What was your wake up call?



  • siobhan478
    siobhan478 Posts: 21 Member
    Seeing horrible photos of me that friends had posted on facebook, and hardly having any clothes that fit me, I was a skinny child and a very fit and sporty teenager and young adult. Then I had kids and stopped being active. Woke up one morning, looked in the mirror and realised that I had turned into a disgusting, obese adult. I was 38 and 257lb at only 5ft 3in. I lost a stone last year just by trying to be more active, but after my birthday in January this year I got MFP and a Fitbit and really made the effort to shift the weight. I don't know my medical numbers but I'm now 39 and 198lb. Still got a long way to go but I am determined not to be fat when I turn 40.
  • teresadutton
    teresadutton Posts: 232 Member
    One day I just woke up and was done. Done being fat and tired. It was like a switch was just flipped in my head and I was done. Plus I weighed more than my hubby, I felt/feel bad that he doesnt have a healthy, thin wife to love on. I have high colesterol: TC 254 HDL: 40 LDL: 178 everything else was normal. I am 38.
  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member
    For me it was seeing a picture of myself on facebook, I know that sounds quite shallow and I wish I could say to you "It was for health reasons" but I was just disgusted at the way I looked.

    I have had disordered eating for quite sometime and after seeing that picture went straight back to starving myself so I guess my second wake up call was to realise I was making the same mistake again, ie losing weight through starving (which I did and got to a very low weight but gained it all back) so I decided to try it out the healthy way.

    I'm 22.
  • katedesaccord
    My "wake up call" has been nagging me for years and years. I just kept ignoring it. I hated the way my body looked. I've started-and-quit workout programs/gym memberships so many times, but I finally said screw it and am really trying hard to change my life around.
  • nekochanpurr
    Not having control of a lot of things in my life.. This is one thing i can control. The one point where i have a choice.

    Also, my doctor told me it might get rid of my asthma and acid reflux.

    Something to try for the reflux: juice from half a lemon in a glass of water before you eat anything in the morning.

    Thank you!! I am going to try this. i am on meds for it, but depending on the day some days they work, others.. Well, not so much.
  • 0510mommy
    0510mommy Posts: 3
    Well I used to work for weight watchers, and I had regained a bunch after my second child. My bigger jeans were leaving marks as they were tight, and I wanted to run a faster time and finish a half marathon. I finished several 5 k s now and finished the Disney princess half, I am back down within 1 lb or so to my lowest weight watchers adult weight and I've been much fitter than I was back then. I am healthier now at 29 than I was in high school, and I weigh less too. I just got ACE certified and plan on working as a trainer soon.
  • StartingOver12
    For me it was getting engaged. I was horrified at the thought of being a chubby bride. Unfortunately I will still be a chubby bride come September but alot less chubby anyway.
  • dawn9355
    dawn9355 Posts: 2 Member
    First time in my life my cholesterol and blood glucose was too high; scared me so bad. I've lost 5.6 lbs. since the bad news 3 lbs since using this website and am determined not to become a diabetic or heart attack/stroke victim.
  • Anniel88
    Anniel88 Posts: 150 Member
    Realizing all the hand-me-down clothes from my aunt didn’t fit… I’m 24 and she’s had 5 kids. Her "fat, pregnancy" clothes didn't even fit me anymore. All my levels are fine, but I do have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (Hypothyroidism). I realized I had to stop letting Hashimoto’s control me and I had to start controlling it. Saying I was tired and had trouble losing weight was just an excuse to be lazy and depressed about it.

    I'm getting married in October and I'd really like to feel like a fit, young bride!
  • molliewitt
    molliewitt Posts: 25 Member
    My father was hospitalized for congestive heart failure due to being overweight. The doctors talked to the family about nutrition options for him and an overhaul of his lifestyle. If my father at 425 pounds can lose 60 in a short time, his daughter should be able to lose about 30 to get me to the lowest healthy weight for my height.

    My dad has a second chance at life now. He has the ability to fix what is wrong. We are all not granted second chances, and I do not want to follow the same road and be in the same place in 20 years. So little by little, I am doing it!
  • Stephanie198907
    Stephanie198907 Posts: 163 Member
    I was part of a bridal party and the bride chose these lovely strapless dresses and I was the only fatty. We got the pictures back around Christmas and while I didn't look as bad as I thought I was definitely out of place. My dress was a 18 and everyone else had a size 4 or smaller. My arms looked atrocious though. They were/still are HUGE!!!
    January 2012 I decided to do something about my weight. I was tired of being the fat girl and tired of squirreling away in the back for group photos and turning down invites. My fat girl problems end here.
  • teresaottesen
    teresaottesen Posts: 7 Member
    Honestly I have low cholesterol, triglycerides and everything so that was not the wake up call for me. When I say low all numbers are in the range of 45-65 way low.
    Reality is I have a metabolic disorder and my doctor is being very proactive at this time with my health and wellness.
    Personally, I am unsure if there was ever a moment or than just a desire to obtain a more healthy weight.