To the mums out there - how do you manage

Ok so my PT has told me to come gym 5 times a week. He said its possible and im making excuses.

I work 9-3pm for 4 days and until 5 on one day. This is in between school hours. The boys (age 8 and nearly 7) have mountains of homework to do, with reading and handwriting practice, etc. Also i like to keep the house to a certain 'standard' otherwise i just feel uneasy (im not super OCD, but i like things tidy and in there places). On top of that, theres cooking, and healthy cooking seems to be the thing that sometimes takes forever to prepare! Then theres laundry, ironing, grocery shopping twice a week, going to the butchers for meats and preparing that, changing bedcovers, etc etc I don’t need to continue but you know how it is.

So how am I supposed to fit gym in 5 times a week AND have the energy and motivation to do so and come out feeling like I’ve had a quality workout. I also tend to feel so guilty when my husband gets home and I shoot out, especially if the boys are being hard work. Or if the boys have a pile of homework or just want me to ‘cuddle with them’.

How do I manage? My PT says im not determined enough and I need to work harder. How?


  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    Your PT is meant to motivate you, not make you feel like you're not dedicated enough.
    I doubt he has any concept of what it's like to be a working mum. Hell, I'd love to go to the gym 5 times a week, but it's just not possible. What is realistic for you?
    Edited to add: because I'm obviously making excuses... What about adding in something you can do at home, or with the kids, for your calorie burn?
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    A one hour workout is only 4% of your day. You just have to find the time.. Move things around or save it for another day. Before I found a gym with a daycare, I was waking up at 4:30am to get to the gym at 5am.. On days when I can't make it during the day, I go at night. There's always time for a workout.. People that say there isn't are just making excuses, in my opinion.
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    It's hard. Really hard. But you can find the time if you really want to. I have two daughters, ages 8 and 6, and I work 5 days a week. I get up early 3 mornings a week to do an hour of cardio, and 3 evenings a week I do strength training after the kids have gone to bed. I do all my exercising from home because I really wouldn't have time if I factored in a drive to the gym as well! Some days the house is a tip and I hate that. And some days I'm so tired by 10pm I can't even string a sentence together! But you do it if you think it's worth it I guess.
  • Tamaralea88
    Tamaralea88 Posts: 97 Member
    Tell your PT that you are a mother, and he is an idiot lol j/p honestly, he doesnt know what it is like to be a mother, so he wont understand how much stress a mother has to put up with! I am not going to sit here and tell you what to do, but he needs to back off a little, there is only 24 hrs in a day, which isnt much when you are fitting sleep somewhere in there as well
  • nishsuz
    nishsuz Posts: 55
    A one hour workout is only 4% of your day. You just have to find the time.. Move things around or save it for another day. Before I found a gym with a daycare, I was waking up at 4:30am to get to the gym at 5am.. On days when I can't make it during the day, I go at night. There's always time for a workout.. People that say there isn't are just making excuses, in my opinion.

    Dont you ever feel guilty though? I guess i need to learn how to get over that part of it.
  • Lizzie2As
    Lizzie2As Posts: 30 Member
    I struggled to squeeze in exercise when I was working (started at 6am) & hadn't discovered Jillian Michaels Shred/Ripped DVD's either. 30 (ish) minutes of a decent work out start to end
    Now, following redundancy, I am able to work out 5-6 times per week but I get up early to get it out of the way & not going to put it off. Plus I'm not taking time away from my other tasks (school run/homework/cleaning/looking after my toddler).

    If I'm successful in finding a new job I shall continue to get up that little bit earlier to get it over with.
  • I understand your problem. I stay home full time with my 2 year old son and nanny for my niece full time so I am on duty all of the time. I can't afford a gym membership but I am going to make it my goal to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise 3-4 days a week and I just tell myself that I will get it in when I can. Maybe if you just find a way to only to commit to, say, 15 minutes at the gym in a small window then as you get in to the habit of going at that time then you can start to shift your schedule around to allow for more time. I just keep telling myself that something is better than nothing, so if I jog in place for 5 minutes here in there then that is more than I was doing. I would just tell the PT to mind his own business and tell him that you make your choices for yourself and your family, not for him!
  • nishsuz
    nishsuz Posts: 55
    It's hard. Really hard. But you can find the time if you really want to. I have two daughters, ages 8 and 6, and I work 5 days a week. I get up early 3 mornings a week to do an hour of cardio, and 3 evenings a week I do strength training after the kids have gone to bed. I do all my exercising from home because I really wouldn't have time if I factored in a drive to the gym as well! Some days the house is a tip and I hate that. And some days I'm so tired by 10pm I can't even string a sentence together! But you do it if you think it's worth it I guess.

