May Daily Step Challenge



  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 839 Member
    5/1 -- 5250
    5/2 -- 6405
    5/3 -- 10,275 (errands and deep house cleaning put me over)
    5/4 -- 12,966
    5/5 -- 7044
    5/6 -- 1184 (pathetic -- lazy day but well-deserved)
    5/7 -- 10,118
    5/8 -- oops -- battery died on pedo today. Gotta replace the battery so I guess no step counting for me today.
    5/9 -- 1303
    5/10 -- 5954
    5/11 -- 7637
    5/12 -- 4279
    5/13 -- 5350
    5/14 -- 4263
    5/15 -- 6600
    5/16 -- 1593 -- extra sedentary day and slept right after work.
    5/17 -- 2033 (biking)
    5/18 -- 14,609 (got a couple good walks in AND mowed the lawn)
    5/19 -- 4481 (biking)
    5/20 -- 6735
    5/21 -- 4983
    5/22 -- 2844
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    5/1 - 15,227
    5/2 - 16,957
    5/3 - 19,267
    5/4 - 14,103
    5/5 - 22,193
    5/6 - 15,650
    5/7 - 17,449
    5/8 - 12,799 funeral today so not so good
    5/9 - 11,336 another bad day... ;o(
    5/10 - 13,777
    5/11 - 14,788
    5/12 - 23,074 (PERSONAL BEST)
    5/13 - 19,778
    5/14 - 25,269
    5/15 - 13,239 nice relaxing day today
    5/16 - 15,150
    5/17 - 17.014
    5/18 - 15,364
    5/19 - 24,720
    5/20 - 10,802 (PERSONAL WORST)
    5/21 - 14,507
    5/22 - 14,038
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    ...aaaaaand... there it goes...:drinker:

    Woohoo! First time for this challenge :bigsmile:
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Daily goal is 10,000

    5/1 - 7,507
    5/2 - 8,783
    5/3 - 19,103
    5/4 - 14,537
    5/5 - 13,920
    5/6 - 20,488
    5/7 - 9,375
    5/8 - 6,301
    5/9 - 10,113 Morning and evening treadmill
    5/10 - 10,103 Treadmill and a long walk after dinner
    5/11 - 6,471 Only one walk
    5/12 - 10,502 Shopping and after diner walk.
    5/13 - 10,763 Shopping and cleaning
    5/14 - 13,662 Busy work day and walk after dinner
    5/15 - 13,473 Morning walk and eveneing treadmill.
    5/16 - 8,107 Museum trip brought up a very low day.
    5/17 - 9,053 One long walk was not quite enough
    5/18 - 10,459 Long walk before going out to dinner
    5/19 - 14,423 No walk, just getting lots done
    5/20 - 14,101 Shopping, clenaing and yardwork
    5/21 - 9,527 Walk after dinner
    5/22 - 22,284 Not at my desk :) long walk and dancing!
  • bcw660816
    bcw660816 Posts: 326 Member
    Goal: 7,500 steps a day / 250,000 steps in May

    5/01 - 11,907
    5/02 - 17,826
    5/03 - 5,677
    5/04 - 13,112
    5/05 - 9,608
    5/06 - 3,531
    5/07 - 5,454
    5/08 - 13,878
    5/09 - 10,064
    5/10 - 6,335
    5/11 - 6,367
    5/12 - 6,608
    5/13 - 4,264
    5/14 - 7,558
    5/15 - 11,635
    5/16 - 5,298
    5/17 - 12,922
    5/18 - 5,983
    5/19 - 5,253
    5/20 - 14,116
    5/21 - 5,115
    5/22 - 7,631

    Month Total: 190,142
  • itsmedicinalbacon
    5/1 11,121
    5/2 10,004
    5/3 11,884
    5/4 11,284
    5/5 10,001
    5/6 10,283
    5/7 10,219
    5/8 10,010
    5/9 11,843
    5/10 10,444
    5/11 10,332
    5/12 11,756
    5/13 10,121
    5/14 12,307
    5/15 10,111
    5/16 11,132
    5/17 10,814
    5/18 10,175
    5/19 10, 227
    5/20 10,583
    5/21 10,211
    5/22 10,169
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    Goal 10,000 steps and 10 floors climbed

