Worst advice given to you by a "professional"



  • bethmac_va
    bethmac_va Posts: 65
    I went to the ER the day before my bachelorette party in intense pain. I was practically writhing. I knew I had a family history of kidney stones, and due to the intense localized pain, I figured that's what it was. Upon arrival the nurse informed me that I couldn't have any pain medication until I took a pregnancy test. I was NOT pregnant, I was on birth control. Yet they demanded I take a test. I couldn't pee, so instead of letting me drink water because I was VERY thirsty, the gave me an IV. I was finally able to pee and obviously the test came back negative. So finally after nearly 4 hours of excrutiating pain, They gave me morphine. At some point before the morphine my "Doctor" came in and said that I wasn't writhing and flailing enough for it to be a kidney stone and it was probably an infection. One CT scan later, it happened to be TWO kidney stones and I am just very tough. :) Still owe nearly $7,000 for that.

    I also had a 400 pound doctor (who couldn't be bothered to rise off of her wheeled stool to examine me, literally wheeled all over the room!) tell me that I needed to lose weight when I was 16! The hypocrisy!

    ER's always do pregnancy tests. Even if a woman is on birth control she can still be pregnant. It's better to be safe than sorry, since many medications can cause serious complications for pregnancies, birth defects, etc.

    Yes, not to mention the kind of pain you were experiencing could have been caused by an ectopic pregnancy. If that happens and is not treated, it can cause the fallopian tube to rupture. Sorry about the stones, but it's a good thing they checked. :flowerforyou:
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    I was diagnosed with Solar Urticaria when I was 12. When I went in for my yearly checkup with my dermatologist, I found out he had retired and a new guy had entered the scene and took over his patient list.

    I told the guy my diagnosis and he said he'd like to run some tests to see just how reactive my skin was to UV radiation.

    He wanted to put me in a UV radiation booth, like tanning, and see how long it takes me to burn.

    I don't know who had the biggest look of shock on their face more, me or my stepmom.

    Because of the stunned silence, he suggested taking a piece of my skin for testing. "It will only hurt a little and leave a small-ish scar." Needless to say, I never went back.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
    My physician (no longer though) told me to not do seated military presses anymore since it puts too much stress on the spinal column. But back squats and bent over rows were fine.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bethmac_va
    bethmac_va Posts: 65
    I was diagnosed with Solar Urticaria when I was 12. When I went in for my yearly checkup with my dermatologist, I found out he had retired and a new guy had entered the scene and took over his patient list.

    I told the guy my diagnosis and he said he'd like to run some tests to see just how reactive my skin was to UV radiation.

    He wanted to put me in a UV radiation booth, like tanning, and see how long it takes me to burn.

    I don't know who had the biggest look of shock on their face more, me or my stepmom.

    Because of the stunned silence, he suggested taking a piece of my skin for testing. "It will only hurt a little and leave a small-ish scar." Needless to say, I never went back.

    :huh: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :huh:
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    I was diagnosed with Solar Urticaria when I was 12. When I went in for my yearly checkup with my dermatologist, I found out he had retired and a new guy had entered the scene and took over his patient list.

    I told the guy my diagnosis and he said he'd like to run some tests to see just how reactive my skin was to UV radiation.

    He wanted to put me in a UV radiation booth, like tanning, and see how long it takes me to burn.

    I don't know who had the biggest look of shock on their face more, me or my stepmom.

    Because of the stunned silence, he suggested taking a piece of my skin for testing. "It will only hurt a little and leave a small-ish scar." Needless to say, I never went back.

    :huh: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :huh:

    My sentiments exactly. :grumble:
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    OB when I was 7 months pregnant with my daughter~ "Eh. so you're stressed and your BP is up? Go home, smoke a bowl (of pot), take a hot bath and drink a glass of wine."
    When he went on vacation the next week, I made an appointment to see his fill-in Dr. ~ My BP was fine.

    ER Dr when my oldest son has a serious case of Croup at 15 months old~ "He's got a cold. Give him cough medicine."
    8 hours later-
    Second ER Dr. for son with Croup~ "It's the flu. Give him hot soup"
    Another 8 hours later-
    THIRD ER Dr. Same case of croup~ "My God! He's got the worst case of Croup I've ever SEEN! We need to get him on a breathing tube. Now."
    Big thanks to the 3rd Dr. for listening. I told both previous Dr.s that this is what he had and home remedies were being ineffective. It's like some LAW that if you tell them what you're pretty sure they've got they look at you like the world's biggest idiot and diagnose something completely off base!

    Orthopedic Dr. for a painful lump in my knee ~ It's just water in there, but were going to fly you to see a surgeon just in case.
    Surgeon~ Looks like it could be cancer, let's cut it out. (resulted in a benign cyst and an odd formation of bone)

    Pediatrician at my youngest sons 2 year check up "Put this kid on a diet. He's too big" (measurements had him the same size as a 4 year old in weight and height. My husband and I are both tall.) I got a new Dr. for him.
  • spazofthedead
    spazofthedead Posts: 175 Member
    When I was 22 three separate doctors and PAs told me that the lump on my cheek was just a calcium deposit and I should just use a heat compress and it'll clear right up. Two months later I got a new doctor. She took one look at it and sent me to an ENT.

    Turns out it was a rare form of cancer of the salivary gland. Oops.