    Wow now thats dedication - how do you find the energy and motivation? I just cant seem to keep awake.
  • I am a mom of 4 (12,12,10 and 6), the kids are all on 2 sports teams and three of them also have an art class, I work full time and like you need to keep the house to a certain standard -- so I can relate to everything you are saying.

    My husband and I have worked out the following agreement - we both need to have "gym" time but we cant scarifice the kids needs/family needs to have it. He uses the morning as his time (he gets up at 4:30 and works out before work - leaving the house by 7am) - I do the opposite and hit the gym at 8-8:30pm after the kids are back from practice, homework is done or well on its way. I cook dinner - he cleans up from dinner, I start homework with them - he finishes it, I take them to practices - he picks them up, with the little one we trade off who stays to watch her. He also coaches one of the kids sports teams so some days we adjust.

    I exercise 5 days a week - Sat/Sun and three days of the week. That way on two busy weekdays I dont have to cram it in.

    Your trainer is right - if you want it you will find time to do it. Not having time is not an excuse - your health is more important! good luck figuring out what works best for you!
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    A one hour workout is only 4% of your day. You just have to find the time.. Move things around or save it for another day. Before I found a gym with a daycare, I was waking up at 4:30am to get to the gym at 5am.. On days when I can't make it during the day, I go at night. There's always time for a workout.. People that say there isn't are just making excuses, in my opinion.

    Dont you ever feel guilty though? I guess i need to learn how to get over that part of it.

    Why should I feel guilty? My husband and children are happy and I get plenty of time with them because I make the time.
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    It's hard. Really hard. But you can find the time if you really want to. I have two daughters, ages 8 and 6, and I work 5 days a week. I get up early 3 mornings a week to do an hour of cardio, and 3 evenings a week I do strength training after the kids have gone to bed. I do all my exercising from home because I really wouldn't have time if I factored in a drive to the gym as well! Some days the house is a tip and I hate that. And some days I'm so tired by 10pm I can't even string a sentence together! But you do it if you think it's worth it I guess.

    Wow now thats dedication - how do you find the energy and motivation? I just cant seem to keep awake.

    Believe it or not, being fit makes you have much more energy.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I feel your pain. I work more hours than you and my hubby is on the road as a truck driver all week so it's just me and the two teenage boys most of the time. My house is NOT my priority, never has been, so I don't feel bad about messiness, but I love the kitchen to be cleaned up after every meal. I do laundry Sunday afternoon because I can relax a little and spend time as a family between loads.

    Personally, it's all about planning. I started P90X at home seven weeks ago and that's been the best thing for me. I get up at 4:30 (yes, 4:30am) and work out, shower and then get the kids up while I have breakfast. After they get on the bus I finish getting ready and get to work at 8am. I work until either 5:30 or 7pm and then come home for dinner and pretty much just a little unwind time with the kids before bed, usually by 9:30-10pm. Tuesday evenings I run 2-4 miles after work while they do homework (they don't need as much help as yours might right now) or play with neighbor kids (they love to skateboard!). Since my kids are older they do fend for themselves a little, but I still try to have a healthy dinner for the three of us most nights. Snacks are up to them. I grocery shop on Thursday which is my day off from work or on Saturday if I have to after my long run (I'm always training for another race). Today will be an easy dinner of quick fixing turkey burgers (the patties are made and in the fridge) and salad. I buy packaged salad because it's quick and easy and I don't have to wash it. I buy frozen veggies and frozen chicken to have on hand every day. Somedays it's just chicken in the crockpot and come home to boil up some veggies and maybe some rice and dinner's ready. Somedays I have time to do more. My kids are simple eaters, they like meat and certain veggies. I'd love them to be more adventurous, but it's coming with time.

    Good luck. I think you CAN work out 5 days a week, but for me, going to the gym was tough. I could do 3-4 days but not 5, but now I workout 6-7 days a week at home. It's not for everyone, but do what you can. Remember, nobody is judging your house or how you raise your kids but you. Seriously, the neighbors will not come over for a white glove test on your woodwork.... take care of you! Hard for a mom, I know, but you are important. If you're not healthy, how can you show your kids to be healthy? Just food for thought, no judgement here, I've been where you are. You're doing fine. Just try some new planning and scheduling. Find what works.
  • reallyregina
    reallyregina Posts: 62 Member
    I have two kids and I can't go to a gym. I've recently made exercise a priority. I do what I can. If I have NO time. I just keep my body moving. If I'm cleaning the windows then I throw in squats. If I'm folding or ironing the laundry I walk in place. Same goes with cooking. I walk in place, throw in some kicks and punches, put on music and dance in the kitchen. Anything to keep my body moving.

