Almond Milk/Soy Milk/Rice Milk--Which is best?



  • N4monsters
    N4monsters Posts: 44 Member
    My son has a milk intolerance (I'm breastfeeding my 7mo old). So I have to eliminate all dairy/whey/milk protein from my diet.

    I have tried soy and that carton sits in my fridge until it goes bad. I cannot make myself drink it. It to me has a very distinct taste (yuck)

    I love almond milk. I get the unsweetened original flavor. It has the same consistency as milk and the flavor to me is very light. It's 40 calories a cup, very reasonable in my opinion.

    I drink coffee every morning and for a dairy-free creamer I use: So Delicious - Coconut Milk French Vanilla Creamer. It doesn't take like coconut to me :)
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I drink Almond milk in my home coffees, and I'm not sure what you're comparing it to, but from everything I see in the grocery store, it's got the lowest calories.
  • Emily_Katherine
    My favourite for cereal and to drink with cookies is Almond. I always buy unsweetened and unflavoured, I think it has about 30 calories per cup. The taste is not quite like milk, but it is good.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Lately, I have been making my own cashew milk. I use 50 grams of raw whole cashews (soaked overnight), a dash of xanthan gum to help keep it in solution, and enough water to make 2 cups. Blend the heck out of it for a couple minutes. Drain in a nut bag--and yes it is called that. Sweeten to taste, but it really isn't necessary.
  • kristinajaffe
    kristinajaffe Posts: 128 Member
    I've found that Silk's unsweetened almond milks are the most creamy and delicious out of the three choices. The unsweetened kind is only 35 calories per cup!

    this is my favorite also... very good.. and low in cals
  • Dayquasar
    Dayquasar Posts: 182 Member
    Depends on how picky you want to be and if you care about the details on the ingredient list in each one:

    Soy milk- too much controversy for me so I don't consume soy, taste isn't bad.

    Almond Milk- Tastes great, all the brands I have found contain carrageenan, also unless your getting your raw almonds from a diff country, they are all pasturized and stripped of the nutrients, until I found this out I was making my own at home.

    Rice Milk- doesn't have a lot of nutrients unless you get the enriched which has vitamins that have been created in a lab. I use just the classic because I only have about 1/2 cup/day and the it doesn't contain carrageenan the taste is not bad at all to me.

    Hemp- unless you make your own or spend a lot to buy it on amazon this also contains carrageenan, doesn't taste too great.

    Carrageenan- thickening agent from seaweed that possibly causes tumors

    If I'm not sure about anything I just don't consume it.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I drink coffee every morning and for a dairy-free creamer I use: So Delicious - Coconut Milk French Vanilla Creamer. It doesn't take like coconut to me :)

    I LOVE that stuff!! The hazelnut one is really good too
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    I have an awesome nut bag, wanna see?

    That's what she said... Sorry, I couldn't help it.

    Oh, and there's no carrageenan in Silk pure almond unsweetened. Yet another of the reasons I switched from soy.
  • melbaby925
    melbaby925 Posts: 613
    I use unsweetened almond milk and unsweetened coconut milks the most. I mix them together a lot in various things and if I want sweet, I'll use stevia to make it better!

    I used to drink tons of soy, but apparently started becoming 'allergic' to it - I started breaking out in pimple-like hives and my joints started swelling up. I have no idea if the cancer rumors are true, but I've heard some people have had reactions like mine. So if you tread, go slowly and see if you're one of us weird ones who has issues with it!
  • micahtouchet
    micahtouchet Posts: 3 Member
    I like Flax Milk and Almond Milk, in that order.
  • spartangirl79
    spartangirl79 Posts: 277 Member
    Soy - No actual reputable studies that show soy causes cancer. Just think the Asians would be keeling over in droves since it's a major staple of their diet over there. Lots of flavors. I buy the light chocolate silk and use it to sweeten up plain cereal that has very little sugar in it.

    Almond - Buy unsweetened and sweeten with stevia, equal, agave, etc.... I really like the vanilla flavored in my coffee and cereal.

    Rice - Meh. Like drinking melted rice pudding which I am not super fond of.

    A renowned oncologist in this area (Charlotte, NC) recommended to a good friend of mine that she avoid soy products after having a mastectomy due to estrogen-based breast cancer.

    Not worth the risk, and there ARE studies that conclude that soy can cause (and can cause recurrence of) estrogen-based types of breast cancer.
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    I think that almond milk is the best, and healthiest option. I use Almond Breeze (Blue Diamond) Unsweetened Vanilla (40 calories per 8 oz), and I don't think it needs sweetening at all. I love the stuff! My daughter drinks rice milk, and it has 3x the calories (and I don't care for the taste).
  • jlwbeans0823
    jlwbeans0823 Posts: 178 Member
    I prefer soy milk, I usually buy the unsweetened organic Silk. Almond milk is very good, but I think it's a little grainy...maybe I just haven't found a good brand? Rice milk tastes like pudding to me, I think another reviewer said this. I'm right there with her! Good luck on switching to non-dairy, there are many substitutes for dairy products. You'd still be giving up real cheese, but faux cheese isn't too terrible! :)
  • spartangirl79
    spartangirl79 Posts: 277 Member
    I am actually very allergic to soy milk -- pay attention to your body's reactions on these processed soy products. These soy milks are highly processed...
  • Dayquasar
    Dayquasar Posts: 182 Member
    I have an awesome nut bag, wanna see?

    That's what she said... Sorry, I couldn't help it.

    Oh, and there's no carrageenan in Silk pure almond unsweetened. Yet another of the reasons I switched from soy.

    There isn't? hmph cool, do you know if the almonds are really raw? or pasturized? Edited= ok just looked it up, don't like the ingredients, about a million gums to thicken it and also added vitamins etc. not my cup of tea.
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    I love them all and switch it up to keep life interesting. I also love hazelnut milk, flax milk, and coconut milk. For soy, I only use organic so as not to contribute to Monsanto's GMO monopoly.

    I make my own almond milk with a nut bag like others described too. I have some fresh in my fridge right now- It's a lot more almondy tasting than the store bought.

    You may find your taste buds change after being off dairy for awhile and what didn't taste good the first time might the next time. Also, the brand of milk affects the taste BIG time...they are all so very different, so experimenting is a good thing.

    Also, for cheese, try Daiya- it's a super awesome cheese substitute! :)
  • spartangirl79
    spartangirl79 Posts: 277 Member
    I drink coffee every morning and for a dairy-free creamer I use: So Delicious - Coconut Milk French Vanilla Creamer. It doesn't take like coconut to me :)

    I LOVE that stuff!! The hazelnut one is really good too

    Unsweetened coconut milk makes fab smoothies -- try with pineapple and banana! Yummm
  • Reesecup312
    Reesecup312 Posts: 277 Member
    Almond milk is my favorite! I like the vanilla version in my cereal....yum!! The chocolate version is great too!
  • judy20in2011
    judy20in2011 Posts: 143 Member
    Lately, I have been making my own cashew milk. I use 50 grams of raw whole cashews (soaked overnight), a dash of xanthan gum to help keep it in solution, and enough water to make 2 cups. Blend the heck out of it for a couple minutes. Drain in a nut bag--and yes it is called that. Sweeten to taste, but it really isn't necessary.

    I have an awesome nut bag, wanna see?

    WOW! LMAO, this made me spit my water out!
  • Rosie108
    Rosie108 Posts: 5 Member
    I actually do not like the flavor of any of these I have tried them all, but I just tried coconut milk and I love it. I don't even miss real milk :)