Am i the only one it pisses off



  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I will usually ask them how much longer they have....That usually gives the proper hint haha
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I just don't like if they are sitting on a machine I want or in a group sitting around the machine talking.
    I don't look at intensity level, but it truly makes me angry when people aren't even using it but are preventing others.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    They might be getting their low heart rate training in on that day, my hrm tells me to do that some days at it burns more fat. I do one day intense, 1 day slower pace, let's me keep going without exhausting myself. I don't see why your letting it get to you! Chill! Lol. :-)
  • iemcanadian
    iemcanadian Posts: 18
    these people suck. you can have an injury or arthritis and still manage to be considerate in the gym. maybe those people should understand that since their fitness level is lower, they need to be considerate to those who are healthier. i'm seeing a lot of reverse logic, for a 10k do they line the walkers up at the front? no!!! the fast elite runners go to the front, and the slow people take their place int he back. people need to learn to fall in line and they are not special.

    This doesn't make any sense - should they just stand around waiting until the faster runners are done? What if another fast runner shows up? What if some sprinter comes in the middle of your workout and stops your machine, tells you you're too slow and to go away?
    If they're using the machine, it doesn't matter how quickly they're going. If they're just standing on it talking, sure, be mad, but if they're using it then they are getting the same use out of it that you are.
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    I don't care how others work out, what pace or whatever... as long as they do. I used to go to a small gym and I nicely asked people to text or gossip somewhere else but please not on the machines. Glad I got out of there. :laugh:
  • ok my opinion here.

    but do you know their circumstances? maybe they just had surgery and cant work out as hard or there's some other circumstances.
    and surely there is other equipment at your gym that is not in use. That would allow you to change up your routine to lessen the chances of a plateau. So just because someone does not have the same agenda as you does not mean they're not there to benefit from the gym. Everyone is different.

    Although, on another note, if they're not doing anything but talking then maybe it is better they not be at the gym... But there is nothing wrong with a conversation to distract you from the pain your muscles are in (which low levels can cause too)

    yes i do know.. since the day before she was chatting the same way .. and every day before that.. she was acting like it was a punishment to be there and like if she didnt work out she would end up in jail... if it was someone who was physically not able to i would be the first one there cheering them on.. but when a 20 year old young thin fit girl is litterly going while talking on her phone and people who are wanting to use the machine.. i find it rude.... if you want to chat on your phone.. remove yourself from the machine.. finish your conversation and then work out.. or call them back... i just think it is rude ... and if she was putting some effort in.. then diffrent.. but i dont need to work out on other machines while listening to her talk about how she cant even stand being at the gym.. but she is doing it cause she figures she should.... and going on about everyone else there being gross and sweaty...

    maybe i didnt paint the picture well in the being..

    i am not saying people putting in the effort are not ok to use it.. i am saying the young girl who is chatitng on the phone and acting like she is shopping while *****ing it up about being there.... i dunno.... just made me feel frustrated

    I never reply to these things, but this is so narrow minded!

    I have had surgery on my achillies tendons, i am registered disabled, but if you looked at me in and out of the gym you wouldn't have a clue that this was the case. I can work out okay but if my ankles start to give me problems i dont stay away from the gym to please people like you, i do gentle exercise. and if i get a phone call why should i get off the machine and talk if i can manage to do both at a pace I AM HAPPY WITH.
    other peoples work outs are none of your business. its their life, they pay to be there just like you. so don't judge people like that because you DON'T know everyone's situation......

    PS. and if someone is sitting on equipment, getting in the way of it, or just standing on it playing on their phone and not using it in the slightest.... instead of getting wound up and b!tch!ng about it, be polite and ask them if you can use it, asked them to move, or how long they will be!
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I don't care if someone is on a machine running full speed or walking 2mph. The only thing that annoys me are the people who sit on the machines and text or talk on the phone while doing nothing.
    One girl was doing this on the lat pull down machine for 5 minutes before I asked her nicely to get the eff up.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Chill pills.

    I hear they work.
  • julsie
    julsie Posts: 4
    I think you are being very harsh, you don't know whether these people can only do so much, they may have a health reason that means they can't go berserk on a bit of equipment....the fact that they're in there doing something gets my respect......I have osteoarthritis and can only do gentle exercise and I would hate to feel that there were people in the gym looking at me like i shouldn't be there.......and another thing, they've paid their money to be there just like you so who are you to say/think they shouldn't be there........maybe while you're running your heart out on a machine you can think and practice a little patience, after all you never know when you might be in that situation yourself and you'd probably expect people to respect your right to be there
  • bleacheblonde
    bleacheblonde Posts: 333
    Nah, its rants like this that piss me off. Why sound off on a forum when you can do it to the person's face.