    5/1 - 14085, 10 floors
    5/2 - 14427, 13 floors
    5/3 - 5087, no floors climbed.....spent the afternoon chillaxin on the lake!!
    5/4 - 2515, no floors.....not feeling well today
    5/5 - 4195, 2 floors
    5/6 - 6262, 1 floor
    5/7 - 4789, 2 floors Put my FitBit on the charger in the afternoon and forgot about it!! GRRR
    5/8 - 11051, 2 floors
    5/9 - 5492, 1 floor Rained all day!
    5/10 - 5366, NO floors
    5/11 - 7853, 5 floors
    5/12 - 8943, 12 floors
    5/13 - 3227, 4 floors
    5/14 - 5935, 3 floors its been raining here for the past 2 days!!! GRRR
    5/15 - 5785, 6 floors not bad considering that over 10 hours were spent driving
    5/16 - 8266, 4 floors
    5/17 - 6734, 4 floors
    5/18 - 9364, 10 floors
    5/19 - 3511, 1 floor just plain lazy all day!
    5/20 - 6474, 25 floors
    5/21 - 11739, 19 floors Took my shower and forgot to put my FitBit back on! Darn!!
    5/22 - 9591, 3 floors so close, should've checked before going to bed
  • gooseafur
    gooseafur Posts: 340 Member
    My steps are counted by my wonderful fitbit!
    5/01 - 17,527 steps
    5/02 - 21,399
    5/03 - 21,360
    5/04 - 19,605
    5/05 - 11,924
    5/06 - 8,589 (I went to hospital for a strained back muscle, Doc told me I need to rest for a few days- )
    5/07 - 4,429 Only wore fitbit for half the day, REST
    5/08 - Stayed in bed for the day Didn't wear fitbit at ALL.
    5/09 - 3,882 Again, only wore fitbit for half the day- REST
    5/10 - 8,597 Feeling better
    5/11 - 6,659
    5/12 - 14,489 I'm back!! Feeling GREAT!
    5/13 - 13,322
    5/14 - 16,084
    5/15 - 8,104
    5/16 - 21,123
    5/17 - 22,006 -Ran a training 5K and played B-ball , Had a great day!
    5/18 - 19,598 -Played lots of B-ball
    5/19 - 29,395 -Soccer Game today + my personal best since I got the fitbit!
    5/20 - 19,441
    5/21 - 20,564
    5/22 - 11,736- slow day
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    My goal is 10000 steps daily.

    5/1 - 17,469 - Nice... like this big start.
    5/2 - 11,822
    5/3 - 10,491
    5/4 - 11,833
    5/5 - 10,263
    5/6 - 12,426
    5/7 - 10,920
    5/8 - 10,069
    5/9 - 11,089
    5/10 - 6,625 ==> Oh well, It was a good run.
    5/11 - 10,706
    5/12 - 10,402
    5/13 - 6,337
    5/14 - 13,772
    5/15 - 10,883
    5/16 - 17,367
    5/17 - 12,183
    5/18 - 8,960
    5/19 - 8,147
    5/20 - 5,021 - didn't have counter on most of the day - shame
    5/21 - 11,186
    5/22 - 11,474 -- evening walk
  • gregwork32
    gregwork32 Posts: 21
    5/8 - 11591 steps, 5.39 miles, 4011 calories burned, 52 floors
    5/9 - 15139 steps, 7.8 miles, 4458 calories burned, 47 floors
    5/10 - 18310 steps, 8.58 miles, 4272 calories burned, 74 floors ....think I over did it I'm sore and tired
    5/11 - 19426 steps, 9.79 miles, 4587 calories burned, 54 floors (should of just did the last 600 steps to make 20K oh well )
    5/12 - 21081 steps, 9.81 miles, 4724 calories burned, 58 floors (my last walk killed me alot of grade incline laid me up very sore this morning)
    5/13 - 7408 steps, 3.45 miles, 3408 calories burned, 15 floors (Bad day- seem like even if I exercise it didn't register on the fitbit?)
    5/14 - 15419 steps, 7.18 miles, 4079 calories burned, 41 floors
    5/15 - 18714 steps, 9.57 miles, 4586 calories burned, 60 floors
    5/16 - 17187 steps, 8.0 miles, 4312 calories burned, 40 floors
    5/17 - 25064 steps (personal best for now thanks to my wife's challenge), 11.66 miles, 4533 calories burned, 100 floors (don't know if I'll do this again lol)
    5/18 - 18719 steps, 8.78 miles, 4382 calories burned, 34 floors
    5/19 - 18153 steps, 8.45 miles, 4431 calories burned, 37 floors
    5/20 - 15186 steps, 7.07 miles, 4143 calories burned, 30 floors
    5/21 - 15714 steps, 7.53 miles, 4128 calories burned, 48 floors
    5/22 - 18497 steps, 8.61 miles, 4127 calories burned, 30 floors
    5/24(Carrie birthday)
    5/25(Eli birthday)
    5/28(Memorial Day)
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    ugh. did terrible yesterday. the weather changed to stormy and windy in beautiful oregon:-)
    so, it's harder to get my walk in!!

    had a looooong band concert last night and still a sick baby.

    will post yesterday later when i post tonight's steps.

    well, better get moving!

    happy wednesday, everyone!
  • gooseafur
    gooseafur Posts: 340 Member
    Great day (5/22) for dancingj2!!! You go girl!!
  • psychomomxs4
    psychomomxs4 Posts: 400 Member
    5/01= 7,633
    5/02= 4,788
    5/03= 9,729
    5/04= 12,595
    5/05= 4,203
    5/06= 7,942
    5/07= 14,844
    5/08= 15,851
    5/09= 11,924
    5/10 = 12,673
    5/11= 13,911
    5/12= 7,424
    5/13= 4,318
    5/14= 10,353
    5/15= 8,619
    5/16= 9,239
    5/17= 9,016
    5/18= 16,752
    5/19= 9,337
    5/20= 5,026
    5/21= 12,780
    5/22= 13,843 (222,800)



    My February Step Total 264,249….an avenge of 9,112 steps per day.

