To the mums out there - how do you manage



  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    i would LOVE to go to the gym 5 times a week !! there are no excuses ! i have 3 children, they come first... above the gym every time.... i run 2 businesses... these businesses make the money that pays for my kids to be fed, watered clothed and sheltered. then theres those other things like you said.... food shopping.... washing... cleaning... the school run.... etc etc etc etc.... i work out at home.... and until my daily routine changes (youngest starts full time schooling etc) then there will be no time for gym
  • couponfun
    couponfun Posts: 714 Member
    I'm hoping to be able to get to the gym again soon. Kind of hard to find time when you're working 2 jobs FROM home, so everyone assumes you're sitting there doing nothing. Literally up at 2 am every day for work, and after all the work/chores etc are done wasn't getting to bed til 10.

    Not everyone can find a "hidden" hour somewhere, so I think folks (especially professional trainers) need to be careful not to judge. Especially in today's economy you don't know what that person has going on and they might feel guilty enough.
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    I don't think you're making excuses. It really sounds like you don't have the time to go to the gym 5x a week. I think exercising at home would be the best solution for you, unless there's a gym at work you can use in your lunch hour. Also you could still go for a walk or jog at lunchtime even if there's no gym. IMO your personal trainer should be helping you to find ways to fit exercising into your schedule (and it doesn't have to be at the gym) rather than accusing you of making excuses.

    I have a treadmill in front of the TV and I go on that while watching TV quite a lot (generally after the kids are in bed), and do weights in my room, although that can be tricky sometimes because I can't do that unless someone else is watching the kids because I obviously don't want them anywhere near my dumbbells when there's a chance I may drop one.

    Anyway it's not easy for us mothers, and there are ways to fit exercise in but you have to take into account your schedule, when you can fit it in,and another trick is to do little and often, e.g. try to fit in 3 ten minute workouts rather than one 30 minute workout, just because it's easier to find 10 minutes than 30 minutes.
  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member
    For me the best solution is to work-out at home. Only oyu know your prioroties and your schedule and only you can find a way to workout that works for YOU. And since you are doing htis for you and not for anybody else, jsut go with what you can do and fon't listen to people whose schedules and life situations are different from yours.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm a working mother, and I couldn't manage that. If you have childcare after work it's a possibility, maybe, but it means time away from the children and I know just what you mean about wanting the time with them. At that age, I'd maybe be looking at taking up hobbies you can do together, such as cycling, badminton, orienteering, walking to the park,games, etc. When my son was little we used to go out on scooters or bikes, and I did some home weights and exercise videos. You only get so much time with them when they're little. I wish I'd had more than I did have.
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    A one hour workout is only 4% of your day. You just have to find the time.. Move things around or save it for another day. Before I found a gym with a daycare, I was waking up at 4:30am to get to the gym at 5am.. On days when I can't make it during the day, I go at night. There's always time for a workout.. People that say there isn't are just making excuses, in my opinion.

    Who was looking after your children at 4am? I know they were probably asleep but some one had to be with them. This lady may be a single parent

    My husband. He's military and has PT early in the morning, so I would go and get back before he left.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    My work week is 8am-4:30pm Monday through Friday (I work in a Financial office for a large physician/provider group of about 300+ physicians). I commute 20 minutes each way.

    Im also a musician with two practices per week from 6pm-8pm: 2 concerts for one group, 12 concerts for the other group

    I get up at 4am - out the door by 4:45am and at the gym by 4:55am. I work out for a minimum hour each day Monday through Friday.

    During the week, I tidy up one room at a time. I do the cooking while my husband does the dishes. He helps me with the laundry if he is home first. I prepare my gym/work clothes for the next day.

    Saturdays is cleaning day, grocery shopping day - come home to a clean home and get food prepping for the week and do bulk cooking. All the foods I cook in bulk, are broken down into meal-portions, dated, labeled and frozen.

    Sundays is finish the remainder of laundry, prepare more food/bulk cooking, run errands, do the cooking, he does the dishes, etc.

