Running in public- confidence issue



  • jenslife82
    jenslife82 Posts: 229
    I have some tips to battle this!

    Try running when there is little to no traffic.. This means either super early, or evening. I definitely wouldn't go running at 9am or 5pm on a weekday if you are trying to up your confidence.
    Wear what makes you comfortable too.. wear a hat if you wants, keeps you more 'mysterious' looking. Seriously though, people won't even notice you do, and if they do, it's for 5 seconds on their way past you and you most likely will never see them again! Whenever I see a runner, I think "aww, good for them!" no matter what shape, size, gait, or speed they are going. I must say though, I usually check out their sneakers!
    Lol.. I check out sneakers too since I switched from air walk to ascics!!
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    Don't be afraid to do the things you want because of what other people might think... Most people don't think, and the rest are too into themselves to care.
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    I know that this might sound like a broken record being played but, if you really love running don't worry about what other people think. It doesn't matter what other people think.

    I also go through the same thing when I go to Zumba class... I know that it is not the same as running, but I love Zumba... Therefore, I have learned to block out what other people think...
  • ellen_v
    ellen_v Posts: 33
    I always get funny about running in public, even at the park near me full of runners. I feel like they think I'm really unfit or slow or have bad form (which I think I do, I have a bad knees and flat feet and I left my decent trainers at home - recipe for distaster). So I go at like 7am and I often just powerwalk because it doesn't hurt my knees. My friends try and get to be go to Zumba as well and I'm too embarrassed, it's stupid. So I end up just doing lots of pilates and HIIT youtube videos at home and end up doing minimal cardio. I really need to get over this stupid thing and do some cardio and improve my fitness levels. I even get like this playing football (soccer); I hate it when there's a big crowd!
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it, I was exactly the same until I realised that no one actually cares. When you see other people running do you judge them or do you just think "fair play to them for keeping fit"

    No one will think you're weird for running, if anything they'd be jealous because they haven't got the energy/fitness levels to do it themselves.

    Or alternatively, do what I do and only go out when its dark/getting dark if it's safe to do so :)
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    If you're too self-conscious to run in public, you could always skip or gallop instead. Those options may be more likely to attract attention, though...
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Just do it, its great exercise, cheap and requires little equipment.

    I run when I don't have access to the gym. I just go outside my door and run, and my route takes me past a busy high street and station in East London, and 99.9% no one says anything. The people that do tend to be letchy overweight older guys, the type of guys who would make comment even if you were just walking past them. Mostly it does not bother me, as I feel morally superior to these pathetic beings.

    I run with my i-pod up quite loud, so I can't really hear what anyone says. Occassionally though, I do vent :devil:
  • i wouldnt worry too much about it my moto is if they dont like it dont look!! i do Zumba at home as there arent any classes near me but at first i did it with the curtains closed coz i was so self concious of someone staring at me or something but i do it with them open now im more confident with the way my body moves
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    Honestly the only time I've noticed anyone noticing me running(or wobbling as I call it) is when some guy stopped his car and asked for my phone number, and that was 10kg ago
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    When I started running last year, I hit several problems that I learned to just "get over".

    One I was slow always huffing and puffing and 225 lbs. I probably sounded like Taz going by anyone
    Two, there was a group of later teens that always loitered around on my route. I would get things like "don't have a heart attack fat *kitten*!" and they even tried to trip me once.

    But again, you just have to get over it or stay home. Wish I had better advise other than that.

    Now I'm having confidence issues with running without a shirt. I take it off only when my nipples are bleeding hard core if I don't have any nip guards around. I LOVE the feeling of it, its so much better than with a shirt, but my confidence isn't there yet, I'm 169 and am the very definition of "skinny fat"
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I'm sure someone has mentioned this, but it's like being at the gym. No one really notices, and if they do, a lot of the time it's in a positive way. In fact, I saw a woman running yesterday who really inspired me--she was clearly having trouble and not going very fast, but she was DOING IT. She was running through one of the busiest parts of town, and despite her size, she did it anyway. It made me feel shameful that I wasn't out running or doing SOMETHING. She was awesome. So, I totally understand from where you're coming, but I wouldn't put too much thought into it. You might just inspire someone else to get their *kitten* moving!
  • shanighias
    shanighias Posts: 169 Member
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me what I can do to get over this confidence issue about running in public !!

