Does anyone have a eat what you want day (BINGE DAY)???



  • aphillips8180
    aphillips8180 Posts: 77 Member
    When I was on Weight Watchers I did have one day each week that I ate what I wanted... like if I craved something during the week I'd have it on Friday (or whatever the day was). I was quite successful doing that (lost about 40 lbs) and I found that it kept me from completely falling off track. Since I started counting calories it seems like there are so many birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, etc that I am easily "cheating" one day a week without planning it. Although for some reason I feel guilty about it now and I never did before. :-/ One thing I would suggest to you is continue to have your cheat day if that is what you enjoy and it helps keep you on track! But also maybe start trying to make healthy versions of the things that you love (and make on Sundays). :)
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    Not really. Usually on Sat or Sun we will have pancakes or waffles and I bake something for dessert. What works for me is too 100% cut out candy/cookies/cakes/fast food etc during the week. If I want a chocolate bar, I have it on the weekend. I don't go crazy though, and usually stay pretty close to my calories.
  • susieeasterwood
    Hey there I have just recently began a very stringent diet due to health issues with my dr. She told me that one day a week I could have a "Pig Out" day. So today would be the day. I at present am on a 900 calorie per day diet so today I ate just few fries and 1 small McDonald's $1cheeseburger. Now---my stomach feels like it is going to blow up and I have cramps. Sooooooo, no more PO days for me! I think I will just add more fruit or more fish or something else. By the way if u want a really good read try the book, "Skinny *****". It will open ur eyes to those of our EPA, FDA, and other government regulations regarding our food and drugs. Besides it is funny. Hope ur doing fine and good luck.

    Susan M.
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    I used to but I have found now I can't for a few it turns into a couple day binge for me as I usually can't stop :( It also gets me addicted to all the junk again and I have to go through withdrawl again, feel hungry all the time again, crave carbs and sugar again.

    I will not allow myself a "cheat day" again. It's just too hard for me!
  • StacyB150
    StacyB150 Posts: 60 Member
    I do usually Saturday or Sunday. I wouldn't call it a binge day though- I eat what I want but I don't overload just because I can. The up to this for me is that I don't feel deprived. My husband usually makes biscuits and gravy or pancakes and sorry but I'm definitely having some too :) we also usually eat out for either lunch or dinner, and when you've prepared breakfast lunch and dinner all week it's kind of nice to take a break. The down to this is that my weekends are usually so high in sodium that it sets me back on the scale. So here I am come Monday slamming water to try and get it down again!

    I'm the same way. My husband and I have big breakfasts' on the weekends, and I normally eat healthy during the week. I will eat my 3 meals and 2 snacks during the weekdays, then I end up eating higher calories on the weekends. But I also try and practice portion control, and I exercise at least 5 to 6 days a week. This past weekend I didn't do so well as far as my eating or exercise, but I still managed to loose 4lbs. Portion control and healthier eating is the key, but don't deny yourself. :wink:
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    Yup I do this on weekends. I don't know if I would call them binge days so to speak but I do eat what I want and I don't calorie count. I still make healthy choices for food as I am gluten free but I eat what I want. Usually the weekends are go go go so I am more active so it doesn't bother me. I know I have had some weekends where I have been thousands over my calories but it doesn't make me gain any weight. I am in maintnance mode right now.
  • dellrio
    dellrio Posts: 131 Member
    If I want to eat something loaded with calories - I just make sure to offset that with some additional exercise. For example on Friday and Saturday nights I like to go to Electronic Music Shows (old timers may know these as raves) - and I can literally dance away 1500 calories in a night. If I do this then I consume more calories. I rarely go over my daily calorie goal (1800 per day net), but when I do its usually a holiday or some other special occasion.
  • islaybower
    islaybower Posts: 57
    I can't really, as I'm only on 0.5lb per week weight loss, so I can easily cancel out my week's deficit with a binge day. Saying that, on days where I do a lot of exercise I will allow myself whatever I want up to my calorie limit (and sometimes a bit beyond, if I know I can balance it out later in the week). I ALWAYS eat back my exercise calories (and I run and am doing Insanity, so I have plenty of them), so I'm never so deprived that I need to have a huge blowout. I'll need to find another super calorie burner after I finish Insanity though!
  • nessa786
    nessa786 Posts: 107 Member
    I eat what I want everyday, I just eat less of it. When I "diet", I find myself not eating at all, Plus I write down my caloric intake everyday and then add them up for a week. I like to have a weekly goal instead of a daily goal because some days are better then others and i dont get discouraged if something happens and i go over that day, b/c I can make it up the next.
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    I don't really dedicate a whole day to eating bad persay, but a meal (usually lunch or dinner) is okay with me sometimes. Now if it is a holiday or an occasion where I'll be out having fun all day, like a family trip to the beach or zoo, then I'll kind of just eat whatever that day and get back to regular the next day.
  • LilGiselle21
    LilGiselle21 Posts: 110 Member
    I don't do binge days we go out to eat I watch what or how much I eat still within my calorie range sodium seems to be higher but if it's only one meal then I'm normally good but if it's every meal for a day I must drink extra water to make up for the sodium. I do have a candy or cookie here and there but within my nutrition numbers. Ive done really really good with still eating what And where I want I don't feel the need to eat like crazy once a week.
  • oceansidecomp
    I thin k it makes good sense. It allows you to relax the rules for a day. This motivates you to stay on your food amanagement plan the rest of the week.
  • amandab1669
    amandab1669 Posts: 86 Member
    I don't... If I look at calories in/calories out, it is EASILY possible to eat so much on one day of the week that it completely cancels out the calorie deficit I worked so hard for six days to maintain. To me personally, binging is not worth it. I'm not saying I never eat desserts or that I never go over my calorie "allowance", I just don't think regularly eating an inhuman amount of high-calorie food in one day is worth it.