    If I have some time then I play Zumba wii which I LOVE. I also have some various dvds. Jillian Michaels, Tae Bo, and two Leslie Sansone walking DVDs. The walking ones are great workouts and definitely the best for easing back into getting into shape.

    If the kids are playing outside then I throw in workouts there. I'll run laps while they play. I'll do step ups at the playground. Squats. Walking lunges. etc. At first I felt silly but did it anyway. After a while I no longer felt silly and have actually had other moms join me in my "playground" work outs.

    When I have no motivation I assign one of my kids to be my "coach". I have a 6 and 4 year old and let me just say. They are tough! They will work me out as well as any trainer. They say things like do 5 push ups. Ok do 15 jumping jacks. Ok run 3 laps. Now 5 push ups. They love it too.
  • kittymoney
    kittymoney Posts: 115 Member
    i am usually at the gym most days by 4:30 and workout until 5:45, because during school year my son struggles a lot with homework and with cooking supper and finding time to work with my daughter, I never can count on an evening workout. If get one in that is great then I doubled up for the day - this usually just an evening walk to include family time. I usually make extra meals on the weekend to cover some evenings during the week and I have to do is heat them up and they are ready. I spend most of time on weekends cleaning and not during the week, just pick up stuff during the week and I have the kids help out.
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    It's hard. Really hard. But you can find the time if you really want to. I have two daughters, ages 8 and 6, and I work 5 days a week. I get up early 3 mornings a week to do an hour of cardio, and 3 evenings a week I do strength training after the kids have gone to bed. I do all my exercising from home because I really wouldn't have time if I factored in a drive to the gym as well! Some days the house is a tip and I hate that. And some days I'm so tired by 10pm I can't even string a sentence together! But you do it if you think it's worth it I guess.

    Wow now thats dedication - how do you find the energy and motivation? I just cant seem to keep awake.

    It's best not to think about it too much! I have those set times allocated to exercising so I just do it. It becomes habit after a while, but the first couple of weeks are tough.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I do feel guilty for spending so much time at the gym but, I have to think of myself also...not just my children. What I do is go to the gym right after work. If I were to go home first, then all the stuff that has to be done there will keep me from the gym. One thing I did when my girls were younger was to take them along with me. They can use the exercise also and we got to spend time together.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I dont go to the gym - To do an hour work out would take around 2 hours in total as I don't drive. What I do do is walk everywhere - some days i can burn over 900 calories just walking. I also try and do an exercise video in the evening a few times a week.

    I know many say here that anyone can find the time but it is not always possible. I have four children including one under two. By the time hubby gets home and fed is after 8pm and then its time for me to study - which I cant do during the day with a toddler running around. At weekend we have upped the amount of activities we do which also helps.

    I have been told that I should get up at 6 O'clock to go but as I have two children who don't sleep (* one has Autism) so sleep is a much needed commodity in this house.
  • twocsmom
    twocsmom Posts: 120 Member
    I'm a teacher and a single working mom of two very busy kids. Translate: I am constantly on the go. For a long time I thought I didn't have time either, and I couldn't see where I was supposed to fit it into my day with homework, activities, house cleaning, etc.

    But finally I made it work. I discovered if I got up early and worked out before anyone else was up that I did indeed have the time. And some afternoons I still squeeze in 30 minutes here and there. I work out at home though as I can't afford a gym and I don't have anyone to stay at home with the kids when if I were to go to the gym.

    I don't think you are making excuses, I don't think you aren't determined enough, but I do think you need to make taking care of you your first priority. You'll be a better mom if you do. It will be hard at first but you must find time for you and your workouts!
  • janey1306
    janey1306 Posts: 83
    A one hour workout is only 4% of your day. You just have to find the time.. Move things around or save it for another day. Before I found a gym with a daycare, I was waking up at 4:30am to get to the gym at 5am.. On days when I can't make it during the day, I go at night. There's always time for a workout.. People that say there isn't are just making excuses, in my opinion.

    Who was looking after your children at 4am? I know they were probably asleep but some one had to be with them. This lady may be a single parent
  • janey1306
    janey1306 Posts: 83
    Id work out at home if i was in your position, dvds, etc, you can buy small weight sets I got a cross trainer, in excellent condition off ebay for £10!