

  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    Hi Everyone,
    I have missed you all! I am hoping that I will be able to keep up with the thread again. I have continued to record food and exercise. I am continuing to lose weight slowly. Looking forward to reconnecting with all of you!

  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Nancy I didn't think I would see him make 30. I don't have a problem telling you he is is a recovering drug addict.

    And for him to move out of state is the best thing that has happened to him. I don't know if anyone else here has gone through

    this. But has been tough road for the entire family.

    Barbie thanks for suggesting that I pack my meals. I'm happy to say that after eating all my planned meals over to ND. And ate

    sensible on the way back, I have lost 1/2 of pound. Driving must burn some calories.
  • Skyecath
    Skyecath Posts: 33
    Well I didn't use those spare calories up yesterday, I figured I need some spare ones for the coming week. We will be visiting various friends so it's going to be a tough week food wise but nice to see everyone I haven't seen in a while.

    We're travelling south tomorrow (8 hours) to pick our DD up from her digs at uni which she has just finished, then on Saturday morning taking her to the airport for her summer of travel before she starts her job in October. I'm used to not seeing her for long periods but I think I will still shed a tear when we say goodbye, part worry I suppose.

    Well we had a very weird dinner tonight. The plan was for lasagne but as I was assembling it this evening I realised that I had got jalfrezi curry out of the freezer this morning instead of bolognaise!! DH had put it in the freezer without a label and I'd presumed it was bolognaise. Ha well, it was an experience :smile: Not a recipe I'll be repeating though.

    We've spent the evening slicing home cured bacon and making sausages to take to our friends down south.

    One more glass of water and then it's bed, still haven't packed anything so will have to get up early in the morning to do it

  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Just checking in so it will be in my topics feed
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,965 Member
    :flowerforyou: My friend who usually walks with me on Wednesdays wasn’t available because her partner had an appointment with the cardiologist so I scheduled a walk with another friend to see her new neighborhood but she canceled because she’s been sick and it’s raining. My friend who comes to walk after work on Wednesdays canceled because she stayed up too late watching DWTS so she wants to go straight home and go to bed early so I asked my faithful walking buddies, Sasha and Brandy (the frisky poodles) and they said “We’re poodles, we don’t care about the rain and we’re never too tired to take a walk” so I had a nice afternoon walk for an hour.

    :flowerforyou: :love: Liselyn, I did my 100 lunges and 17,000 steps and plank for 1 minute 45 seconds today……..one thing I learned a long time ago is that it doesn’t work for me to compete against anyone else……I just challenge myself to meet or exceed a certain standard.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, I’m glad you are home safe and that your son likes the fifth wheel…..we used to have one for traveling and we loved it….one year we were in it for 99 days in a row….glad your son took only 27 years to grow up….we have one who is 36 and still running amok……bringing your own meals is part of the thin commandment that says “strategy is stronger than willpower”

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I love my ankle weights….I got one set at Big Five and the other set from Amazon……they are the kind with packets that can be added or subtracted to make them heavier or lighter.

    :flowerforyou: Laura, if you are doing your own challenges then you don’t need any of mine…..baby steps is a great strategy for getting where you want to…..on the 100 squats a day challenge, there is a woman in her 20’s doing 300-500 squats a day. I could never match her.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Robin, glad your foot has healed so you can walk more.

    :flowerforyou: Cath, enjoy your trip.

