mini rant for those of you who "binge"



  • Lovely_Doll
    Lovely_Doll Posts: 72
    Binging is also when you eat so much that you feel uncomfortably full, when you eat even if you're not hungry, when you just keep stuffing your face for the sake of trying to fill up that empty void inside you, even if the food is something you hate. Considering that my intake is usually very low (watch me get lectured, but it's usually around 200-300, but I've increased it lately), something like 500-600 calories is A LOT for me. My last binge was at least 1500 calories and I nearly threw up (not on purpose) because of how much food I actually had in me.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    A 4-500 calorie binge is horrible. for me. I used to eat thousands of calories for emotial reasons. It has taken me years upon years and a husband who doubles as a therapist to get to where i am now. Regardless of how many calories it is, it still makes feel horrible and dirty and guilty. without the amount of self control i have built up, it would lead into a cycle of self-destructive eating. So yes, i will complain. I will feel bad. And i will pick myslf up and try again.

    Eating 500 calories extra makes me so full i could throw up. And yet i still do it. Less than i used to, but it does not make me feel any better.

    Worry about yourself, i will worry about me.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    Most of the girls who say they "binge" are already on a massive caloric deficit, when they eat anything under 1k, it is fuel that their body can USE. A real binge in terms of the disordered binge is a massive intake over which the body can naturally utilize in the course of a day, within their TDEE. So yes, a binge does have a threshold of calories before it can be considered one. The "compulsion" is not a compulsion as it is someone eating to refuel their body. A binge is a compulsive eating in which surpasses hunger AND what the body can naturally process/utilize in the course of a day, accounting for your BMR and TDEE.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    Those of us with binge-eating disorders are so used to extremes that it's hard to grasp the concept of a small binge. To me, a 400-calorie binge would be a success.

  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    just putting this out there to set the record straight; it makes my skin crawl to see some people logging a 400 calorie snack attack as a an "OMG massive, disgusting, binge." there is a DIFFERENCE between someone who overeats a few hundred cals (usually because theyre depriving themselves) and someone who gorges themselves on a few THOUSAND calories because of emotional reasons. for someone like myself who's had 3k-5k emotional and horribly compulsive binges, its a slap in the face when i see people who call these ~under 1000 calorie meals~ "binges." its just overeating. i feel like theyre totally misinformed, saying they have a problem that is actually very serious for other people.

    am i crazy or am i right? i see it time and time again.....

    I don't agree. For me, a binge is very much emotionally defined. If I feel like uncontrollably eating 400 calories of cheese or peanut butter, or 1500 calories of healthy food in one sitting and feel the usual guilty, self-hating feelings after either, I qualify them both as a binge. Sure there's a difference in calories consumed, but not in the psychological aspect.

    I hate when people try to own eating disorders and make them exclusive, like when you can't be considered "anorexic" if you have a healthy BMI.

    And I think it's very telling if you (and anyone else who feels the same as you) are offended by other people having a "small" binge, I think that comes from your illness as well, because when I was bulimic I would probably agree with that, but now that I'm recovered, my perspective has changed.
  • amy12321
    amy12321 Posts: 57 Member
    Binges are different for everyone. Just because someone else has it worse, it doesn't make the other person's insignificant. Everyone's here to try and become healthier so all of our questions and problems are valid.
  • masmagra
    masmagra Posts: 1 Member
    I agree with what most have said, there is no minimum calorie amount to define a binge.

    Its the fact that you're eating your emotions, not out of hunger, just because you are bored/angry... Usually my binges are towards high sugar choices which I restrict due to health issues. They are stupid and uncontrolled and always happen when Im nervous abt something.