    I totally agree with you. It is extremely easy to go over your calories with just one meal. I always try look online or in the database to make a healty choice. If I do want that piece of cake I still make sure I am with in my daily calorie goals. It is too eay to slip. For me it is easier to keep eating healthy and if I do not trust myself to be able to only eat a little of something I was craving I just don't do it. I need to make sure that at the end of the day and the next day I am happy and satisfied.
  • strunkm4
    strunkm4 Posts: 266
    I don't do binge days. I might go a little over board for a meal, or something, but never an entire day. I don't limit myself anything either, if I want it, I'll have a little bit or make sure it fits into my day. Sure, we're not all perfect and every once in a while I might go over by a bit, but I don't do it every week.
  • countrygirlatheart0717
    countrygirlatheart0717 Posts: 83 Member
    I don't have a binge/cheat day ... I eat/drink whatever I want I just keep in mind MODERATION is key!!! I have found that when I eat whatever I want in small portions I don't over do it like I would if I had an entire cheat day.
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member
    Every Sunday

    However, I don't eat an inhuman amount of calories, more often then not I'm within my calories however I will go over with no guilt. I enjoy my Sundays, I think of it more as "relaxed eating" and I don't consider it binging. Just what works for me. To each his or her own, right?
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Sunday is my day as well. I don't gorge but I don't count calories.
  • Sierra_419
    Sierra_419 Posts: 201 Member
    hmmm not really... i eat what i want on a daily basis .. i just make sure if i am over on my calories i work it off.. i dont eat as bad as i used to..
  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member
    I only allow myself dessert once a week and that is usually on Sunday. I usually stay below my goal everyday of the week so it is ok to go over on one day a week, but I don't binge. I just don't limit myself on that day. Last Sunday was my hubby's birthday and we went out for Chinese. I went over my calorie budget by 250 calories. We then took a nice long walk together and burned off about half of that. I still lost for the week because my eat what I want day is budgeted in throughout my week. The only foods that are off limits for me are anything containing gluten and soy since I'm allergic to both of those, but I want to lose weight and keep it off the rest of my life so I don't see foods as good or bad. I eat low carb 90% of the time so there is 10% of my week that I allow myself that carb laden food if that's what I'm in the mood for. Lately, I only want to eat the low carb stuff because sugar makes me sick so to avoid feeling bad, I don't eat it. I like the energy I get from eating less carbs. I'm one of those people that eating carbs causes a crash in my blood sugar so I don't get that burst of energy from eating carbs. Good thing I'm not a marathon runner :)
  • DarkFlutter
    DarkFlutter Posts: 408 Member
    Not a set day. But if I go over, I don't curse myself for it.
    Either exercise a bit more that day or just let it go and move on.
    Sometimes it happens...but I don't make it happen on purpose.