HELP!!! or i am leaving



  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Y'know, the last time you posted this, a month ago, people told you that your issue losing weight was that you were eating just barely under your maintenance and that's why you're losing extremely slowly.

    You're still doing it. You're still getting the same results. Not quite sure why you're surprised.

    It might take more than 2 weeks of moderation to undo ten days of completely unrestrained eating.

    When your maintenance is about 1900 (given that you were adding 1 lb/week at 2400, this seems a very good estimate), 1800 is extremely slow weightloss (a bit less than a pound a month). If you want to go for 2 lbs/month, try 1650.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I'm with everyone else where I think your numbers are really off. If you gained 1lb a week, 3/4's of that is fat, because most women can only gain 10-12lbs of muscle a year by doing heavy lifting, and that decreases with age. I think your best bet is to go to, and read about the paleo diet, I think it would work perfect for you, and remember to give it time. Your pretty much did an oldschool pro style bulk and cut routine, and your aren't at that level yet, and I don't think they really recomend those types of weight bulks anymore. So re-do your numbers and see what you come up with.
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    ok i have read through everyones responses..... i dont feel like i have been all over the place with what i am doing. i bulked for 4months. then began cutting. i want to lose slowly to try and retain muscle so i dropped down to 2000 to see how that went. after about 2months of not losing i dropped down to 1900. then i went on vacation and ate what i wanted and didnt log for 10days. (i dont see this as a bad thing. this is a lifestyle change and i enjoyed myself and not having to worry about everythhing i ate) when i got back i dropped down to 1800 cals which is where i am now. i just started with the no bread less sugar deal so i will stick with that for a while and see where it gets me. I dont understand the TDEE numbers either. i have used multiple site online and a bodybugg and they all tell me my TDEE is around 2800 but yet i bulked on 2400. when i first started MFP gave me 1480 calories which was too little because my BMR is 1485 and i stalled and eventually started to gain. while i am set at 1800 cals with exercise i only net around 1600......for exercise i do heavy lifting 3x a week(Full body) tues. i run and do HIIT plus abs, thurs i do cycling. saturday zumba. and rest on sundays. i often take walks or bike rides with the kids as well..........
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    If your TDEE is 2800 YOU WOULD NOT HAVE BULKED ON 2400. You're calculating something wrong, or you have set something wrong. You can't gain weight and bulk eating under your TDEE.
  • amchavarria
    amchavarria Posts: 12
    sounds and looks to me like you wanna lean out and look cut. i suggest investing in a personal trainer with experince in what you want. i just started this site but i have had a personal trainer for a year and have lost 50 pounds and gotten much stronger. not cut cuz i still have about 50 pounds to lose among other reasons im sure.

    personal trainers are expensive but well worth the investment. he/she will give a plan to get the results you want. but, i do agree with the need to give it time to see if what you are doing is working.

    i know its frustrating not seeing the results you want. especially when you are working so hard. sometimes we need outside help-not the internet-to get us going on the right path.

    dont give up. i have been stuck for months but im still going at it! GOOD LUCK!!:smile:
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    i have been at this for months!!! when i started cutting i stayed at 2000 cals for about 2months nothing happened so i dropped down to 1900. nothing was really going on after that for a month so i dropped down to 1800. i have been at 1800 no bread, way less sugar and more complex carbs for only about 2 weeks now

    You can't cut at 1800-1900 calories...unless you're working out a LOT. And it really has nothing to do with not eating bread, etc.. It is calories in vs calories out. Also, are you weighing every single bite you put into your mouth?

    i weigh and measure everything!! and track everything.... i gained 1lb a week at 2400 cals i should lose at 1800 cals. i burn around 300 cals a day(i usually only eat back some exercise cals. netting me at around 1600. my BMR is 1485 and my TDEE is around 2800

    Your numbers are definitely confused. If you gain a 1lb per week at 2400, your TDEE cannot be around 2800. Assuming this was a long enough period to account for normal weight fluctuations. If you truly do gain 1 lb per week on average at 2400 calories, it sounds like 1900 would be your maintenance calories.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    First, calm down. Stop threatening us with the lack of your presence. That's just silly. If you don't feel like the MFP community is helpful, try somewhere else, maybe

    I'm sorry you regret your bulk. I love mine. I think I look better after gaining 10lbs than I did before. The scale doesn't matter. Did you take pictures? If you did, look at them, see where the improvement is. Recognize those beautiful muscles.

