LOVELY LADIES SUPPORT GROUP starts today!! 8/18/09



  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    I can thank TOM for my 1lb gain this week. :explode: Ugh, and I'm leaving for vaca tmorrow - I was ONE pound away from being "healthy" but not now, and probalby not next week bc who knows what I'll gain on vaca. Lets erase this week - I'm over it. :grumble:

    :flowerforyou: sorry guys, i put my grumpy pants on this morning after i stepped off the scale. good luck to all you ladies!! have a wonderful weekend/week if I dont get back on before then! :smile:

    Same thing happened to me. I weigh daily and my weight went up four pounds and finally now back at my starting weight from last week. Very frustrating!
    We'll do better this week. Have a great, relaxing vacation!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Hey Lovely ladies!!!
    Just wanted to wish everyone happy weigh in tomarrow!!!

    Where have all our ladies gone?????:cry:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    I'm here! :happy: Nothing great to report, but I'm still sticking with this thing. I did start a weight rotation, that has me doing 3 days of weights 3 days of cardio. After a week (and weight gain), I'm going to add 30 min. of cardio on my weight days. This will be running, for no longer than 30 min. because I don't want to do to much. This gain doesn't seem to have affected my body, because my measurements are the same.

    Weigh in 162.5 :tongue:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I'm here- back from vaca FIVE POUNDS HEAVIER! :angry: So move over ladies, I'm back on this bandwagon. No results this week as I'm up in weight - I changed my ticker to reflect the weight gain - reluctantly.:grumble:
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Down 1/2 pound but at least it's in the right direction this week!
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Hi Ladies! I am here. Sorry I didn't weigh in this Weds. Mom was in town from Texas and she is a fulltime job when she is here. I have been so stressed out the past three days that I have been eating like crazy! Most of it has been healthy foods though--I am trying to be good. I will just skip this week and weigh in next weds. Hope everyone is doing well!

  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Down 1/2 pound but at least it's in the right direction this week!

    Yay kath711!! Great job!!:heart:
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    I'm here- back from vaca FIVE POUNDS HEAVIER! :angry: So move over ladies, I'm back on this bandwagon. No results this week as I'm up in weight - I changed my ticker to reflect the weight gain - reluctantly.:grumble:

    Awwww Jstar....don't fret!! It's probably just water weight! How was vaca? Did you enjoy?:flowerforyou:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I'm here- back from vaca FIVE POUNDS HEAVIER! :angry: So move over ladies, I'm back on this bandwagon. No results this week as I'm up in weight - I changed my ticker to reflect the weight gain - reluctantly.:grumble:

    Awwww Jstar....don't fret!! It's probably just water weight! How was vaca? Did you enjoy?:flowerforyou:

    Very much! :drinker: Apparently 5lbs too much, LOL. But good news is that I'm down 3lbs already & hopefully more next week! The food is just SO good. We're going back in April or May - I am hoping to meet my final goal (28 more lbs) by the time we leave - thats like 32-34 weeks so I should hit it no problem *fingers crossed*
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Jstar513 - I was on a mini vacation and I gained about 2 pounds back - :explode: But Like you said - I had a great time and now I am back FULL FORCE!!! And you will be able to meet that goal by april no problem at all!! Have a great week!!!

    gogoleaner - I didn't weigh in this week because I totally spaced it out!! Then I got busy and didn't weigh for a couple days and was right around 227. Ick. But now I have gained a couple pounds back from a little mini vacation - so I am not too excited about Wednesday, but oh well, huh? Today is a new day!! I bet it was great to see your mom! I hope you had a fun time with her!! Have a great one!!

    Kath711 - GOOD JOB!!! Every ounce counts!!!!woohoo!!
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Hey girls! Happy Weigh in Weds.!!

