If you could tell one thing to newbies on MFP....



  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    Do some research and figure out the best way for YOU to lose weight. Talk to people who are fit and have gotten there through hard work. Don't just slash your calories to 1000 per day and then wonder why you stop losing weight in two months. There are many successful people here who know their stuff when it comes to nutrition and fitness. Learn from them
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    Great thread

  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    to the newbie:

    "lose" if what happens to your weight if you stick to your plan

    "loose" is how your clothes fit, after you do so....

    Don't confuse the two!! LOL
  • bscheda
    bscheda Posts: 1
    Give it one solid weeks of real dedication. No cheating. The first week was the hardest for me, but you will be so impressed with the results it will motivate you to keep going. After 3 kids, I could NOT lose my last 10lbs. Thanks to myfitnesspal, I'm over half way to my goal in one month's time! MFP makes it so simple and the website is so easy to use; I'm simply shocked at how just paying more attention to my intake vs my outgoing calories made such a difference :)
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    Great thread


    Can't believe so many people posted to it. I feel all special ha ha. But seriously, great advice guys!
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    There's no ONE thing..its a silly request.

    1: Calculate your Base Metabolic Rate (BMR) and try to NEVER let your NET calories consumed go below your BMR.

    2: Measure and don't place too much emphasis on the scales.

    3: Focus on consistency in all that you do related to weight loss and fitness.

    There are definitely more than one, but I figured people would post more if it was really important to them to share. :smile:
  • skinnyjay12
    skinnyjay12 Posts: 9 Member
    [|You know I never check my sodium levels etc - I always just look at my calories - does all this make a difference then do you think? Ive just been looking on ere for inspiration and your thread caught my eye - thanks - and woop well done on your weight loss thats amazing:

    The scale might seem evil but It really shows you how your diet was the previous day. If you had a sodium filled day, it will show on the scale the next morning, but know that that is excess water and is not fat.

    Know that You are going to meet your goals.. you just have to stick with it and stay on track. Don't let a minor slip up discourage you from reaching your goals. YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • kevinlynch3
    kevinlynch3 Posts: 287 Member
    There's no ONE thing..its a silly request.

    1: Calculate your Base Metabolic Rate (BMR) and try to NEVER let your NET calories consumed go below your BMR.

    2: Measure and don't place too much emphasis on the scales.

    3: Focus on consistency in all that you do related to weight loss and fitness.

    There are definitely more than one, but I figured people would post more if it was really important to them to share. :smile:

    Sorry if that come over wrong :smile: It wasn't intended to.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Don't believe a lot of advice given on here. Research it yourself too because there is a lot of misleading information given out on here.

    Expect to be in for the long haul. It's not a quick fix and anything that produces quick results probably backfires just as quickly.
  • KelseyDawn84
    KelseyDawn84 Posts: 129 Member
    I'd tell them: Don't be the one to post "Hi, I'm new here, looking for support!" That initial motivation comes from within. As far as I'm concerned, you shouldn't look for a single MFP buddy until AFTER you've lost the first 10 lbs. Because if you can't do it on your own, no amount of support is gonna get you there.

    I waited until I dropped 12 pounds. THEN I posted and said I was looking for MFP buddies who were COMMITTED to weight loss and had the RESULTS to prove it. Every "friend" of mine has dropped anywhere from 10 to 50 lbs. When I get a friend request from someone who's lost, say, 2 lbs, I ignore it. Anyone can lose 2 lbs. Drink water and take a good poop and you've lost two lbs. That's not commitment, that's an accident. But when a person has lost at least 10 lbs, that shows a consistent commitment.

    So, I'd tell a newbie: Be a newbie BY YOURSELF for the first 10 lbs. Report to nobody but yourself (or your closest loved ones, people you live with). Because if you surround yourself from the beginning with people who, like you, haven't accomplished anything yet, then you'll all likely let one another quit. And, if you surround yourself with people who have already committed to fitness, yes, they may have some support to offer you...but what do YOU have to offer them?

    Motivation is a two-way street. Don't expect it if you can't give it. And "motivation" from someone who hasn't lost any weight is empty...just words.

    I'm rambling, I know, but this subject drives me nuts. Do it FOR YOURSELF, BY YOURSELF at first. THEN, when you have EARNED the right to join the community of dedicated people who have results to prove it, you can, knowing that you have as much to offer as anyone else.

    I (respectfully) disagree with the part about not adding friends who haven't lost 10 or more pounds; My goals weren't really about weight... It was about cathching my weight gain before it got out of hand and getting my abs back... I missed them.

    I'm almost at my ab goal, but will probably NEVER drop 15 pounds, I just don't have that much to lose. (Please don't discredit somebody else's achievements based on your yardstick of success).
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    I'm 25 days in. Thanks boys and girls! :flowerforyou: :love:
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Be patience, it didn't take you a day to put the weight on, so it won't come off over night.

    Always re-evaluate your goals and what works for you on YOUR journey.

    If you get deleted don't take it personal . . . many people on here do. Remember it's your journey make this site (tool) work for you.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    If you have alot to lose break it up into mini goals. I just concentrated on 10 lbs at a time because in the beginning 100 lbs seemed impossible, but i finally got there
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It's like any relationship. What you do most of the time is what's most important. Some slip-ups are forgivable and unavoidable, but a big grand gesture doesn't make up for a lot of bad behavior.
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    definitely take before pics. And don't freak out and think it's the end of the world if you happen to not see results as fast as you had hoped.
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    Watch out for Amber. lol

    who is this amber i keep hearing about????
  • emmamcblain
    emmamcblain Posts: 342
    Make friends! They will give you both the support and the kick up the butt you severely need, otherwise you wouldn't be here. :bigsmile:

    Good luck newbies!
  • acg1305
    acg1305 Posts: 224 Member
    Be excited! Getting healthy is fun
  • janeinspain
    janeinspain Posts: 173 Member
    I'd tell them not to do all the things at once and restrict or change every habit they have from the start. Make it do-able long term!
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    Can I say 2? If only one..I would say take before and plenty of during pics...great motivator on days that you seem stuck at making zero progress to actually see how far you have come... and if I had my own little perfect world... I think this one is more important weight loss wise... Make sure to eat enough cals for your BMI...