Wanting to be out of the 200 club..



  • Hi! i am also struggling to get below 200. I really have no goal weight, but would just like to feel better about myself overall and feel "fit". Any support is welcome!
  • mkshortall
    mkshortall Posts: 38 Member
    I also want to get into the 100's for the first time in a long time. Currently at 238 and I also don't go to the gym, I actually workout at home though doing P90 which I have found to be an awesome way to lose weight and inches! Still have far to go but we can all get there. I am on the site a lot so anyone can add me :-)
  • Weaz66
    Weaz66 Posts: 1,846 Member
    I just invited ya!! :flowerforyou:
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    Been there done that it was the best day ever!!!

    When I first started I purchased an item as my goal (I had 40lbs to lost to get under 200) I had it up in my closet where I could see it every day but could not have it. The day I stepped on the scale and it said 199.6 was the best day ever!!!

    You can get yourself some weights and a lot of inexpensive dvd's at Walmart and Target. I highly recommend Jillian's 30 day shred. It only takes 20 minutes (which I know is key for a time crunched sahm) an it gets great results!!!
  • Jamiew3kids
    Jamiew3kids Posts: 101 Member
    I wish there was a fater way to ADD you all!! So if I havent already please feel free to add me!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • Weaz66
    Weaz66 Posts: 1,846 Member
    Anyone wanting to add me just send me an invite! I'm 46, 5'6, My highest wt was 264. I started MFP the end of March/2012 at 254lbs and currently at 240lbs. I don't belong to a gym nor have money for expensive equipment at this time (maybe in the future I will invest in a bike or tredmill). I've been learning different exercises off the internet and members here at MFP that I can use just my bodyweight and recently I bought a workoutball and some dvds. I'm in it for the long haul. We can do it together.
  • sarahsaur
    sarahsaur Posts: 18 Member
    I'm fighting to be down below 200! My highest weight was in the 290s I believe, I was so scared to get on a scale during that time. I'm down to 275 and have about 150 lbs to lose. Anyone can add me! I try to be a great motivator and I love having more friends!
  • sindel_17
    sindel_17 Posts: 2 Member
    I want to join you all! I too am looking to get below 200. I have a tenative vacation plan in September and want to be under 200 (about 25 more pounds) for it! This is my second week on MFP and so far I really like the website. I should admit I do use the gym but now that the weather is nicer I'm trying to go outside more.
  • Tondra2
    Tondra2 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm in the same boat!!! I've been in the 2's so long. I can't wait to get back into the 1's. I need as much support as possible.
  • heatherlee007
    heatherlee007 Posts: 10 Member
    I have 19lbs to go!! Add me!
  • fishes305
    fishes305 Posts: 20 Member
    I just got out of the 200 zone and started sliding back. I'm now back on track, yay! It feels so good to make that goal. Feel free to add me.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Im ready to get out of that club too! I dont go to a gym but I just started KettleWorx at home.
  • saylorn
    saylorn Posts: 3
    I am in the 200's club also. I just started this program a week and a half ago. Before that I was using what I had learned from Weight Watchers. I actually like this so much better. I have lost a total of 10lbs in about 5 weeks. 4 of them were lost after I started this program. I am loving it so far. I don't have any friends though. I need friends if anyone is interested.
  • XxJeNNaFuRxX
    XxJeNNaFuRxX Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm with all of you with wanting to be out of the 200 club. I'm new to this site and trying to figure everything out. Feel free to add me. Motivation and encouragement are always welcomed and returned! :) Good luck to all!!!
  • StellarChick85
    StellarChick85 Posts: 33 Member
    I am soooo close to getting out of the 200's. I was 212 and now I'm 204. Just 4 little pounds but it seems like it just...can't...get down there! Yes I will definitely freak out if I ever see 199!
  • MikeRox83
    MikeRox83 Posts: 5
    Sub 200 is my main goal at the moment! I was mortified when I hit 222.2 on the scales. I've managed to get it down to 212 as of today :)

    No gym membership here either, just cramming in walking when I can, I'm lucky in that I commute to work on public transport so walking between the stations can help me fit as much as 4.5 miles a day of walking into my day. I'm lazy in a morning though and get the bus... maybe when the British weather picks up I'll be able to get myself to walk in the morning too lol.
  • Rachbell84
    Rachbell84 Posts: 16 Member
    I want out sooo bad! I am not a stay at home mom, but i am a single mom. I do go to the gym a few times a week, but i am looking for ideas of things i can do at home because getting to the gym isn't always an option. Anyone out there want to add me please send a request! making friends on this site has been wonderful and very helpful!
  • Jamiew3kids
    Jamiew3kids Posts: 101 Member
  • I am also in the over 200 club... I quit smoking 2.5 years ago and ballooned to 235 lbs...... Since Feb 6, 2012 I have lost 15 lbs... and am looking forward to getting back into the 100s.... I have a long journey to go and would love to have some friends for support and motivation.... so please feel free to add me....
  • vnzapata
    vnzapata Posts: 4 Member
    I went on the HCG Diet & lost 20 lbs. I was under 200, sadly I'm back up there but more determined than ever to get my weight back down. I'm 5'0 & 205 lbs, hispanic, just diagnosed with PCOS & diabetes runs HEAVILY in my family. I don't want to end up with diabetes as well. I want to live happy and healthy & feel comfortable in my own body. This is the first time I've admitted my weight, I'm too ashamed to tell my boyfriend when he asks. He is very supportive and tried to help but I'm too embarrassed to let him help me. Maybe when I lose more weight and become more comfortable I'll let him help but for now I need support from people who are going though the same thing and understand exactly what I'm going through. Please add me! I need all the support I can get!