    8/12/09 start date 163.8 lbs
    8/19/09 162.8.....lost one pound!
    8/26/09 162.2.....lost 1/2 pound & 1 inch in waist!
    9/2/09 162.0.....ugh! only lost .2lb..I am re-weighing tomorrow b'cuz I ate alot of salt yesterday and I think I am bloated.
    9/9/09 163.0 AAARRRGGGHHHHHH!
    9/16/09 163.4 WTF??!! but I lost 1/2 inch on one thigh.
    9/23/09 no weigh in - Mom in town=stress! will weigh 9/30
    9/30/09 161.6 :bigsmile:

    Stress from Mom being here helped me lose 2 pounds! Yay! AND......I ran a mile last night without stopping or walking in 13.4 minutes!!! I know that is slow, but hey...I did it running the WHOLE time!!!
  • Losing steam, losing motivation...I wish I had someone to work out with...I need to exercise more, but I need the motivation & support...I am gaining it all back and I am not eating like I should...grrrr...arrrrgh! Umph! :grumble: :cry:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Lovely Ladies,

    I'm back down to 160.5! :drinker: I just want to get past that 160 point! :wink: Incorporating more cardio into my weight work seemed to do the trick, so I'm hoping that the weight loss will continue. :smile:

    Jstar: Glad you enjoyed your vacation, and your goal still seems doable.

    jtodacheeny: I think vacations are for enjoying. 2 lbs isn't horrible, and I'm sure that you will get that weight off soon. :wink:

    gogoleaner: Congrats on the weight loss, just to bad that it had to be stress related. :smile:

    genigen: Ok here is your cyber workout partner! :happy: Today I did 55 minutes of weight work, and I plan on a 25 min run and ab work when I get home. What are your plans for today? :wink: Just 10 min will do wonders. :smile:
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    woohoo gogoleaner!!!!Glad you finally broke that plateau - they can be maddening, I know!

    Great work lvnascar!! next weigh in Wednesday you will be in those 150's, I know it!!!!!

    As for me, I about fell off the scale this morning!!!

    9/23/09 - no official weigh in, but a couple days later was at 227.
    9/30/09 - 227.2.

    So, instead of gaining 2 lbs it was 2/10 of a pound! Hmm, I don't really believe it and I halfway expect tomorrow to be up 2 lbs like I feel it was going to be - but that's what the scale said, so....woohoo!!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Losing steam, losing motivation...I wish I had someone to work out with...I need to exercise more, but I need the motivation & support...I am gaining it all back and I am not eating like I should...grrrr...arrrrgh! Umph! :grumble: :cry:

    Oh Please don't quit!!!! If you need to, take a break for a few days where you don't think about weight and diet and exercise AT ALL and get back with the program on Monday,then go for it, but don't quit, you'll regret it!!!

    YOU are worth the effort!!
    YOU deserve the end result!!


    YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE FOR HAVING A ROUGH PATCH!!! We all go through them and when they are over, we can get back to business and realize that we were strong enough to kick butt!!!!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member

    Stress from Mom being here helped me lose 2 pounds! Yay! AND......I ran a mile last night without stopping or walking in 13.4 minutes!!! I know that is slow, but hey...I did it running the WHOLE time!!!

    Good for you gogoleaner! 13.4 aint bad. I usually run between 11-12 and I know I used to be slower.

    Weigh in, down 1 pound, yeah!!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Losing steam, losing motivation...I wish I had someone to work out with...I need to exercise more, but I need the motivation & support...I am gaining it all back and I am not eating like I should...grrrr...arrrrgh! Umph! :grumble: :cry:

    Don't give up. I try to give myself little goals each week or month to keep it fresh. I like to run so I will say this week I will try to do another 1/2 mle or I will try to do 3 miles a little faster. I have to listen to music to keep up my motivation. It also helps to know that I get to eat more when I exercise. :tongue:
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    ok, so here I am - I TOTALLY fell off the wagon these past couple of weeks. No body's fault but my own. :mad: I haven't gained back anything really, but knowing that I could be a couple of pounds lighter - :mad: Anyway, I am feeling pretty annoyed wih myself. I haven't been able to find the umph to get up out of bed in the morning and go to the gym. My food choices have totally stunk lately and I am going through a period of "don't know, don't care". How is that for pitiful??? And I can blame nobody but myself. Even my housework has fallen behind. What's up with that???? grr.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    I get that not wanting to get in the morning. We got some cooler weather in MO this week and it makes you want to sleep in!:tongue:
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