My calories are too low...see my diary.



  • Val_from_OH
    Val_from_OH Posts: 447 Member
    Your dinner is really tiny. 1 oz of chicken and 14 carrots? My 3 year old eats much more than that :-) Why not eat an entire chicken breast (3-4 oz), and add another vegetable, or a starch if you're not carb-phobic.
  • Something doesn't look right there. Oh, I know! You forgot to put peanut butter on that banana! :smile:

    Hahahaha! I'll second that.
  • i wold say your carbs look a little on the low side maybe make pasta or rice salad instead of just veg xxxxx
  • hi

    I have the same problem - but I cant snack, it makes me hungry all the time if I do.

    My plan is to eat more nuts, adding peanut butter to slices of apple, and having a soya milk shake when I get home before cooking dinner to try and increase it.
  • bergsangel
    bergsangel Posts: 131
    I think maybe your measuring wrong. Are you sure it was 1 oz of chicken?? That's like, 2 bites. Otherwise you would be dropping weight like crazy? What are you goals?
  • Angie_1MR
    Angie_1MR Posts: 247
    I'm calling B.S.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Jill_newimprovedversion Posts: 988 Member
    You obviously like PB.....either add more (it's packed full of nutrition)......or try other nut butters as well.
    Almond Butter is wonderful too.

    Find a brand you like that is lower in sodium and sugar you'd like and you'll stay under with salt/sugar. The fats in it are healthy *good* fats.
  • strunkm4
    strunkm4 Posts: 265 Member
    I would def suggest increasing your portion size. Try eating a bigger breakfast as well. Eating just a banana for the day is not going to give your body the necessary fuel to get it up and going. Try adding some PB to the banana, maybe some whole grain bread, and a protein. Scrambled egg whites maybe? You def need a better balance of what you are eating. Trying adding some nuts or something for some more calorie dense foods. I'd suggest better balancing your meals with a good ratio of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
  • I looked at your diary....I think that you are eating well, but it seems like you should try to get at least one or two more snacks in to reach your caloric intake for the day.

    In the morning if you're going to eat a banana, you should try drinking a protein shake, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter or 3 to 4 egg whites (protein is the key).

    In the evening or for your snack maybe you should try fat free popcorn (full of fiber), peanut butter or almonds.

    I hope this is helpful!! Keep up the good work!
  • laceylou0702
    laceylou0702 Posts: 226 Member
    Greek yogart with fruit, baked chicken breast with veggies, 2 tacos versus 1, baked potato with a small steak, beans are always good, eggs with cheese & veggies in the am, I also like Morning Star breakfast patties the original they are good & tons of protein! Good luck I would say simply start by putting more in your mouth.
  • ncashman
    ncashman Posts: 14 Member
    You're eating way too little and more importantly are not getting an adequate daily amount vitamins and minerals! You need to increase your fruits and vegetables and your protein! Your portion sizes if you're logging in the right amounts are very small. If you have trouble eating a lot in one sitting then eat many small meals throughout the day. Try eggs in the morning with steamed vegetables like broccoli or spinach. And replace the iceberg lettuce it doesn't provide you with good nutrients like dark leafy lettuce will. Try eating some raw nuts (unsalted and with no additives or extra toppings), have fruit for a snack like an apple, and perhaps try a baked sweet potato with your chicken for dinner. Also don't forget to try to get in some servings of fish during the week for some good omega 3 (just remember to buy wild caught, farm raised is fed soy and corn and it changes the ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids).
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    If you already KNOW you're consuming too few calories...........................why don't you just eat more. It's not rocket science, you know. It looks to me like you're deliberately eating too little...........

    Attention seeker, maybe?

    Just eat!
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    Also, you probably feel like you're grazing all day because your actual meals are much too small. 1oz of chicken? Really? That has to be wrong. Like someone said before...that's like literally 2 bites.
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    I'm calling B.S.

    I 2nd this B.S call :-)
  • I'm calling B.S.

    I 2nd this B.S call :-)

  • xPOOKiEx
    xPOOKiEx Posts: 156 Member
    YUM!!! :)
  • xPOOKiEx
    xPOOKiEx Posts: 156 Member
    Rude people, get out...honestly.

    I'm fixing my chicken, I noticed now I probably entered that wrong lol. I'm sorry, I'm only human.

    I really was honestly looking for snack ideas from people. I do not need to be lectured.I've realized I'm eating too few calories, and I'm trying to fix it. If I wanted attn like that, I wouldn't be on MFP where people are TRYING to be healthy!

    I just want ideas on what people eat to get their cals up!

    So people who are rude and think I'm an attention seeker, get over yourselves. I don't need that.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    I'm calling B.S.

    I 2nd this B.S call :-)


  • loveliisa
    loveliisa Posts: 47
    my question is are you full after eating that much? i honestly am jealous if you are!
  • LadyKatieBug
    LadyKatieBug Posts: 178 Member
    snack that is really the best way to go. here is a good group that will help eat more to weigh less