    - it sounds stupid i know...

    the only place to go running near me is on main roads and streets, ive managed to lose about 18-20 pounds so far without running but i've been stuck on this plateau now for 6 months:3
    I now realise I need to go running.
    I like running just hate doing it in public (my only option)

    thank you in advance!! :D

    You have to change your thinking......"There is no reality there is just perception of reality"........If I can run in Public in Pakistan A country where a person jogging on road is seen as Mad person you can do where ever you live.....just don't care and enjoy your run!
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,508 Member
    I went walking/running/gasping/walking repeat the other day in the rain. For the first time I wore a baseball cap and really liked how I felt less "exposed". At the local park I go to I usually see the same people. I have joint issues and yesterday had to cut it short, was limping back to my car. I logged it as "walking around Mt Trashmore as senior citizens pass me by" :)

    I used to feel bad when i'd see others pass me by, but now I compete only with myself. I know i'm improving when I can shave a minute or two off my time.

    Good luck!
  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 954 Member
    I used to feel the same way! I did my first few runs late enough in the evening when it was quieter . I am getting braver and braver with each run - I even went running the other day in the middle of the day around a busy park! No-one played a blind bit of notice of me ... nor I of them!

    I have had a few people comment to me over the last week or so that they have seen me out running - and they have all said the same thing ... 'well done - wish I could do that!!!'.

    My next hurdle is going to be feeling brave enough to go running during my lunch hour. A few of my co-workers do this two days a week but I don't think I am ready for that just yet! Maybe by the end of the summer ...
  • nvestli
    nvestli Posts: 38 Member
    :wink: Lots of great advice here - I think you can only really begin to get over your fear of running in public by doing it sadly. But should it help, there are CLEARLY lots of people who feel the same as you. I am very much using the same excuses to not run in my local gorgeous park at present but I know the only person I am letting down is myself.

    One tip I have is perhaps to have someone to run with? At least initally? When I was living in the UK I was a member of a running club and though everyone there was super fit and fast, they really encouraged slow beginners and after a few months running with them, I felt a million times fitter and faster. Is there something similar in your neighbourhood?

    We could force each other to go out "together" and report back? Bet you could start a "running club" of sorts on here where everyone can vent and laugh and say how they felt, especially those of us who are beetroot red in seconds and barely overtaking the walkers!

    Should it help, last week a friend and I decided to try some interval training and on the speed bits my t-shirt kept riding up to expose my very flabby wobbly belly. Took me a while to notice cos to be honest I was enjoying the sudden air-i-ness and of course once I did I realised I was exposing myself to a group of teenagers, sitting around drinking and looking youthful and fit. I was mortified of course but my friend (who is brutally honest) said that I wasn't wobbling all over the place and actually looked in better shape when flashing people!!!

    And finally, when I see a runner no matter how fast or slow they are going I ALWAYS think "well done them, they are putting me to shame" so remember that is what nearly everyone will be thinking when they see you flying past
  • krowy3g
    krowy3g Posts: 4
    Can you run at a time when there is less people on the road. I run at 5 am. The roads are empty and very few people are out. Those who are seem to always give me a smile and a thumbs up.
  • mamabosha
    mamabosha Posts: 22
    I am not a runner (yet as I am currently 425), but I hope to soon. Whenn I see a runner, if they are real fit, I admire them (especially a guy). If it is easy to see it's a bit of a struggle for them, I root them on and hope that some day, i will be able to have the courage they do.
  • kbarnick
    kbarnick Posts: 36
    There is some great advise here!

    I am not much of a runner, but I had this problem when I started taking walks. Other walkers didn't bother me so much. What I didn't like was walking in a busy street with traffic, lots of random people, ect. I had to take a busy street to get to a park where I could walk more peacefully. Eventually, after doing it, I got used to walking in busier public places, and it doesn't bother me anymore. I normally have on headphones and sunglasses (mostly for the sun, but helps for social anxiety issues as well).
  • sherry9300
    sherry9300 Posts: 149 Member
    Such a great thread!

    I don't run as much as I should, but I live in a small rural community in Mississippi. I just think everyone thinks I'm a little off my rocker, but I smile and wave (as is the custom here) and keep moving forward.