Clothing Sizes - 26/28 and Higher



  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    khaleesinoodlebelly Posts: 165 Member
    I think it depends a lot on your height and where you carry your weight and how you were wearing your clothes when you started. I know for instance that i wear my clothes tighter when I am heavier and they fit different parts of my body as I lose weight. I didnt have the same issue as you but I didnt start at the same weight--i found that once I was getting under 290--I would drop a clothing size every 15-20 lbs. So I think you will get there! You are doing awesome! I think i might still have it on my profile the progression of jean sizes I was wearing as I lost weight if you are interested :)
  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    khaleesinoodlebelly Posts: 165 Member
    Totally agree with her on going and trying on a smaller size! when I felt like things were baggy in all the wrong places or falling off--I went to a store and grabbed smaller sizes to see where i was--and I just looked at your pics specifically the one where you had lost 75 lbs and you look like you are swimming in your clothes! Go shopping girl you will be surprised! :D
    I started at 400 pounds, and a size 38 / 5X.

    I am now 275 and wear a size 22 / 2X.

    You stated earlier that the size 26's when you started this were tight... maybe you were actually a bigger size, and didnt realize it. That could be playing a role in this - do the clothes you wore 100 pounds ago fit differently?

    I want to tell you, about 3 weeks ago, a girl came up to me at work, as I was walking back from the ladies room, and told me she noticed I was pulling up my pants all day long (at the time, I was wearing 24's and 26's) - she was right. I went home, and that weekend, I tried on my size 22 jeans and they FIT, and fit nicely!! Not too tight, and had a little room to move in them!

    A few things to do -
    Take your measurements - you might be losing inches and not realizing it. When I hit stalls, the inches tend to drop quicker - provided I'm doing the work I am supposed to be!
    Go out to a store and try on pants in smaller sizes - the ones you have in your closet, if they are "old" might be smaller than the current size 24. (I had this happen - a pair of size 26 pants I bought 7 years ago just fits me now, and I wear a 22).
    Get new bras and underwear - you have lost weight, and the same underclothes wont flatter. I didnt realize this until I was grocery shopping, and my underwear fell down to my knees! How embarrassing!!!
    Start a toning or strength training program if you havent already - I lost about 100 pounds up until January - then, I started strength training... while I have only lost 25 pounds since then, I have lost an amazing amount of inches, and dropped from a size 30 to a 22 in that time - simply from Pilates, lifting weights and (more recently) running.

    Good luck to you!!
  • PottyMrs
    PottyMrs Posts: 55 Member
    I kinda feel you here, I started off at 221lbs (5'2") a size UK 16/18. I'm now 174lbs, 47lbs lost and I still seem to be a size 16. My bottom half is 14 but my hips and belly bulge over and 14tops show all my lumps & bumps so I feel conifer hiding them in a 16. I use a tape measure to check my measurements every month and there's not much difference there either! Seems for me the weight is going off pathetic areas like oes & fingers!!
  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    Well done doug......:smile:
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I think there are three reasons why you haven't gone down in size yet.

    1. Larger clothes fit differently. The difference between a size 12 and a size 10 is a set a certain size a person will not fit into a size 10 no matter what. But you said it yourself, you can now fit into pants with zippers and buttons rather than elastic. Elastic pants accomodate a variety of sizes because they adapt to the body, so three people that are three different sizes could probably fit into the same size elastic pants, albiet a bit tighter for the largest person but they will still fit.

    2. Clothing is not an exact science, not only do sizes (especially womens) vary from store to store, they can vary from item to item. I once bought two polo shirts at the same store....same size, same style, just two different colors. One of them was almost too big and the other was considerable snugger.

    3. It depends on where you've lost the weight. Most clothes size depends on bust size and midsection. If you've lost weight from your face, arms, legs, or butt it won't have much bearing on how you're clothes fit. Of course things will be a little roomier, but if you haven't lost much from your midsection (that tends to be the last place I lose) then you'll still need to be in your original pants size to fit your waist.

    Don't get down on yourself though, losing 100 pounds is a huge accomplishment, your clothes size will decline soon enough. When I lost 50 pounds, while my clothes were big on me, I couldn't go down to the next size until I had lost 30 pounds, and even then if I was having a bad day (a little bloated) my pants were pretty tight.

    Everything you said hit the nail on the head. Thanks...I think you're right about everything especially #1. I've just gotta keep pushing forward and start targeting my stomach area...I concentrate on Cardio most and some weight resistance training but I don't concentrate on my midsection and I think I need to start.

    Thanks guys