Couch-to-5K - Who's In?



  • ryliejaiden
    ryliejaiden Posts: 68
    ME! I'm starting tomorrow and I've heard so many great things, I can't wait!
  • brandneweyesnd
    I'm about to start week 5 - its really good :-) getting hard, but thats a good thing! x
  • cartwoman
    cartwoman Posts: 64
    I'm just not sure what to do when it's raining. I do not have access to a treadmill.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do about my sore knees? I am also doing 30DS (Level 2, Day 5 or 6) 5 days a week, a Faithful Fitness video on T, Th and walks (not scheduled).

    You run in the rain ;) Trust me, I started 3 weeks ago and I'm now doing the 3rd week of c25k and I'm also doing 30ds (level 2, day 5) and I go running regardless of the weather. I actually find it nicer to run when it's raining since it will cool me off.
    My knee gets sore too, since I have no cartilage any more and I've been told that my knee is slowly grinding away :/ However, building up muscle has helped it a lot. If you get sore, run a bit slower. This is not a speed competition, it's all about endurance first. I am going as slow as a snail, but I make sure that I keep jogging for the running periods. Good running shoes also do wonders for bad knees :)
  • jumptothebeat
    jumptothebeat Posts: 71 Member
    I will join you and will start on Sunday too! I will friends request you if that's ok so that I we can keep track together!

    Hope your race today went well!
  • MrsFairycake
    MrsFairycake Posts: 15 Member
    I'm on week 3, just about to move to wk4 providing the injuries hold off this time!

    I'm running on the treadmill at the moment, so that if I feel the tendonitis kicking off again I can just stop and go home, although I'm really missing running in the fresh air - not sure it's all that successful on the injury prevention front either, as my ankle feels horribly tight today :(
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    It's GREAT! I started it... finished it.... Loved it... i am now a runner! My desire has become my reality... you CAN do it, too! Enjoy ;)
  • Shellbell1774
    I'm in! I started Week 1 yesterday.
  • nmullins81
    nmullins81 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in! I an on Week 1, Day 2 and am loving it! I do find that my knees are a bit sore. I have had significant knee issues over the years and had surgery on my left knee about 3 years ago. I am NOT a runner! My plans are to go to our local track on M, W, F to do the C25K. I'm just not sure what to do when it's raining. I do not have access to a treadmill.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do about my sore knees? I am also doing 30DS (Level 2, Day 5 or 6) 5 days a week, a Faithful Fitness video on T, Th and walks (not scheduled).

    Don't over do it, but keep going. Your knees will build up strength and this will probably be good for them in the long run. Listen to your body- by now you should know the difference between strained hurt and building hurt. Do your leg lifts that they recommended after your surgery as part of your cool-down too. Another thing to look at would be your shoes. If you have a high end athletic shoe store (I have Fleet Feet and Varsity Sports in my area) go by there and get them to do a free assessment of your walking style to help you get the correct shoes for your walk/run style.
  • dreamingchild
    dreamingchild Posts: 208 Member
    I'm just not sure what to do when it's raining. I do not have access to a treadmill.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do about my sore knees? I am also doing 30DS (Level 2, Day 5 or 6) 5 days a week, a Faithful Fitness video on T, Th and walks (not scheduled).

    You run in the rain ;) Trust me, I started 3 weeks ago and I'm now doing the 3rd week of c25k and I'm also doing 30ds (level 2, day 5) and I go running regardless of the weather. I actually find it nicer to run when it's raining since it will cool me off.
    My knee gets sore too, since I have no cartilage any more and I've been told that my knee is slowly grinding away :/ However, building up muscle has helped it a lot. If you get sore, run a bit slower. This is not a speed competition, it's all about endurance first. I am going as slow as a snail, but I make sure that I keep jogging for the running periods. Good running shoes also do wonders for bad knees :)

    thanks for this....i have a dream that someday i'll be able to run in a race...but running kills me, i can't breath is the main problem. I don't have asma (can't spell) but i just get outta breath and then i feel like i'm going to throw up. but i still have the dream....maybe i can do with with you all and the great advice. any advise on how to breath during running? is there some kinda "secret" that will help me learn this??
  • cartwoman
    cartwoman Posts: 64

    thanks for this....i have a dream that someday i'll be able to run in a race...but running kills me, i can't breath is the main problem. I don't have asma (can't spell) but i just get outta breath and then i feel like i'm going to throw up. but i still have the dream....maybe i can do with with you all and the great advice. any advise on how to breath during running? is there some kinda "secret" that will help me learn this??

    I struggled with my breathing too. I sounded like a horse that was about to die ;) I tend to force myself to breath slower. I inhale through my nose and exhale out of my mouth and do this in a steady flow, or at least I try the best I can. It does get better, but your whole body will have to adept. Small steps and if you have to stop now and again to get your breathing under control, then just listen to your body.
  • mincefille
    mincefille Posts: 1
    I've thought of doing this on my own, but it would be good to have company!
  • omearaee
    omearaee Posts: 35 Member
    Well I'm new to this but I think I would love to give this program a try. I hope it gets me moving in more ways than one.
  • abigailmariecs
    abigailmariecs Posts: 192 Member
    I am in! I just finished week one on Friday. My plan is to get all the way through week three then try back at week one with the kids. On Week one Day one I attempted to take my 21 mo old and my 9 mo old with me as they must do everything with me (stay at home mom) I got about half way through day one and realized I had to stop or there was no way I would be able to make it back to the house. I was very upset and almost quit, decided to kick myself and not allow failure, now I run back and forth on our tile floor in the living room and when I can get to it early enough in the backyard. I live in AZ, its to hot outside after about 11 to run in my current physical condition yet.
  • Mar1l1ze
    Mar1l1ze Posts: 16
    I did D1W1 today at gym :)
  • TashiTashi
    TashiTashi Posts: 3
    Just finished Week1 Day1 tonight. I`m hoping to be able to stick with it this time, I got to Week 3 last time before an unrelated injury sidelined me.
  • shiobeh
    shiobeh Posts: 12
    I just started this today and it was such a great feeling! I didn't know I could last that long but hey, I did and it was a feat for me. My advice is don't push yourself too hard at first. I started my jogging slowly and built my pace from there, but I didn't put too much speed because if I did, I might not be able to finish the whole 20 minutes. My main goal is to build up my endurance, I guess speed would come after. Looking forward to my day 2. Let's all go for it!
  • ell_jay
    ell_jay Posts: 68
    I'd like to join also please! I NEED some support and motivation to start; might start tomorrow (if I'm confident enough to run outside on my own =/)

    Any friend requests are welcome and appreciated! :D I'll support you if you support me x
  • mirfan25
    mirfan25 Posts: 45
    i've been thinking of trying this for a while now... would love to be able to run!! OK, I'll do it :-) starting tomorrow :-)
  • santosateos
    santosateos Posts: 49
    I'm so in!
    I'll start on Monday, thanks for posting this! :D
  • BexleyGirl
    BexleyGirl Posts: 102
    Count me in too......have tried to do it before but never finished......will start day 1 today.