What was your wake up call?



  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    being put on blood pressure tablets and being told i was in the diabetic waiting room
  • Assassins_Angel
    when i got on the plane to visit my parents back in the uk i couldnt fit in the sits very comfortably i knew it was time for action!!
  • paint_it_black
    paint_it_black Posts: 208 Member
    Vanity lol, turning 30 and realising I wanted to look good in summer clothes again
  • wabrody
    wabrody Posts: 202
    Mine was when i recieved an award at work and saw the picture. That was my reality check. Nothing like looking at a picture of you and getting a reality check. That is when I decided to change for the better. Since I have started i feel better and have more energy.
  • zyrover
    zyrover Posts: 16
    Doctor told me I was pre-diabetic. I work for a college. One of the students began to hum the Fat Albert theme song as I lumbered by him. Decided it was time to get serious and make a change.
  • sjmelia
    sjmelia Posts: 8 Member
    Mine was after surviving both kidney cancer and prostate cancer. After my last CT scan, my Oncologist challenged me to lose 20 pounds before my next CT scan in August. My doctor told me that being overweight would make it easier for the cancer to occur again. Scared the heck out of me!
  • docturtle
    docturtle Posts: 156 Member
    When my doctor told me I weighed in at 149 and my weight chart was 111 to 151 and I had been gaining a couple/few pounds a year through my 30s and it would be harder to keep the weight off in my 40s. I was determined to not be overweight by the next weigh-in at my annual physical the next year.
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member


    true story bro :drinker:

    bahahha I love it!!

    People asking me was I pregnant, MORE THAN ONCE... Hmmn maybe time to check my own numbers....I'm 35
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    A photo of me on a family holiday in 2010. Then in the post came my graduation photos. My flaws like spots (and annoyingly my freckles?!) had been airbrushed out, but my big fat chin wasn't.
    Made me realise there's only so much photoshop can do, the rest is down to me!
  • SlimmerJess
    Wearing a vest top and jeans, looking in the mirror at myself and thinking... if i saw myself in the street i would think "does she not realise how big she is..Jesus wear bigger clothes you fat cow!"

    Also complaining to my boyfriend that i dont like the way i look and want to lose weight, and he finally had enough of my moaning and said well do something about it! lose the weight you dont want or stop complaining about it!

    He has no idea how much that helped me!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    I had been fluctuating weight ever since joining the military, anywhere from 190 (healthy for my body) to 250. I started to 'wake up' when I was asked the last time I had worked out, and it had been almost a YEAR (6am-10pm every day kills your gym plans).
    -Unfortunately, this started me on MFP, but not on doing anything about it.

    When I got married, and realized that I had a serious second chin even when I wasn't looking down, and when I had to buy new dress uniforms for the wedding because my bootcamp issued set fit like compression shorts, along with the fact that my joints were hurting for no apparent reason, made me realize I had to do something immediately.
  • SuperSneaky
    SuperSneaky Posts: 43
    I've never had knee problems, and now it makes an unnerving cracking sound every time I go up stairs.

    I hate that people see "fat girl" before they notice anything else about me.
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    I had a load of wake up calls - but I just kept pressing the snooze button until I could not ignore them anymore:

    * sky high blood pressure
    * a pic of me at the barbecue on hols
    * worsening asthma and health
    * my 10 year old daughter beating me in a race
    * another pic of me even bigger than the last one, standing in the sea with a t-shirt on because I was embarrassed to strip off!

    And oh boy do I now wish I hadn't waited until I was in my 40's before trying to get the bod I always wanted!
  • histwinkletoes
    histwinkletoes Posts: 100 Member
    The day after I turned 29, I realized I didn't want to be fat anymore and I really had to do something about it. It's been 2 months and I've lost 15 pounds but my ultimate goal is to look amazing and be healthy by my 30th birthday and to stay healthy in my 30's.
  • swthrtsmrf
    swthrtsmrf Posts: 384
    My wake up call was when my husband was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer and I saw the picture of him and I together right before his first round of chemo and I realized I need to do something to get healthier not only for me, but to be there for him and our children. So I did! But when he got sick I knew that I needed to change me for many reasons.

    I am 29 and I do not know my numbers, but I do know they are good.
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    I just decided that this was going to be the year that I got my life back on track after dealing with some losses. I have no ideas about my readings. I'm 28.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I weighed the same as my fiance. Granted he was underweight at the time but still! Terrifying!

    I don't know my blood sugar levels per se, but according to my doctor I was and still am in good health. I wasn't obese or anything, just about 10-15lbs over weight (or at least outside of my BMI).
  • Living4Liz2012
    (About 2 years ago I was about to turn 23 YEARS OLD and start school for my B.S. in CRIMINAL JUSTICE)

    Went to the Doctors because I was:
    1) having shortness of breathe
    2) headaches
    3) trouble sleeping(I would stop breathing throughout the night)
    4) couldn't walk to long( without feel faint)

    STEP OUT THE SCALE MY DOCTOR SAID: 268.8 pounds(yes I cried like a baby because I couldn't believe it)
    DOCTOR REPLIED: NEXT TIME I see you will be for high blood pressure, diabetes(type 2), high cholesterol pills and a breathing mask at night to keep you alive. Oh don't forget a 75% chance of a heart attack or stroke

    2 years later I am 25 years old and weigh 198.5 pounds:)
    Free of ALL medications:)
    and 3 weeks shy of finishing school, and entering law enforcement:)
  • turouge
    turouge Posts: 3
    I went to the doctor because I received a concussion. He did not talk about my concussion but my weight problem. Dumbass doctor, but he had a point and it stuck.
  • annams76
    annams76 Posts: 161 Member
    My marriage started falling apart. My self confidence was gone and I was eating my misery. My husband and I took a small break where he moved back with his mom for a couple of months. The day I was alone in the house I stepped on the scale & looked in the mirror. That was it for me. I am doing it for me and my daughter and my military career.