    If you were gaining at 2400 there is no way your TDEE is 2800. Your body bug must be wrong for some reason. My BMF tells me my average TDEE is 2600, when I eat 2600 I do not gain weight which would indicate that it's giving me a correct number.

    I'd advise you to eat at about 1700 consistently for 2 months. Keep lifting. Get your minimum protein. Do some cardio. Don't worry about eating "clean" or "low carb", these are not necessary for weight loss.

    And to to the anti-woman-lifting dude: Yes, women can gain muscle mass. It's done by heavy lifting and eating at a surplus like OP and myself have done. However, most professional women body builders use steroids. The "fitness" competitors are "natural" women body builders. The most a natural woman body builder can except to gain is 1lb a month and that's only the first year of training and if she's doing every thing exactly right. I understand if you prefer women with small, less defined muscles. That's your right and you are probably not alone in this opinion. However, as indicated by her profile picture, which is her goal, that's obviously NOT the look the OP desires.
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    Isnt 1800-2000 a little high for cutting? I'm 5'8" and I bulk to around 175-180lbs, and when I cut I go down to 1500 calories and eventually 1300. It sucks, but you get used to it after a couple weeks. You stretched your stomach out while bulking, but it'll shrink back up again in a couple weeks.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I also think your pic is a wonderful goal but one that can take years to achieve. Good luck :)
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    ok i have read through everyones responses..... i dont feel like i have been all over the place with what i am doing. i bulked for 4months. then began cutting. i want to lose slowly to try and retain muscle so i dropped down to 2000 to see how that went. after about 2months of not losing i dropped down to 1900. then i went on vacation and ate what i wanted and didnt log for 10days. (i dont see this as a bad thing. this is a lifestyle change and i enjoyed myself and not having to worry about everythhing i ate) when i got back i dropped down to 1800 cals which is where i am now. i just started with the no bread less sugar deal so i will stick with that for a while and see where it gets me. I dont understand the TDEE numbers either. i have used multiple site online and a bodybugg and they all tell me my TDEE is around 2800 but yet i bulked on 2400. when i first started MFP gave me 1480 calories which was too little because my BMR is 1485 and i stalled and eventually started to gain. while i am set at 1800 cals with exercise i only net around 1600......for exercise i do heavy lifting 3x a week(Full body) tues. i run and do HIIT plus abs, thurs i do cycling. saturday zumba. and rest on sundays. i often take walks or bike rides with the kids as well..........

    The MFP calorie goal assumes you will eat your calories back, so if your goal was 1480 and you burn 300 through exercise, you would eat 1780.
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    Well, you said your goal was to gain mass, you did. You spent 4 months trying to put on weight and lived the life of gluttony it sounds like. "white bread twice a day" and "pigged out". Well, 2 weeks isn't going to cut it. Try spending that same 4 months busting your *kitten* on cardio, doing twice as much as you think you need, and working weights in to maintain (mid rep, same intensity, less weight), and eating clean for that full 4 months at a moderate level (less than you're burning). At that point, come back if no results.

    My frustration here lies in that fact that someone who understands a 4 month "bulk phase" most likely understands a "cut phase" isn't going to take root in 2 weeks. In short, being the guy I am, it sounds like an excuse to eat your *kitten* off, and then looking to rationalize a way into an easy fix - which isn't gonna happen.

    Ow. The truth hurts.
  • Sean_The_IT_Guy
    If you're still gaining, then you're still eating too much or not burning enough. Physics is physics, sister.

    Energy In < Energy Out = Weight Gain

    Pretty simple, but the solution isn't much fun. It means more hurt, more sweat, less yum. There are no mysteries to weight loss, just people who want something easier than the above solution.