    :flowerforyou: Jake and I are watching a Jesse Stone movie and then going to bed early to make up for staying up so late last night watching DWTS.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    May resolutions:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    * Yoga three days a week
    *100 lunges a day
    *strength training three days a week
    *17,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    So much to catch up on and not much time to do it in

    Amanda Yeah I am so happy for you I have been down that road of not being able to see the Grandbabies for a bit and it is not fuin especially when you dont feel you have done any thing to deserve that and how nice to be connecting with DD again

    To the 2 Barbies in Pasco area my #1 son lives there what a beautiful area I love going for visits with him and his family we were just here twice in April and first of May

    Kat Love love palm springs have been there several times for work retreats and it is hot hot hot and usually we are there in August those have now been moved to Vegas but coming in Nov for a womens retreat and cant wait

    Back is still hit and miss some days it feels pretty good but other days it just nags at me all day so still taking it easy still plugging away

    DH and #2 son busy working on hubbys classic car they started this project in 2006 but had to put in on the back burner for some time due to life and DS getting married and having a family but the pulled her out of moth balls this weekend and my DH is so excited not sure if hes more excxited to finish the car or more excited to be in the garage with our son again. Either way he's happy again and that makes me happy plus we get to watch DS's girls get right in the middle of it all they are 8 5 & 3 so thats pretty cute they want to help on the car.

    Have a great night all Fitzy
  • brayla1
    brayla1 Posts: 142 Member
    Hi All

    Hope everyone is doing well

    :smile: Was hit with a realization that I needed today

    Sometimes I look at other women and think "I wish I was that thin or I wish my boobs looked like that or I wish what ever" and I think we all do...so there is a women in yoga who is such a nice lady, a bit older than me and she is soooooo good at yoga and has such a GREAT figure and I always think "Wow I wish I was that thin" etc....

    Well today I could tell she was troubled but I really don't know her well but I asked if she was ok and she confided in me that she was just told she had early onset MS, I was devastated for her and I get her a big hug and I was teary eyed and so hurt for her, we spoke for a bit about the power of positive thinking and healing and I gave her another hug and she thanked me and said she really needed a hug today...later I thought about myself and that I need to STOP envying other people and be thankful for my body, as fat and lumpy as it is and just be THANKFUL that it is what it is because so many other women have it harder and we really really DONT know what others are going through inside :smile: ...I just wanted to share...and also give myself a big kick in my butt for being such a whiner about such frivolous things when people are really suffering...anyway thats all :blushing:

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!!

    Love and good thoughts :love: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    I like this, we do need to take a look at ourselves and be thankful for what we have. And strive to live the life we deserve...thanks so much for the reminder. And thanks for caring enough to open your heart to the woman at yoga, I'm sure you helped her more than you know.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies -

    It's a warm day again in London town. Busy too!

    Yesterday I spent a lovely day with my darling grandtwins and my daughter. The babies are getting so grown up and chatty now. Molly came running to me as I walked through the front door, but no sign of Teddy. I walked into the living room and he suddenly spotted me and started babbling away as he ran at me and hugged my leg. They climbed all over me and I loved every second of it. We then went and bought Molly some new shoes - she chose them herself and I was delighted to see that she chose girly pink ones. Teddy has to have special shoes from the hospital at the moment, so none for him this time.

    We went to see the Queen's barge which is at Richmond bridge at the moment http://www.drives.co.uk/fullstory.asp?id=3511 and then went back to my house (via Richmond deer park), where Molly got hold of a pile of my handbags and was walking about with one on her arm, saying bye-bye, bye-bye. In the meantime, Teddy found my toy monkey and the remote control for the tv and sat flicking through the channels whilst chewing on the monkey.

    Yes, it was good! I adore them and hopefully this is the start of more visits - even if they have to be when SOBSIL is not around (all the better, I don't really want to see him!)

    Super busy at work and I've decided that next week I'm going to spend Monday and Tuesday having a deep cleanse - body and soul. I'll do a liquid only detox and I'm booking myself in for a hammam massage and scrub; a facial; manicure; pedicure and possibly a colonic. That should set me up for a while.

    Anyway my friends, I hope you are all doing well. Have a good day please.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Need to get up for work in a few hours, so of course can't get back to sleep...

    Boise Police shot and killed the cougar. Fish&Game "best case" would have been for the cougar to return to the deer kill in our neighborhood where they could pummel it with rubber shot and drive it back into the foothills. Budget cuts = $0 for tranq dart certification and mountain lion relocation. Very sad, but would have been worse if the lion killed a pet or a child before being killed itself.

