

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Great news, ladies Mark (DS) is NOT going to Afghanistan...I can't begin to tell you how relieved I am..he of course is disappointed, but for once I don't care!!! I did ride 12 miles on bike today and had a massage, so all that plus our news...I am thinking I have had an awesome day.

    Happy Mother's Day to all.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    I've been at this since January, but didn't join up with MFP until February. Anyway, in April I finally made it into healthy range by my BMI which was a major accomplishment. My son is getting married May 26 and I set a scale number for that date. I am 4 pounds away at the moment. Would love to get there, don't know that it's doable, but I'm gonna try.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    walker - what are your sons going to be making you for dinner?

    Mary - I don't know, either, but it seems that I'm about the only one who sees these changes, wonder if some setting on my computer was inadvertently changed? I'll have to ask Vince.

    katie - maybe one of the reason we hold onto the weight the older we get is because we have more and more to worry about, more stress. So sorry to hear about your daughter. I remember when Bryan turned 21, he was going to college here in NC (bible belt). We got this letter about how turning 21 isn't a reason to go out and drink blah, blah, blah. So what did I make and send him? A whiskey cake! Happy birthday to your daughter

    Viv - oh, thanks for confirming that I'm NOT going crazy. Aren't these MFP changes the pits???? I wish it would show the calories in red or green so I know at a glance if I'm over or under. But everything is black. Are things running together for you, too. Like the first and second lines on the main page. I certainly hope that MFP isn't going to stay this way, it's horrible.

    Amanda - I'm sorry you are going thru this. Shopping seems to help, doesn't it? Don't understand it, but I'm not complaining. sure beats eating brownies, that's for sure!

    Jeannie - we were talking some about rescheduling the trip. We're getting the pool this summer so Vince was thinking that it would be a good idea to reschedule it for early June. to be honest, I don't think I could deal with more disappointment. If we went over there and he hurt his back again, I just don't know. To be in a strange country, not speak the language real well (at least he does better than I do), my inclination is to wait until next April or May. We'll talk about it more. We just need to make a decision before 10 tomorrow night when the flight takes off.

    Nancy - let me know about that NASCAR get together. Vince is a big NASCAR fan, and I might get some ideas for a social for the Newcomers.

    Jen - fantastic news!!!!! For sure you'll have a great Mother's DaySandy - congrats on all fronts (BMI, your son's wedding, etc). Glad you're with us.

    Did an hour of yoga today. Tomorrow I'll do an hour of hula hoop on the Wii.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good Morning, the sun is shining which makes a nice change. :glasses: :glasses:

    :smile: I'm feeling good this morning, was down half a pound. Got 3,239 steps on my ped so far. (I'm aiming for 15,000) and I have just ordered SWSY and SWSS from Amazon. Time to walk the walk! I can spend money on crisps and biscuits so why not "treat" myself to these books. I've heard quite a bit about them from you dear ladies so thought I'd take the plunge.

    :smile: Had a good day yesterday cleaning out the back room, it looks much better now. Still a bit of junk in there though :bigsmile: baby steps for me as I hate to throw things out. Now I need to have a de-clutter my bedroom. I made a start last week in putting clothes not used for one reason or another out to charity but need to do the same to the wardrobe I have dresses in there that I'll never wear. In fact I can't remember the last time I wore a dress!

    MFP is still looking strange to me, not sure if it something to do with my computer, but it seems Michele is having the same trouble, is it only us two? Is everyone else's looking normal. Another thing I can't do now is when I enter some food I had the option of looking up the nutritional value so I could add the amount but now I have to post it to my food diary to show the calories ..... this is not always accurate and I need to add to the weight. I'm probably not explaining it very well :ohwell: :noway:

    :frown: Back to work tomorrow, I've really enjoyed my week off ..... can't wait until I retire but I've recently found out that I will not get my state pension until I am 67yrs. A few years ago women could get their pension at 60 yrs then it was changed to be the same as men at 65 yrs now they've moved the goalposts again! How depressing!

    :flowerforyou: Time to move .... need to log my breakfast and plan for the day.

    Have a good Sunday

  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Good morning ladies from my gloriously sunny corner of the world & welcome to new friends. You will love it here.

    I still need to do some catch up reading but thought I'd mention that a few folks do seem to be have viewing problems. There's a thread on Tech Support with suggestions that some have found helpful.

    I need to knuckle down & take my healthy lifestyle seriously - I'm joining the Grandma club for the first time later this year & I don't want there to be anything I can't do.

    Will go & catch up wit the posts now so see you later ladies & enjoy your day.

  • cajmanthei
    cajmanthei Posts: 51 Member
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    So much to read and catch up on, that will be tomorrows pleasure with a cuppa. Quickly tonight a note. Mothers Day is over for me as many of you just begin. My daughter and I and hubby got up early put on our walking gear and went and joined 10,000 others in doing the Mothers Day Classic 4 or 8km run/walk. No breakfast in bed for me. I did the 8km (5 miles) walk, my daughter managed 4km (she has an injury) and my husband sits and waits for us to come round and tries to take photo's. My new profile pic is of us putting in PINK LACES, pink is the theme for the day and this is a big fundraiser for Breast Cancer. It was good to do, slow pace for the first 4km due to the crowd and then about 4/5 finish and the rest of us repeat the loop, and I got my pace up a little quicker. Nice healthy lunch at daughters place, and then over indulged at dinner with my mum at her club. A good mothers day.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there. The weather is georgeous today so I will be enjoying it with DH and we are making mexican tonight. He makes the best fresh salsa and we are doing skirt steak and shrimp fajitas for dinner. It my kind of day. :bigsmile:

    The fitbit is really working for me. I got over 11,000 steps yesterday and I climbed 16 flights of stairs. It keeps me moving all the time. I want to see those numbers climb. I love the fact the MFP and Fitbit sinc so I don't have to post food and stuff in two places.