    You, sir, must have your masters degree in common sense. I hear your words far too seldom. I don't know why people try to make weight loss a mystery. I'm not losing very fast, but I know why. I enjoy food too much and dislike exercise too much. I know the math. It's coming off slowly. That's good enough for me right now.
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    i dont think cutting calories drastically is the way to go either. that is how you lose muscle mass. my BMR is 1485 so i need to eat at least this. plus i exercise 6 days a week. i dont know why eveything tells me my TDEE is 2800. i have used several different website multiple times and my bodybugg and this is the number i always get.... oblivously if i gained on 2400 something is off, but im not sure what
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member
    For a accurate answer, tell us what your workout routine is. What is your calorie deficit?

    You want to be slim and toned. The "dream body" that it seems every woman wants.

    Here is my best advice...

    NO MORE HEAVY WEIGHTS!!!! Woman don't look good bulky in my opinion... Thats exactly whats going to happen if you keep lifting heavy and eating more than your burning. I would suggest circuit training and plyometics for your exercises. No weights needed, just do a google search on different body weight exercises.

    Or just do p90x or insanity, when you do it, commit to it don't cheat yourself don't half *kitten* it... Just do it and get it out of the way. Once you mastered p90x pick up a different routine like the 300 workout...

    Most important part is diet... Just watch your calories... I wouldn't go over 1400 if I were you. Take a dietary supplement to help with the food cravings, water also helps.

    ^Men like you make me sad. Lifting heavy has made me smaller, tighter and stronger. I AM NOT BULKY!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member

    Here is my best advice...

    NO MORE HEAVY WEIGHTS!!!! Woman don't look good bulky in my opinion... Thats exactly whats going to happen if you keep lifting heavy and eating more than your burning. I would suggest circuit training and plyometics for your exercises. No weights needed, just do a google search on different body weight exercises.

    Or just do p90x or insanity, when you do it, commit to it don't cheat yourself don't half *kitten* it... Just do it and get it out of the way. Once you mastered p90x pick up a different routine like the 300 workout...

    Most important part is diet... Just watch your calories... I wouldn't go over 1400 if I were you. Take a dietary supplement to help with the food cravings, water also helps.

    Wow, two really bad pieces of advice in one post........ (she wasn't asking for your opinion of what looks good, she's looking far advice on reducing her body fat%)

    To the OP - you might want to revisit your BMR & TDEE calculations here:

    I plugged in your height, weight & age and at "very active" your TDEE came back at under 2600 (gaining at 2400 tells me that it's above your TDEE)
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    i am 25yrs old, mother of two (5 and 6). i am 5'7 and as of today weigh 148.8lbs. after being here for a while i decided i didnt want to just be skinny i wanted muscles. i went for a bulk/cut cycle. BIG MISTAKE!!! i bulked for 4months gaining 15lbs and 12 total inches. i bulked on 2400cals lifting heavy full body 3x a week/cardio 3x a week. then i started cutting. i dropped down to 2000cals and contuined my workouts. i wasnt losing so i dropped down to 1900 cals. still hardly a thing happened. i went on vacation to costa rica. april 9th for 10days. (weighed about 147) and couldnt work out (did alot of activities and walking though) and i piged out(no computer or phone= no logging) it was well worth it and i had a blast. got back home lowered my cals to about 1500 for a week to help make up for eating so much, then settled at 1800 cals. still doing my exericse routine. for almost two weeks now i have altered my diet by cutting out bread(i ate at least 2x a day) and replacing it with more complex carbs such as brown rice and oats. i started monitering my sugar ( i was ALWAYS over) and make sure i stay under 35grams a day. i aim for 180-200 grams of protein sometimes i even get in more. all i drink is water and my diet has been well under control since i got back. I am now back up to 148.8lbs and have only lost 2inches from my waist(at my bellybutton). What am i doing wrong???!!!!!

