Are you a cat lover?



  • Vespyr
    Vespyr Posts: 111 Member
    I have 2 cats Loki and Isis. I love cats so much and would like more but it's just too much work for me right now. I promised my bf I wouldn't get more until we get a house lol!. Feel free to add me!
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I have 2 cats Loki and Isis. I love cats so much and would like more but it's just too much work for me right now. I promised my bf I wouldn't get more until we get a house lol!. Feel free to add me!

    I was like that for a long time. My mom and I used to think having two cats was a strain, then my 16 year old cat died and it was too lonely with one so we got a 4 month old cat. Not even a year later a 1 month old shows up on our doorstep after a huge thunderstorm and after going through the ordeal at the vet with her for all her first shots, fecal test, and whatnot we ended up keeping her. 5 months after my mom's cat died another kitten showed up, same age. It's a handful especially with the litterbox but I think if you have the room and the time 3 isn't so much different than 2.
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    I have 2 cats Loki and Isis. I love cats so much and would like more but it's just too much work for me right now. I promised my bf I wouldn't get more until we get a house lol!. Feel free to add me!

    I was like that for a long time. My mom and I used to think having two cats was a strain, then my 16 year old cat died and it was too lonely with one so we got a 4 month old cat. Not even a year later a 1 month old shows up on our doorstep after a huge thunderstorm and after going through the ordeal at the vet with her for all her first shots, fecal test, and whatnot we ended up keeping her. 5 months after my mom's cat died another kitten showed up, same age. It's a handful especially with the litterbox but I think if you have the room and the time 3 isn't so much different than 2.

    It's funny how they show up when they are meant to be in your life. My first cat, Meowy, jumped in our car from my grandparents barn and my dad and I didn't bother to try to get her out. I was about 4 maybe. My mom said I used to carry her around the farm like a ragdoll, and she just loved it. We had to put her down at the ripe old age of 18 after she suffered a heart attack and stroke. She had kittens once, and my parents got rid of one, three more ran away, and we were left with one. I named her after my best friend at the time, Amy. I don't remember how long we had her before she was hit by a car. In 7th grade I begged and pleaded and cried to my mom to take one of my teacher's kittens she told us about. I'm 26 now and we still have him. He is the only one we have who still goes outside. He is the biggest baby. Scared of everything. I have lost so many cats to the road (my mom wouldn't let me keep any of them inside all the time) that I will not let any of them (except Chowder) outside anymore. Fought Misty on her desire to go out for years. But now that she's older she doesn't really try anymore. We saved a feral from outside. She showed up as a kitten, and the male cats started crawling out of the woodwork after her until we finally caught her, had her spayed, and brought her inside. My mom can't believe I have her in the house. She says it is no life for her, but it's better than her being outside to be coyote food. or to catch all kinds of diseases and die a slow painful death. Right now, Chowder and our dog are the only animals we have that we actually sought. And the dog still kind of fell into our life. A friend was moving and couldn't take him so she asked if anybody I knew would take him. Misty was found running down the middle of a local road on the hottest day of the summer, Lola (the feral) showed up, Mira showed up at 3 weeks old. And other cats we lost to the road just fell into my life too. My baby, Chloe, I raised her from 2 weeks old. She was found alongside a road, waiting for her mommy to come get her as she was relocating the litter. Chloe was the last baby, and her mommy was hit by a car coming back for her. Sammy, a friendly adult siamese mix cat, was a drop off at our house. He was Misty's buddy, and Chloe was Chowder's buddy. After they died (both from being hit by cars, rotten *kitten* people), Chowder and Misty never really bonded. They just play so different. Misty has found a friend in Mira though.

