this is what I tried and found it helped tremendously.
    Hang in there. :flowerforyou:

    I was just about to recommend that! I take St. John's Wort every day and it has really improved my over all mood. I too have zero patience.

    This sounds like a cheaper alternative to depression meds and I assume it doesnt have all the crazy side effects?.?. I may try this to see if it helps. Thank you

    St. John's Wort has lots of drug interactions. Speak with a pharmacist or physician before you start it.
    Just because it's herbal doesn't mean it's safe/the right one for everybody and has no side effects.