    I have tried eating more, eating less, eating more protien, eating more clean, giving up foods, lifting more, running more, intervals, and still nothing. i have heard to get the toned, muscular look i want (goal is my profile pic) that i need to eat very low carb. i tried this for a day and i was hungry and super super super tired all day. i have seen others on here doing what i do and eating 12 pieces of bread a day and look like i want to......i just dont get what i am doing wrong and why nothing works for me. before i started on this sitei weighed 130lbs and ate whatever, whenever i wanted.

    For a accurate answer, tell us what your workout routine is. What is your calorie deficit?

    You want to be slim and toned. The "dream body" that it seems every woman wants.

    Here is my best advice...

    NO MORE HEAVY WEIGHTS!!!! Woman don't look good bulky in my opinion... Thats exactly whats going to happen if you keep lifting heavy and eating more than your burning. I would suggest circuit training and plyometics for your exercises. No weights needed, just do a google search on different body weight exercises.

    Or just do p90x or insanity, when you do it, commit to it don't cheat yourself don't half *kitten* it... Just do it and get it out of the way. Once you mastered p90x pick up a different routine like the 300 workout...

    Most important part is diet... Just watch your calories... I wouldn't go over 1400 if I were you. Take a dietary supplement to help with the food cravings, water also helps.

    *HITS BUZZER* Wrong, try again.

    I read this and wanted to poke my eyes out. OP...Rae's response was dead on. Good luck!
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member

    You want to be slim and toned. The "dream body" that it seems every woman wants.

    Here is my best advice...

    NO MORE HEAVY WEIGHTS!!!! Woman don't look good bulky in my opinion... Thats exactly whats going to happen if you keep lifting heavy and eating more than your burning. I would suggest circuit training and plyometics for your exercises. No weights needed, just do a google search on different body weight exercises.

    Or just do p90x or insanity, when you do it, commit to it don't cheat yourself don't half *kitten* it... Just do it and get it out of the way. Once you mastered p90x pick up a different routine like the 300 workout...

    Most important part is diet... Just watch your calories... I wouldn't go over 1400 if I were you. Take a dietary supplement to help with the food cravings, water also helps.

    OH no he DIDNT!!!!

    I started 8 months ago.
    Clearly i look BULKY since i just got back from lifting heavy as possible( 300 pound leg press, 110 pound leg extensions and leg curls,etc...about 5 sets 5 reps each set plus various other exercises) heavy for ME

    ... $%^@%$&amp; this advice makes me :mad:

  • EbbySoo
    EbbySoo Posts: 267 Member
    First, calm down. Stop threatening us with the lack of your presence. That's just silly. If you don't feel like the MFP community is helpful, try somewhere else, maybe

    I'm sorry you regret your bulk. I love mine. I think I look better after gaining 10lbs than I did before. The scale doesn't matter. Did you take pictures? If you did, look at them, see where the improvement is. Recognize those beautiful muscles.

    If you were gaining at 2400 there is no way your TDEE is 2800. Your body bug must be wrong for some reason. My BMF tells me my average TDEE is 2600, when I eat 2600 I do not gain weight which would indicate that it's giving me a correct number.

    I'd advise you to eat at about 1700 consistently for 2 months. Keep lifting. Get your minimum protein. Do some cardio. Don't worry about eating "clean" or "low carb", these are not necessary for weight loss.

    And to to the anti-woman-lifting dude: Yes, women can gain muscle mass. It's done by heavy lifting and eating at a surplus like OP and myself have done. However, most profession women body builders use steroids. The "fitness" competitors are "natural" women body builders. The most a natural woman body builder can except to gain is 1lb a month and that's only the first year of training and if she's doing every thing exactly right. I understand if you prefer women with small, less defined muscles. That's your right and you are probably not alone in this opinion. However, as indicated by her profile picture, which is her goal, that's obviously NOT the look the OP desires.

