Getting hate for wanting to recover from..



  • fdebus
    fdebus Posts: 2
    As someone who has recovered from Anorexia and bulimia myself, I would also encourage you to seek the treatment of a counselor. I know from experience that you cannot fight this HORRIFIC disease on your own. It will come back to haunt you if you do not get adequate care and an understanding of what this disease is truly about. You are taking the first step in acknowledging that you need help, but the food part is only a symptom, there are so many other layers that need looked at. Take good care of yourself and please look for a support group and a one on one counselor to help support you through such a challenging time. I swear to you that my worst day in recovery was always better than any day in my disease. Best of luck to you in your journey through recovery.
  • CleanandLean33
    Contact the eating disorders centre, read about anorexia recovery from positive health books or sites and speak to your gp and keep fuelling your body. I work in mental health and know all to well that eating disorders are terrible things which can rob years from your life both in terms of fun and confidence and also by the physical damage they cause. You are starting to realise that you are small and that it is your mind not your body that is feeling 'fat'. Understanding this will help you take the next steps to recovery. Parents often struggle to recognise food issues and are often scared to approach them; while others with eating disorders often feel scared and threatened by people seeking another healthier path. Please please please get help and continue in your recovery.I wish you all the best.x
  • eljulia
    eljulia Posts: 40
    What's more important to you, feeling healthy or looking like a coat-rack with clothes on? i don't understand why it seems like a game to some people, this getting so thin you could pass out at any minute. My oldest daughter went through that in high school and it was pretty scary!

    Mental and physical health are what matters in the long run. Being anorexic and old probably doesn't happen because that can't sustain a useful and happy life.

    YOU are the smart one here!! Are you old enough to get help on your own, you know, like a therapist or anybody? There are some bad bad lies we tell ourselves about weight that interfere with our health. Like you said, you are cold, anemic, hormonally challenged, and feeling crazy. Does that sound like how you want your life to be? You won't be able to have children, if that's a desire eventually, because your hormones will stay messed up if you continue to be too thin, and you'll always feel unhappy if you feel crazy, right? Being anorexic screws with your ability to focus, to be available to anyone else besides yourself, and an anorexic person isn't even really there for their own best interests, know what i mean?

    PLEASE CHOOSE to stay on the path you are currently on! As you get stronger again, you'll be able to get active and those pounds will go to the right places. You need to feed your brain and body. DUMP those anorexic as*** and stay away from them, and use that smart brain of yours to keep choosing for YOUR best!!

    As i reread my message i realized that i sound like i'm mama/grandma-ing you, hope you don't mind. Now eat your peas. ;-D
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    Delete, block and (if at all possible) report these horrible people to MFP! You need people in your life who will support you on your journey to recovery, not make hurtful and triggering comments.

    Above all else, please continue to eat and try to eat more. I really would recommend seeing a doctor too. I know that seems like the scariest thing in the world right now, but please consider it. He/she would only do what is best for your health. You clearly know you're still not well, since you've pointed out that you're still anaemic and always cold. Even though there are some amazing people on here who can offer support, their advice won't necessarily be able to top that of a medical professional.

    With that being said, I'm always here if you need a friend and encouraging words. Feel free to add me :)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I cannot go to the doctor. I have social anxiety anyways. Doctors scare me.
    She'll put me on like 3,000 calories or something crazy and I'm far to worried ):

    I highly doubt the doctor will put you on 3,000 calories.. that is way to much... even for someone trying to recover like yourself.

    Is there anyway that you can see a counselor? One that specializes in ED? They can help as much as a doctor could, and could also help treat the social anxiety aspect.
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    I am proud of you for doing what you have so far. Realizing you have a problem and doing something about it is a big deal.

    I would keep eating, maybe add 100 extra calories but make sure what you are eating is good for you. Get your vitamins and nutrients as naturally as possible.

    Is there anyone you can talk to? if you have a strong support system, you can go even further.
  • nabooru1017
    nabooru1017 Posts: 10
    Girl, you are perfect and there is nothing fundamentally WRONG with you. <3

    I've had similar problems, and I know that the bouts come and go!

    But you just need to take that first step in NOT CARING about that perfect body goal. It -will- come, in time. It's hard to get out of that horrible preoccupation when we're young, I know.

    It just takes a bit of muscle building for that good posture and tiny portions of protein throughout the day.
    You can keep the weakness away this way.

    You DON'T need to give up, but just get out of that horrible cycle of feelings. It's like a meat grinder!
  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    Get new friends on here, block the ones that give you grieg. Strong and healthy is sooooooooo much better looking than stick thin. Please eat. The damage done to your body can start repairing itself, and you'll start feeling better. Eat.

    This!!! +1 million

    and a big hug too :smile:
  • neesie0358
    neesie0358 Posts: 29 Member
    Why are you still friends w/ folks who are still suffering from ED's?

    It's like an alcoholic who's trying to quit drinking but still hangs out at the bars.

    You already know what the answer is to your question is. Find new friends, continue eating at healthy levels until you're eating at maintenance. Maintain body weight not by starving but by exercising moderately.

