pure laziness



  • kristalfrissy
    kristalfrissy Posts: 158 Member
    I hate it when I am the person just starting to unload my groceries into the car and someone is already waiting on me. I feel PRESSURE to like throw my groceries in my car and get out of their way! although if I am in a really b!itchy mood I will move extra slowly. Ok--I haven't really done that but have thought about it. lol. I'm in Texas too.
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    I really don't care if people do that unless I'm in the car with them. I'm usually only concerned with getting in & out of the store as quick as I can. Most of the time it's faster for me to walk farther than to wait on close spots.

    *I guess it would be annoying if I were stuck behind them but that's not happened to me yet. :smile:

    It is always me! I am also always the one waving people through in front of me, and they NEVER give me the "thank you" wave back! I feel like my humanity is invalid to them
  • zumbaabby
    zumbaabby Posts: 59
    I used to be that way...but now where ever I go, I have one row that I park on...doesn't matter if it's close to the store or down at the end of the line...I park there and walk...and i never lose my car :)!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I park closer to the end of the parking lot because...

    I get more steps in.
    I don't have the stress of hunting for a space.


    Mostly because it is easier to find my car when I come out. There are less cars around it. :)

    Yes! You'll never have to fight me for a spot. I'm always as far away as I can get - easy to find my car and no hassle. I'm going to be walking all around the store anyway. What's a few more steps? :flowerforyou:
  • glbragg
    glbragg Posts: 77 Member
    The worst is when someone is circling the parking lot at the gym just to get on the treadmill inside. Or they take the elevator all day to use the stairmaster later. Now lets hear the reasons :-)
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    The worst is when someone is circling the parking lot at the gym just to get on the treadmill inside. Or they take the elevator all day to use the stairmaster later. Now lets hear the reasons :-)
    They don't want to do any exercise they can't log!
  • DeckerDoll
    DeckerDoll Posts: 201
    The worst is when someone is circling the parking lot at the gym just to get on the treadmill inside. Or they take the elevator all day to use the stairmaster later. Now lets hear the reasons :-)

    I wear 5-6 inch heels when I'm not at the gym nearly every day. It's not going up the stairs that's the problem. It's coming down the stairs that scares me just a lil' bit xD
  • Tamaralea88
    Tamaralea88 Posts: 97 Member
    The only time I did that was when I was 9 months pregnant and miserable lol, but now I park as far away as possible without parking way out in the boondocks haha
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    The worst is when someone is circling the parking lot at the gym just to get on the treadmill inside. Or they take the elevator all day to use the stairmaster later. Now lets hear the reasons :-)
    They don't want to do any exercise they can't log!

  • Susabelle64
    Susabelle64 Posts: 207 Member
    I do this, sorry!

    I avoid being in the sun like I'm a vampire or something, and I really would prefer not to walk halfway across a sunny parking lot, thankyouverymuch. Especially when I'm walking back to my car carrying bags. No, thank you. I like to save sweating for workouts, not while I'm dressed and in public.

    Move to Seattle, fewer sunny days... Although it is the opposite here.......you would think people were made of sugar and will melt in a little rain.......carry an umbrella and WALK a few extra steps....I'm so with the OP on this......I just want to get in and get out, and I dont care if it is front row or back......first available spot is mine, I'm on a mission!!
  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    I really don't care if people do that unless I'm in the car with them. I'm usually only concerned with getting in & out of the store as quick as I can. Most of the time it's faster for me to walk farther than to wait on close spots.

    *I guess it would be annoying if I were stuck behind them but that's not happened to me yet. :smile:

    It is always me! I am also always the one waving people through in front of me, and they NEVER give me the "thank you" wave back! I feel like my humanity is invalid to them

    If I dont get the wave when I let somone over I usually tailgate them. That annoys the sht out of me. Like its their right.
  • Hucko3
    Hucko3 Posts: 3
    Getting a close spot is like winning the parking lot lottery, it makes you feel accomplished, for a second anyway haha.
  • traceymccune
    I feel the same way about people at work waiting for the elevator in a 2 story building. It is only one flight of stairs! I understand the people that need it (injured, handicapped, pregnant), but when I see able-bodied people just standing there waiting instead of climbing 1 flight of stairs it makes me shake my head. I saw a group so big the other day that some of them would have had to wait for round 2.
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    It's not any better with the handicapped parking spots! The issue with them isn't that people are waiting for them.... it's that they're ALWAYS full. I don't need it because it's close to the door.... I need it because I have to have the striped off area next to it (which, btw, people park in anyway) to let the ramp down on my van. Or, if I'm driving my car, I have to have room to open my car door all the way so that I can unload/load my wheelchair. Sometimes I will just end up going to the far end of the lot and take up two spaces.
  • Hucko3
    Hucko3 Posts: 3
    Dont be so quick to judge, I am one that will choose these so called lazy routes everytime :P , but I go to the gym 5 days a week and spend at least an hour and a half there actually working out, not talking like I tend to see haha.
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    I love far away spots.

    My son asked for the cab company's number after I parked last night....:laugh:

    I love that I get more steps in and I don't have to worry about some clueless idiot bashing my car :explode: with their door!
  • houstonian
    houstonian Posts: 32 Member
    I'm with whoever voted for the spot at the back of the row. I laugh at those still circling the lot as I walk by.
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    It's not any better with the handicapped parking spots! The issue with them isn't that people are waiting for them.... it's that they're ALWAYS full. I don't need it because it's close to the door.... I need it because I have to have the striped off area next to it (which, btw, people park in anyway) to let the ramp down on my van. Or, if I'm driving my car, I have to have room to open my car door all the way so that I can unload/load my wheelchair. Sometimes I will just end up going to the far end of the lot and take up two spaces.

    Wow. That makes me feel terrible. I'm sorry. Move to Texas, there's plenty of handicapped parking here!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I ALWAYS park at the end of the lot. I've been doing it ever since a friend was paralyzed in the 1980's and I was setting an example for my kids.. That they had legs and they could/should use them.
    I get annoyed by people spending forever looking for a closer spot too. They are also wasting gas and would already be inside the store if they parked 3 cars back and walked. I understand if they have a hard time getting around but like you said, most of them seem to walk just fine, even more so when they get IN the store!
    P.S. I also get fewer 'dings' in my car when I park it in the back! win win.
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    I feel terrible because people are jerky enough to park in the striped zones, not because I do! Just to clarify!