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  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    well i had one of those days today (and kind of yesterday too...)
    i managed to get myself back on track tonight and went out for a 30 min run. better late than never! and it did wonders for my mood. love that endorphin rush.

    just wish my spandex running tights weren't going baggy (and not because i am getting any smaller unfortunatey, they are just old)

    one more hour to go and i hit the target. maybe power yoga tomorrow. we'll see.
    i'm also thinking of checking out the taekwondo club on sunday.

    keep up the good work everyone!
    we rule.
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    ok... I'm a day late but here is my check in! (I usually do it on Thursdays)

    Starting: 214.8
    Starting weight w/ Team Yellow: 205.4
    Current weight: 204.4

    I'm getting closer and closer to being under 200!!! I'm so excited!! I'm 14 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. That is so so cool!
  • Hi ladies I would like to join as well. Today I've done 30 mins on the treadmill at the gym. Managed to get up to 3 mph for 5 mins. I would have done strength training but since hubby worked all night I had to be home for our 3 yr old so he could get some sleep LOL. I guess I'll get my strength in bowling tonight.:laugh:
    Starting weight: 250
    current weight:246
    Goal weight:150.
  • ja2009
    ja2009 Posts: 60
    . While my soon to be 2 year old son was at Parent's Day out,I got like 2 hours of execrise in yesterday . I walked about a half a mile to the park near by. I had a midmorning snack, rested for like 30 minutes, then did 20 minutes of strength training. During my strength training, I did knee pushups, situps, tricep dips on a pinic bench, crunches. After my strength training session, I rested for 20 minutes. Then, I did like 3-30 minutes laps around the park,( it is about 1 and an half mile walk around the whole park.) Then I had Lunch, and then walked back to my son's Parents day out. Altogether, I walk about 5 miles yestersday.
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    . While my soon to be 2 year old son was at Parent's Day out,I got like 2 hours of execrise in yesterday . I walked about a half a mile to the park near by. I had a midmorning snack, rested for like 30 minutes, then did 20 minutes of strength training. During my strength training, I did knee pushups, situps, tricep dips on a pinic bench, crunches. After my strength training session, I rested for 20 minutes. Then, I did like 3-30 minutes laps around the park,( it is about 1 and an half mile walk around the whole park.) Then I had Lunch, and then walked back to my son's Parents day out. Altogether, I walk about 5 miles yestersday.

    wow!! that is amazing! awesome job!!
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    Hi ladies I would like to join as well. Today I've done 30 mins on the treadmill at the gym. Managed to get up to 3 mph for 5 mins. I would have done strength training but since hubby worked all night I had to be home for our 3 yr old so he could get some sleep LOL. I guess I'll get my strength in bowling tonight.:laugh:
    Starting weight: 250
    current weight:246
    Goal weight:150.

    that is awesome!!! keep it up! I think lifting your 3 year old (if you did) counts as some strength training! I have a 9 month old and he is the bulk of my strength training! lol
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    I just did the 2 mile walk with Leslie Sansone on Exercise TV.. so that is my exercise for the day. It was 30 minutes. I don't want to push myself. I'm a flight attendant and I work today.. So I'll get some exercise today just by working! Dragging that bag, serving drinks (balancing the tray), work on my balance during turbulence, lifting bags into the overhead bins... etc... OH.. and my lungs will get a big work out! All that talking on the P.A.!! lol. I'm flying to Providence tonight and Los Angeles tomorrow!!
  • dartboarddiva
    dartboarddiva Posts: 117 Member
    Went to boot camp this morning. Really tough workout exercise called the blackout game. It was much, much different from the blackout game I played years ago in college! LOL -- just kidding. It was a tough, tough, workout, followed by abs workout. Thank heaven for ibuprofen!
  • ja2009
    ja2009 Posts: 60
    . While my soon to be 2 year old son was at Parent's Day out,I got like 2 hours of execrise in yesterday . I walked about a half a mile to the park near by. I had a midmorning snack, rested for like 30 minutes, then did 20 minutes of strength training. During my strength training, I did knee pushups, situps, tricep dips on a pinic bench, crunches. After my strength training session, I rested for 20 minutes. Then, I did like 3-30 minutes laps around the park,( it is about 1 and an half mile walk around the whole park.) Then I had Lunch, and then walked back to my son's Parents day out. Altogether, I walk about 5 miles yestersday.

    wow!! that is amazing! awesome job!!
    Thanks. I am defiently feeling it today, though. My whole body has been sore all day.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Hey everyone - I've been quiet this week, but I've enjoyed reading everyone's posts. It's been a really tough week for me (mental/emotional issues unrelated to trying to lose weight), but I'm thankful I've gotten through the week and I'm about to go workout. I'm actually looking forward to it!! :smile: I've stuck to my food plan this week and am pretty proud of myself. Dinner tonight was really good - garlic lemon Tilapia, mixed-greens salad with cucumbers and lite dressing, and some low-sodium V8. I had a small glass of wine and small piece of brie cheese for dessert... it is Friday after all (and I had the room in my food plan)! I look forward to weighing in (Sunday or Monday?) and seeing where I'm at. I think the weather's supposed to be okay this weekend (fall is definitely here though!) so I'm hoping to get some good walks in while the weather is still nice.