    Everyone is different and you shouldnt compare your binges to others or be affected by the fact that your binges are more calorie dense. In the end whethere its a 500 cal binge or a 2000, if it was uncontrolled, rapid, and makes you feel nauseated/sick/guilty, I consider it a binge and dont judge others definitions.
  • sarahsxt
    sarahsxt Posts: 66
    Aww I'm the same. My binges are 3k-5k. I am phasing them out of my life, though! I don't really get mad when people say "OMG i just ate 800 calories in one meal", I just think, I hope that will be my binges one day, because it is much healthier!
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    just putting this out there to set the record straight; it makes my skin crawl to see some people logging a 400 calorie snack attack as a an "OMG massive, disgusting, binge." there is a DIFFERENCE between someone who overeats a few hundred cals (usually because theyre depriving themselves) and someone who gorges themselves on a few THOUSAND calories because of emotional reasons. for someone like myself who's had 3k-5k emotional and horribly compulsive binges, its a slap in the face when i see people who call these ~under 1000 calorie meals~ "binges." its just overeating. i feel like theyre totally misinformed, saying they have a problem that is actually very serious for other people.

    am i crazy or am i right? i see it time and time again.....

    Ahh, you bring out the schoolteacher in me... :wink:

    Look in your dictionary for the's a period or bout of over-indulgence. Nothing about the number of calories consumed, or that using this term lightly is likely to offend others.

    I agree with the posters who say that it is about the loss of self-control and not the calories consumed. That is one valuable tool that I have picked up from MFP - is that I need to be cognizant of what is going in my mouth. And when I listen to my body (admittedly sometimes I ignore its pleas) I do feel self-loathing regarding my lack of control. I would hazard a guess that many are on this site - because they have come to the same self-realization that they have "issues" with food.

    For me, it has nothing to do with the amount over...whether 50 calories over - or 500 over. Lack of self-control with food is MY issue.

    I looked at your picture you have posted - and you are very thin. If you are having 3-5k binges, you have some *serious* issues with food. And probably best for you not to be demeaning others - and even perhaps a good idea to seek help.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Lovely_Doll
    Lovely_Doll Posts: 72
    I hate when people try to own eating disorders and make them exclusive, like when you can't be considered "anorexic" if you have a healthy BMI.

    About the anorexia comment, usually to be classified as anorexic you have to have a BMI lower than 18.5 and there's also the loss of your period. That's why there's EDNOS, for people that might be anorexic in the sense that they starve themselves but still have a healthy BMI/still have not lost their period.
  • bleacheblonde
    bleacheblonde Posts: 333
    I kind of agree with you, and I think part of it has to do with people just loosely using the term "binge" and not thinking about the actual meaning or clinical definition of it. And since you actually suffer from binge eating disorder, you are probably hyper-aware of people mentioning a word that describes something which has the power to control your life.

    I think of like OCD...I suffer from OCD (and believe me, sometimes "suffer" is just the tip of the iceberg), so I really really hate it when people say things like "I'm really OCD about that" when they talk about cleaning their house or counting their calories or arranging their closet. Cleaning a lot or avoiding germs or thousands of other behaviors ranging from casual to a little over-the-top do NOT constitute having OCD, and it's pretty insulting to people who really have OCD when others just throw around the term like it's a common and casual thing. Some say I'm being oversenitive, but I think a lot of people in this world are UNDERsensitive. And you never know what silent problems people all around you are suffering from.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    just putting this out there to set the record straight; it makes my skin crawl to see some people logging a 400 calorie snack attack as a an "OMG massive, disgusting, binge." there is a DIFFERENCE between someone who overeats a few hundred cals (usually because theyre depriving themselves) and someone who gorges themselves on a few THOUSAND calories because of emotional reasons. for someone like myself who's had 3k-5k emotional and horribly compulsive binges, its a slap in the face when i see people who call these ~under 1000 calorie meals~ "binges." its just overeating. i feel like theyre totally misinformed, saying they have a problem that is actually very serious for other people.

    am i crazy or am i right? i see it time and time again.....

    Personally I don't think you are right and saying that someone who feels that for them 800 calories is a binge makes your skin crawl is really saying something about your personality and how you view other people in the world.
  • :ohwell: quite simply what does it matter what anyone else says?
    Why get on your high horse about someone elses journey??
    Have you nothing better to do with your time than compose posts called 'mini rants'?
    I am sure MFP is a supportive tool, used to support each other not pull each other to pieces!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I hate when people try to own eating disorders and make them exclusive, like when you can't be considered "anorexic" if you have a healthy BMI.

