Lose 5 Pounds in May Challenge



  • dis5150
    dis5150 Posts: 157 Member
    SW: 148
    CW: 138.6
    GW: 130
    UGW: 125

    05/01/12 - 138.6
    05/04/12 - 138.0
    05/11/12 - 135.8
    05/18/12 -
    05/25/12 -
    05/31/12 -

    Whoo Hoo! 2.8 lb loss!! :) (don't say "it's just water" I know that! Just let me be happy right now, lol!)
  • doylej2
    doylej2 Posts: 27 Member
    CW: 158 lbs
    GW : 153 lbs
    UTG: 145 lbs

    5/1: 158
    5/4: 157.8 (-0.2)
    5/11: 158.8 (+0.8)

    Well...that's not good at all....
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    crunches, reverse crunches, side bends, dead lifts of an 18 pound bar, basically anyway she can make me hurt using abdominal, oblique and lower back muscles.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Good job everyone for posting weelky, regardless of progress!! Congrats on the losses!! Keep up the hard work!! For those that didn't lose, I only saw 1 or 2 NSV! We have to change our thinking away from just relying on the scales. Those NSV are huge!!!
    HUGE!!! Like...

    Did you make your goal of working out ___x/week?
    Did you make your goal of logging into your journal everyday?
    Did you make your goal of drinking more water this week?
    Did you take the stairs 1x this week instead of the eleveator?
    Did you park in a spot farther away from the doors in a parking lot?
    Did you reach for food once this week and stop yourself because you realized you weren't hungry?
    Did you write in a journal about your feelings and make a discovery about triggers?
    Did you figure out a way to distract yourself or turn yourself around when a trigger occurs?
    Did you fiind yourself, thinking.. hey! I'm doing my body good by doing this!?
    Did you get more sleep this week?

    The above questions needed to be asked and considered, because the scale doesn't weigh those progresses. Those are mental changes that ARE happening in you. Those are HABITS that you ARE changing!! So be sure to give yourself the proper credit, even when the scale doesn't it!! The scale is a fickle thing!! And who really knows what affects the scales w/liquids, sleep, exercise, etc. (Someone does, but we're not the scientists!)

    Keep working hard!! Pat yourself on the back- you're still here!! Keep posting- keep journalling- and keep DOING. YOU ARE DOING IT!! :bigsmile:
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Here's the pattern:
    SW 251.5
    CW 226.5
    GW 220.5, revised to 218
    UTG 150

    WI Dates:
    5/5 =226.5
    5/12 =221.0 -5.5lbs (Realistically- water!)
    5/19 =
    5/26 =

    My challenge this week will be going on a college campus trip w/ my oldest nephew ALL day on Wednesday. I will be with a bunch of high schoolers on a bus!!

    Meals are provided- Yikes!? McDonald’s all day!? Fortunately, I am the type to pack my food anyway (I carry a lunch bag as my purse! - LOL), so I should be okay. But from 7am-9pm. Yikes!! I’m sure to get some walking in that day!! That will help. I’m excited and sad- our little guy isn’t little anymore. *sigh* ;(

    Here’s a good week to you all!! Keep working at it!

    Remember the overall picture from month to month; year to year. Don’t let the day to day get ya down!!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    SW: I was 240 lbs :(
    CW: 202.6
    GW: 197.6
    UTG: 150-165 (IDK, never been that low)

    WEEKLY GOAL: to get back into the 100's :)

    5/1: 202.6
    5/10: 200.8 Down 1.8

    You're so close! You can do it!! I am excited for you!! Say GOOD BYE to the 200's, to never be seen on your scale again!!
  • planning on not screwing up over the weekend!
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    WI Dates:
    5/5 =162.4 (I started with MFP this day :)
    5/12 = 159.0
    5/19 =
    5/26 =

    ...and to end'er off on the 31st...

    5/31 =
  • stasherella
    stasherella Posts: 46 Member

    :smooched: :happy: :wink:
    SW 243
    CW 240.8
    GW 200
    UTG: 160

    I'm gonna add one-
    EOM (End of May GW 229)

    Weigh in dates
  • Mbond74
    Mbond74 Posts: 56 Member
    Week 2:

    SW: 345 lb
    CW: 314 lb
    GW: 309 lb

    WI dates (Saturdays):
    5/5: 310.8 (Woohoo! Down 3.2 this week!)
    5/12: 310.2 (Still going in the right direction! Down 3.8 total!)

    I want new walking/running shoes this month! That will be my reward for making this goal. :-)

    NSV this week: I fit comfortably into this cute pair of capris that I bought at the end of last summer (and they were too tight when I bought them).
  • Mbond74
    Mbond74 Posts: 56 Member
    SW: I was 240 lbs :(
    CW: 202.6
    GW: 197.6
    UTG: 150-165 (IDK, never been that low)

    WEEKLY GOAL: to get back into the 100's :)

    5/1: 202.6
    5/10: 200.8 Down 1.8

    You're almost there!!! Keep up the great work!
  • ClareB13
    ClareB13 Posts: 202 Member
    I've done it - 5 pounds down since May 1st :)

    SW- 237 (1st Jan)
    CW- 199.6 (1st May)
    GW - 193.5
    UGW - 150


    6th May: 196.0
    13th May: 194.6
    20th May:
    27th May:
    1st June:

    My original goal for May was to hit 195 as that means I've lost 3 stone (42 pounds) I've now changed my goal to 193.5 which will be the half way point in my weightloss journey.
  • araxiedyck
    araxiedyck Posts: 127 Member
    SW 145
    CW 140
    GW for May 31 134
    UGW 125
    5/01: 139
    5/07: 139
    5/14: 137
  • chrissydrske
    chrissydrske Posts: 45 Member
    284 in 5/1/12
    279 in 5/13/12
  • ClareB13
    ClareB13 Posts: 202 Member
    284 in 5/1/12
    279 in 5/13/12

    Congratulations - that' your 5lb lost :)
  • carys84
    carys84 Posts: 4 Member
    Scales went the wrong way (TOTM and a BAD thursday!)

