some serious support needed. tears are falling



  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    According to BMI, Tom Cruise is overweight and so is Serena they look overweight to you?

    Don't let a number get you down, you lost 70lbs!!!!! That is incredible!

    Have your pity party today, and tomorrow get right back to feeling awesome about yourself!
  • Kap10
    Kap10 Posts: 229 Member
    If you look hard enough you will find a negative so don't look, look at the positives - you have done fabulous, you look fabulous thats what counts not some letters and charts.

    You are you and you are great.
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    I've put so much work into losing weight. I've passed up so many desserts, fast food restaurants, and tempting moments to get where I am today. I am 70 pounds lighter than I was in January 2011. Fabulous...right?? One would think so. However as I was feeling so proud and happy with myself a few days ago, I decide to check my BMI because I was positive it would tell me something wonderful such as "melanie you are amazingly healthy, all that hard work has paid off and your number BMI is 24" Ok... maybe just a number would have appeared. So guess what??? I type in my height... my weight and then my heart sinks into my stomach. My BMI is 27 and I am still in the OVERWEIGHT range. Are you kidding me??? Here I am prancing around through the world feeling sexy and fit, but I was wrong. I probably looked like a fool everytime I wore something fitting, or bragged about losing so much weight. People probably thought I was full of ****.
    so what's 15 pounds...right? WRONG. It doesn't matter if it's 15 pounds or 100 pounds. Being overweight sucks. I can't think of another word right now to describe it besides IT SUCKS!!!
    AM I feeling sorry for myself right now and making big deal out of nothing? Probably.. some might think so but to me it's something. Im upset that i'm not as far as i thought i was. I'm upset that I'm letting 15 pounds ruin my day, and obviously bringing my mood down. My depressed mood is obvious to everyone. My husband has been asking me what's wrong, I don't want him to touch me or even look at me. He is super supportive. He tells me I'm beautiful and I look amazing, which by the way he also did even when I was 218 pounds! What's wrong with me??? I need to snap out of it. easier said than done.

    Why are you letting an outdated chart define who you are?
  • drapisking
    drapisking Posts: 73 Member
    I'm 5'10" 175 and according to BMI that's borderline overweight... by not taking into account body composition it's a pretty useless tool honestly.
  • mystiedragonfly
    mystiedragonfly Posts: 189 Member
    Sexy is an attitude and a feeling. Sexy is subjective to the observer. One person's "sexy" is another persons "trashy".

    Start seeing things as body image and self esteem. Obviously you had the self esteem it took to change your body to the image you like and feel good with.

    Look in the mirror. How does THAT make you feel? THAT is the deciding factor on if you feel sexy or not. Not looking at a number on a machine.
  • Neahpata
    Neahpata Posts: 322 Member
    .Don't go by your BMI. BMI doesn't take into account heavier bones or more muscular bodies. Worry more about body fat%, how you look/feel and belly fat (which is linked more directly to obesity related illnesses.) You can have a normal BMI and still have a high amount of fat and vice versa.

    You lost 70 pounds and that is something to be proud of.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Your BMI, much like your weight, is just a number. Don't let that number define you.
  • jadeb94
    jadeb94 Posts: 13 Member
    Personally, I don't think BMI matters, you can obviously see a change in yourself, and felt much sexier and fitter than you did before! THAT is what matters!
    And people will not have thought you were stupid, when people notice someone has lost weight, they admire them for their determination and will power, they don't think hmm they could still do with losing a bit more.
    Well i'm sure some people do, but do you want to know those kinds of people?

    And also, what have you been doing exercise-wise? because if you have been building muscle, it is much denser than fat, so you will weigh more than you think, which can obviously throw your BMI off.

    Honestly, you have done so well, and I can only wish for the sort of will power you must have. Congratulations!
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    A 70 pounds loss is fantastic you should be so proud of yourself and not worry about the BMI number. Don't let something like that get you down, think of how much better you must feel. I'm sure your husband thinks your gorgous and always will no matter how much you weigh. If you want to lose more then lose it but don't lose it because of what some BMI number says.

    Hold your head high and don't worry about what others think.

    Hope you can smile again soon
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Here I am prancing around through the world feeling sexy and fit, .

    This is all you need to say, do you know how many people would give any thing to "feel" fit, to "feel" sexy. Numbers are for scientists, and doctors and people who don't feel.

    If you feel these things, you are AMAZING, don't let that slip because of a number that says you are "overweight" I still believe the BMI and all the other stupid @ss charts are wrong, you don't need to be ungodly thin to be healthy, or weigh a certiain amount to be healthy.