    Kat thanks for the reminder to be thankful for what and who we are.
    Mary the word problem made me laugh so hard I snorted my tea and nearly choked.

    23=12155 22=8299 21=10834 20=1837 19=10440 18=4583 17=11646 16=18349 15=17066 14=10677 13=2316 :P 12=11167 11=8173 10=7642 09=11971 08= 07= 06= 05= 04= 03= 02=9169 01=8364

    Hugs to ALL,
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    May: mat, SWSY, chiro or spa EVERY day. Average 10K steps/day. Let it be. Really.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good Thursday morning everyone. :flowerforyou: Sure do enjoy reading what everyone's been up to, what a great group! I always find inspiration here and I thank you all for that. From foods and workouts to families, travels, wishes and woes....pounds lost and experience gained, humor, drama, ramblings and rants......daily journaling is so important in my opinion and how sweet it is that we all can share it here. :wink:

    Another wet day means no gardening once again. I managed to harvest a large bag of spinach yesterday, that's about it. I'll be donning my raincoat and walking dogs this morning. Yesterday I did 2 miles of racewalk/jog on the track, suppose I could do a repeat performance this AM. I've been faithful with doing the SWSY routines twice a week, increasing hand weights to 5 lbs. Still using 2.5 lbs for ankles, just about ready to buy another set of those babies. Barbie using 10 lb ankle weights, my goodness! That's really something. I'll get there eventually. I was able to do 32 push ups on Tuesday! :noway:

    Promising myself to keep my paws of the animal crackers at work since I can't eat just one. :grumble: I was doing so good up until break at work yesterday, then poof! Just like that I was munching away with reckless abandon :laugh:

    Awhile back I saw an MFP member's profile pic that was a handwritten sign saying:

    " Don't Eat Cookies, Your Butt Will Grow :( "

    Oh my, look at the clock. Must get moving! Wishing everyone a wonderful day. Salad Sistas keep up the great work! xo

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's a beautiful Thursday after the rain of yesterday afternoon and evening.

    Robin- YEAH, the foot healing...let the steps take off:drinker:

    Dawn- Welcome back:flowerforyou:

    Joyce- glad to see that even driving you were able to take control of your eating and lost that 1/2 lb:drinker: Hope that the move for your son helps in his new start for his life.

    Cath- enjoy your traveling around, I'm sure that even visiting with friends you will be able to make some good choices for your meals. it's always hard to see our kids grow up and then move on to their own lives but it sounds like you have a daughter with a level head on her shoulders, she's sure to enjoy her summer travels.:drinker:

    Barbie- is the Jesse Stone movie the one that was on last weekend? Hubby and I have really enjoyed that series, only problem is that they are so far apart and sometimes I forget what happened in the last movie:ohwell: Squats...300-500 she must have great stamina:wink: but you did say she is in her 20's!

    Fitzy- you have three granddaughters:flowerforyou: in our family the boys so outnumber the girls in every generation that when #2 Son found out that they were expecing a third son none of us were surprised:huh: I keep hoping "Pink" will show up with son #1 or #3 someday. It's great that your DH and son have something to do together.

    Amanda - your time with your DD & the twins sounds wonderful:flowerforyou: I'm sure it was the best of emotional boosts you could get. Hope there are more of those in the furture. Thank you so much for sharing the link to the Queens Barge. I will be sure and pass it on to hubby as both of us just love the UK. Hence all our reading his of mysteries that take place mainly in in the UK and me historical romance novels...I just love reading about all that history:love: That probably explains why when we visited in 2009 we spent so much time in museums and at many of your historical locations:bigsmile:

    Barbara- it's so sad when they feel they have to put down any kind of animal. Here in Colorado so much of the time it involves bears that get into residencial areas. Last month a bear was in a neighborhood and had climbed a tree, they shot it, relocated it and it made it's way back but tried to cross the freeway at night and was hit by a car:cry: It's hard to see them on dark roads, one of the hazards here. Yesterday they were saying that someone hit an Elk on our major East West Freeway headed to the Rocky Mountains, that seems to happen quite often too.

    jb- your exercise plan sounds good...now about those crackers...just say NO:laugh:
    Only today and half day tomorrow and then off the a long weekend. I'm hoping for some good weather so we can have our bike rides outside. It makes the exercise so much more enjoyable, although having all our workout equipment in the basement makes it convenient and gives me NO EXCUSES not to exercise:wink: I wish I was more like Michele that plans her workouts ahead of time and is constantly mixing them up...maybe one of these days:ohwell:

    Hubby still hasn't heard and is getting very discouraged, especiially since one of the main people he interviewed with told him there were some important things he was telling her he needed to tell the next set of people that would interview him. I'm hoping that it's because of the holiday coming up and it's hard to get the next set of people together on the same day....I can hope:huh:

    Everyone have a good day, it's gonna be a good one I'm sure. Let's drink plenty of water, exercise and keep on logging:drinker:

  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    :bigsmile: Good Morning All!

    Still HOT here in Lovely La Quinta California (Palm Springs) although it is suppose to cool down to the high 80's this week then back up to 100 on Monday :explode: , summer came way to early this year, usually we don't get this heat till July, we typically have a more mild May and June then POW it hits in July, but for some reason this year we were hit in mid May :sad: owell!

    DD is home and last night she tells us that her and her boyfriend are going to the bar at Applebees..."Um What?!" DH and I say..."Oh Ya" I remind DH she is 21...not sure we like this 21 thing LOL!!!!! Then I have to remind myself and DH that we were 21 once :huh:

    Well Im back at my plateau again...now seem to be stuck at 137.5 or 137.7 or somewhere in between....I think I just weight myself too much...Is everyday too much?!?! I think I know the answer to that question!!! :blushing: :blushing:

    Amanda I love your story about your grand babies :love: :love: So sweet and so nice that you were able to spend some time with them...I really hope that this is a sign of more and more to come!!!

    Well today I have house cleaning to do, then office paper work then off to the Mall for a bit of shopping with DD. Then Yoga tonight :flowerforyou:

    Hope you all have a wonderful day:love:
    Kat :heart: :heart:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello and happy Thursday (or Friday, for those on the other side of the world!) :drinker:

    Speaking of the other side of the world, Rwanda is about it! You must be proud of your son and DIL, Laura, and a bit worried too. I agree, Bruges is a required stop on any European tour. :love: chocolate.

    Joyce, I hear ya, I hear ya. My DH is a precarious balance of joy and despair. :ohwell: I am so glad to hear that your DS having a positive time now.

    Cath, you’ve started a new food trend! Indo-Italian. It might have potential. :happy:

    Poodles, our faithful friends, rain, snow or shine! Thank goodness for Sasha and Brandy! :heart:

    Fitzy, what kind of car is your husband working on? My DH is torn between an early 50’s Traction Avant or an early 50’s MG. He has not made the plunge yet but he spends hours on EBay and other internet sites researching and talking to other fans.

    Amanda, can I come with you to the spa? That sounds like a fantastic day! So glad to hear you had a good time with DD and the grandtwins. :flowerforyou:

    JB, my DH is showing off his French radishes to all and everyone. He’s so pleased with himself! 32 pushups? 32 PUSHUPS? :explode: Wowzer.

    Have a happy day!

  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Hello Ladies :flowerforyou:

    it is back to work after having yesterday off! got a little brake and thought I would check in. I didn't get much exercise in yesterday but I am making up for it today!

    started a list of things to do tomorrow, so I will be sure to get in enough steps:happy: I am also getting things ready for the yough camp. the Kitchen there is pretty well stocked, but I take my own seasoning and odds and ends. Pluss I was thinking of cloths and to be honest with you , I don't know if I can ware any of my shorts from last year. I only have alittle over 2 weeks left and I may have to buy new ones :angry: :grumble: we wil see.

