Am i the only one it pisses off



  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Let me say this again so those who zutomatically took offense and attacked.....if there is effort put into it...if you are there to work out.. Hey i am the one who will be ur damm cheerleader.....

    BUT ifyou are goingtostand on the elliptical watching tv while talking to ur friend giving a play by play of what happens on the real housewives of wherever....its a little annoying.... Or if you put that friend on hold to loudly argue with your boyfriend about whatever weirc thing happened....that is irratating.....

    If you then move to the wight machine and sit on the bench and proceed to sit for 20 minutes so that ppl all ove the gym are wanting to kill her... That is my problem

    Not your grandfather who is putting ineffortor the 57year old with bad knees or theoverweight lady giving it her 100% iam talking about the people who dont understand that others r there to workout....

    Is that clearer now? I am sure none of you who have attacked and said i was iggnorant or think i am talking about them will come back or read this... But if you do...unless your using the gym as ateenager uses her bedroom and everyone else there diesnt matter then no

    i am not talkimg about u....
    Again please read jesus

    Funny how you bring all that up AFTER you get jumped on,looks a lot like you are trying to save face
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    I seriously hate when people set up camp at the cable stands...they will bring a pair of dumbbells, swiss balls, and a bunch of other useless "functional" stability equipment and superset everything with cables, etc.
    I nicknames these people "cable b*tches"

    Also, guys who do freakin' barbell curls in squat racks!
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
    lol!! I AM SOO WITH U! OR how about the ones that sit on it and text or play with their songs list....DUDE, ARE U SERIOUS? GO HARD OR GO HOME!!!

  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    Why not show them the correct way to use the equipment so they use it properly? You have the choice whether to be pissed and fuming or to help someone out who may not be as educated on the equipment usage as you. After you show them how to use it properly, you can tell them to give you a shout when they are done so you can use it. You might also make a gym buddy.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I get gym rage too.
  • Jillian1104
    Jillian1104 Posts: 119 Member
    It definitely makes me mad sometimes... especially if they are on the phone while working out.

    I try to remember though, that maybe there is a reason they are not giving 100%. Like today, I feel awful and nauseous, but I am still planning to go to the gym just to walk on the treadmill. To someone who didnt know, it's probably going to look half assed, but to me, it'll probably require everything I've got.
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    As long as they are working out and clean the machine after themselves I don't mind. I hate when I used to go to goodlife womens only gym they would sit on the machines and talk on their cell phones I like man gyms better because they actually work out and i'm not "hot" so I don't have to worry about creepers
  • blairh10
    blairh10 Posts: 37
    lol!! I AM SOO WITH U! OR how about the ones that sit on it and text or play with their songs list....DUDE, ARE U SERIOUS? GO HARD OR GO HOME!!!


    My song list is my pep talk :frown: (I leave my phone in the car) Am I allowed to do ANYTHING at the gym? Breathe? Can someone tell me if there is an appropriate way to breathe that doesn't piss people off??
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    Not going to get my panites in a wad over that. They pay their fee just like you do . Move on and do something else.
  • KMSForLife
    KMSForLife Posts: 605
    You should've expected the reaction. You were disgusted by the "rant" from the dumbass lady last night that was pissed off because "fat" people had an easier time losing weight. Yet here you are ranting . . .
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The only time it bothers me is when I want the one treadmill that gets decent airflow from the ceiling fans - because I get completely drenched when I run - and someone's walking on it, bundled up in a sweatpants and a sweatshirt, with the hood up and pulled tight like Kenny from South Park. :laugh:

    Nothing else bugs me. Someone texting might be doing what I do, and recording their time, distance, calories, reps, weights, etc. Someone walking might be warming up, cooling down, or recovering from an injury.
  • dgallienne
    dgallienne Posts: 30 Member
    when you go into the gym and the piece of equipment you want to use is being used half *kitten* by someone who seems to be there just because it is the cool thing to do... nothing makes me more crazy then the people who hope on a machine at lowest level and just go on there like they are doing a casual walk around the mall.... WORK OUT SWEAT GET GOING.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it makes me insane... some days i want to grab them and tell them get offffffffffffffffffffff or work out... this isnt part of your probation.. if you dont want to work out and dont want to be here.. go home..

    rant over...

    thank you

    Agreed wholeheartedly!!

    I recently changed Gym for this very reason. The one I was going to had lots of people there who were p**sing about rather than exercising. Trying to use a X-Trainer with one hand whilst texting with the other...or as you say, going on Level 1, slowly...trying to look cool for their mates who are equally as hopeless.

    Obviously overweight people who are just starting out, or are rehabing an injury, older people, etc, aren't included in this, just the so-called "cool" people, who go to be looked at, rather than to get fit/lose weight.

    Anyway, changed Gym now, to one that seems to only be used by people who actually want to be there...and a lot less POSERS!!!
  • mandermoo4
    mandermoo4 Posts: 4
    Let me say this again so those who zutomatically took offense and attacked.....if there is effort put into it...if you are there to work out.. Hey i am the one who will be ur damm cheerleader.....

    BUT ifyou are goingtostand on the elliptical watching tv while talking to ur friend giving a play by play of what happens on the real housewives of wherever....its a little annoying.... Or if you put that friend on hold to loudly argue with your boyfriend about whatever weirc thing happened....that is irratating.....

    If you then move to the wight machine and sit on the bench and proceed to sit for 20 minutes so that ppl all ove the gym are wanting to kill her... That is my problem

    Not your grandfather who is putting ineffortor the 57year old with bad knees or theoverweight lady giving it her 100% iam talking about the people who dont understand that others r there to workout....

    Is that clearer now? I am sure none of you who have attacked and said i was iggnorant or think i am talking about them will come back or read this... But if you do...unless your using the gym as ateenager uses her bedroom and everyone else there diesnt matter then no i am not talkimg about u....