    I get the impression you don't want to live w/ an ED any longer. Time to cut those out of your life who are bringing you down and not supporting you.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:

  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    congrats on raising the calories!! You seem to want to do what's right and I think along with increasing the calories, you should seek professional help. I don't mean that in a hurtful way because I have 2 daughters in their 20's and that's what I would tell them. I am sorry that you don't have the parental support, but there are some Great People on here to encourage you. Get rid of the negative ones and surround yourself with honest, caring people. I truly wish you the best and if you need a friend, feel free to add me. I am on here every day and will be honest with you, like it or not. BEST WISHES, Norm!!!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I feel so horrible now. People on here that are anorexic and still losing weight are telling me im disgusting and ruining all my hard work and I'm going to get fat and huge like a house

    That says a hell of a lot more about them than about you.

    Block them. Maybe you can be friends with them again when they're ready to recover.
  • jstrandquest
    I also echo everyone else's recommendations to you. New friends. Counseling. Take the steps necessary to create a new life to support the you that you want to become.

    As for anxiety -- if the brain isn't getting the nutrients it needs anxiety can seriously increase -- & then the situation just spirals.

    Take care of yourself and love yourself! Food is fuel and we all need it to become our best.
  • IndyInk
    IndyInk Posts: 212
    Why are you still friends w/ folks who are still suffering from ED's?

    It's like an alcoholic who's trying to quit drinking but still hangs out at the bars.

    You already know what the answer is to your question is. Find new friends, continue eating at healthy levels until you're eating at maintenance. Maintain body weight not by starving but by exercising moderately.

    I get the impression you don't want to live w/ an ED any longer. Time to cut those out of your life who are bringing you down and not supporting you.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    Yep, it's time to break up with Regina George.
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    I cannot go to the doctor. I have social anxiety anyways. Doctors scare me.
    She'll put me on like 3,000 calories or something crazy and I'm far to worried ):

    I highly doubt the doctor will put you on 3,000 calories.. that is way to much... even for someone trying to recover like yourself.

    Is there anyway that you can see a counselor? One that specializes in ED? They can help as much as a doctor could, and could also help treat the social anxiety aspect.

    They really don't put you on that many calories. You need a counselor who specializes in ED, probably a psychiatrist. They can help you get to your own normal.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Why don't you try lifting weights at the gym? While you're at it, open up youtube and search for FuriousPete. He recovered from anorexia, which he was hospitalized for and nearly died from. Now he's a bodybuilder and a professional competitive eater. I sure wouldn't call him fat.
  • eljulia
    eljulia Posts: 40
    Also, in reading all the posts, there is BIG wisdom to be gained from a lot of people who really want you to be healthy and well! i'm impressed and amazed by all the total strangers who are willing to help you choose well!

    Give a doctor and/or therapist a chance--you do need more help than you may be able to figure out on your own. And body dysmorphia--yep, do look that up! i was that way when i was younger, as i was so sure i was a horrible, fat cow. i see the pictures of myself from then and wonder what the heck was going on in my head.

    Again, YOU are the smart one! You know you need help, you know things need to change, and that is such a huge part of the struggle. Professionals would likely be the best way to go at this point, like several people have said. Friend those who you can tell will support you even as you try to work through the seeing a doctor issue, through all the steps it may take to get well in body and mind.

    Anxiety runs in our family, and one daughter has the social anxiety issue you mentioned, but she has been able to grow and learn and keep it from stalling out her life, and you can too. And please give a professional a chance, you don't have to stay with the first one you meet, you need to have someone you are comfortable with.

    Surround yourself with those who support HEALTH, dump the others.
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    You know that these people are not only being negative towards your weight goals but pressuring you to be unhappy and crippled by an eating disorder. Dis-friend anyone who makes you feel this way.

    Many people have struggled with eating disorders, and many of them gather at websites like this. That doesn't mean they know anything they're talking about. Anyone who says you are getting chubby can go **** themselves, you're a strong individual trying to better herself, and that scares weak people. It makes them doubt all the pain and starvation they put themselves through, so they feel the need to pressure you to be like them.

    Go for your goals, be at a healthy weight! But like other's have said, the first problem should be dealt with through counseling.
  • TeamCK
    TeamCK Posts: 1
    You have a problem.
    Your recognise that.
    You want to get better.
    You're asking for help.
    To me that sounds very much like you are so much stronger than your realise.
    I do not know you but you words make me proud of you. It takes a lot of strength to make such an appeal.
    Someone replied by saying get some professional help. That is a step I think is worth considering - when you are ready for it. Continue with blogs and forums - stick to the support comments. Those who are negative are not your friends. My view is that they themselves lack confidence and strength and feel the need to take it out on someone else.
    You are better than that.
    Believe it.
    Believe in yourself.
    I believe you can get through this.
    It's ok to be frightened. It's ok to feel anxious. That is how you feel. Your feelings are just that - yours.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    My BMI used to be 16 due to starvation when I was 14. Now it's currently 18.6-18.7 and people say I'm already looking pudgy and that I don't need to gain more weight even though my body isn't functioning properly.
    I feel so horrible now. People on here that are anorexic and still losing weight are telling me im disgusting and ruining all my hard work and I'm going to get fat and huge like a house
    My lowest I was only 69 pounds. I still feel cold, I'm anemic, my hormones are out of whack and I act insane and not normal. ):
    I'm miserable. Gaining weight is scary though.
    I gain weight quite easily and am doing it all by myself. no parents help or anything ( they dont care or believe im even sick )

    should I continue eating or just..go back like I want to ):
    currently eating 1,200-1,300

    You need to report those on this site that are promoting anorexia by their disgusting comments to you.
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    Your doctor will not make you become obese, they will teach you how to eat right so your weight naturally fluctuates towards a healthier bmi.