    About the anorexia comment, usually to be classified as anorexic you have to have a BMI lower than 18.5 and there's also the loss of your period. That's why there's EDNOS, for people that might be anorexic in the sense that they starve themselves but still have a healthy BMI/still have not lost their period.

    The point is, writing someone's illness off because they don't match clinical definitions is offensive in my opinion. Thanks for being an example of what I was talking about.
  • A lot of people who are saying there's no difference between a 500 calorie snack and a 5000 caloric binge is grossly mistaken and should reconsider/educate themselves on what Binge Eating Disorder really is. People who say they binge on 500 calories are insulting those who really struggle from the disorder.

    Agreed. I would admit that I suffer from BED and I actually am seeking treatment for it within the next couple of weeks. It is not something one can just control. And yes... it does irk me when someone is agonizing over a 400 calorie "indulgence" where I wish I could just stop there. For me it's upwards of 5,000 calories later, bloated face, calling in sick to work that I can truly diagnose it as a binge. Perhaps OP could've been more specific as to how much she actually suffers with binging but I don't believe she owes any of us that. She was just venting a little frustration and I'm just going to defend her and her feelings because they are justified.
  • katemme
    katemme Posts: 191
    I hate when people try to own eating disorders and make them exclusive, like when you can't be considered "anorexic" if you have a healthy BMI.

    About the anorexia comment, usually to be classified as anorexic you have to have a BMI lower than 18.5 and there's also the loss of your period. That's why there's EDNOS, for people that might be anorexic in the sense that they starve themselves but still have a healthy BMI/still have not lost their period.

    Yep! My psychologist says I fit into this category. I fit the majority the criteria except that I am in the normal weight for my height. But I still don't get my TOM, have horrible body image, and restrict.
  • BiscuitsNDavy
    BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member
    Everyone seems to be forgetting the major fact that most everyone on this site is eating at a deficit. If eating 500 cals over your BMR, for argument sake, is 1600, then a 900cal intake over that would be "over-indulgence". Someone on a foolish ABC/HCG diet, whos eating 500 cals/day, and then eats 900cals is NOT over-indulgence, it is providing energy and nutrients your body NEEDS.
  • Lovely_Doll
    Lovely_Doll Posts: 72
    I hate when people try to own eating disorders and make them exclusive, like when you can't be considered "anorexic" if you have a healthy BMI.

    About the anorexia comment, usually to be classified as anorexic you have to have a BMI lower than 18.5 and there's also the loss of your period. That's why there's EDNOS, for people that might be anorexic in the sense that they starve themselves but still have a healthy BMI/still have not lost their period.

    The point is, writing someone's illness off because they don't match clinical definitions is offensive in my opinion. Thanks for being an example of what I was talking about.

    I was only stating, sorry if I offended. :/ I have an eating disorder but I know I'm not classified as anorexic. I've got EDNOS and it sure as hell doesn't make it any less serious.
  • After reading some of these replies, I cannot leave this thread without posting.

    I agree with you. 100%. I am trying to recover from a cyclical combination of binge eating/restricting/over exercising and, sure, sometimes I have what I call "mini binges" which are usually 1000 calories or so, but that's not REALLY a binge.

    When I binge, it is usually late at night or early in the morning and the binges I am recovering from are routinely 2000-3000 calories, and sometimes even more. I've had 5000 calorie binges before! THOSE are binges. Binge eating is defined as consuming large quantities of food in a short period of time. A 500 calorie "splurge" for a snack when you usually have a 200 calorie snack is hardly a binge, it's a treat, MAYBE an overeat, but not a binge.

    When my "binges" are down to 500 calories, I'll be pleased. :(
  • Lost_Mermaid
    Lost_Mermaid Posts: 136
    i struggle with emotional binges of thousands of calories, but i still get angry with myself if i go over what i planned for the day...even if its only a couple hundred calories, because either way ive failed to control myself