    Love this...and totally agree!!! She says it here on the forum...because the forum can't smackerndaface like the woman on the treadmill can..lolol

    YES, thank-you! And here we arrive at the primary problem of internet comments and forums...people want to say *kitten* but they don't want to deal with the consequences, so they do it online. Because nobody can kick your *kitten* on the computer.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    If there are no other machines available and the person is clearly f-ing around like texting, talking on the phone or one time I saw someone walking at pace 2.5 WHILE eating a big *kitten* energy bar and drinking most likely pop in a McDonald's to go cup. Then yes that bothers me! Otherwise I try to be patient and understanding..the person may have an injury or something.
  • shawneez75
    shawneez75 Posts: 22 Member
    Damn thats harsh lady! They paid their dues just like you and do not need to exercise at your standards just because you're impatient. People have good days and bad exercise days and on those bad days it can be hard to really give it your all. At least their doing some thing because some thing is better than nothing. Also you do not know if they might be injured or some thing. Either way I hate to be rude but mind your own business! :smokin:


    SMH...They have just as much right to be on the machine as you do and can do it at their own pace. At least they are in a gym walking and not at home on a couch.
    This kind of reaction from people like you is one of the reasons LOTS of people stop going to a gym in the first place, your sense of entitlement could hinder someone else's progress on their own journey...shame on you!
    Sorry you let something so small get you so fired up.
  • Annnd, there's the kind of judgement that keeps people from joining the gym ;)
  • jmilian825
    jmilian825 Posts: 193 Member
    AS I STATED .. i think those who are there putting in effort fine... a litle effort or alot is fine..

    the one who is on the machine talking on her cell phone.. for 20 MINUTES... AND HAVING THE MACHINE STOP WITH THE PEDAL FASTER COMMENT 6 TIMES FROM WHAT I SAW... that is rude to those who do want to work out..

    jezzz i didnt paint it properly.. sorry didnt mean to get **** on, not like i go balls out either.. i just put effort into it \

    you know what? they piss me off as well. And I will readily admit that some of the people on this thread who jump to their defence with "they pay their dues" and all that are right and have a valid argument. BUT, those people doing the defending piss me off as well. Why is it that any time somebody posts something where they are evenly slightly critical of anybody else in the world, 30 people have to jump in and defend whoever that poor innocent unknown unnamed person is that's being criticized?

    I started a thread weeks ago about the guy I hate at the gym. He's a jerk, drops weights, hogs machines, etc. And by the 4th response, somebody was defending him and saying how I was out of line. REALLY? how the F does anybody know that when the only info is what I posted and EVERY bit of what I posted showed the guy as a jerk. Now, if you wanted to argue that I didn't give an accurate portrayal of the guy, maybe not. But that's a different color of horse.

    And while we're discussing what and who pisses me off (as I hijack your thread), people who use standard phrases in the wrong context piss me off. You know, like when you're talking about cheats on welfare and they say "you can't get blood from a turnip." No, but I can get blood by beating a dead horse, if I don't wait too long after it dies.

    And somebody else that pisses me off is people who don't believe that Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon. Maybe they should be beaten instead of the dead horse. And who beats a dead horse anyway? Do you beat them because you're mad that they died?
    wow LOL!!! go go go go!!!
  • AmyOwl73
    AmyOwl73 Posts: 45 Member
    I guess it only gets me if the person is just lounging around on a piece of equipment like it was furniture - and then only if the gym is crowded (mine usually is at lunchtime when I most often go). In those cases, the STAFF usually asks them to move before anyone else gets a chance to.

    That's different than doing a gentle, slow paced workout .. those can be beneficial too, especially if you're really sore from an intense workout a day or 2 before, or you're getting over being sick... If you're moving, you're working out! :)

    Relax, breathe... :)
  • bleacheblonde
    bleacheblonde Posts: 333
    A little bit of "mind your own F-ing business" goes a long way, and humanity as a whole would be so much better if people could remember that. It's one thing if the person is just standing/sitting on the machine not moving, adjusting their ponytail, or texting. Then it's warranted to be pissed off. But when someone is legitimately exercising (even if it's not what you deem "legitimate"), they have every right to be there and it's really none of your business how hard they are working unless you are that person's trainer. Unless you know their situation and how many of their pain neurons are currently firing, just walk away like an adult and find a different machine. This post exemplifies one of the reasons I dislike gyms: everybody has that one machine that they think other people need to get off of. SHARING IS CARING, FOLKS!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Nah, its rants like this that piss me off. Why sound off on a forum when you can do it to the person's face.

    Love this...and totally agree!!! She says it here on the forum...because the forum can't smackerndaface like the woman on the treadmill can..lolol

    YES, thank-you! And here we arrive at the primary problem of internet comments and forums...people want to say *kitten* but they don't want to deal with the consequences, so they do it online. Because nobody can kick your *kitten* on the computer.

    Well at least it's a less violent way to resolve minor everyday irritations that we come across through out our day. We can't always be in someones face and confrontational in and road rage mode......especially when we know it our hearts that it's not really that big of an issue in the grand scheme of things. Sometimes you just have to get something off your chest. We're human..not perfect.
  • tomhancock
    tomhancock Posts: 100 Member
    You aren't the only one it pisses off, there are plenty of other *kitten* out there.

    If you don't like waiting pay more money for a membership to a gym with more machines.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    wow some very angry people on here today :noway:
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    We used to belong to a gym and a sign was clearly posted Please do not sit on the equipment between your sets. Like it or not it was their rules.