    I also had a trainer once try and make me use a Smith Machine to squat because my balance sucked. I went along with it for a while, but it didn't fix my balance. Once I used a free bar my squats improved drastically. He still thinks he's right.
  • rayasunshine81
    Wow. My dad had a prolapsed mitral valve (very similar to your issue), and was told for 10 years that it was heartburn.
  • bigkurz
    bigkurz Posts: 2
    For the record, not all of us doctors are such horrible people :)

    But some of those stories sound horrible. I apologize for my colleagues. I hope I treat my kiddies much better than that.
  • houseofcarpenter
    houseofcarpenter Posts: 127 Member
    I have EDS, which was causing my hip to dislocate regularly. The physiotherapist I saw told me that it would be fine, but that I needed to mount my horse without throwing my leg over the top.

    ...I suppose she had an elaborate pulley system in mind? HOW am I supposed to get on the horse without throwing my leg over the top?

    bahaahhaahaaa love this one!! x
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    "no pain, no gain"...thats a crock of ****. Pain=injury=not being able to work out bc you are injured=gain weight back lol
  • Thanis90
    Thanis90 Posts: 63 Member
    A trainer at the gym told me to stop wearing bed clothes, cause you burn calories at a higher rate to keep you warm.

    While this may be a scientific fact, I'd rather not catch Hypothermia or have peeping toms at my window. :)
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    listen to no one but yourself and ur body!
  • jenyanta
    jenyanta Posts: 6
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Not weight loss related, but when I had raging bad TMJD and couldn't open my mouth more than 9mm without intense pain and my jaw making all kinds of horrible cracking noises, a tmj specialist oral surgeon told me, "That's just the way god made you."

    Dude... I'm an atheist. In my mind, god didn't make me. And I wasn't "made" this way two years ago, so fix my damn jaw already!

    My regular dentist got me all straightened out. And now I can open my mouth like a frickin' Pez dispenser. :happy:

    I'd be walking out of that office and not paying the bill. I don't go to the doctor for a sermon. Dang.

    How dare someone speak a common, innocuous phrase mentioning God in the presence of an ATHIEST. Grow up. You SHOULD be pissed that he was gonna let you stay that way, not offended at his choice of phrase.

    I'd think it was a lot more about 'not only is the guy incompetent, he appealed to religion because he was incompetent'.

    The condescending remark and incompetence is what pissed me off. The mentioning of the g-man when my religion (or lack of) was on my medical chart (which I thought was pretty strange... did they think my last rites would need to be read?!) just made it even more laughable.

    I mean, honestly... if I had been a religious person, the thought of god "making me" someone who could barely open my mouth wide enough to eat a McDonald's french fry would be enough to turn me atheist! :laugh:

    I don't mean to laugh at your pain, but that Pez dispenser remark had me LOLLing!
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    The week of Thanksgiving, my toddler got sick with pneumonia. After a day on meds, he was fine. The day after Thanksgiving (Black Friday) I got a 104 degree fever. I took some ibuprofen and thought I would shake it. No amounts of ibuprofen or tylenol would shake the fever. I have a high deductible insurance plan and knew going to the ER would cost a ton, so I waited it out until Monday.

    After 3-4 days with a 104* fever (even with a TON of meds, it never went below 102*) I went to the doctor. I told her I thought I caught pneumonia from my son since he was already diagnosed. She listened to my lungs and said they were fine, and gave me an RX for a cough medicine. I drove to the pharmacy and was so ill, I had to call my father who left work to come pick me up because I couldn't even stand. The doctor told me to call her tomorrow if I was still sick.

    I took the cough medicine with some nyquil and ibuprofen and the next thing I knew the room was spinning out of control, I could not stand, and I was nauseas beyond belief. My husband was about to take me to the ER to have my stomach pumped and made emergency calls to the on call doctor at 1am. The next day (Tuesday) I called back mid day saying I still had a 103.8 fever and I wanted blood work and chest x-rays to confirm/deny pneumonia. They told me they could see me that day, come in at 6. I went in at 6pm and the doctor said "I don't know why you were told to come in this evening, the labs close at 5, you need to come back tomorrow" (keep in mind the high deductible insurance plan)

    I went back the next day for blood work and chest xrays (STILL had the fever) and sure enough, I had pneumonia! But just to be safe, they wanted to do a follow up two days later (Friday) by than I was on the meds and the fever finally broke and I recovered.

    But than a month later I also got bronchitis (and asthma) from my sensitive lungs. I got a ton of bills from the doctors office and after two months and speaking with a supervisor, they waived the amount I owed from the first two visits!
  • seamonkey789
    seamonkey789 Posts: 233
    I'm having my gall bladder out next month. First appointment, my surgeon looks over my cholesterol panel, goes over my diet and family history and informs me my gallstones are genetic.

    I'm one of those people who have been playing yearly, daily sports since the age of 5. I'm all muscle. My BMI is high, but I wear a small in everything.

    Follow up appointment with the surgeon, I ask him about a few pounds weight gain and ask him if my macros need to be changed from 40/30/30.

    Some how, 30% fat means, I'm eating all fried foods, he basically calls me fat, and tells me I gave myself gallstones from over eating???
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Told my dr that I am always tired and fatigued, she gave me blood tests and sent me on my way.

    She told me they came back normal.. oh wait, except for the Glandular Fever which you never mentioned.
  • paigeup
    paigeup Posts: 3
    A doctor gave me a serious complex when i was 17, weighed 135lbs at 5"4 and told me I was 15lbs over weight....Uhhh...that's a helathy BMI and back then I was mostly muscle...What the heck?!

    I had the SAME experience (I was 14, 5'4", and 132lbs, she told me to lose 10lbs) She helped kick start my eating disorder.