    I too will ALWAYS have cats. And not just one cat. I put off moving out of my parents house a. because we couldn't afford it, and b. because I wasn't going to rent if I couldn't have cats (and I couldn't leave my babies behind either). Now we are buying my parents place and THEY moved out. Glad my hubby loves cats too. he wouldn't be my hubby if he didn't. I wasn't going to settle for anything less than a cat lover.
  • Our cat Sassy (I know) is 18 years old. EIGHTEEN. She still gets around good and begs for food when she smells fish/chicken cooking, but has "old lady hips" (skinny) and a bit a problems jumping up on things. But she is awesome.
  • I have 2 cats...Oreo and Bella! :) They are like my!
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Major cat lover here, but only have 1.

    I spent the last 2.5+ years getting allergy shots just so I could be around them (had them as a kid), and was finally able to save one from a shelter in January. He's the most crazy cat I've ever been around. Totally thinks he's human and so much fun.

    Feel free to add a fellow cat lover. I have some of his pics in my profile, too.


    looks like a marbled bengal. . . proly why its crazy and acts like people :-p

    OMGosh, we have been wracking our brains trying to figure out what kind of cat he is. Looking at pics of marbled bengals I can certainly see the resemblance. Thanks for posting, this is awesome.

    Is one of their traits to follow you around the house like a dog does? He follows me everywhere I go. Sometimes as I go, and sometimes will show up a couple minutes later after I've gone to another part of the house.
  • LOL I have two. Captian Jack Sparrow...earned that name trust me! And kiara a cute little gray who keeps to herself most days,
  • wiglett
    wiglett Posts: 53
    Major cat lover here, but only have 1.

    I spent the last 2.5+ years getting allergy shots just so I could be around them (had them as a kid), and was finally able to save one from a shelter in January. He's the most crazy cat I've ever been around. Totally thinks he's human and so much fun.

    Feel free to add a fellow cat lover. I have some of his pics in my profile, too.


    looks like a marbled bengal. . . proly why its crazy and acts like people :-p

    OMGosh, we have been wracking our brains trying to figure out what kind of cat he is. Looking at pics of marbled bengals I can certainly see the resemblance. Thanks for posting, this is awesome.

    Is one of their traits to follow you around the house like a dog does? He follows me everywhere I go. Sometimes as I go, and sometimes will show up a couple minutes later after I've gone to another part of the house.

    Your welcome! I'm a crazy cat lady so I'm pretty good at guessing breeds! And their traits are specific to them as in personality a bit. Bengals are very social but not cuddlebugs. My Bengal waits until my alarm goes off and then talks to me and follows me everywhere till we have "breakfast" (1/4 can of wet food). She has a halter n leash and we go for walks. We only do our block but I have heard that a 5block radius is normal territory size. My Bengal Samantha the terrible ( named after Samantha from sex and the city cuz she's a *****, hahaha) loves the wall shelves I bought her on which helps her not be so destructive. ( too smart and nosy for her own good) but congrats on ur kitty. You got. $900-1200 kitty for shelter price! Add me if you like I'll talk Bengal all day!
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Our cat "Tots" He/She is the coolest cat ever... we got her off craigslist. The owner said its a girl, but the shot record she gave me was for a fixed male.... I don't care enough to hold it down and look... so ... we call it he sometimes, she others. LOL...
  • fluffysexyme
    fluffysexyme Posts: 104 Member
    I have two cats- Espn and Garfield. They're brothers and I love them even though Espn thinks he's a dog (no seriously, he plays fetch and responds to whistling and if you pat your lap he will come).
  • MrsAngelique
    MrsAngelique Posts: 164 Member
    Totally a cat lover except my cat thinks she is human, a bird, a dog, and am not sure what else lol… she thinks she is a bird and climbs on my shoulder while I am on my PC. Then she thinks I am a cat and try’s to bath me while I am asleep. She loves to lie next to me and massage my body with her paws as she falls asleep. She loves to be held and will lie on my chest just to have me hold her. Then she thinks she is dog and fitches knotted plastic bags and bring them right back to me so I can throw them again. Then she also copy’s me by running back and forth every time I do it. I just love my cat!!! :love:
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Cat was my first word. Before Mama or Dada, it was "caaat".

