What is the best thing about losing weight for you?



  • Jugie12
    Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
    My skin looks so much better!
    I get to wear cute clothes
    Confidence boost
    My man is more excited about me
  • Getting off some of my diabetes medicine! Hopefully one day I will be off of it for good. Everyone on my moms side of the family has diabetes and they act like it is nothing. They all eat like crap and just take more insulin and then complain that they "don't feel well." I was diagnosed with diabetes when I was 22 years old. Growing up around a family that all had it and didn't care, didn't teach me anything except to be the same as them. I'm going on 28 now and I realized that I don't want to be like them and I don't have to. In Feb I joined the gym and started caring. I realized that I can't rely on other people to show me how to live. I have to do it for myself. I have lost 25lbs and still going. I'm off 1 medication out of the 3 that I'm on for it. In 1 month my numbers had gone down dramatically. I have a check up appointment next month and I'm hoping for more good news!

    I would also like to find this "energy" stuff that everyone keeps talking about. I'm still always tired but I keep on going.

    By the way, i LOVE your answer. You have a hard road but you have taken the BEST attitude. I'm totally cheering for you! I'm insulin resistant so sadly i'll never go off my meds completely but i am on the lowest dosage possible because of my weight-loss. Keep fighting for your best life possible, it's so worth it!!

    I haven't really talked to my doctor about my weight loss goals and what is possible for me medicine wise. I am pretty sure that I got diabetes from being over weight. It also runs on both sides of my family so, I'm a little screwed there lol But as of right now my goal is to drop 100lbs and to be off the majority of my meds. My doctor has me on Actos, Lantus and Byetta for my diabetes. I stopped taking my Byetta without talking to him. Yes trust me I know that was a very STUPID idea that I shouldn't mess with my medicine like that I'm not the doctor lol. I haven't taking it in a couple weeks and my numbers are looking good. I just need to find a balance with snacks. It is hard enough to lose weight being just overweight but adding diabetes on top of it you have to be extra careful. You have to watch the calories, carbs and sugars most importantly. I wake up during the week around 5 and have breakfast around 6-6:30. Mainly cereal cause that is the easiest but I get hungry again by 8. I need a good stuff that will keep me full for longer.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    Feeling better about myself.
  • Definitely gaining confidence. And being able to rock sexy clothes without being afraid everyone is calling me a sea cow. :D

    Also when I eat better my skin gets nice and clear. I barely have to wear makeup.
  • africaa
    africaa Posts: 228
    Well the number one reason for me is to be healthier!
    But reason number two and what keeps me motivated? My 21st birthday which is in December! I would loveeeee to wear a nice fitted dress ..my bday is also two weeks before new years so I would love to bring in my new years the right way also! :)
  • Stpjudge
    Stpjudge Posts: 122 Member
    I LIKE the way that my empty stomach feels. I enjoy feeling lighter and I LOVE waking up hungry.
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    Having my outside reflect what's on the inside--feeling like the best version of myself that I can be. My body constantly impresses me with what it can do and I'm so proud of my accomplishments.
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    I love being able to move again and be more active. I might, maybe, be getting a waist again! Fitting in old clothes also doesn't hurt. I still have a long way to go.
  • RedFeffer
    RedFeffer Posts: 25 Member
    throwing all my clothes in the dryer and not worrying about them shrinking!

    And sometimes throwing them in the dryer hoping that they might shrink a little since now they're too big! :happy:

    This made me laugh out loud... please favourite jeans... SHRINK!!!
  • jolarocknrolla
    jolarocknrolla Posts: 236 Member
    I haven't really talked to my doctor about my weight loss goals and what is possible for me medicine wise. I am pretty sure that I got diabetes from being over weight. It also runs on both sides of my family so, I'm a little screwed there lol But as of right now my goal is to drop 100lbs and to be off the majority of my meds. My doctor has me on Actos, Lantus and Byetta for my diabetes. I stopped taking my Byetta without talking to him. Yes trust me I know that was a very STUPID idea that I shouldn't mess with my medicine like that I'm not the doctor lol. I haven't taking it in a couple weeks and my numbers are looking good. I just need to find a balance with snacks. It is hard enough to lose weight being just overweight but adding diabetes on top of it you have to be extra careful. You have to watch the calories, carbs and sugars most importantly. I wake up during the week around 5 and have breakfast around 6-6:30. Mainly cereal cause that is the easiest but I get hungry again by 8. I need a good stuff that will keep me full for longer.

    girl, please talk to your doc just to make sure - sounds like you know that right? right. Yes, w/ blood sugar issues breakfast is important, getting a good protein in there will help keep your sugars even thought the day and help a little w/ your energy too - i reccommend eating hardboiled eggs! Hardboiled eggs can easily be prepared once a week, just do the whole dozen and you can have them in the mornings when you don't have time to eat in the mornings. Some people eat just the egg-whites but i eat the whole egg, do whatever works best for you and what you feel comfortable with ... egg whites are great for adding protein without many cals or fat too if you have issues w/ keeping your stats in line (adding to salads is nice for adding taste and interest, as are a few nuts or sunflower seeds).
  • divamsm
    divamsm Posts: 79 Member
    I've been dieting since January and have only lost 10 lbs. I've gotten over the disappointment of the scale not moving and realize that the muscle I'm building weighs more than fat. It is coming off soooooo sssslllllloooooooooowwwwwwlllllllyyyyy but I guess that's better than it not coming off at all. So, with that said.....

    I'm enjoying being able to wear my old jean, which were skin tight over my workout shorts and you can't tell the shorts are there so when I get to dance class, I can just slip off my jeans.

    I'm enjoying being able to wear sleeveless and short sleeve tops that show off the definition I'm getting in my arms.

    I love being able to wear all the shorts I had in my drawer that wouldn't button or that looked like I had camel-toe....lol. They fit the way they're supposed to now.

    I love being able to turn down cake and other junk and not feeling bad about it, and without secretly wishing I could sneak a piece or two, not because I have to, but because I really don't want it!

    I feel sexier.

    I feel healthier.

    I'm more confident.
  • jules0516
    jules0516 Posts: 158
    Finally being able to lose the weight I'd been saying for years I wanted to lose, dropping a pants size, lowering total cholesterol to 140, triglycerides to 74, cutting my diabetes meds (hope to be able to eliminate them soon...) At 71, it's about time..., but better late than never.

    At 71! You are amazing!
  • lvpthemvp
    lvpthemvp Posts: 266 Member
  • iamers
    iamers Posts: 74
    Knowing that I have done it myself with no gimicks or quick fixes!
  • Aquaduckie
    Aquaduckie Posts: 115
    controlling and reversing the diabetes. had it, took meds, it got better, no longer have it or take meds for it. everything else is just gravy
    Good for you! Way to take control of your life!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Better health and improved confidence
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    Piece of mind!!!!!
    Peace of mind!!!!
  • Xcieg
    Xcieg Posts: 1
    I have always had an aspiration to be a police officer. By losing weight, I may be able to realize my dreams. Feeling better, and being able to do more physical activity.
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    For me - realizing that 38 yrs old is just the start of my life, not cruising towards the end of it. I was a fat girl in school and while growing up. I only discovered exercise and fitness in my early 30s. I'm now just a few pounds away from having a 6 pack - I never thought I'd be in THIS good of shape at my age with 2 kids. Having that newfound confidence is the best!