    Media has f*d up society so bad that you are forced to feel like a failure if your bones are sticking out.

    Chin up, I'm a real person and I'd give ALOT to look like you do, and feel like you feel, I haven't gotten there yet....that "feeling" would would be indescribable.

    Repeat the part of your quote that I put in the box over and over and over again, and if you put a "but" behind it, I will personally come over and show you what a but is. LOL

    Don't let go, find your happy, put on some happy music and get out of this funk!!!! YOU ARE WORTH IT and BEAUTIFUL!!!
  • leopard_barbie
    leopard_barbie Posts: 279 Member
    BMI is stupid. I am bordering on overweight and I don't think I'm unhealthy at all. I could stand to lose a few pounds, hence being on here, but I'm a UK size 10 (I think that's an 8 in the US but I'm not sure) which is pretty small really. I'm only 5'3" so I'm meant to weight less than taller girls but I think BMI is just a number and not worth getting upset about. You've probably gained muscle from all the working out and BMI doesn't take muscle into account at all so a lot of people who are lean but muscly are overweight according to BMI. You're doing amazing, just keep going and think how much progress you've made, don't let this get you down!
  • aba160
    aba160 Posts: 37 Member
    Yeah, BMI is a very arbitrary number. It's full of shet. I wouldn't get down on yourself about that. It doesn't take into account muscle weight.
  • lu136mickey
    lu136mickey Posts: 202
    You look great! Do not let the numbers get you down, you have done a amazing job so far and if you are happy where you are at stay there, if not continue on with what you have been doing and get to where you want to be. And I highly doubt you have made a fool of yourself telling people how much weight you have lost, or feeling good about the way you look, stay positive and you will be a healthy you!!!!
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I'm within 10 lbs of getting my top few abs to show. I'm pushing for 220 lbs. at 10% body fat and feel like I'm within a month or two of reaching this goal.

    My BMI is about 29. Apparently I'm nearly obese. LOL
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    Ya'll made me smile!! DId I just say Ya'll?? I'm from CA, we don't say Ya'll!! hahaha.. ok at least I'm laughing now. I don't know any of you, but you are all really the greatest support EVER!! Thank you
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    Many extremely fit (and sexy) competitive athletes have "overweight" or even "obese" BMIs. I don't normally recommend Fox News, but this is an excellent article that sums up a study on the BMIs of athletes, and how an "overweight" BMI does not always mean "fat"!,2933,149807,00.html
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    I know you have heard this over and over but these are just numbers. A major part of any weight loss journey is how you feel. Do you feel healthy? Do you feel sexy? You did until you read a number. Its a number. Yes BMI is important. But until you checked were feeling on top of the world and were more than likely ready to workout a minutes notice because of how you felt not what your BMI said. I hate scales. I hate measurements. I hate BMI. I go by how I feel and how my body looks. Yes I do occassionly check these...all of them as a gauge...nothing more. You have done an amazing job! Dont let a simple number take that away!
  • Prayforya
    Prayforya Posts: 68 Member
    My Zumba instructor who is fabulously fit and fine is "Overweight" according to her BMI index. SERIOUSLY. I wish I could show you a picture, she looks like she belongs in one of the Instructional DVDs. When she told me that my jaw dropped, she explained that the BMI didn't take into account her lean muscle vs fat ratio or anything. All it does is compute estimates based on height and weight. Not saying it doesn't count for something, but it surely doesn't count for EVERYthing, definitely not worth it to derail the awesome weight loss you've experienced or the loving husband who thinks you're fabulous!! Accentuate the positives!
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    The BMI is a pile of crap! It's a bogus indicator of health and needs to go away.
  • ediesmommy
    ediesmommy Posts: 76
    Do you remember what it was like to haul around 218lbs every day? You need to step back, and breath, and remember what 218 felt like... and think about why 218 was not where you wanted to be. How did you feel BEFORE you checked the BMI chart? Beautiful? Accomplished? Proud? Damn right you did! Losing 5lbs is a BIG DEAL... but you lost 70!! 70 POUNDS!! Pull out your scale, and gather 70lbs worth of food from your kitchen and PILE IT ON THE SCALE! You have made a MAJOR accomplishment in your life. Stand back, look at that RIDICULOUSLY large pile of stuff on your scale and say, "Hey!! I lost ALL of that!!"

    Then, tell the BMI chart to kiss your (considerably smaller) *kitten*, and decide what to do next. Are you going to be happy where you are, and work at maintaining it, or are you going to try and lose a few more pounds? Talk to your doctor. Get another opinion aside from your husband. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, and you deserve to be happy with what you have accomplished.

    Then, burn the damn chart.