    I actually did come back and read more. I will say when I read this I irrationally responded, in part mainly bc when I was working side by side with my grandfather a while back I heard some people talking, I am take no **** individual who will confront you and I did just that to these folks. IGNORANT ONES. So my apology to you for not thinking before I went on. I do understand the issue with the teenagers there to socialize as I see it daily. My oldest who is 17 and does not need to work out as she is a solid tiny little thing, she does though to have a healthy lifestyle. Even she has told her peers to go to the social area so people can work out. I mean really you know those kids are laughing at others and its disrespectful. I cant sit here though and tell people how to work out, whether they are just slow moving on a treadmill or elliptical because they PAY AS WE DO. How they choose to work out is at their discretion, not yours or mine. Now if all the machines are taken and people are going over the said time, then yes I would be upset but I go to the YMCA and usually its not an issue. BUT the kids in the wellness center are sometimes. And when it is brought to the attentin of an advisor there, they are very nicely asked to leave if they are not going to do anything. I signed up for this MFP bc I had my 5th daughter one year ago tomorrow and I cant seem to lose this 20lbs, so I figured this calorie co:wink: unting thing would help and it has! I dont usually read forums but this popped up on my side bar. Again my apologies for calling you ignorant, as I was just that before thinking over your post. Next time I suggest being a little more descriptive lol.. Have a good day
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    Personally I like seeing anyone move, and I always think we all have to start somewhere. If they are moving they are at least moving.
  • grapeeyes1
    grapeeyes1 Posts: 237 Member
    Let me say this again so those who zutomatically took offense and attacked.....if there is effort put into it...if you are there to work out.. Hey i am the one who will be ur damm cheerleader.....

    BUT ifyou are goingtostand on the elliptical watching tv while talking to ur friend giving a play by play of what happens on the real housewives of wherever....its a little annoying.... Or if you put that friend on hold to loudly argue with your boyfriend about whatever weirc thing happened....that is irratating.....

    If you then move to the wight machine and sit on the bench and proceed to sit for 20 minutes so that ppl all ove the gym are wanting to kill her... That is my problem

    Not your grandfather who is putting ineffortor the 57year old with bad knees or theoverweight lady giving it her 100% iam talking about the people who dont understand that others r there to workout....

    Is that clearer now? I am sure none of you who have attacked and said i was iggnorant or think i am talking about them will come back or read this... But if you do...unless your using the gym as ateenager uses her bedroom and everyone else there diesnt matter then no i am not talkimg about u....

    Then maybe that is what you should have posted first. Your initial post was "nothing makes me more crazy then the people who hope on a machine at lowest level and just go on there like they are doing a casual walk around the mall.... WORK OUT SWEAT GET GOING.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it makes me insane" which I found very offensive.
  • mandermoo4
    mandermoo4 Posts: 4
    :happy: didnt mean to post twice, I just figured out the quote thing lol
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    I move at a pace that suits me. I take my time. I hate every minute of it. I track it on my phone. Every day. Someone doesnt like it? Tough. Complain to me about it and they better run for cover. I have every right to full access to equipment just like every other member.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    Let me say this again so those who zutomatically took offense and attacked.....if there is effort put into it...if you are there to work out.. Hey i am the one who will be ur damm cheerleader.....

    BUT ifyou are goingtostand on the elliptical watching tv while talking to ur friend giving a play by play of what happens on the real housewives of wherever....its a little annoying.... Or if you put that friend on hold to loudly argue with your boyfriend about whatever weirc thing happened....that is irratating.....

    If you then move to the wight machine and sit on the bench and proceed to sit for 20 minutes so that ppl all ove the gym are wanting to kill her... That is my problem

    Not your grandfather who is putting ineffortor the 57year old with bad knees or theoverweight lady giving it her 100% iam talking about the people who dont understand that others r there to workout....

    Is that clearer now? I am sure none of you who have attacked and said i was iggnorant or think i am talking about them will come back or read this... But if you do...unless your using the gym as ateenager uses her bedroom and everyone else there diesnt matter then no i am not talkimg about u....

    Then maybe that is what you should have posted first. Your initial post was "nothing makes me more crazy then the people who hope on a machine at lowest level and just go on there like they are doing a casual walk around the mall.... WORK OUT SWEAT GET GOING.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it makes me insane" which I found very offensive.

    Obviously she is saving face after getting attacked. If she wanted to post it the first time, she would have. I believe she meant the first post. No clarification needed.

    I will set the weights on what -the-*kitten*-ever level I please. Let someone confront me. Watch what happens when "Keeping It Real Goes Wrong" in the gym. (Ref Dave Chappell LOL)
  • jallen1955
    jallen1955 Posts: 121
    when you go into the gym and the piece of equipment you want to use is being used half *kitten* by someone who seems to be there just because it is the cool thing to do... nothing makes me more crazy then the people who hope on a machine at lowest level and just go on there like they are doing a casual walk around the mall.... WORK OUT SWEAT GET GOING.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it makes me insane... some days i want to grab them and tell them get offffffffffffffffffffff or work out... this isnt part of your probation.. if you dont want to work out and dont want to be here.. go home..

    rant over...

    thank you

    Move to the freeweights. You'll be happier, less stressed, and get a better workout =p.


    no machines= no stress
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    You never know if that person has issues (like I have rhematoid arthritis, so I can't work out as hard as some other people), or maybe they are recovering from surgery or an injury. Unless you know their specific circumstances, you shouldn't let it get you so upset.
    ^^ this!

    I'm not trying to preach, because I also tend to judge people by their efforts sometimes, but try to remind myself that not everyone is at the same fitness level and some are just starting out, or recovering from injury. Just being at the gym is a step in the right direction!