Over 200 Club Back to School (open group)

Well guys and gals here it is the new thread for this week.For those of you who are members of this group keep up the hard work you are putting in.Remember to drink drink drink your water this week.(thats the challenge)get at least 8 glasses in each day.Also any bad habits you would like to kick try working on them this week.Maybe we can all help on another to kick our bad habits.My bad habit is mindless eating.I am going to vow that from now on I am going to think before I grab food thats bad for me or eat food when I'm not really hungry and I know it.Lets work on our goals together this week and from here on out like we always have.For those of you who are not apart of the group and would like to be WELCOME!!! Weigh ins are on Fridays and challenges are from week to week .The Biggest loser each week picks the challenge for everyone


  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm in. Let's do this!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    awestfall, Thanks for the new thread.. Those are great challenges

    Welcome, mscocoa30 this is a great group!!!! :flowerforyou:

    lstpaul, congrats on the 19 pounds, just wait next week you will hit the 20 pounds mark

    andrea, take a walk tomorrow, park far away from your class. You can do it. I know you can..

    I had a bad weekend again. This is my bad habit, over doing it on the weekends:explode: So I am going to have to work sooooo hard this week in order to lose some weight .....
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Has anyone seen Jenn in a couple of weeks? I messaged her but I have not heard back from her. I hope everything is okay...
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Well my monthly visitor finally came today so I am going to have to watch my calories and my sodium intake this week because when I stepped on the scale this morning it said I weighed 229.that would mean I gained 7 pounds since Friday.I mean I did eat like a pig on Sunday at the church picnic but not enough to have gained 7 pounds so I am guessing its water retention from my cycle.I hope I can get it back down.Wish me luck.I AM NOT GOING TO MINDLESS EAT TODAY!!! I AM NOT GOING TO MINDLESS EAT TODAY.I know I can do this.Good luck to the rest of ya.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    awestfall, I doubt you ate 24,500 calories over your maintenance calories at that picnic I am sure it is water weight. I would just make sure you drank your water and were careful with the salt. Good luck this week...
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Awestfall: I know the scale can do weird things sometimes day to day for me ... it has to have a lot to do with water retention - especially if it's your TOM, I'm sure you will lose it quickly.

    Speaking of scales ... I weighed this morning because I knew I had a good weekend ... I'm down to 234.6! :happy: That means I hit my 20 pounds! I will have to work hard to keep it off, because part of why I did so well is that I'm sick again - so not a good reason for not eating. I have another bad cold/flu ... boy am I tired of being sick. I'm home from work today, so will need to make sure I don't 'comfort eat'.

    Have a good day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I was reminded once again last week of how delusional I am about my weight. I think it is part of why I have always had so much trouble with sticking to a diet ... I don't SEE myself at my true size. I had a friend visiting who I only see about once a year, and we were talking about how well we have both been doing with diet and exercise, and she mentioned that she is under 200 pounds now. I couldn't believe it! In my eyes she looked bigger than me, and I'm at 235 and she is taller than me! But I just looked at a picture that was taken of us - sure enough - I am bigger than her. That doesn't bother me ... just weird how 'off' my mental picture of myself is. But I don't think I really want to 'acknowledge' my actual size either ... it's too demotivating! Especially when I'm feeling so good about myself right now ... I'll just keep on letting myself be delusional! :ohwell:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I have a hard time visualizing myself as big as I am. In my mind I am smaller. But then I see a picture or happen to get a glance in a window and I am shocked. :noway: Our minds do play tricks on us. Well eventually we will be smaller then we think we are:laugh:

    By the way big congrats on meeting that 20 pound mark
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Thanks Momma2four ... that's my hope too ... that eventually I will be the size that I think I am in my mind ... even smaller!:happy:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey all,

    Stayed within my calories today.
    Did NOT drink all my water
    Exercised --Yes

    I will have to get that water in tomorrow. I drank a lot of diet soda today. BAd girl
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    I stayed within my cals today, did not drink enough water, will do better tomorrow. I am gonna take the tip of parking far away from my classes..will do starting tomorrow! I have not been going to sleep early enough and it has been hitting me hard during the day...when it is time to go to the gym, I am not as motivated. So my personal goal on top of the water this week is to try to go to bed by 11.

    talk to you all tomorrow
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I did terrible on calories ... just like I feared I would do, I did too much 'comfort eating' when home sick yesterday - too much butter and cheese on a baked potato adds up really, really fast. But at least I had the sense to skip supper when I was already full and had too many 'snacks' during the day.

