Anyone eat Coconut Oil?



  • skybird455
    skybird455 Posts: 172 Member
    i use organic coconut oil daily in the place of olive oil or butter. I will say cooking with it that i has a lower smoking point than olive oil, so watch your heat when cooking with it. It is healthier than any other oil out right now...also great on my long hair and my hands. It has no smell and basically no flavor at all.
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    "eat"? no, like as in chewing?
    cook with, yes :)

    in just about everything. it has a very high heat point, unlike olive oil for example. I also use it in baking gluten and grain free breads or muffins.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    The only things that I have done with it so far is to mix it with my oatmeal (with a little ground cinnamon and flax seed) and used it once when cooking onions & peppers on the stove. I'd love some other ideas of what to do with it, though.
  • JCDF
    JCDF Posts: 25
    Moderation is the key word here. It's a saturated fat. But supposedly it's also good for you. I use it on my hair and it's great for the scalp. And I use it on my face once in a while. I apply it, leave it on for a couple of hours before my shower. Then I wash it all off in the shower. Seems to smooth my skin, maybe helps with flaking skin, etc.


    Many things come and go and are the fad of the month, year, decade, but then they find out it wasn't so great after all. So, who knows? But I do consume it once in a while, not daily certainly.
  • My wife got me into using it for cooking. I also keep a jar in my bathroom to use on my hair. Just a little bit works nice. Anyways. Any time I oil a pan or anything like that I use it.
  • Desertnetti
    Desertnetti Posts: 7 Member
    Both my medical doctor and my Naturopathic Dr. have advised me to 'eat' at least 2 Tablespoons per day, and up to 3. It's a very good fat. They both said they cook with it, too. I have a hard time just swallowing a spoonful of oil so I was advised at the health food store to use it in any smoothie I make and on my body, like lotion. It's all I use now, for about a year, on my legs, arms, wherever I would've put lotion and it's wonderful, and my hubby loves the subtle scent I have when I've 'oiled' up. I even use it on my face after an evening shower. I wouldn't go in the sun with it, but other than that it's a perfect oil :glasses: . When we lived in the South Pacific, the islanders always had some coconut oil 'brewing' in the sun so they could use it as a moisturizer.
  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    There is a difference taste and texture wise between the expellor pressed and not. hard vs. soft, no flavor vs. coconut flavor. I have maybe half a tablespoon a day. The soft one is really tasty to dip strawberries in.
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    I just used coconut oil instead of vegetable oil in my delicious homemade coconut cake. So good. I've heard many many other uses for it too, besides cooking!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I use it on my son's skin. However, I don't cook with it. I have thought about it but the fat content is way too high for me. My container of Nutiva organic extra virgin coconut oil has 14 grams of fat per tablespoon (13 grams of saturated) and 130 calories. Not enough studies proving to me that it is a "good type" of saturated fat in my opinion.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    love the full flavor with my morning espresso... or scrambled eggs... on my spaghetti squash MMMM..
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    I use it in place of butter because of a dairy allergy, as with anything moderation is key. It's still an oil, but it does work great as a butter replacement when cooking.
  • Bretto
    Bretto Posts: 196 Member
    It was actually recommended to me to help with my joint pain in my shoulder. We do cook with it, but have not tried the other uses mentioned her. I am going to start putting it on my dry skin and may even try it in my hair.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 743 Member
    Personally I love it! But 3tbs is 375 cals and probably way more than u need. I cook with it and throw it in a protein shake or oatmeal...usually a about a favorite brand by far is barleans ...and make sure u get unrefined cold pressed virgin oil. Refined oil has been heated therefor loosing lots of the vital nutrients.
  • sheri02r
    sheri02r Posts: 486 Member
    bump, I'm interested to know too! :)
  • smsinger75
    smsinger75 Posts: 251 Member
    I don't eat it per say. I have been taking it in capsule form for about a month now. Seems to have boosted my energy levels. Might have given me the extra kick I needed to help get me past the most recent plateau I had been struggling with for several weeks. Lost 2 pounds last week. Just my two cents worth!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Moderation is the key word here. It's a saturated fat. But supposedly it's also good for you. I use it on my hair and it's great for the scalp. And I use it on my face once in a while. I apply it, leave it on for a couple of hours before my shower. Then I wash it all off in the shower. Seems to smooth my skin, maybe helps with flaking skin, etc.


    Many things come and go and are the fad of the month, year, decade, but then they find out it wasn't so great after all. So, who knows? But I do consume it once in a while, not daily certainly.

    Why must everyone insist that we do *everything* in moderation? How about we try exercising moderation in moderation? Personally, I like to do some healthy things in excess occasionally...or fairly often An example of this would be coconut oil.. We cook with it every day. Nothing browns roasted veggies like it. (And for non-cooking oil, we use a quality olive oil.)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    love the full flavor with my morning espresso... or scrambled eggs... on my spaghetti squash MMMM..

    Indeed, but I prefer gf butter for my coffee. My morning coffee (2c) includes grassfed butter (3T) and MCT oil (2T) blended in the vitamix. Mmmmm. I cook eggs in the coconut oil though.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    If you actually mean coconut water, it's excellent for you and very tasty. But if you mean oil, as you said, it is not at all good for you.

    I'm sure she means oil. It's a new fad. People keep telling me it's a miracle cure for whatever ails you, and people keep telling me it'll cure my cancer.

    Coconut oil is also often used in oil pulling, also for "health benefits."
  • Billybea
    Billybea Posts: 23 Member
    My dietion saif to eat a tbsp a day and she even bought me some but i havent bec i was worried to just eat straight up oil- difntvwant to add to the calories- ill try the pipcorn idea- i love popcorn