    My SW (5/5) 147
    CW (13/5) 147.8

    May GW 142
    UGW 126
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    I've done it - 5 pounds down since May 1st :)

    SW- 237 (1st Jan)
    CW- 199.6 (1st May)
    GW - 193.5
    UGW - 150


    6th May: 196.0
    13th May: 194.6
    20th May:
    27th May:
    1st June:

    My original goal for May was to hit 195 as that means I've lost 3 stone (42 pounds) I've now changed my goal to 193.5 which will be the half way point in my weightloss journey.

    Wow - that's fantastic!!
  • Ptyson4
    Ptyson4 Posts: 57 Member
    These monthly challenges help me so much!

    CW 194.8
    GW 189.8

    5/4: 194.8
    5/11: 191.6 (3.2 lb loss)
  • Ptyson4
    Ptyson4 Posts: 57 Member
    Week 2:

    SW: 345 lb
    CW: 314 lb
    GW: 309 lb

    WI dates (Saturdays):
    5/5: 310.8 (Woohoo! Down 3.2 this week!)
    5/12: 310.2 (Still going in the right direction! Down 3.8 total!)

    I want new walking/running shoes this month! That will be my reward for making this goal. :-)

    NSV this week: I fit comfortably into this cute pair of capris that I bought at the end of last summer (and they were too tight when I bought them).

    Absolutely love the NSVs. Way to go!!!
  • mel128
    mel128 Posts: 81 Member
    My stat as of today

    SW: 130
    CW: 123.5
    GW: 118.5
    UTGW: 110

    1st May: 123.5
    7th May: 123.0
    14th May: 122.0
    21st May:
    28th May:
  • rikwaynik
    rikwaynik Posts: 724 Member
    Joining Late - Need this challenge

    SW: 239
    CW: 234 (May 11)
    GW: 229
    UGW: 170

    May 1st - 235
    May 4th - 234.8
    May 11th - 234

    Good luck all!
  • tau_sigma
    tau_sigma Posts: 5
    SW (for May challenge): 107 kg
    CW: 104 kg
    GW (May challenge): 105 kg
    UGW: 60 kg

    ... So, I've passed my May goal already. Not sure how this happened, as I am definitely not starving myself, and I'm staying late at work too often to get some decent exercise in (or, indeed, any!).

    No NSVs, but I think I should set a NSG of getting that exercise in!
  • My stat as of today

    SW: 130
    CW: 123.5
    GW: 118.5
    UTGW: 110

    1st May: 123.5
    7th May: 123.0
    14th May: 122.0
    21st May:
    28th May:

    great job!
  • Rabbitfeet
    Rabbitfeet Posts: 92 Member
    Sigh had such a binge weekend! I gained 2lbs these things happen. I am being so good this week. Hopefully them 2 lbs will be gone again by friday! :)
  • MoreThanMommie
    MoreThanMommie Posts: 597 Member
    SW ~ 241.5
    CW ~ 213.5 - as of 5/1
    GW ~ 203.5
    UTG ~ 135

    I weigh on Monday's

    5/1 ~ 213.5
    5/7 ~ 215 (Don't know what happened. I was really good this week. sad )
    5/14 ~ 215 (GRR!!)
  • cckeimig
    cckeimig Posts: 194 Member
    Name/ real name: cckeimig/Christina

    Goal weight on May 31st : 127

    5/01: 137.6
    5/07: 137.2
    5/14: 136.2 (ToM and a big dinner last night...I'd actually dropped further than this by mid-week last week!)
  • sarahkraus1982
    sarahkraus1982 Posts: 140 Member
    These challenges are so motivating! They help me keep my weight loss in perspective!

    SW: 210.4
    CW: 177.6
    GW: 172.6
    UGW: 135

    05/01/12 - 177.6
    05/7/12 - 174.6
    05/14/12 - 176.8 :noway:
    05/21/12 -
    05/28/12 -

    Bad week I guess....back at it this week!!!
  • srl2673
    srl2673 Posts: 23 Member
    Name/ real name: srl2673/Sonya

    Goal weight on May 31st : 205

    5/01: 214
    5/07: 212
    5/14: 211
  • sjflowers
    sjflowers Posts: 148
    Name/ real name: sjflowers/ Stephanie

    Goal weight on May 31st : 160

    5/01: 165.4
    5/07: 165
    5/14: 164.8
  • abbysmom814
    abbysmom814 Posts: 103 Member
    Hey Everyone!! I had a much better week last week. I had an awesome NSV. I had to move my belt over to the last hole!! WOO HOO!!!! Time to buy a new belt! :)

    SW 196
    CW 187.5
    GW 181
    UTG: 160

    My weigh in days are Mondays
    5/1: 187.5
    5/7: 187.7 :-P Stupid scale! Focusing on the water this week!
    5/14: 186.3 That is MUCH better!! Going back in the right direction!