    This x1000. I do not trust my BMF it's inaccurate for me, I use Lyle's methods for calculating my maintenance, we are NOT special flowers, lol. I told you that you need to eat slightly under maintenance and not log ANY activity unless it's like long distance running to create a bigger deficit, or just eat less (500 deficit per day) reduce your cardio to prevent muscle loss and keep lifting heavy. :( Don't get frustrated, you need to dial in and find the sweet spot you continue losing at, if you aren't at least a little hungry while cutting and you don't see the scale moving, you aren't cutting. :(
  • RumOne
    RumOne Posts: 266 Member
    i am 25yrs old, mother of two (5 and 6). i am 5'7 and as of today weigh 148.8lbs. after being here for a while i decided i didnt want to just be skinny i wanted muscles. i went for a bulk/cut cycle. BIG MISTAKE!!! i bulked for 4months gaining 15lbs and 12 total inches. i bulked on 2400cals lifting heavy full body 3x a week/cardio 3x a week. then i started cutting. i dropped down to 2000cals and contuined my workouts. i wasnt losing so i dropped down to 1900 cals. still hardly a thing happened. i went on vacation to costa rica. april 9th for 10days. (weighed about 147) and couldnt work out (did alot of activities and walking though) and i piged out(no computer or phone= no logging) it was well worth it and i had a blast. got back home lowered my cals to about 1500 for a week to help make up for eating so much, then settled at 1800 cals. still doing my exericse routine. for almost two weeks now i have altered my diet by cutting out bread(i ate at least 2x a day) and replacing it with more complex carbs such as brown rice and oats. i started monitering my sugar ( i was ALWAYS over) and make sure i stay under 35grams a day. i aim for 180-200 grams of protein sometimes i even get in more. all i drink is water and my diet has been well under control since i got back. I am now back up to 148.8lbs and have only lost 2inches from my waist(at my bellybutton). What am i doing wrong???!!!!!

    I have tried eating more, eating less, eating more protien, eating more clean, giving up foods, lifting more, running more, intervals, and still nothing. i have heard to get the toned, muscular look i want (goal is my profile pic) that i need to eat very low carb. i tried this for a day and i was hungry and super super super tired all day. i have seen others on here doing what i do and eating 12 pieces of bread a day and look like i want to......i just dont get what i am doing wrong and why nothing works for me. before i started on this sitei weighed 130lbs and ate whatever, whenever i wanted.

    For a accurate answer, tell us what your workout routine is. What is your calorie deficit?

    You want to be slim and toned. The "dream body" that it seems every woman wants.

    Here is my best advice...

    NO MORE HEAVY WEIGHTS!!!! Woman don't look good bulky in my opinion... Thats exactly whats going to happen if you keep lifting heavy and eating more than your burning. I would suggest circuit training and plyometics for your exercises. No weights needed, just do a google search on different body weight exercises.

    Or just do p90x or insanity, when you do it, commit to it don't cheat yourself don't half *kitten* it... Just do it and get it out of the way. Once you mastered p90x pick up a different routine like the 300 workout...

    Most important part is diet... Just watch your calories... I wouldn't go over 1400 if I were you. Take a dietary supplement to help with the food cravings, water also helps.

    LMAO women don't bulk like men. And they are HOT!
  • RumOne
    RumOne Posts: 266 Member

    You want to be slim and toned. The "dream body" that it seems every woman wants.

    Here is my best advice...

    NO MORE HEAVY WEIGHTS!!!! Woman don't look good bulky in my opinion... Thats exactly whats going to happen if you keep lifting heavy and eating more than your burning. I would suggest circuit training and plyometics for your exercises. No weights needed, just do a google search on different body weight exercises.

    Or just do p90x or insanity, when you do it, commit to it don't cheat yourself don't half *kitten* it... Just do it and get it out of the way. Once you mastered p90x pick up a different routine like the 300 workout...

    Most important part is diet... Just watch your calories... I wouldn't go over 1400 if I were you. Take a dietary supplement to help with the food cravings, water also helps.

    OH no he DIDNT!!!!

    I started 8 months ago.
    Clearly i look BULKY since i just got back from lifting heavy as possible( 300 pound leg press, 110 pound leg extensions and leg curls,etc...about 5 sets 5 reps each set plus various other exercises) heavy for ME

    ... $%^@%$&amp; this advice makes me :mad:

