People 'looking down' on my 'diet'



  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    This used to bother me quite a bit, but, I've changed how I look at the question. I simply answer honestly that I'm using an app that helps in tracking calories. I think it used to bother me because I didn't like the attention to my body or my eating. It still makes me a bit uncomfortable, but the reality is I can't hide the weight loss, and don't really want to, so people are going to be curious. So I try to simply accept compliments with a thank you and try to remember that most likely they are meant positively, even if they make me feel uncomfortable. Same with the diet questions, I try to answer and remind myself that mostly people just want to know--either because they wish they were eating better and losing weight, or normal human curiosity. People are judging me much less that I think--they're more wrapped up in their own issues. Well done on your progress and stay positive, you're doing great.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    A coworker caught me mixing protien powder into soy milk and she stopped in her tracks and gave me the biggest WTF?? look I have ever seen from her. I just gave her one right back, like, "Doesn't everybody??" So then she opened her mouth: "What is THAT??" I just told her what it was and she went on staring like I was arranging white powder on a mirror.

    That's my approach, if someone acts like I'm so frikkin weird for avoiding donuts and eating cottage cheese and saying I like it, I just look at them like I am astonished they aren't doing the same thing. "What do you mean, what am I doing? Doesn't everyone eat healthy??" Try being the confused one. You probably won't even have to pretend: "You mean I am the only person in this office who takes care of herself? How weird!!"

    Alternatively: similar to the "Yeah" approach is, give a bland smile and say "I don't want to talk about it".
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 366 Member
    With other people who talk about exercise/diet my favorite word is "yeah"

    you on a diet? yeah

    you should run 10miles a day and just drink a ton of water. yeah

    my cousin lost 50lbs in a month doing diet x. Yeah

    You shouldn't eat carbs. yeah

    I have been getting this a LOT from the ladies at work that are on Weight Watchers.. I said 'I've lost 10 lbs' and she says, you eat a lot of sugar! You should do this... O.O ? She has no idea what I eat! My neighbor does it too.. Its like.. I've already lost weight.. I don't need you to tell me what diet will work! I'm doing just fine.

    "you eat a lot of sugar!", "yeah"

    This would get a "Hell yeah" from me...
  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    Hindesight is always 20/20. Your response back should be something like, "It's not a diet, it is a healthy lifestyle and at the least you should respect my choices. You never hear me complain about your choice to be an *kitten*." Perhaps hit them up every now and again with "Hey want to go to the beach guys?.... ohh wait.. I forgot you are still fat and out of shape.. see ya"

    Then... if that does not work, you can get mean...
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    Just ignore them.
    Anyone's opinion about how you live your life should have ZERO impact on how YOU LIVE LIFE.

    The only one that has a right to pass judgement, is YOU


    Don't grant anyone an ounce of power, over how you feel. You're doing what you're doing for you. It take strength and courage to change your lifestyle. Keep it up and hold your head high!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    Ummm. You are making them feel terrible and uncomfortable and they are taking it out on you. You are making healthy choices and they are not. Stick to your guns. Do what you need to do to be healthy and ignore everybody else.

    This exactly. They are just pissed at themselves because they lack motivation to do anything about their own weight. Keep doing what you're doing and forget the haters. I did!
  • bwmiller1
    bwmiller1 Posts: 98
    Ummm. You are making them feel terrible and uncomfortable and they are taking it out on you. You are making healthy choices and they are not. Stick to your guns. Do what you need to do to be healthy and ignore everybody else.
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    I wouldn't even sweat other people and what they say. They are going to label it as a diet, but that is only because its the beginning for you. As they see you drop weight and get thinner and thinner, then I think they will realize that it's a lifestyle change. I am fortunate enough to have a husband and a small group of friends who are doing the same as me, and who encourage me all the time. If you don't have enough of that kind of support in the people around you, come on here and we'll give you TONS of support!!! :smile:
  • TorridSkies4
    With other people who talk about exercise/diet my favorite word is "yeah"