    Ritter is in full puppy force. He just destroyed my favorite flip flops. I took them off after coming in from the grocery store and he had them chomped up in about 5 minutes. Oh well, such is the price of unconditional love form a puppy.

    Much love to all,
    Robin, Bodi boy and Ritter bit.
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Happy mothers day to all the mothers.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Viv and anyone else who is experiencing problems with MFP right aligning everything, etc. I looked at some of the posts, and someone mentioned the "compatibility view". So I figured, "hey, what do I have to lose?" so I clicked on it. Don't ask me to explain it, but somehow that righted everything. Really, I don't care about the technical stuff, just that things are back to normal now.

    Did an hour of hula hoop on the Wii today. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extreme pump class.

    Last night I put some balsamic vinegar on my salad. You know something, the vinegar squelched my cravings for snacks at night. I only hope it continues. According to the Wii (which I don't consider the actual weight since I take it daily, I go more by my weekly weigh in), I'm down almost a pound. Eating after dinner always does me in, regardless of how low I might be on calories for the day. But the vinegar on my salad made me not want to eat anything. Think I'll do it again. Well, the apple cider vinegar works to squelch the carb cravings, so I'm not surprised.

    I did make a tunnel of fudge cake to send to Bryan. Today would be the day we would have left for France and Italy, so I'm really going to have to be careful, it would be so easy to just say "oh, what the heck" and drown my sorrows in chocolate. I've already done enough

    Viv - I seem to remember that I had to click on the "compatibility view" a couple of times, but things are back to normal now. It WAS frustrating not to be able to see the nutritional values or to be able to click on a food and increase the quantity.

    Jessica will be leaving her cats here while she's gone and then when she goes to Tennessee.

    Vince ordered a new mixer for me, a KitchenAid. Honestly, I wouldn't have ordered it myself, I thought there was free shipping and there wasn't. But I think he felt badly because he didn't get me anything. I'm not really concerned. I have been watching these KitchenAid's waiting for a decent price. This was lower than Amazon, but I still wouldn't have paid that much.

    Patchwork - maybe it was on the Tech Support site that I read about the compatibility view. Whatever...it worked! Congrats on becoming a grandma

    I never liked to have breakfast in bed on Mother's Day. I felt so "apart" from the kids. I know Vince was thoughtful and did it for me one year when we lived in PA (Pennsylvania), and I absolutely hated it. Our bedroom was upstairs and I felt so apart from the kids.

    Robin - love your pic! She's so adorable!

  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Happy Mother's day. going to have breakfast with my mom, sister daughter and nephew, the to son's for early dinner with the grandkids. Son and grandson were making breakfast for DIL. We had family pictures taken so I made her a book of pictures of the 4 of them. With this digital age I want my grandkids to have real pictures on paper, so I send photos to walmart or someplace and make them picture books instead of just a box of photos, or a cd that can get lost in moving etc.

    Disappointed on my journey here and need something to kickstart something. Going to start on the wii again tomorrow and really want to lose a lot more before my birthday June 30.

    Congrats on those who have joined us and to those who have lost, and lets keep moving and drinking that water

  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Thanks for all the Happy Birthday wishes to my daughter :heart: :heart: :heart:

    We had a great time and the Palsey seems to be very light this time TG! She and I suffer with Cold sores occasionally (Herpes Simplex) on the lips and Bells Palsey can come from that so we immediately got her tailing Valtrex and that seems to help keep it at bay so fingers crossed this will help!!!

    Ok Im confessing...I had a yummy coconut cupcake, beer and champaign last night and it was all delish!!!!!!!! Very fun celebration had by all!!!! Now back on track :bigsmile:

    I hope you all have a wonderful Mothers Day!!!!
    Love Kat :heart: :heart:
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    How do you post a picture???
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    How do you post a picture???
    Well I made my profile pic a pic from last night so you could see DH and my Katie from her 21st BD dinner :bigsmile:
    Love Kat :heart: :heart:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    How do you post a picture???

    upload your picture to photobucket and then copy the image code. paste that code in your reply post and change the capital IMG to lower case img. then your photo will show up.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Princess Olivia

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    When Ritter first came to live with us

    This one was taken last month and he just continues to grow
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    How do you post a picture???

    upload your picture to photobucket and then copy the image code. paste that code in your reply post and change the capital IMG to lower case img. then your photo will show up.

    I don't think this works on a MAC? I don't have an option to copy the image code???
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    How do you post a picture???

    upload your picture to photobucket and then copy the image code. paste that code in your reply post and change the capital IMG to lower case img. then your photo will show up.

    I don't think this works on a MAC? I don't have an option to copy the image code???
    on photo bucket it is called the IMG code it looks like this

    to get pictures to show you have to change the IMG to img