    I currently have 5 cats. I couldn't imagine my life without cats. I work with cats and have pretty much devoted my life to them. So yeah, cat lover applies.
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    We have black manx (Lucy), a sorrel Abyssinian (Poppy) and a polydactyl brown tabby & white Maine Coon (Buster). We adore them :)
  • _trickpie
    _trickpie Posts: 87

    Do I win?
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Your welcome! I'm a crazy cat lady so I'm pretty good at guessing breeds! And their traits are specific to them as in personality a bit. Bengals are very social but not cuddlebugs. My Bengal waits until my alarm goes off and then talks to me and follows me everywhere till we have "breakfast" (1/4 can of wet food). She has a halter n leash and we go for walks. We only do our block but I have heard that a 5block radius is normal territory size. My Bengal Samantha the terrible ( named after Samantha from sex and the city cuz she's a *****, hahaha) loves the wall shelves I bought her on which helps her not be so destructive. ( too smart and nosy for her own good) but congrats on ur kitty. You got. $900-1200 kitty for shelter price! Add me if you like I'll talk Bengal all day!

    I did quite a bit of research yesterday and I'm convinced he's at least part, if not all, Bengal. One of my friends thinks he's a classic Tabby, but based on what I've read, his personality is ALLLLL Bengal.
  • LisaBeateith2012
    LisaBeateith2012 Posts: 346 Member
    :bigsmile: Hiya my name is Lisa and I am from Glasgow in Scotland. I am the one in the Black T- Shirt! I have currently 4 cats. Did have 5 one of my cats got hit by a car (COLA BEAR) when she was 9 months:cry: I was absolutely devastated, still cannot get over it! I still have the other 4 Muffin who is the mother of all my cats:love: Tizer the male cat and Pepsi she was the twin of Cola Bear they are female and i have wee Lightning who is also female! My brother calls me the crazy cat lady LMAO!:blushing: I just love animals. I also have a black and white border collie called Nala Rhubarb who is going to 15 yrs old in May! Did have 2 collie dogs but Lassie passed away last year of old age she was 16 yrs old!:sad: Add me if you want to! :happy:
  • wiglett
    wiglett Posts: 53
    Your welcome! I'm a crazy cat lady so I'm pretty good at guessing breeds! And their traits are specific to them as in personality a bit. Bengals are very social but not cuddlebugs. My Bengal waits until my alarm goes off and then talks to me and follows me everywhere till we have "breakfast" (1/4 can of wet food). She has a halter n leash and we go for walks. We only do our block but I have heard that a 5block radius is normal territory size. My Bengal Samantha the terrible ( named after Samantha from sex and the city cuz she's a *****, hahaha) loves the wall shelves I bought her on which helps her not be so destructive. ( too smart and nosy for her own good) but congrats on ur kitty. You got. $900-1200 kitty for shelter price! Add me if you like I'll talk Bengal all day!

    I did quite a bit of research yesterday and I'm convinced he's at least part, if not all, Bengal. One of my friends thinks he's a classic Tabby, but based on what I've read, his personality is ALLLLL Bengal.

    I bought these for my bengal and she love love LOVES them. Ill post a picture when I get home from work.. and your friend is partly correct cause they are tabby/asian leopard cross breeds! they need lots of stimulation to keep them happy. Best thing I did for my bengal was get her a playmate :D but yeah. . . if you work with your kitty you can leash train her! I'm going to buy a cat clicker soon and start training her :D just supper busy right now with work n school but I need to start working with her!
  • Cara930
    Cara930 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there. I've been on MFP for just over a month now and I'm looking to expand my network of friends. So if you are a mutual cat lover, who is also very supportive in MFP land, please add me. Thx. :-)

    I love cats!!
  • TheTrimTim
    TheTrimTim Posts: 220 Member
    It's amazing how many cat lovers there are here. I suppose it's to be expected though. I love looking at the photos that are shared so keep 'em coming, and friend me if you wish!
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I love cats.. they make good target practice and are sooo hard to hit... fast little kritters...