Should I attempt a Zumba class?



  • 2gabbee
    2gabbee Posts: 374 Member
    Zumba is so much fun you forget your exercising. Try Zumba Gold if its offered in your area. Great for beginners and slower paced. If not go to the original zumba class. It takes about a month to learn some of the routines, A good instructor will continue with some of the favorites and change up a few so not boring & still a challenge for the ones who have been going awhile. Don't be afraid to ask for help after class or before the next class starts. Beginners ask me all the time, I was once new also wanting them to succeed also. Being up front helps you can see more and catch on easier. I watch the instructor only time I'm watching someone else is if I'm helping or counting so they can learn the routines. Check out Zumba toning using light weights and aqua zumba which is water aerobics. list classes by city & states. Try out different instructors until you find one you like. Prices varies also. If I pay by the month works out to 4.00 a class. If I drop in on a class it's 5.00. Not all places allow drop in so check first. Some charge up to 12.00 a class. Community colleges,churches, and fitness clubs are teaching zumba now. Check out & zumba utube for free routines. or search zumba for instructors showing routines to get a feel for the steps. Classes you get to network with others. We laugh so hard I have come close to peeing my pants. There a few of us that are class clowns it lightens up the quiet classes and beginners relax . Have fun!! I have lost inches and my bum has lifted!
  • reharvrun
    reharvrun Posts: 31
    YES!!!!!! I teach a similiar class and I burn approx 550 cals an hour! It has toned my body as I lost my 45lbs!!! It's wonderful!!!!
  • cbaac03
    cbaac03 Posts: 152
    Zumba is tons of fun!! No one is perfect the whole class through. Just keep moving and have fun with it! An hour long class goes by so fast and you burn a ton of calories.
  • 2gabbee
    2gabbee Posts: 374 Member
    By the way if you do mess up we call that modifying many of us have injuries or medical issues so no one says anything . Instructor will tell you keep moving!
  • AnissaAndrews
    AnissaAndrews Posts: 29 Member
    YouTube has some videos that show the basic moves--so you could "practice" before going! :)
  • srhfshr
    srhfshr Posts: 13 Member
    Having read your question and quite a few of the responses, I have to say "Yes!!! Go for it!"

    I had wanted to try Zumba for quite some time but lacked coordination. The gyms around me didn't have the class and I didn't want to drive that far and pay for the classes. I had a treadmill, some videos, and some weights at home so I was doing fine working out.

    My friend found a gym about 2 miles from my house with really cheap drop-in rates for classes...I didn't have to join the gym to go to class. There went my excuses. My friend wanted to start working out, needed something fun, and wanted moral support. Now that all my excuses (except lacking coordination) were gone I couldn't say no especially since my friend wanted me to go. I quickly became addicted and have started going more frequently than she does! I absolutely love it. My coordination still isn't the best but I have fun and get a great workout each time I go.
  • faithinhim2
    faithinhim2 Posts: 5 Member
    I love zumba - I do it 4 times a week... along with eating right... into my 2nd week.
    don't worry if people are looking at you funny
    noone is looking they are trying to get the moves too.
    Win win situation... and I burned 500 calories in 1 hr... yay!!!

  • I would say go for it. Zumba is a very up beat dance/cardio workout and the moves can be tricky. Even for dancers like myself. The thing is to just give it a try. If your worried how others are going to look at you just get in the back of the class and and try your best. Don't give up if its hard at first, you'll get the hang of it, and you will feel better by the time the class is over. Zumba has a way of making you feel new.
  • JenivaDoll
    JenivaDoll Posts: 37 Member
    I go to Zumba! Or, I used to. My new gyms Zumba class seems too slowed down! But it's fun, and I had to get over the anxiety of moving in front of others! Everything is fun and fast paced and the people are delightful! Nothing to worry about!