    Amanda : so happy to hear that you had a good day with the Grandtwins and DD, and no run ins with SOBSIL:wink:
    how old are they now? I was thinking they were babys.

    well better get back to work , have a wonderful day!:bigsmile:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I managed to finish school! Yea! I am very busy trying to play catch up at home before my youngest daughter comes home this evening for a long weekend. Just wanted to pop in and tell you that I survived . . .
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    First did an hour of deep water (Wed). Actually, I got to the Y early so I just swam a few laps. Then went to the senior bowling. Brought carrots with me. I was very surprised how many people came up and had some! I know a lot of people bring those cheese & crackers things or a nutrition bar, but I was surprised how many people wanted carrots. I thought for sure most people would want some sort of dessert. Which reminds me, they're celebrating birthdays at the Y this Friday, so I'll make something. Need to find a recipe. Tomorrow I'll do a few DVD's of the Supreme 90 Day workout. It's like the P90X, only it was A LOT less expensive.

    Liselyn - congrats all around for the good news you got

    Laura - well, we know that Barbie's favorite won DWTS. I'm honestly torn. Everyone was so good! To some extent, I do think some of this is a popularity contest. the first season I really thought John should have won, but Kelly got the most votes because she was on General Hospital and those fans called in. A few years ago I thought Gilles Marini should have won. I was glad to see that this year they had a dance off and the judges made the final decision. they are the professionals, to me they know more of what is the correct thing. There were so many times when I thought someone nailed a dance, and the judges totally ripped them apart. Goes to show how much I know!

    Barbie - did I hear that next year they're going to have previous contestants on?

    Dawn - welcome back!

    Last night I tried this recipe for an apple cake. It turned out terrible! Had to throw the whole thing away. Then, this morning I made a (don't say "yuk" quite yet) banana butterscotch bread to take to the Y tomorrow for the birthdays. Honestly, when I saw the recipe, I thought "yuk" but all of the reviews said that it was really good so I decided to give it a try. If you like butterscotch, it was quite good. I'm not a real big butterscotch lover, but the gal who cuts my hair's daughter likes it. It makes two loaves, so I'll cut up one, take some to the birthdays at the Y, some to the bowling alley, and some to the other branch of the Y. The other loaf I'll freeze until the next time I need to get my hair done. Really, it wasn't that bad on the calorie scale.

    We're going to have lobster tails (can you tell what was on sale???) for dinner. We need to have an early dinner to take Jessica to the airport. She's flying to Tennessee to see her friend, the one whose father has Altzheimer's real bad.

    Amanda -I can hear the joy in your post seeing those grandbabies. Bet it was so hard to leave them.

    Did about an hour of the Supreme 90 Day DVD today. Actually, each DVD is probably about 30 minues long. It's really geared more towards people who want to work, say, upper body one day and lower body the next time. But it's something different. Tomorrow I'll use the Stairmaster.

    Kat - it's scary to think of what we did when we were 21! To think that our kids could very well be doing the same thing.....

    When we went to Switzerland last year, I brought home so much Swiss chocolate it wasn't even funny. But I didn't mind one bit eating it because they don't have as long an expiration date as the chocolate in the US. Life sometimes can be tough...eh?

    Going to post this as we're going to have dinner, then take Jessica to the airport.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    Off to boot camp shortly. It's a hot one here today. 29C on my way home so I'm hoping it's at least a few degrees cooler by 7 pm. If not this girl will be springing a gigantic leak!!! Bringing my towel. I really wish my head didn't sweat so much. It's embarassing.

