men are evil!!

:grumble: :grumble: and men are my biggest stress factor right now ....i hate men ugh lol .....i cant stand my current bf of 5+ actually setting aside money and if all goes well then by march i should be able to have enough money to leave........he is just to controling and such a negative person...and then theres my ex, who for some reason started talking to me again ....he was the first guy i ever loved...didnt treat me like crap persay but did at the same time (I think it was mainly because of our ages) but anyay he walks back in acting like he wants to start where we left off...except I have 2 kids and a boyfriend and he's married who does that?!?!?!?! ugh im so frustrated and i just cant stand men right now...........:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :mad: and when i get like this i always eat more whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    and the worst part is im still in love with my ex :frown: *kicks herself really hard*
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    It's OK girly, I for one have been thru all of those emotions too (and then some). I can attest to the fact that "time heals all wounds". If that's you in your avatar you look REALLY young. You have a LOT of years left. These 2 guys were probably not the first 2 you've met and I'm sure they won't be the last 2 :flowerforyou:
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I know the feeling...and I feel for you. I love my boyfriend but he can really be selfish and such a pain sometimes. I have been through some terrible relationships..and they have all been different but have the same suck. they are just not like us. unsensitive, selfish. i'm sure there are a few good men out there, i consider mine one, but good men are still men. they still will never be on our level. I think that a relationship gets to the point and the guy starts to take things for granted. That's where all my relationships turn bad. A girl has to be respected and appreciated or we won't be happy. As far as advice goes for you, I don't really know the situations your in exactly, but I can tell you to stay away from the married man. he is def in it for himself. take this time for yourself. instead of being depressed and eating...take care of yourself. like you are putting money away. you are investing in your future. getting skinny and choices you are making everyday is an investment in your future too.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    It's OK girly, I for one have been thru all of those emotions too (and then some). I can attest to the fact that "time heals all wounds". If that's you in your avatar you look REALLY young. You have a LOT of years left. These 2 guys were probably not the first 2 you've met and I'm sure they won't be the last 2 :flowerforyou:
    i was healed up until my ex walked back in wanting to talk again and rekindle old flames ect ect... =/ well i wasnt all "healed" up but i was managing and i hadnt talked to him in 6-7yrs =/...he was sthe first guy i ever loved and the only one i felt completely happy and safe around =/...ugh im just so frustrated i want to break down
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    The reason I say I can relate is because I have been fighting with my boyfriend for the last couple of days. He is being selfish and insensitive. Yesterday, of all freaking days, my ex, (whom I will never get over!!! and still just the sound of his voice makes my day!!) called me at work. I have not spoken with this man in five months! Men are selfish creatures
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I know the feeling...and I feel for you. I love my boyfriend but he can really be selfish and such a pain sometimes. I have been through some terrible relationships..and they have all been different but have the same suck. they are just not like us. unsensitive, selfish. i'm sure there are a few good men out there, i consider mine one, but good men are still men. they still will never be on our level. I think that a relationship gets to the point and the guy starts to take things for granted. That's where all my relationships turn bad. A girl has to be respected and appreciated or we won't be happy. As far as advice goes for you, I don't really know the situations your in exactly, but I can tell you to stay away from the married man. he is def in it for himself. take this time for yourself. instead of being depressed and eating...take care of yourself. like you are putting money away. you are investing in your future. getting skinny and choices you are making everyday is an investment in your future too.
    ty hun....yea my current boyfriend and i have 2 kids together.....he is on disability (bipolar) so he technically doesnt work, sleeps until 12-3pm everyday...doesnt clean and makes a mess....doesnt cook and then throws a fit if i want to go out.....last week i said i was going out and he agreed....i got dressed in what i thought was a cute outfit and came out of the room and he looks at me and says "that shirt and those pants make u look huge".....ugh he is just a lazy selfish a**hole...and i cant take it much for the married guy we were eachothers first loves.....its stupid and silly, but i dont think ill ever get over him completely....but id like to thank everyone for listening ...i needed to get some of it off of my chest
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    just remember... when dealing with EX's... you left them for a good reason... usually they haven't changed and you won't find that out until it is too late. and also... If he is willing to see you, and wants to "start your relationship again" while he is still, currently, married.... well, that says it all!!!!! He is SCUM.
    Do yourself and your kids a huge favor....get ride of both of them and start a new life.
    Just my Opinion....
    but, my experience has taught me many things. and both of these were hard lessons to learn. I hope you don't have to learn them the hard way. good luck
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    The reason I say I can relate is because I have been fighting with my boyfriend for the last couple of days. He is being selfish and insensitive. Yesterday, of all freaking days, my ex, (whom I will never get over!!! and still just the sound of his voice makes my day!!) called me at work. I have not spoken with this man in five months! Men are selfish creatures
    ack sorry to hear that hun :frown: and whyyyyyyy does it seem so hard to get over an ex sometimes? lol
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    Put a stop to talking to you ex right now.. He's mind f**kin you bad! What kind of a guy does that.. A player.. and players only love you when they're playin games. He's playin his wife too..

    Don't give him the pleasure of talking to you.. and remember... Ex's are ex's for a reason.. Don't go back to what didn't work in the first place.

