Did you tell anyone?



  • gusgrace06
    gusgrace06 Posts: 27
    I havn't told really anyone except for my Husband. I have MPF friends but for the most part they ignored me, so I just started to come onto MPF to just log in my calories. Oh well. I got stuck for a couple of weeks and I'm trying to get back on track. The only person who can motivate you is you. Don't try to change for anyone else (except maybe your doctor) do it for you.
  • wtlos4me
    wtlos4me Posts: 39 Member
    I can so relate! I don't see my family or inlaws very often, but when I do they are always commenting on my weight, or my food. I always bring my own food because I am on a renal/diabetic diet and their meal choices are not appropriate for me. The last time I tried to prepare my own food while I was visiting, (a chicken breast, steamed broccoli and a salad - and not a cheesy soup & pasta casserole with a side of buttered peas and rolls that everyone else was eating), my husband's niece made a comment about me being on another one of my "crazy diets". This is coming from my husband's family who eat Hershey's with almonds for breakfast, and icecream and cookies every night after dinner - and they are all skinny! The truth is, there are always sabateurs out there who mean well - but don't really help. I can completely understand not wanting to tell anyone. That is why I love this site so much, I can get the support I need from people who understand the struggle.
  • wtlos4me
    wtlos4me Posts: 39 Member
    Great post! I secretly liked the fact that you told your husband to fend for himself. I agree it is difficult to cook two different ways for every meal. My husband says he isn't a picky eater, but he lies. We can never share meals because he doesn't like the foods I like. He is definately a meat and potatoes guy, and likes it best when I make the whole shebang. Plus, if I don't prepare a meal for him, he will only fix P&J sandwiches and popcorn for himself - even if there are left overs in the frig that he can heat up! It is ridiculous. So, I told him if he wants me to fix a meal for him he has to eat what I am eating. When I am busy I just make it easy on myself and buy pre-cooked chicken and bagged salad. I make him a large protein salad for dinner most nights - and if he is still hungry he makes popcorn!:happy:
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    I had to tell MIL cause all she buys/cooks/eats/shoves in my face is GARBAGE... butter this, butter that, here have some chips, lick some salt, I'm gonna go back for 6ths...

    I didn't say JACK to anyone else though til I hit 20 pounds.
  • raayfrancy
    raayfrancy Posts: 100
    I have told people - because, it helps keep you more committed! If you don't tell anyone - you might be more likely to slack. No one likes feeling like a hypocrite! Tell people! Then own up to your words! (:
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    I have told people - because, it helps keep you more committed! If you don't tell anyone - you might be more likely to slack. No one likes feeling like a hypocrite! Tell people! Then own up to your words! (:

    I didn't say anything cause I had JUST gotten through 14 months of pregnancy (long story) where ALL I heard was "do this, don't do that, name the baby this, not that, you're gonna strangle him on his own cord, don't look at anything ugly, if the baby comes out like this it's gonna be all your fault"

    So the LAST thing I wanna hear is "you shouldn't eat that, you gave up already? wow I can't even see a difference! guess you can stop now, you're getting too skinny! you don't need to lose weight, you're just big boned! oh really, what diet are you doing? there's so many to choose from! Have you tried weight watchers? I lost 40 pounds then gained it all back!"
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    I never expressly told anyone I was losing weight, except for my mom and sister maybe. Then I posted a -30lb before and after pic on facebook and got a boatload of likes. I've learned not to tell too many people of what I'm trying to do, because if I fail it sucks having to tell them.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    I only told my husband at first after I had lost about 20-25 lbs then I started telling other people. I say you need to do what is right for you.....
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 707 Member
    My mom dad and roomie knew and I told my sister and bro in law somewhat when she said it looks like I lost some weight ... didn't tell them about the site tho ... this is my playground of sorts that I need to stay healthy and not worry about what family might be lurking around
  • jenseye
    jenseye Posts: 166 Member
    People know that I eat heathlier now and exercise regularly, but they have no idea that I count my calories or log my exercise.
    I wanted to do this for me and I know I am better off keeping the particulars to myself.
    I did the same thing when I quit smoking over 8 years ago. They say tell everyone so you are held accountable but I failed several times and it was because everyone kept mentioning smoking and all it made thinking of was having a ciggarette.
    So the last time I quit, did not tell anyone...and over 8 years later, I am still smoke-free!
    Best of luck to you, you can do it!!! : )
  • elizabethyoungcollins
    hI This is a great topic. Taking care of ourselves is certainly a good thing to share. What I believe is that we have to tell ourselves
    first that we are worth living for , living longer, healthier, more energetic lives. My husband is also overweight and I stick to comments
    these days that reinforce healthy behavior. He's been telling me that he's eating more salad and he wants to go back to exercising
    in the mornings before work. The last time I saw him (last week) I told him that he looked like he lost weight. He said he didn't but
    sometimes he doesn't give himself credit. I try to remember what it was like when I was growing up and Mom was always on me
    about what I ate and how I shouldn't eat this and that and food became a guilty pleasure rather than a source of nourishment. So
    it's difficult to focus only on myself but the fact is that I am not at my ideal weight yet either. I did lose 12 pounds on my health
    club's "Losing Big" 8-week program and made progress afterwards in continuing to work out with weights with a buddy. Then I
    had to travel for work, we both haven't been going to the club to work out now for a couple of weeks. However, I have bought
    the weights and a yoga mat and right now I'm getting off the computer, laying out the mat, and doing some weight lifting and other
    exercises on the mat (like the plank which was a challenge to hold for 30 seconds and the last time I could do it for three minutes.)
    Will report on how long I do it this afternoon!!!
  • scubalynnie
    scubalynnie Posts: 12 Member
    My boyfriend knows and my parents know I am trying to be healthier. My other friends either don't get it or don't care so, I don't tell them. My boyfriend has been great. He keeps making sure that I am doing it for me and not for him. He is a little thrown by planning meals a few days ahead but, he will adjust!
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I've told a couple people, and most people I know are aware that I run (I post stuff about races I've done on facebook, twitter, etc), but the only people who REALLY know that I'm trying to lose a considerable amount of weight and get in shape are my mom, sister, boyfriend, and 2 best friends. The first 3 are awesome (well, my sister just gets annoyed with me because she doesn't care about health/fitness right now), and one of my 2 besties is very supportive, but doesn't have much input seeing as she bounced back to her cute little pre-baby body precisely 2 months after giving birth, has never had to count a calorie in her life, and gets all her exercise from chasing her almost 2 year old around and doing yoga a couple times a week.

