Can anyone suggest replacements for bread and potatoes?



  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    I make sandwiches with Arnolds Multigrain Sandwich thins which are only 100 calories. For mashed can substitue cauliflower.

    I make masbhed cauliflower with nutritional yeast (makes it taste cheesy), a little bit of greek yogurt, minced garlic and smart balance butter. so yummy!
  • tattoocharlie83
    Thanks guys :happy: I'll try a few things out and hopefully see some results!
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    She said she wanted to cut down on carbs, not replace them with other carbs. Fat is a great source of energy to replace carbs. Try nut butter(peanut, almond, cashew..etc), avocados, olive oil, bacon, sausage, cheese, nuts, seeds..etc.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I don't eat a whole lot of bread anymore. I will usually have a Lebanese Fancy Pita Bread. They are 80 calories for the 50g size. Perfect for a lunch sandwich. But I really don't eat them much either, anymore. I don't bother with whole grain breads or anything like that. To me the whole grain stuff is just added calories, that I don't need.

    Potatoes, rice and pasta, I just limit to 1/2 cup. And fill up on veggies.

    ETA: I just wanted to add, that I don't eat bread because it's very calorie dense, not because I eat low carb or anything like that. I love my carbs. YUM YUM.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    I had more trouble giving up pasta and all its lovely permutations. Then I found I can shred zucchini, and life was good again.
  • medennison123
    medennison123 Posts: 191 Member
    I disagree, I would completely cut out bread...forever. No such thing as "healthy grains"...neolithic agents of destruction, and all that.

    Potatoes, however, I'm okay with...and sweet potatoes, those are good too. (Just had one w/ kerrygold butter as part of my huge lunch.) The mashed cauliflower ("cauliflower rice") is a good suggestion too.

    you dont eat bread? that sucks
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    For bread, my kids eat corn tortillas because they have celiac disease. As far as carbs, any sandwich will make into salad. And quinoa or brown, red, black rice are good alternatives for potatoes too.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I'm a big fan of sweet potatoes, otherwise I don't eat much in the way of starches on a regular basis. Even gluten free varieties of pasta and breads tend to upset my stomach (although sometimes I get a sandwich from my favorite place here and deal with the discomfort later because it's JUST SO GOOD).

    Honestly, in a typical day, I don't eat any starches. Lots and lots of veggies, and some fruit for fiber and I'm good to go! Eating a lot of protein really keeps me full, and I notice that when I'm steering clear of the starches, my stomach and my waistline thank me :)

    Everybody's different though, so if you like starches and want to keep some in your diet, sweet potatoes and whole grains are much better than your typical white potatoes and Wonderbread. The diet recommended by the American Diabetic Association advises less than 3 servings of a starch per day (1 serving= 1 slice of bread, 1/2 of a bagel, etc) because of the effect it has on your blood sugar and insulin levels. Of course, we're not all Diabetic (I'm not), but the dietician I've worked with recommends following similar guidelines to all of her clients. Lean meats, lots of veggies, a couple servings of fruit, and the dairy/starches are at a's not gospel or anything, but a great set of guidelines for those of us looking to lose weight!
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    I eat sweet potatoes. They are delicious...more fiber..and if you skip the brown sugar and butter on them...and roast them with just a bit of olive the oven..they are wonderful!
    THIS! My favorite way to eat them. I also par boil them and grill them when we BBQ...OMG melt in your mouth awesome!
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Sweet potatoes
    baked sweet potatoe fries
    Backed Zucinni fries or chips

    Califlour blended wioth a blender, little butter, and some skim milk makes a great replacement for mashed potatoes

    Whole wheat wraps
    whole wheat bread
    Whole wheat pitas
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Don't cut out completely just cut down.

    For bread go to whole wheat, or ancient grain.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    umm...potatoes and bread?
    How about, not as much?
  • sandwichcat
    sandwichcat Posts: 22
    I love melba toast! my favorite ones are from Tesco, but you can get them from any supermarket,
    they're 75 calories for a whole pack! I find they're good for cutting down my bread portions :) and they're great plain, with toppings, in soup! the oppertunities are endless :D Melba toast ftw!

    As for potatoes.. sweet potatoes are awesome. I love having mine with light philidelphia cheese andd tuna :)
  • SenshiV
    SenshiV Posts: 131 Member
    I make sandwiches with Arnolds Multigrain Sandwich thins which are only 100 calories. For mashed can substitue cauliflower.

    Surprisingly true, mashed cauliflower test exactly or almost exactly as mashed potatoes. Give it a try.
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,985 Member
    I use Aunt Millie's Light Wheat bread - only 40 calories a slice! They also have Aunt Millie's Whole Grain Wheat Light - and its only 35 calories a slice! :)
  • cbart2818
    cbart2818 Posts: 188 Member
    Do you like Barley or Squash(acorn, summer, butternut)?

    I have also made Cauliflower mash before. Tasted pretty much like mashed potatoes.

    For me, personally - I have more energy when I keep whole grain bread's in my diet. There are some great brands out their now, that have a little lower calories and carb count. I do limit the amount of potatoes I eat but don't cut out completely. MIni red potatoes are good and sweet potatoes. For me, it is all about portion control. Bread and Potatoes are not bad for you, but if you eat too much can be. If I cut these out completely, I just crave more and that never ends well : )

    Good luck!
  • lmc8774
    lmc8774 Posts: 129 Member
    For soups and stews I use turnips as a substitute for potatoes.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Dont cut them out. Just my opinion.
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    I cut potatoes out completely. I had an achilles heel for french fries so they had to go. I initially cut out bread but I love sandwiches. There are a ton of low cal/low carb/high protein breads on the market. I prefer flax brands. Orowheat has some very healthy breads just to name one.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    The first thing is to upgrade to whole grains. Even whole wheat bread is not always whole grain. Read the label. The next would be to consider eating sweet potatoes, but I personally don't like them. I just buy the really small red bliss potatoes and have a few - like 3 or 4. You'll be better off with broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, spinach and Brussels sprouts.

    I switched the potatoes to beans and got more fiber and more protein. Chic peas (garbanzo beans) are the most bang for your buck, but you can eat all sorts of beans, just rinse them to get the sodium down.

    My bread intake is limited to one whole wheat mini bagel a day. On rare occasions I have a sandwich, and I use flax oat wraps.

    If you are already trying to eat more fruits and veggies, you'll have a hard time keeping the carbs down.