    I think the biggest "lesson" for me this week has been remembering to measure everything. I'm amazed how how much I typically eat compared to real portion sizes. (Of course that's changing now!)
  • Can I join? I have tried joining some other teams, ones that are much bigger and farther along, and I always feel like I don't quite fit in! I am very shy, so it is hard for me to break into a group that has already been going for a long time.

    Today was my Uncle's birthday -- I did the best I could with dinner (take-out from Old Chicago), and didn't have any cake, just a dollop of ice cream...but I am still over my calories by 300. And I couldn't work out today, because I'm crazy sick! :sick: I work with kids so I catch EVERYTHING.

    Anyways! Here's my info:

    Starting Weight: 189lbs
    Starting Size: 14/16
    Goal Weight: 125lbs

    Exercise: I love racewalking and am trying to make myself like pilates. :laugh:
  • Sunsama
    Sunsama Posts: 100 Member
    Can I join? I have tried joining some other teams, ones that are much bigger and farther along, and I always feel like I don't quite fit in! I am very shy, so it is hard for me to break into a group that has already been going for a long time.

    Today was my Uncle's birthday -- I did the best I could with dinner (take-out from Old Chicago), and didn't have any cake, just a dollop of ice cream...but I am still over my calories by 300. And I couldn't work out today, because I'm crazy sick! :sick: I work with kids so I catch EVERYTHING.

    Anyways! Here's my info:

    Starting Weight: 189lbs
    Starting Size: 14/16
    Goal Weight: 125lbs

    Exercise: I love racewalking and am trying to make myself like pilates. :laugh:

    Welcome! I hope you feel welcome here =)

    I totally made my first home made, nonboxed dinner last night, and it was bangin, if I do say so myself! :happy: But I totally slacked on exercising! :sad: I work 9 hour days so I only workout on my days off, but I didn't yesterday. I'm suuuuch a slacker! hehe. And I'm going out of town this weekend and visiting friends and stuff, so I know I'm gonna be bad XP I'll totally have to pick the ball back up next week though.
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    yesterday was a super crazy busy day, but i got in a super brisk 30 min walk in the evening.
    my boyfriend and i were rushing to get to the theatre to see Zombieland, which was briliant. so funny. you should all go see it.

    having a lazy day today, but hopefully will manage to drag myself off to the gym for an hour a bit later on.

    hope you're all having a fab weekend!
  • I had a really good week...jogged 4 x this week and followed my calories to a T..and only lost 1 lbs..I must admit I am a little disappointed but sometimes I only have good losses every 2 weeks.Tomorrow I am jogging the 5 k run for the cure, and looking forward to it!!
  • how do I join what do I do ? Does everyone have their own meal plans?workouts?ahhh help plz
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Hi Debbie, all you have to do is say you want to join and post your starting weight and the person who started the team (hurleycutie142) will add you to her spreadsheet. We're all doing our own "thing" - food/exercise, etc. but there will be weekly challenges that are posed to the group and weekly check-ins. It's mostly a group where we can support and encourage each other and help each other hold ourselves accountable. :smile:

    I think either Sunday or Monday is the check-in day; the group started this last Monday, so we haven't been through a full week yet...
  • Sunsama
    Sunsama Posts: 100 Member
    So I know officially have great motivation to lose weight: I'm gonna be going on a Caribbean cruise Nov 1st!! I'm soo stoked!! Now if I can just lose ten pounds before I go.... :tongue:
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    So I know officially have great motivation to lose weight: I'm gonna be going on a Caribbean cruise Nov 1st!! I'm soo stoked!! Now if I can just lose ten pounds before I go....

    LUCKY YOU! A Caribbean cruise sounds fabulous. It's always good to have something concrete for motivation.

    I managed to get myself to the gym yday despite a slow start. 30 mins elliptical followed by 25 on the recumbant bike. Sweated tons and that made me feel pretty good... if a bit gross too.

    Weighed myself this morning... 150.5 lbs
    That's up 1.5 on last week, I'm a bit miffed, but like I said, it was just one of those weeks.

    I'm thinking of checking out the taekwondo club at college today, but I'm a bit nervous too... they do 2 hr workouts!
  • k thanks I think I did post everything or maybe I did It wrong :huh:
  • Welcome Debbie! :smile:

    Wow, Sunsama -- A cruise! Lucky girl! If I lose enough weight to be tiny, maybe you could take me in your suitcase... :flowerforyou:

    Tae kwan do sounds pretty cool, Nehptune! You could at least try it out, and if you don't like it, or if it is just too much, decide not to continue. I always think it's a good idea to at least try something you are interested in!

    Still sick. No walking again today. 'Rents want me to go to the doctor...but I hate it, so I probably won't. I'll get better on my own. I always do! :laugh:
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