    My other bestie, I love her to death and would do ANYTHING for her, but she's kind of a one-upper. I have hundreds of wonderful things to say about her, but I think her only really negative quality is that if I'm losing weight, she doesn't need to lose as much (or has lost it faster) or if something awful's happened to me, something worse has happened to her (except for when it's something really legit, like when my dad died---she didn't try to one-up me on that), etc. I achieved a goal, she's already achieved it or doesn't need to. Or if it's something that I've done better than she has at, she downplays it. I love her, but I think she's just really insecure. But at the end of the day, I can call her to hit the gym with me and she is *mostly* supportive.

    Other than that, I don't tell people. I just want to impress others with the finished product (like my entire graduating class from high school that I'll see at our 10 year reunion in September!)
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I havent even told my best friend. She lives a few hours away so I dont see her often but we talk on the phone everyday. I havent wanted to tell her because she is overweight too and everytime we talk about losing weight it turns into a negative compatition and I didnt want that this time. It is just something I need to do (lose weight) not make it into a negative thing. I am actually very nervous about when I do tell her. I am scared she is going to get mad that I didnt tell her. But I felt like this is what I needed to do.

    I have a friend just like that! I didn't tell her I had re-joined WW and was losing weight because she was also doing WW (we live in different states but email every day). I think I told her two or three months later and she was pissed. But I know I made the right choice because she was very competitive and once she found out I was losing weight she was constantly "comparing" our weight loss.

    In the end... I stuck with it and lost 115 pounds.... she on the other hand, has gained and lost over the years, and done a half dozen different diets to end up back where she started.

    She just couldn't understand that I wasn't competing with her or anyone else, that I was losing weight for me because I wanted to be healthy and have energy to enjoy life. I keep hoping something clicks and she get back on track.... :ohwell:
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    I have not told anyone but my boyfriend we live together so it would be odd if he didn't notice me eating less and better and working out every day after work. I haven't told the rest of my family this has been an ongoing struggle my whole life I don't want to disappoint them or have them scold me if I eat a brownie. Also it always seems to unmotivate me when I let them know whats going on about stuff like this.
  • jwoww81
    jwoww81 Posts: 10 Member
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    i didn't tell anyone until i lost 15 lbs except for 1 friend.. and then when i told everyone.. i stopped losing bummer!!!
  • dabomb5198
    dabomb5198 Posts: 26
    I also tried several times before losing the weight. What finally worked was everyone knowing and that held me accountable. Now I have people ask me about the weight loss and I tell them what worked for me. I have one rule. I let them bring the subject of their weight loss and I always wait for them to offer updates on their progress or lack of progress. Lots of encouragement really helped me.
  • hikergalrm
    hikergalrm Posts: 20
    I told my husband, he is a very supportive guy:smooched:
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I kind of just went for it.. I didn't really talk to any one about it till it started. My boyfriend of course knows all about it, as he is my only supporter here at the moment. I've talked to my Mom about it too... but mostly because my younger sister and brother are on the heavier side and I want them to see what's going on.

    Other than that a few friends I work with know, mostly because I've had to explain why I'm not eating. I do have about 3 or so people are work that are truly interested about how its going though, so we talk.