Do I count calories from fruits and vegetables?



  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I personally do becuase fruit is alot higher than most veggies... I mean corn, carrots, etc. are higher than lettuce.
    But an average apple, orange is 50 cals, a banana is 100 cals, etc. If you ate just the 3 of those in 1 day and didn't count it you would be over by 200 cals.

    I don't stress too much about measuring lettuce, lol, but I definately count all of them.

    That's just me. Good luck!
  • cornitcher74
    cornitcher74 Posts: 3 Member
    You should count everything in case you do not get the desired results you can figure out how to tweak your intake. Fruits are better than chips but they are also carbs.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member

    This is one of the major flaws of WW to give people "free" foods. Good for being healthy, bad for scientific weight loss.

    Fruits and veggies have calories. Too many calories = gaining weight.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    If it goes in your mouth, then count it.

  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    I've done WW before too and it didn't help me lose any weight because of freebies. I log everything on here including things I know don't have calories like green tea. It just holds me accountable for the things that I eat whether it is 3 calories or 300 calories. Depends on what you want to gain from using MFP.
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 755 Member
    If it goes in your mouth, then count it.


  • ladyfingers39
    ladyfingers39 Posts: 335
    Why do you keep using the word punishment? That's silly. Up your cals if your not giving yourself enough to include veggies and fruit.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    nothing is free except water ...... like WW's used to say if you bite it write it :)
  • cindiva65
    cindiva65 Posts: 335 Member
    Im a recent WW convert. I log everything, including fruit and veggies. WW had a allotment of calories for these items already in their calculation of daily points which is why they let us not count them. When counting calories we count everything.

    I ran my WW etools and MFP for a couple weeks before dropping WW to see how close they matched up. It seemed to be pretty close for me so I decided to quit WW (which was a great plan, no knocking it...dropped 20 lbs on it) but since MFP is free Im saving about $20 a month in dues.

    Good luck and this really does work. Basically same principal as WW....log in your food and be accountable for it. :flowerforyou:
  • LizzieBee17
    LizzieBee17 Posts: 123 Member
    If it goes in your mouth count it. :)

    Anything can make you fat if you eat enough of it.
  • territhefrog
    territhefrog Posts: 1,134 Member
    I count everything. Fruits, veggies, diet soda, everything.
    Also, log how much water I drink during the between having to go to the bathroom.
    If you eat it, count it. Log every little thing.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Some days fruit and veg can take up nearly 1\3 of my daily intake! Itd be crazy to me not to count them. Sugars would mount up very quickly on fruit also, so I watch for that.if you don't count everything how are you going to look back when needed to see what did or didn't work for you? X
  • Dagoth
    Dagoth Posts: 172
    I did WW for a while and fruits and veggies were "free" (except corn, potatoes, avocados, and bananas). I'm counting the calories of everything that I eat except the fruits and veggies; I feel like I shouldn't "punish" myself for choosing cherry tomatoes over Hershey's kisses.

    Should I be counting the calories of ALL the foods I eat, including the fruits and veggies? Again, I don't want to "punish" myself by subtracting calories from my daily amount, even though I chose wisely. Suggestions? Anyone else not counting their fruit and vegetable calories?

    Thanks :smile:

  • jephry
    jephry Posts: 55 Member
    Count everything. And, my suggestion is to never consider it "punishment." This isn't a diet, it's a life change. Yes, I know, we've heard it all before, but if you're serious about getting healthier, that's the way to go.

    If you don't count everything you eat, you're truly cheating yourself. There was a time when I thought limiting myself to 1400 calories a day was nearly impossible. Now, I find it difficult to actually get to 1200 most days. Fruits and vegetables play a big part in my diet (I eat a banana and yogurt 3-4 times a week for breakfast and have some sort of fruit as a dessert every evening).

    If you stick it in your face, log it. You'll be glad you did as you see your numbers improve!
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    This isn't WW, so yes.

    What are you talking about punishing yourself? If you eat it, you count it. It isn't magically free because it's good for you.
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    WW is a great program that tries to avoid calorie counting. MFP is a great program that embraces calorie counting. So, when in Rome...
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    I count most of them. But if I throw a handful of lettuce on my sandwich, or add 1/2 a carrot to my salad I might not count them. I pay more attention to fruits, because they are higher in calories and sugar. If 10-30 calories a day are affecting my weight loss, fruits and veggies aren't my problem, lol. So I don't freak out about it, but I try to count them.
  • nashai01
    nashai01 Posts: 536 Member
    If it goes in your mouth, then count it.



    Lol hilarious

  • xbekkiex
    xbekkiex Posts: 30
    I count them - I like the fact that MFP tracks everything, not just calories - so I can keep track of sugar/carbs/etc
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    Everything that I eat, gets logged. I'd only be cheating myself if I didn't count it all.