    you on a diet? yeah

    you should run 10miles a day and just drink a ton of water. yeah

    my cousin lost 50lbs in a month doing diet x. Yeah

    You shouldn't eat carbs. yeah


    Yeah. ^.^
  • bwmiller1
    bwmiller1 Posts: 98
    that's exactly it.
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    Years ago when I was a serious dancer, I had to really watch my diet and I got in the habit of either blaming it on a food allergy or on my doctor. "Oh, my doctor wanted to restrict this to see if my such and such would get better. I can't eat sugar, SORRY BUT THANKS!" *big smile* "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry but my doctor thinks I might have developed a dairy allergy so I can't eat that, SO DISAPPOINTED!" *sad face*
  • EmptyCokeCan
    EmptyCokeCan Posts: 22 Member
    The only people I encounter issues with are also my coworkers... One claims she needs to eat healthier and the other claims shes on a no carb diet, but I watch them eat probably over 1000 calories at dinner with carbs carbs and a side of carbs. (We cook for clients too so I feel bad that these people are eating all this crap as well) I've started to take food with me to work so I wouldn't get trapped eating that mess.
  • HealthyLivingKathy
    HealthyLivingKathy Posts: 204 Member
    People try to keep everything the status-quo (IMO). You are changing the status-quo so you must be brought back into the group-think. Know it is going to continue to happen in various ways, passive-aggressive ways and just not nice ways. You are better than all of that. Remember how much better you are feeling and go with that. My daughter keeps reminding me "you can't eat that." I correct her with, "I can eat anything I want, I chose not to eat that at this time." {{{HUGS}}}
  • cgray
    cgray Posts: 132 Member
    I hate when people tell me to "live a little" when I say I don't want to eat unhealthy foods. In most cases I don't like the food I'm being offered, why would I eat it? And when did living=eating? I'm very small so people always want me to "gain some weight". Uh, no thanks, I'm good. I want to be healthy and limber and bring down my high cholesterol. My theory is I'll eat when I want to, stop when I'm full and eat what I want.
  • sarahsxt
    sarahsxt Posts: 66
    Someone once said to me that criticism is often envy in disguise and I think that makes a lot of sense. The healthy path will always be full of obstacles but since when was doing the right thing easy? I'm sorry you have to deal with that at work - but maybe try to laugh it off and instead of letting it get to you use it as an opportunity to educate your co-workers and inspire your whole office to become healthier through your actions? People can call it a diet if they want - but once they see the long term benefits of your lifestyle change - their envy will wane to respect and they will become more supportive. I promise. It just takes time. :)
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    My friends think I'm vegan because I want to lose weight. They tell me I'm extreme. I tell them to STFU.
  • NeekyRae
    NeekyRae Posts: 34
    Yes! And people trying to shove dessert down my throat.
    "one time won't kill you"

    No but it will hurt me if I give in every time someone says that!

    Just let me continue with my lifestyle change and you can eat what you wanna eat, ya know?
    And don't feel sorry for me
  • NeekyRae
    NeekyRae Posts: 34
    With other people who talk about exercise/diet my favorite word is "yeah"

    you on a diet? yeah

    you should run 10miles a day and just drink a ton of water. yeah

    my cousin lost 50lbs in a month doing diet x. Yeah

    You shouldn't eat carbs. yeah

    I have been getting this a LOT from the ladies at work that are on Weight Watchers.. I said 'I've lost 10 lbs' and she says, you eat a lot of sugar! You should do this... O.O ? She has no idea what I eat! My neighbor does it too.. Its like.. I've already lost weight.. I don't need you to tell me what diet will work! I'm doing just fine.

    "you eat a lot of sugar!", "yeah"

    This would get a "Hell yeah" from me...

    Oh this is great. I have people 2-3 times my size (sitting on a chair) telling me how I should workout and how to eat.
    I think well why don't you join me and just show me that works.
    I'm doing what I can handle and my own way. Everyone is different!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Nope.. so far so good... They have been pretty supportive thus far. My bosses have been wonderful about it.

    They see me with all fresh foods, never canned, no processed - no frozen meals, just real foods. They often laugh and joke about 'how the hell do you have the time?".. its like exercise: you make the time to happen... thats what it really boils down to really.

    The only person that I have had to remove from my life who IS like that is my mother. I dont care for her poor attitude, negativity or ignorance. If she cant respect the fact that I have doctors helping me along the journey and I CHOOSE to follow those instructions willingly, well, I dont need her... plain and simple...
  • SweetDee80
    SweetDee80 Posts: 62
    Ummm. You are making them feel terrible and uncomfortable and they are taking it out on you. You are making healthy choices and they are not. Stick to your guns. Do what you need to do to be healthy and ignore everybody else.