    I did drink my water, I need to push that again today since I am home again with a bad cold/flu. I'll have to skip my step class tonight ... I hate to miss it:sad: , but I guess it doesn't make sense to go when I'm sick - either for me or to expose other people, even though I think I'm getting better now. I probably pushed too hard on Sunday and that's why I got so much worse Sunday night. I'll maybe just try to do 30 minutes on my recumbant bike here at home and not push too much.

    andreasoulcastle: there are studies that talk about not getting enough sleep contributing to weight problems ... so make sure you are getting enough sleep! I know I have a harder time when I'm tired - both with exercising and food choices.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Past two days I have done terrible on my calories and drinking water.I only exercised for 30 minutes yesterday because the rest of the day I suffered from an anxiety attack,and today I can't seem to get motivated to exercise even though I know I need to at least do an hour because I ate so poorly .Maybe tomorrow will be better for me.My teen is giving me a headach because she has been lying to me and I really don't know how to handle it.I am a complete mess so far this week.The week has to get better
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    awestfall: I'm so sorry! I have a teen too .. sometimes it is really hard to know how to deal with them, and so far I haven't had to deal with anything really big (knock on wood), but I'm sure that day will come. Good luck! make sure you are taking care of yourself ... exercise can help with stress, so make sure you are doing what you need - because your health is important to everyone in your family! Take care!

    I'm still home sick, but feeling much better. I did well with calories yesterday - made some good food choices, did ok with water - but didn't drink as much as I should have. No exercise, hopefully today I can get a little in, and I'm hoping to get back to my regular Step class tomorrow morning if I'm still doing ok - and back to work. It is hard for me to be so out of my routine - and it seems like I've barely had a routine for the last month and a half.
    I plan to make cookies later for a friend who had a bad house fire, so she is stuck in a townhome for at least 6 months while they clean and rebuild her house. Her kids would like cookies but she doesn't have a cookie sheet, ingredients or time. I guess if I think about her and her kids, I should be able to resist snitching and make sure most of the cookies go to them. I'd love to do more for her - but she just doesn't like asking for help, so this is one small thing I can do.
    Have a good day everyone!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I've been so incredibly busy with work. This month, I'm on the road a lot travelling to our different offices throughout the state so I'm having to be very careful to not blow my calories and to drink enough water (because I hate having to stop driving to potty :laugh: ). So far so good. I expect Friday's weigh in won't be as good as usual because I've had a couple high sodium days & I haven't had very much time to exercise. That's not just a lame excuse - normally I'm pretty busy and I work between 50 and 60 hours on a regular week between 2-3 jobs and I still find time to exercise at least 6 hours or so. But this week is extra insane with all the travelling I'm doing.

    On a better note (though it won't sound like it at first), last Wednesday the elevator at work fell with someone inside. Our employee wasn't seriously injured, thank goodness. But, since then I've been taking the stairs. I haven't once stepped onto the elevator. Yesterday morning I was carrying a ton of stuff into work with me and started walking toward the elevators. Then I thought "Um, you can carry this stuff up the stairs, or you can die on the elevator" and I turned right around and made my soon-to-be-not-so-fat butt march right up those 50 stairs. :laugh: As it turns out, the threat of falling to my horrible death is a pretty good motivator!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    jlb123: Good for you on taking those stairs! :smile: I'm pretty good at going down the stairs at work ... but over 1/2 the time I choose the elevator going up ... and I'm only going up 1 floor! I really need to make myself do those stairs. I don't know why I have such an aversion to them ... I love step aerobics ... but it's not the same thing, and an old habit to avoid the stairs I guess.
  • lizzyksm
    I want it. My bad habit is not drinking enough water. I'm going to try to drink @ least the 8 glasses!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    andrea, good job on sticking to those calories. I bet you will find parking far away at school will help..

    awestfall, tomorrow will be a better day. I am sorry you are having some issues with your teen this week, they can cause headaches... I have a teen daughter, she is 16. I always tell her that I am still learning how to raise a kid her age since she is the first one. Hopefully, by the time my baby is 16 I will know what I am doing:laugh:

    lstpaul, great job on staying within your calories. Drink that water so you can get better.

    jlb123, walking upstairs burns soooooooo much more calories then just walking. Keep it up....

    lizzyksm, welcome and good luck on drinking that water you can do it....
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement!!! I did better today even though I don't feel well.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks everybody for the words of encouragement.I finished the day stronger.I ate1200 cals exactly and exercised for 1 hour and burnt 752 calories.And I am almost done drinking all my water for the day.