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I hate exercise soooooo much!!



  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    Yes I hate it. With a passion.

    I cannot find a single activity that I enjoy doing but I know if I don't do anything I'll just get fatter and fatter.

    I am doing Wii Biggest Loser which actually kills me so it must be doing some good but I don't know if its enough.

    Anyone got any wise words to share with me to give me a bit of motivation?

    I get bored quickly with dvds and going to the gym. What I do on days like that is just turn on some music with a good beat and start dancing like a crazy fool. Working pretty well for me so far lol
  • badgranola
    badgranola Posts: 67 Member
    Positive self talk goes a long way! Give it a shot!
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    I used to think I hated exercising also. Turns out I was just lazy. Once I actually put forth a little effort, it was enjoyable and fun
    There's probably a lot of things that you haven't tried yet. Keep working at it and trying new things. It's worth it.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    I'm absolutely gym phobic so I've never been to a gym. I've tried fitness classes and hated them, I can't run more than a few yards because I'm so unfit but cycling doesn't seem to make me sweat at all and I can't swim.
    You do not have to go to the gym to exercise. I do all my exercise inside of my condo...well except my walk around the lake the other day. That was obviously outside. I mean, I don't have a lake INSIDE my condo! :tongue: I hate classes, I hate most work out DVDs, I hate playing sports, I hate just about everything. I do NOT run and will NOT run. You could come after me with a knife and I probably would NOT run. But I have stairs in my condo so I can climb those. A lot of times I'll grab one of my cats and carry them up and down the stairs with me for added weight. They don't seem to mind too much :ohwell: I have a stationary bike, so I get on that a couple times a week and watch tv while I pedal. I don't hate yoga (and I feel kinda sexy when I do it!) so I do that once or twice a week. You could do something as simple as march in place during commercials if it comes to it. Heck for that matter, you could lie in bed and do leg lifts! When I'm at work (desk job) I get up to go to the water jug at least 5 times a day. The water jug is on the other side of my building and sometimnes I'll take the round-about-way to get there. Just add a little something. Then add a little something more. Pretty soon you'll be exercising and you won't even know it. Do you have stairs and a cat by chance?:flowerforyou:
  • mummyv811
    mummyv811 Posts: 237
    I am also not a massive fan of exercise! Well, exercise that feels like exercise! Gym, push-ups, running etc

    I do, however, love dancing and walking! So I just stick to these! I don't see the point in forcing myself to do something I don't enjoy! Walking gets me to my destinations and dancing enables me to listen to awesome music! Therefore they are no longer 'chores' for me.

    Good luck with it!
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    There is nothing better, than going inline skating on a bright nice shiny day, like today, hurray. :laugh:

    I fully agree! And it doesn't even feel like exercise!
    Walk on a sunny day, swim, dance, whatever.
    Find something you like, and it doesn't feel like exercise.
    There are sooooo many possibilities to move, it doesn't need to be named "exercise" to burn calories.

    On the other hand, you can also lose weight without exercising, but then you have to eat less. If you are able to keep your calories low, you'll lose that weight without moving.
    I really need those burnt calories, as I couldn't stick with a low calories diary.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    Is there something that you have always wanted to try? For me, it was boxing. I used to be pretty athletic growing up but wear and tear, beer and carbs got to me and I stopped. I used to try to go for a run like a used to but the pain and fact that I couldn't go like I used to bummed me out. Then I signed up for boxing at a gym near me and I love it. I don't see it as boring exercise because I am learning something rather than just running in place or something. Look for something you have always wanted to do and start. It is going to suck for a while but keep at it and it will get easier and easier.
  • Jugie12
    Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
    Well you know you don't enjoy it right now and I am sure you can rattle off all the reasons you don't like each exercise you've tried. So, here's a list of why you should LOVE exercise:

    1. Weight loss (duh, right?)
    2 Sculpting a sexy beast out of whatever you have now
    3. You get to be selfish and set aside time specifically for YOU to do something for YOURSELF.
    4. A better body leads to better health on the inside -you live longer!
    5. A better body leads to better job opportunities (yep, it's true, it helps you seem more put-together and confident)
    6. Sex... it's better and you get more of it
    7. Your skin will glow and be healthy and much smoother (mine definitely is!)
    8. You get to wear the sexy/cute outfits you always wanted to
    9. You intimidate a lot of people because you become fearless about something that honestly scares the %*^& out of most folks.
    10. Hair is healthier and grows faster, thicker.
    11. Sex...it's better and you get more of it
    12. The more you workout, the more you WANT to workout
    13. You look great in all your pics (finally)
    14. More energy without feeling like you're gonna crash and burn every few hours.
    15. Did I mention the sex?

    The list could go on and on. How does that compare to your list of why you abhor it?
  • withabandon
    withabandon Posts: 168 Member
    At 325lbs, I hated exercise, too. I hated the feeling of sweating. I relish it now!