    My March Step TOTAL STEPS 295,548 an avenge of 9,533

    My April Step Total 290,077….an avenge of 9,669 steps per day.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I'm going to continue, I did really good last month my goal is to do even better.......10,000 steps a day here I come
    Goal 10,000 steps

    5/1 10757
    5/26586 ( didn't feel good,went to bed early)
    5/3 13981
    5/4 11077
    5/5 19976 ( did a volunteer workday at a school, exhausted)
    5/6 16503
    5/7 9647
    5/8 12023
    5/9 13638
    5/10 8075
    5/11 8179
    5/12 14030
    5/13 10173
    5/15 15542
    5/16 10244
    5/17 10966
    5/18 11054
    5/19 11992
    5/20 12868
    5/21 8263
    5/22 6251 (not feeling good)
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    5/3 5,089
    5/4 7,540
    5/5 6,228
    5/6 3,255
    5/7 5849
    5/8 7630
    5/9 7018
    5/10 7297
    5/11 11,208
    5/12 13,537
    5/13 10,096
    5/14 10,370
    5/15 13,276
    5/16 6442
    5/17 12,210
    5/18 12,901
    5/19 12,812
    5/20 3,672
    5/21 8,243
    5/22 3,976
    5/23 12,012

    ahhh. much better for me today!!

    themommie - hope you are feeling better tomorrow!
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    5/1 - 15,227
    5/2 - 16,957
    5/3 - 19,267
    5/4 - 14,103
    5/5 - 22,193
    5/6 - 15,650
    5/7 - 17,449
    5/8 - 12,799 funeral today so not so good
    5/9 - 11,336 another bad day... ;o(
    5/10 - 13,777
    5/11 - 14,788
    5/12 - 23,074 (PERSONAL BEST)
    5/13 - 19,778
    5/14 - 25,269
    5/15 - 13,239 nice relaxing day today
    5/16 - 15,150
    5/17 - 17.014
    5/18 - 15,364
    5/19 - 24,720
    5/20 - 10,802 (PERSONAL WORST)
    5/21 - 14,507
    5/22 - 14,038
    5/23 - 15,486
  • bcw660816
    bcw660816 Posts: 326 Member
    Goal: 7,500 steps a day / 250,000 steps in May

    5/01 - 11,907
    5/02 - 17,826
    5/03 - 5,677
    5/04 - 13,112
    5/05 - 9,608
    5/06 - 3,531
    5/07 - 5,454
    5/08 - 13,878
    5/09 - 10,064
    5/10 - 6,335
    5/11 - 6,367
    5/12 - 6,608
    5/13 - 4,264
    5/14 - 7,558
    5/15 - 11,635
    5/16 - 5,298
    5/17 - 12,922
    5/18 - 5,983
    5/19 - 5,253
    5/20 - 14,116
    5/21 - 5,115
    5/22 - 7,631
    5/23 - 7,707

    Month Total: 197,849
  • itsmedicinalbacon
    5/1 11,121
    5/2 10,004
    5/3 11,884
    5/4 11,284
    5/5 10,001
    5/6 10,283
    5/7 10,219
    5/8 10,010
    5/9 11,843
    5/10 10,444
    5/11 10,332
    5/12 11,756
    5/13 10,121
    5/14 12,307
    5/15 10,111
    5/16 11,132
    5/17 10,814
    5/18 10,175
    5/19 10, 227
    5/20 10,583
    5/21 10,211
    5/22 10,169
    5/23 14,323
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    dajndae - hope your baby is better

    Themommie - hope you are feeling better too.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Daily goal is 10,000

    5/1 - 7,507
    5/2 - 8,783
    5/3 - 19,103
    5/4 - 14,537
    5/5 - 13,920
    5/6 - 20,488
    5/7 - 9,375
    5/8 - 6,301
    5/9 - 10,113 Morning and evening treadmill
    5/10 - 10,103 Treadmill and a long walk after dinner
    5/11 - 6,471 Only one walk
    5/12 - 10,502 Shopping and after diner walk.
    5/13 - 10,763 Shopping and cleaning
    5/14 - 13,662 Busy work day and walk after dinner
    5/15 - 13,473 Morning walk and eveneing treadmill.
    5/16 - 8,107 Museum trip brought up a very low day.
    5/17 - 9,053 One long walk was not quite enough
    5/18 - 10,459 Long walk before going out to dinner
    5/19 - 14,423 No walk, just getting lots done
    5/20 - 14,101 Shopping, cleaning and yardwork
    5/21 - 9,527 Walk after dinner
    5/22 - 22,284 Not at my desk :) long walk and dancing!
    5/23 - 8,360 one walk but tired