People 'looking down' on my 'diet'



  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    Y'all made a little better =p They only know because there was pizza in the break room and I explained why I wasn't eating any.. It just makes me uncomfortable.. I do feel good about what I'm doing! I may only be eating 1100 calories a day.. but its the healthiest I've ever eaten!
  • Xia21
    Xia21 Posts: 85 Member
    Ummm. You are making them feel terrible and uncomfortable and they are taking it out on you. You are making healthy choices and they are not. Stick to your guns. Do what you need to do to be healthy and ignore everybody else.

    ^^^ This is exactly what i was thinking. When you step out of your comfort zone to better yourself, it makes them re-evaluate their own decisions... and THAT makes them uncomfortable.

    Continue with your great work :]
  • volvol16
    volvol16 Posts: 45 Member
    Ummm. You are making them feel terrible and uncomfortable and they are taking it out on you. You are making healthy choices and they are not. Stick to your guns. Do what you need to do to be healthy and ignore everybody else.

    I totally agree ^^^^

    A girl I work with is currently on the HGC diet. DUMBEST thing EVER!!!! Eating 500 cal/day and putting some stupid drops on your tongue is not going to get you to lose weight! I told her that when it doesn't work to come talk to me and I'll help her lose weight the right way. I swear people think that when you start running you should be able to run 6 miles like it's nothing. I run 5-6 times a week and running 6 miles is hard! You have to work up to strenuous physical activity and you have to make dietary changes small otherwise you'll gain everything back!!

    Long story short, don't feel down on yourself. You're doing great! I love hearing that people are so uncomfortable with others feeling great and beginngin to look great too--that means that they just might try it too! Keep your head up!! :) You'll be an inspiration one of these days!!
  • melbard127
    melbard127 Posts: 13
    Yes my life is filled with thoes people!No one ever told me when Iwas fat but now I hear "im too Skinny! " Come on there just jealous because we are making them feel unhealthy and weak<3:smile:
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    When people ask me what 'diet' I did to lose weight I tell them it's the 'Move your @ss and quit eating crap' diet.

    They don't ask many questions after that.
  • bplumb5
    bplumb5 Posts: 3
    I have found that people want to make me feel about my healthy choices because it makes them feel bad about themselves. It's basically a defense mechanism. Don't let it get to you, and don't feel uncomfortable about caring about your health!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    With other people who talk about exercise/diet my favorite word is "yeah"

    you on a diet? yeah

    you should run 10miles a day and just drink a ton of water. yeah

    my cousin lost 50lbs in a month doing diet x. Yeah

    You shouldn't eat carbs. yeah


    yeah x2
  • volvol16
    volvol16 Posts: 45 Member
    With other people who talk about exercise/diet my favorite word is "yeah"

    you on a diet? yeah

    you should run 10miles a day and just drink a ton of water. yeah

    my cousin lost 50lbs in a month doing diet x. Yeah

    You shouldn't eat carbs. yeah

    this is great! in one ear and out the other!!!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I was out sick from a heart attack, and when I came back there were a lot of questions. I just said I can't eat like I did. I had lost about 50 pounds.

    I just say, "I wish I could eat that" and keep moving.
  • stephaniekneld
    Why say anything? I let the results speak for themselves. I have learned to not tell people if I am changing something about myself. It is food for the backstabbers, and it is sabotage if you take one step out of line. When the results start to show, people will naturally comment because they can SEE what you are doing is producing results. I do not give people any information on what I am doing, or how I am eating. When they ask, I just tell them that I am taking care of myself. If someone who is overweight comes to me and asks for help, I will give it, but only if I know they are serious.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    With other people who talk about exercise/diet my favorite word is "yeah"

    you on a diet? yeah

    you should run 10miles a day and just drink a ton of water. yeah

    my cousin lost 50lbs in a month doing diet x. Yeah

    You shouldn't eat carbs. yeah

    I love your new picture! You're doing such a great job!!
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    With other people who talk about exercise/diet my favorite word is "yeah"

    you on a diet? yeah

    you should run 10miles a day and just drink a ton of water. yeah

    my cousin lost 50lbs in a month doing diet x. Yeah

    You shouldn't eat carbs. yeah

    I have been getting this a LOT from the ladies at work that are on Weight Watchers.. I said 'I've lost 10 lbs' and she says, you eat a lot of sugar! You should do this... O.O ? She has no idea what I eat! My neighbor does it too.. Its like.. I've already lost weight.. I don't need you to tell me what diet will work! I'm doing just fine.
  • princessquitealot
    princessquitealot Posts: 58 Member
    I have people who get downright offended if I say 'no thank you' to their cookies, cake, chocolate covered cherries. I work in a place where we are very careful what we say to each other. Three people have commented that I look like I've lost weight. And the rest just don't matter. The looks from other women mean nothing to me. I learned to 'bless em'. So what if you are on a 'diet'? So what if you bring your lunch every day and it's full of nourishing healthy choices? I check in here and where I work out for all the encouragement I need. The men and women who see the sweat dripping off my chin...they matter. The women and men here who pick me up when I'm down...they matter. People who want to derail me...they don't matter. And if you must...look them in the eyes and with a smile cause manners are important say 'I'm just getting started'!
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    Yep many say that, but I am quite to correct them and tell them that I do not diet.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    People on here look down on peoples "diet" all the time. You only have to mention Paleo....
  • Beamll
    Beamll Posts: 28
    My first question is, why are you allowing them to make you feel bad. Don't give them that much power over you. It's your life, so live it your way. If they ask what kind of diet you're on say a see food diet, I see food in front of me and I eat it. Usually stops the questions right there. I have learned that anytime someone eats healthy food other assume they're on a diet. I get it all the time, I prefer fruits and veggies, always have. When people start to realize this is your diet the questions will stop.
  • aliciagetshealthy
    aliciagetshealthy Posts: 946 Member
    If people ask what I'm eating, I generally reply with "lunch". If they ask "why are you eating that?", I respond with "because I like it. Why are YOU eating THAT?". If that doesn't stop the line of questioning, I will state "too each his own; I didn't realize I required your approval for what I eat".
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    With other people who talk about exercise/diet my favorite word is "yeah"

    you on a diet? yeah

    you should run 10miles a day and just drink a ton of water. yeah

    my cousin lost 50lbs in a month doing diet x. Yeah

    You shouldn't eat carbs. yeah

    I'm SOOO doing this from now on! FTW!
  • nicholettebell
    With other people who talk about exercise/diet my favorite word is "yeah"

    you on a diet? yeah

    you should run 10miles a day and just drink a ton of water. yeah

    my cousin lost 50lbs in a month doing diet x. Yeah

    You shouldn't eat carbs. yeah

    I like this!
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    Opinions are like noses. Everyone has one and they all blow.