    To be honest, your boys are old enough to handle chores.. they can easily help make sure their rooms are cleaned, they can learn how to fold towels/hand towels, pair up socks, etc...

    Your husband needs to step up here and assume the role of parent when he comes home from work so you can leave to let you take care of yourself. I dont know what 'dynamic' is involved if any, but youre not supposed to be doing it all. Let your husband cook dinner so you can go to the gym, let the husband experience what its like to sit at the table and help with homework when needed.

    Why do you feel as though you have to do it all? Your post is screaming for Mom's time off really bad.

    There is (IMHO) always time to get exercise - you just have to see the bigger picture in your home environment and realize, there are two of you with kids - hubby can pitch in....
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179
    Maybe you shouldn't go to the gym every time, and do at home workouts. There's plenty good workouts you can find online. Or maybe go to the gym over the weekends and then do at home workouts 3 days during the week, either bright and early in the morning or maybe after dinner? It's not going to be easy, but even if 5 is too much for you, try doing four or three times a week, that's still a decent amount
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Screw the gym. Work out at home. MUCH easier when you have a busy life. Do it in the morning, after the kids get on the bus and before you go to work. OR wake up earlier and get it done before the kids wake up for school. It'll be hard at first but your body will adjust to the earlier time. Just get to bed a little earlier. Exercise in the morning and 1) things won't get in the way later and 2) it'll make you feel accomplished the rest of the day.
  • momjmd
    momjmd Posts: 296 Member
    Feel your pain. Our gym doesn't open until 5:30 and my hubby is out the door by 4:30 leaving me home with 3 kids to get dressed and on the bus in the a.m. before I go to work from 8-5, then baseball games, practices, gymnastics, and ballet. My daughter's ballet is at the YMCA so I work out while she is in ballet and that helps. Otherwise, the kids and I take the dog for a mile long walk (sometimes longer if time allows) around 8:30 p.m. - right before bedtime- it gives us some time together to talk and still allows me some time for exercise. In the mornings, I am taking the dog for a 15 min. walk. It isn't much but it is all I can do. Going to the YMCA everyday just isn't an option with our busy schedule but I have to get the exercise in somehow. Doing it with the kids is the best option for me.
  • fluffysexyme
    fluffysexyme Posts: 104 Member
    Well, I have decided that I am done making excuses. If it were anyting else I wanted I would figure out a way to ft it in like some people save the hour to watch their favorite tv show. For me, I get up earlier. Yesterday was a 5:45a.m. workout so I could fit in work, church and the 3 state drive to see family that I do almost every Sunday. I didn't get home until 11 last night but I felt great that I had taken the time to take care of me even I that meant I had an extra cup of coffee. You shouldn't feel guilty if you can't do 5 days, but you won't know until you try. Sit down, make a schedule, and follow it for 2 weeks. If you're burned out or overwhelmed then modify it. Plus, no one said you have to do 5 consecutive days and they have to be work days. You have 2 days off that should be excuse free so all your really trying to do is fit in 3 days. It's all in how you look at it!
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    A one hour workout is only 4% of your day. You just have to find the time.. Move things around or save it for another day. Before I found a gym with a daycare, I was waking up at 4:30am to get to the gym at 5am.. On days when I can't make it during the day, I go at night. There's always time for a workout.. People that say there isn't are just making excuses, in my opinion.

    Who was looking after your children at 4am? I know they were probably asleep but some one had to be with them. This lady may be a single parent

    She's obviously not a single parent, as she said she feels guilty about running out when her husband gets home from work :wink:
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    My life is totally different now since I am not working, but when I was I also had an hour commute each way to work so I was always gone a minimum of 10 hours every day. No matter how hard I tried I could not manage to get out of bed any earlier than I already was which was between 5:45 and 6. I decided there was nothing wrong with taking an hour to exercise in the evening when all that did was give my husband and son some one on one time together which is just as important as family time together.

