First 5K-What is/was your time goal?



  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    My first one is June 3rd. I just want to finish. Based on my training times I'd just be happy with being under 40 minutes. I'm not worrying about time. I just want to finish. I read somewhere (can't remember where now) that a runner shouldn't worry about speedwork/getting faster until after logging 300 miles. I figure I will have future races to be faster. This one is for the sheer joy of completion!
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    Thanks, everybody. The 5K I'm planning on running isn't until October 1st, so that gives me lots of time to work on it. I'm excited! And I'm not going to try to set a goal until I'm much closer to the actual race.
  • bmwauug
    bmwauug Posts: 54 Member
    After being completely out of shape, then doing 1 month of insanity, then running while doing month 2 (5 days to go to finish), I ran my fist 5k in 10 years - time was 29:30 - much of which I attribute to insanity training. Also, it was raining wil lots of hills. My personal goal is is 9 min miles....which I've done in training on FLAT surfaces (e.g. track) is hard and key is pace.

    I have another 5k in two weeks (I can focus on running vs. insanity and running)...thena 10k, then an 8k.....
  • redtim22
    redtim22 Posts: 144
    My goal was to finish without stopping did that 29:27 Easter 5K!!
  • caitles14
    caitles14 Posts: 89
    I've done a first goal was to just finish it running the whole thing & I succeeded. My time is usually right around 29 minutes. When I run on my own I pretty much average a 10-min mile, but that extra adrenaline always gives me a boost on race day ;) Good luck and have fun!!!
  • Erica4218
    Erica4218 Posts: 2
    I just ran my very first 5K last weekend...i was a little bit worried because I hadn't run a full 5K yet and I had only ran on the treadmill at the gym. My best time at the gym was 36, my first time running outdoors and running the full 5k, my official time was 32:15 (10:24 per mile roughly) ...huge accomplishment for me considering I have never been a runner and only wanted to make it through the entire race and run the whole thing (only walked once and that was on a huge hill and only for a couple of seconds)...I have lost 150 pounds in 2 1/2 years and more than anything, just wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED :)
  • tina9988
    tina9988 Posts: 369
    I did my 1st one in March. My goal was under an hour and my time was 45:41. I just did my 2nd one last month and my time was 40:21. I have another one next weekend and I'm hoping to improve my time. I walked a lot in the 1st one, I walked a lot less in the 2nd one. My goal is to run the entire thing by July. I didn't start running until the end of Jan. this year. Started at 205lbs, now I'm at 178lbs. I love running!!! Good luck to you! Like others have said, just concentrate on finishing, then you'll have a time to beat next time.

    3rd 5K - 39:00 getting faster!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    My goal is to run the whole thing. lol. My fist one is July 1... and I'm currently about to start week 6 of the C25K so I think I'm doing pretty well.
  • PixEm
    PixEm Posts: 190 Member
    I just did the Warrior Dash on Saturday which is a 5k plus 12 obstacles. It took me 50 minutes. I would say if I took away the obstacles I would probably have ran a 35 minute 5k. That is about a 12 minute mile.
  • gazerofthestars
    gazerofthestars Posts: 255 Member
    1st 5K December 2011:
    40:00 minutes

    most recent 5K April 2012:
    26:25 minutes

    I attribute it to doing lots of HIITs, hill spirits and all sorts of running on incline :) and of course dropping 12 lbs in the process.
  • xxTAMxx
    xxTAMxx Posts: 573 Member
    I completed my 1st 5k in 32:33 and my 2nd in 26:14. As long as I keep beating myself, that is all that matters :) I am doing a 12k this Sunday and attempting my 1st half on the 17th of June.
  • AndreaDaPrincess
    AndreaDaPrincess Posts: 58 Member
    I am getting ready to do a 5K in two weeks but I will be walking. The fastest walking mile I have done is about a 14 minute mile...and thats fine with me being 51 (almost 52) years old. Thankful God has blessed me with a healthy body, legs and mind.
  • GNeiswender
    GNeiswender Posts: 60 Member
    I agree with many others. Your goal should be to finish the 5k. I have done 4 so far and only this last one did I get under 30 minutes, I am running one on Saturday and then another on June 9. My goal for both of those is to stay under 30 minutes . . . an improvement will just be a bonus. My PR (personal record) is 29:40 and I can tell you I was super excited. But I think I was just as excited when I finished my first race, which was almost 33 minutes.
  • nubiansun
    nubiansun Posts: 4 Member
    My goal was to finish. I started running end of March 2011. A friend and I signed up for a 5k in May. We did our long runs together on Saturdays. My 2011 result was 38:15.  I did the same race this year and my time was 33:22. My fastest time has been under 31 mins.  We started pushing ourselves and signed up for a 5 miler, then 10k, then 15k. We completed our first half marathon in March.  I've NEVER been a runner. I hated running. Now I love it. 

    Lace up your shoes and go. Don't stress yourself about time.  The joy of crossing the finish line is rewarding. 
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    I signed up for an ran my first 5K in 2010- my goal was to complete it (hopefully without stopping at all).

    My personal trainer helped prepare me by lots of work both on a treadmill and outside. I mix of regular
    running and interval runs. He actually ran along with me at my side and I completed it at 32:26. I was
    shocked, especially never having run before in my life. I told myself that I would never need to do that
    again- take it off the "Bucket List". I have since completed a 2nd 5K, an indoor triathalon, and just
    did a WarriorDash this weekend. LOL Ya never know what the runners high will make ya do next!

    I think just committing to doing it is a big deal in and of itself. Showing up and crossing the finish line, no
    matter the time, is huge accomplisment!
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    First 5 K today. My goal was 40 minutes (see my earlier post). I am pleased as I could possibly be...I finished 37:10. I could not believe it. I can not wait to do it again.
  • nrdoty
    nrdoty Posts: 10 Member
    I was never a runner. I had chest issues (Pectus Excavatum) that affected my heart when I was a teen & kept me from being very active & would have killed me if I hadn't had surgery. So before last year I would not have considered myself even slightly a "runner".

    My fist 5K was 51 weeks ago. Having never been a runner I didn't train much & just went as hard as I could. I finished in 37:52. Not near what I might have wanted, but I was just happy to complete it. In spite of my lack of training I was pleasantly surprised to get a medal since it was a small race & I was the only one there in my group.

    A week from today I am running in the same 5K I did last year. My goal, is 19:16. That's exactly HALF my original finishing time. With the shape I'm in & if all goes well I should be able to hit that. Of course there are other variables so I can't say everybody can do quite that much, but it just goes to show you what kind of progress can be made if you stick with it.
  • staciw
    staciw Posts: 58 Member
    Im half way throught he C25K program and am planning on running my first ever 5K (or even walking one for that matter) at the age of 40! Im so excited to do this! My time goal? Finish! I don't give a care in the world how long it takes me. I'll make a note of my time on this race, and when I do another one, I'll try to beat my own time. I'm just so excited that I have the desire to do this that is makes me giddy!
  • HM1971
    HM1971 Posts: 63 Member
    John Bingham says (and I live by this) 'the miracle isnt that I finished....the miracle is that I had the courage to start'.

    My 1st 5k was 36 something.....and even today would be sooooo excited to get under 30. Go have fun and good luck!!!
  • My first 5k, I ran it in 17:54. I trained all year for it.