Funniest exercise not listed in the database?



  • traceyjayne64
    traceyjayne64 Posts: 262
    Looking after 2 grandsons under 4 for 12 hours....this was 2 days ago and im still shattered !!!:smile:

    And now im off to do it again for another 6 hours....
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    kegel exercises
  • Mitodoteira
    Mitodoteira Posts: 15
    Thinking. Letting two seventy-five pound little brothers stand on my shoulders (not simultaneously) so that they can easily climb on the tree in the back yard, and then climbing up myself to keep them from falling. They're eight and ten.
  • JDKD82199
    JDKD82199 Posts: 106 Member
    Pushing with a laboring patient for greater than one hour (I am a labor and delivery nurse). Calorie burn wise, I would think it may be close to gardening. idk. :)

    Cool! It's my life's dream to be a midwife :-)

    Me too!
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    Chasing the dog for blocks because the kids let it out.

    This is mine too. I have to chase her until SHE gets tired. Stupid boxer brain.

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Not something I do anymore, but... "Driving a ginormous 1980 Chevy Extended Van without Power Steering."
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Pushing a 2001 Suburban with an (apperantly) faulty fuel gauge.
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    Not something I do anymore, but... "Driving a ginormous 1980 Chevy Extended Van without Power Steering."

    Handn't thought of that! My 280A doesn't have power steering and parking lot maneuvering is a workout!

  • jsmith0644
    jsmith0644 Posts: 66 Member
    Pushing Mace-E off of the bed. She jumps up a thousand times a day, silly dog.
  • jsmith0644
    jsmith0644 Posts: 66 Member
    I log it a cardio plan A
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    House cleaning, moving furniture to vacuum before the carpet cleaners come and getting everything else up off the floor.

    There is an exercise listed for that under "cleaning, moderate or vigorous effort"
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    Playing "runnies" with my rabbit.

    Basically, if the rabbit starts circling my feet that is a sign he wants to play runnies. You are then obligated to run back and forth across the house while he follows you. You must also occasionally get down on all fours and hop like a rabbit. You cannot stop until he stops.

    I cannot imagine how cute that must look...
  • ashlielinn
    ashlielinn Posts: 920
    Carrying my 60 pounds of laundry from my apartment to my car, car to the laundromat, and back!
  • nermal6873
    nermal6873 Posts: 344 Member
    Running to the bathroom every 3 minutes in the middle of the night to puke due to food poisoning :sick:
  • cowgirlashlee
    cowgirlashlee Posts: 301 Member
    Definitely not a funny one, but surely it's gotta have some calorie burn to it...performing CPR on someone! After doing it today and being sweaty and out of breath from it made me realize that it's probably got some caloric burn to it.
  • MrsAngelique
    MrsAngelique Posts: 164 Member
    Hum... not the funny but must count for some type of exercise. 1. Bending over to turn on the computer 10 x a day. 2. Typing while sitting and rolling on the stability ball. 3. Bouncing on it and moving the mouse around in circles. 4. Pushing a grocery cart around. 5. Lifting heavy grocery bags and carrying y them into my home. 6. Running around with my cat. 7. Playing soccer with my dog.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Chasing that naughty chicken that got out. Also, there isn't an entry for "Cleaning the Chicken Coop" so I log it as shoveling snow. :)
  • Silver180
    Silver180 Posts: 294
    Chicken Kickin'


    Tag (you know, the chasing game?)

    umm......catching fireflies

    clipping toenails (**** is hard!)

    running from angry swarm of bees

    sorry...I drink.
  • SusieB01
    SusieB01 Posts: 89
    Contorting into a sports bra :blushing:

    especially just after a bath

    I doubly agree, especially with the just after a bath part. That's even more of a problem if you dry off well. I've learnedit can help a little to sprinkle bath powder-s (or even corn starch) on your wet skin. But how many calories would you count for this?
  • Fighting with a sweaty, naked guy who had cocaine psychosis. Had no pain and was super strong because of the drugs. Took 15 min but got him cuffed. Great burn but oddly enough didn't find that in the database.

    OMG Ive known ppl, well A PERSON who had that but he was not naked... Do you do security at a Psych Ward?!!! OR are you a police officer?