    As far as the tidy house goes, well, when I was working it was just less than perfect so I could fit in exercise. You find ways to figure it out. I used to do things like clean just the bathroom sink while I was getting ready for work. Then do the toilet when I got home. The shower later that night.

    Anyhow, I think your trainer is being a bit hard on you. I lost most of my weight while I was working full time and only exercising 2 to 3 days per week.
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    It can be done. You just have to decide what is important to you. If all the reasons you have listed are more important that is your choice. I decided for myself that I am going to make time for myself to go to the gym, If I can't get my exercise it makes me very grumpy and nobody wants that. You need to make time for yourself.

    There are 3 other able bodied people in my house that can help with the rest and if they can't help maybe it just won't get done. Maybe it is time to recruit your family to start helping instead of doing everything for them. Will make your life much easier and teach them responsibility.
  • lorim77
    lorim77 Posts: 63 Member
    Getting up at 4 AM to exercise sounds like my personal version of Hell! I don't work, but I do have a 4 yo and can sympathise with finding time to exercise. What works for me is setting a time every day to exercise, and giving my daughter notice "Mommy is going to exercise now. If you need something, tell me now- otherwise you have to wait until I'm done." I pop in a DVD. I exercise. Done.
    Going to the gym is not an option for me. An hour at the gym is more like an hour and a half with travel time, plus arranging child care, plus I would feel really self conscious sweating and grunting in front of a bunch of people! LOL

    I get it about wanting to keep the house neat. Why can't your kids do the dinner dishes and pick up around the house while you exercise?
  • LotsOtots5
    LotsOtots5 Posts: 174
    I workout at home. I have 5 kids, deployed husband and there are no gyms within 100 miles that offer childcare (small town, yay). I do a lot of activities with the kids, biking, swimming, hiking... and also do home workout videos like Jillian Michaels.

    Yesterday I helped my 4 yr old learn to ride her bike. Let me tell you, bending half way over and running up and down the street 60 times is definitely a workout!!
  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    Going to the gym may not be the ideal situation for you. I would love to have a gym membership, but as our lives are so complicated right now, it's not in the cards. I work full time and have an hour commute to work and another hour home, my DH works out of state and is gone all week. My two kids have activities and homework, that I am in charge of every evening. I am OCD about the cleanliness of my home. Throw in a couple of pets, sick family members, and preparing to move, that is the equation for not taking care of myself and not working out. I make the time to do it, everyday, sometimes twice, at home. I get up early, workout, shower, and start wrangling my children for the morning shuffle. After they are in bed, time for round 2. I have so much energy that everything else gets done. Perhaps you could explain to your situation to your PT, and go to the gym once a week and workout at home the rest of the time.

    Never feel guilty about taking time to care for yourself. You can't take care of your family if you are not well. It takes time to adjust to a new schedule, but eventually it all falls into place. Good luck and don't give up.
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    You CAN do it! Like others have said, there's lots of things (especially cardio) you could do at home so that you're not away as often. Then, a couple of days a week, you could go to the gym to check in with the PT, and to do some weight training. If your boys are well behaved, you could bring them with you and have them do their homework while you work out. If not, make dinner and clean the house until your husband gets home, and then go. Why should you feel guilty about taking care of yourself? If your husband is like most, I'm sure he has things he does on his own on a regular basis, and I GUARANTEE he doesn't feel the least bit guilty about it! Plus, by taking care of yourself, you can better take care of your family. If you truly want to get in shape, you can make it work. But, I would look for a PT who will support and motivate you rather than belittling you.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member

    I get it about wanting to keep the house neat. Why can't your kids do the dinner dishes and pick up around the house while you exercise?

    Or her husband pitching in.....with the boys....
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I have a 2-year old, work full-time, go to school part-time, am a trustee at an art museum with bi-weekly meetings, and am training for a half marathon. I always said I didn't have time either--you have to make the time. I wake up at 4:00 am every day (5:00 on weekends) to work out.