    Been doing very good with the food choices this week after the bad choices on the long weekend. Hopefully can hold it together this weekend.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Been in a funk this week...::yawn: for no reason...menopause, lack of hormones??? Oh well this too shall pass, so not being very disciplined but trying not to completely lose the week...every day is a fresh start. Had great news this am.. DS is coming home in 10 days and will be home for two weeks..so excited..that should pull me out of the funk!!:bigsmile:

    I wish I was better at responding to all the posts..but thank you for the inspirations and support, hugs and prayers to those who need them..:love:
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    Did a full work out with Chris today it was tough with the back and all but it was so nice to feel back in the swing of things we did a modified version of what we normally do but again it was so nice I had not seen him in over a week and that was strange for me He helps push me farther than I would push myself but yet he is very careful not to injure me or rather let me injure myself Such a God send to have him help me with all of this.

    Amanda so happy to hear your visit went so well great news hope things continue to mend between you and your DD

    Laura I have 11 grand children 7 of them are girls and 4 of them are boys and I completely understand about the pink and girlie things I raised 6 boys -2 were mine the rest were friends of theirs or nephews one boys parents were killed in a car accident and he was best friends with my #1 son so he moved in with us and we finished raising him and the others just seemed to show up with my kids and pretty much just stayed. I also have a daughter that I got when she was 12 my DH is daughter but she is all mine you know she was the only girl out of all those boys and was past pink and frilly things so I am tinkled pink to have all these girls. I dealt with alot of testosterone in my day and its time we bring some estrogen into the mix the 3girls I was referring to are my #2 sons my oldest son has 4 kids 2 boys 2 girls my daughter has one of each and my nephew that I raised has one of each as well. My adopted son the one who's parents died does not have kids yet but is planning to soon.. They are the light of my life and I cherish every second I get with them. We also had a boy who lived with us that past away in 06 from a car accident he never had children although he always wanted them so shortly after his death we had a baby boom in our family and I call them Chazz's babies because I am convinced he had a hand in all these babies who suddenly arrived and he would have loved them especially all the little girls. He had 4 sisters and totally got girls being the only boy in his biological Moms house. Who by the way I met on his death bed and she is my dearest friend now what an amazing woman. But enough of that I am blessed beyond meassure.

    Nancy My husbands car is a 65 chevy malibu ss can't forget the ss part I guess that makes it a bit more special, any way its a nice car and he loves it He bought it from his nephew years ago and has thoroughly enjoyed it When we met he had a 65 buick skylark that my oldest son has now and son #2 has a 69 mustang that was his best friends the one who passed away (not in that car) So we are surrounded by classic cars and all from the muscle car era The boy who's folks passed and he came to live with us also has a 69 camero it was his fathers Honestly we just love old cars any type Sounds like your DH has a good idea what he wants good luck finding it I know my DH would not give up cars for anything and we will always have fond memories of time spent on those cars in those cars and with the new ones learning about cars. Years ago before the kids were big enough to help and I was still in good shape my DH and I spent alot of quality time working on cars together I know way more than most woman and held more transmissions in place while he tightened the bolts than I can count, that old buick used to go thru them like water and well some one had to help lol

    Well I have rambled on long enough have a great night all
  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    YAY! The scale was very nice to be this morning. It said I lost 2 lbs since my last weigh in which makes me quite happy after the long weekend.

    Last night's workout was killer. It was hot but at least there was a breeze. After some running intervals and stretching, the trainer had us go over to the hill behind the farmhouse. We worked in pairs. One had to carry pails of rocks down the hill and back up, the other did 20 burpees. When you got back up the hill if your partner wasn't finished his or her burpees you got some recovery time. Then you did the burpees while they did the hills with the pails. Next round burpees were replaced by 20 pushups and after that 20 standing lunges. Then repeat were 15. Unfortunately, my husband being mister speed demon I never really got any recovery time except for the first round of burpees. I need a slower partner.

    The last thing of the night is usually a team relay race. I just love how everyone puts their all into it and seeing the people finish their leg and touch down at the finish is awesome. It's a very good supportive group. Next week she retests us to see if there is any improvement from a month ago.
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