    I started with a 15 minute walking workout DVD. In the comfort of my own home. It was ONLY 15 minutes and I figured my body deserved that, regardless of whether I liked it or not. Eventually, I built it up... I felt so accomplished being able to say "I walked 3 miles in 45 minutes today!" At first, I hated it. But I had a friend that would text me and tell me she got her miles done, so what was I waiting for? Sometimes an accountability buddy is a good motivating tool but ultimately, it has to come from inside of you.

    Think about your car - kind of like you wouldn't put ****ty gas in your car if you wanted it to work well, you shouldn't put ****ty food in your body if you want it to work well. You also wouldn't not take your car to the body shop, for example, just because you don't like going to the body shop.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    Yes I hate it. With a passion.

    I cannot find a single activity that I enjoy doing but I know if I don't do anything I'll just get fatter and fatter.

    I am doing Wii Biggest Loser which actually kills me so it must be doing some good but I don't know if its enough.

    Anyone got any wise words to share with me to give me a bit of motivation?

    Geting fat(ter) is more about what you eat than how much you work out.
  • Try Zumba!
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    People say this a lot. I don't get it. Sorry but I just don't understand. The feeling of working really hard and sweating makes me feel so good that it's amazing. I get a feeling of power and strength, it's an amazing feeling. I don't know how someone can hate something that is healthy and good for them. The human body craves exercise and physical activity.
    This kind of statmemnt really torks me! It's like people who say... "How can you NOT like water, it doesn't have any flavor, blah, blah, blah. Just drink it!" And now it's ... "How can you NOT like exercise? I LOVE it, blah, blah, blah. Just do it!"

    Just because YOU like exercise doesn't mean everyone does. Just because YOU like water, doesn't mean everyone does. Just because I LOVE cats, doesn't mean everyone does. Just because beer gives me diarrhea, doesn't mean beer gives everyone diarrhea. People are different.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    Put a big mirror next to the tv and exercize. You can watch yourself go from fat and pretty to skinny and beautiful. Just takes time.
    I LOVE horror movies. But even I wouldn't do that!
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    Load up your ipod - or make a cd - with good beats....even just start dancing around the room.....do what you like!!!

    Don't give up...after a while you will CRAVE exercise!
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    It hurts at the time, but I love the smug, self righteous feeling that you get afterwards. That's what keeps me doing it, and the knowledge that I can eat more, lol.

    This. :smile:
    Keep at it. Soon your body will crave exercise and you'll feel guilty if you don't do anything.
  • I thought I hated exercise myself. No matter what I just couldn't seem to get myself to do it. There was always an excuse. Yet I found when I actually was working out I felt better. My issue was just making myself actually do it. It may seem silly that I have that weird wall there but I do. So I am trying to just force myself to start once I start I find myself wondering why I drag my feet so much in the first place.

    Don't let yourself get overwhelmed by what others do and think whatever you're doing isn't enough. Feel it out. If you are doing a work out program (video game work out/ etc) and it really feels like you are working hard don't worry about whether it's enough until it starts getting too easy. Consider doing any physical activity a positive at this point. The more you move the better you will be. Take the stairs at work... put in a garden (if you have space)... park further away... mow your yard with a push mower. There are ways you can "sneak" exercise in while doing productive things so its not like exercise at all. You can count things like vigorous cleaning, shopping, yard work, etc. Maybe killing two birds with one stone by doing something productive while doing physical activity can help you be more motivated.

    Remember this is a lifestyle change, you didn't gain weight over night, you won't loose it over night. Take it one step at a time don't worry about becoming a fitness nut just worry about making sure you get yourself moving. If you are moving and you are within your calorie limits you will be healthier. As you progress in this lifestyle change you will find that things that once seemed "impossible" eventually can become easy to do. Its all about being proud of each step you take and not comparing yourself to others or what *should* be going on. As long as you are seriously working to improve yourself all good things will come in time.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I'll never be someone who loves to exercise, but I recognize the benefits. if I'm at home I'll challenge myself to 10 minutes of dancing to music or calisthenics and then I'll try to do another and another. Some days I do only 10 because I'm not into it, but other days I've done six cycles of 10.

    Try to make a game out of it. You could find an online interval timer and speed up for 30 seconds and go back to a normal balance when the alarm sounds.

    A heart rate monitor really helps, as does a great playlist.

    For strength training, do 1 set of all your exercises. Try to do another set. Anything is better than nothing for an ordinary exerciser.
  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member
    Yes I hate it. With a passion.

    I cannot find a single activity that I enjoy doing but I know if I don't do anything I'll just get fatter and fatter.

    I am doing Wii Biggest Loser which actually kills me so it must be doing some good but I don't know if its enough.

    Anyone got any wise words to share with me to give me a bit of motivation?
    Gotta hate being fat more than you hate exercise.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • redlion45
    redlion45 Posts: 155 Member
    It's exercise, not fun. People don't love the workout, but they love how they feel after having the workout (once you get past the initial "I am going to die") stage. If you love playing a game or taking a walk or whatever, that's a bonus.




    They are all hard, pick one!
  • tantalee
    tantalee Posts: 130 Member
    Me too
    Hate the sweat, hate the running, hate to move...just hate it