    And your boyfriend just sounds like a turd.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    just remember... when dealing with EX's... you left them for a good reason... usually they haven't changed and you won't find that out until it is too late. and also... If he is willing to see you, and wants to "start your relationship again" while he is still, currently, married.... well, that says it all!!!!! He is SCUM.
    Do yourself and your kids a huge favor....get ride of both of them and start a new life.
    Just my Opinion....
    but, my experience has taught me many things. and both of these were hard lessons to learn. I hope you don't have to learn them the hard way. good luck
    or break up was my fault.....i got scared because i was way too "happy" and from my past i learned that it never lasts so i disappeared and hid from him....the only problems we had were our age differences and his dad being the cheif of police well he didnt want people knowing my real age...he never cheated on me......and he hasnt cheated on his wife(we havent done anyything like that, just talked)...i think we just left alot of wounds open
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    :noway: :noway:

    WOAH... Don't go clumping all men together... :noway: :noway:

    Seriously... your topic should be "this guy I was seeing sucks" or something like that... :laugh:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    :noway: :noway:

    WOAH... Don't go clumping all men together... :noway: :noway:

    Seriously... your topic should be "this guy I was seeing sucks" or something like that... :laugh:
    lol......true can i just say most men suck? lol
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    All elephants are grey, but not every grey thing is an elephant.

    There are good men, you just have found one yet. I hope things get better for you. :smile:
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    :noway: :noway:

    WOAH... Don't go clumping all men together... :noway: :noway:

    Seriously... your topic should be "this guy I was seeing sucks" or something like that... :laugh:
    lol......true can i just say most men suck? lol

    I mean I guess you can, but even thats not true. :flowerforyou: I am sorry to hear about your experience, but ALL MEN hating isn't the way to go. Did you ever get a dozen roses and one of them dies really fast? It doesn't mean all roses die really fast, it was just one bad one.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    just remember... when dealing with EX's... you left them for a good reason... usually they haven't changed and you won't find that out until it is too late. and also... If he is willing to see you, and wants to "start your relationship again" while he is still, currently, married.... well, that says it all!!!!! He is SCUM.
    Do yourself and your kids a huge favor....get ride of both of them and start a new life.
    Just my Opinion....
    but, my experience has taught me many things. and both of these were hard lessons to learn. I hope you don't have to learn them the hard way. good luck
    or break up was my fault.....i got scared because i was way too "happy" and from my past i learned that it never lasts so i disappeared and hid from him....the only problems we had were our age differences and his dad being the cheif of police well he didnt want people knowing my real age...he never cheated on me......and he hasnt cheated on his wife(we havent done anyything like that, just talked)...i think we just left alot of wounds open

    sound like your making excuses for a bad, teenage , crush. you can't afford to let your kids get hurt.
  • Angie1215
    Angie1215 Posts: 125 Member
    :noway: :noway:

    WOAH... Don't go clumping all men together... :noway: :noway:

    Seriously... your topic should be "this guy I was seeing sucks" or something like that... :laugh:
    lol......true can i just say most men suck? lol

    i def agree with the MOST men part!!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    they still will never be on our level.

    Come now. Get off your high horse. The G/F I kicked to the curb before I met my wife was upset because I blew off spending time with her ,to spend time with my Grandfather on his death bed. We were serious enough that she was more than welcome to come with me, but she wanted me to her self.

    Self centered people know no gender/race/religion/nationality boundries.

    We've all been slefish at least once (more than likely, several times) in our lives.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    :noway: :noway:

    WOAH... Don't go clumping all men together... :noway: :noway:

    Seriously... your topic should be "this guy I was seeing sucks" or something like that... :laugh:
    lol......true can i just say most men suck? lol

    I mean I guess you can, but even thats not true. :flowerforyou: I am sorry to hear about your experience, but ALL MEN hating isn't the way to go. Did you ever get a dozen roses and one of them dies really fast? It doesn't mean all roses die really fast, it was just one bad one.
    good example.......but ive never got a dozen roses before :laugh: :laugh:
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    As far as kids are concerned you do what's in the best interested of those kids, PLEASE!! Do NOT fight with your bf/their father in front of them. They are innocent and did not asked to be in bad situations. If you're staying with him BECAUSE of the kids, that's crazy! Please do not believe the BS that kids are better off in a 2 parent home. Yes that's true IF the two are not fighting constantly and are on the same page working together in life. I'd rather be in a broken home, then a home with 2 broken parents. I'd rather see my parents happy APART then unhappy together.

    Sorry, rant off, I don't know you personally but when kids are involved the situation becomes more difficult. :heart:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    just remember... when dealing with EX's... you left them for a good reason... usually they haven't changed and you won't find that out until it is too late. and also... If he is willing to see you, and wants to "start your relationship again" while he is still, currently, married.... well, that says it all!!!!! He is SCUM.
    Do yourself and your kids a huge favor....get ride of both of them and start a new life.
    Just my Opinion....
    but, my experience has taught me many things. and both of these were hard lessons to learn. I hope you don't have to learn them the hard way. good luck
    or break up was my fault.....i got scared because i was way too "happy" and from my past i learned that it never lasts so i disappeared and hid from him....the only problems we had were our age differences and his dad being the cheif of police well he didnt want people knowing my real age...he never cheated on me......and he hasnt cheated on his wife(we havent done anyything like that, just talked)...i think we just left alot of wounds open

    sound like your making excuses for a bad, teenage , crush. you can't afford to let your kids get hurt.
    what excuse? :ohwell: i was the reason we broke up...and just because i have feelings for him doesnt mean id actually do anything with him,....and it wasnt a crush ...i will never believe that....but my kids are always my main priority....thats why i come on here and rant instead of holding it in or doing something really dumb in real life