Does eating more to weight less work for everyone?



  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member

    Thank you for saying that more clearly than I did. I'm posting from my phone...dropping the kids off at the I was a bit distracted.


    Hi I'm 14.

    Ok, usually I'm right there with you man...but this time you totally lost me lol.
    Taking the browns to the superbowl.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member

    Thank you for saying that more clearly than I did. I'm posting from my phone...dropping the kids off at the I was a bit distracted.


    Hi I'm 14.

    Ok, usually I'm right there with you man...but this time you totally lost me lol.
    Taking the browns to the superbowl.

    Aha....on track again, thanks lol.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Yes. It works for everyone. Unless you have mutant DNA.

    NO one person is the same, so you can't say this and truly mean it. If it works for you fine but your aren't me, or whoever....and then to come up with mutant DNA....seriously. We are NOT a one size fits all type of human beings. We are all different, including how we lose or gain weight.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Sorry, I'm at the in-laws with nothing to do.

  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    Does eating more to weight less work for everyone? Obviously I know one has to fit in regular exercise and keep a balanced diet and not do the dog on it? .... Im just confused about the whole starving yourself makes your body go into starvation mode and can stop you from losing weight , and eating more can help you lose weight? Is anyone confused by this?? :huh:

    *weight less the subject box i mean...*facepalm*

    ok just becouse you eat more does not mean you are not still at a defcit. It is just some people are eating at a net loss of 1000 calories or more a day. Some people are saying you should only have a deficit of 750 or less. That you will loose more and for a longer period of time that way. I have to say they are probably not wrong since my personal trainer at the gym also told me the same thing. To never have less then 900 calorie deficit a day. So if I burn 2200 a day to not eat less then 1300 and so on. The eat more thing is not trying to tell you to eat more then you burn just to not starve yourself so much
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Yes. It works for everyone. Unless you have mutant DNA.

    NO one person is the same, so you can't say this and truly mean it. If it works for you fine but your aren't me, or whoever....and then to come up with mutant DNA....seriously. We are NOT a one size fits all type of human beings. We are all different, including how we lose or gain weight.

    Really? We're all different?

    Do YOU take the browns to the superbowl? Cause...if so, I'm pretty sure you're exactly like the rest of us.
    Sorry, I'm at the in-laws with nothing to do.


    No worries man, I feel for you lol.
  • Perfectdiamonds1
    Perfectdiamonds1 Posts: 347 Member
  • purprincess33
    purprincess33 Posts: 26 Member
    It does work..if you eat the right food..Read the South Beach Diet..I have lost 39lbs since January...Keep the metabolism up all day and you will lose steadily.. its all about Protein, and low sodium and next to nothing on sugars.....Should eat 6 small meals a day..
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I have slowly been increasing my calories over the course of the last 4-6 weeks and I find that it's working great. I realized awhile ago that it was going to be a long haul to get to my goal now that I'm only 16lbs out, so I figured I would try this method as I truly have no interest in living my life on 1200 cal's/ that's torture!

    I feel so much better now! My body feels content (if that makes sense) and I do have much more energy and I like that I can EAT! I think the key is really keeping an eye on your BMR and TDEE. From a science perspective it totally makes sense. When "they" say "eat more" it doesn't mean to just EAT with reckless abandon! I'm not saying that I have it all figured out and different things do work for different people, but I do know that I like the way this is working for far!

    Oh and my 2 you get closer to goal you will have to lower calories unless you increase exercise. That's the reason why you are supposed to recalculate BMR and TDEE with a 5-10lb loss, change in age, etc. For example at my starting weight my BMR was 1818 and at current weight it's 1569, and i used "moderate" as the activity level for both. I think often what happens is that as we create better habits and get in better shape we work out more and become more effective....essentially enjoy it more, so the extra/more effective workouts can create more calories for us to eat :) I may be wrong, but that's just my opinion!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    It does work..if you eat the right food..Read the South Beach Diet..I have lost 39lbs since January...Keep the metabolism up all day and you will lose steadily.. its all about Protein, and low sodium and next to nothing on sugars.....Should eat 6 small meals a day..


    Sorry folks...I've got to do it...
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    It does work..if you eat the right food..Read the South Beach Diet..I have lost 39lbs since January...Keep the metabolism up all day and you will lose steadily.. its all about Protein, and low sodium and next to nothing on sugars.....Should eat 6 small meals a day..
    I do the midwest in my house diet.
  • sniperzzzz
    sniperzzzz Posts: 282 Member
    It does work..if you eat the right food..Read the South Beach Diet..I have lost 39lbs since January...Keep the metabolism up all day and you will lose steadily.. its all about Protein, and low sodium and next to nothing on sugars.....Should eat 6 small meals a day..


    Sorry folks...I've got to do it...
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    It does work..if you eat the right food..Read the South Beach Diet..I have lost 39lbs since January...Keep the metabolism up all day and you will lose steadily.. its all about Protein, and low sodium and next to nothing on sugars.....Should eat 6 small meals a day..


    Sorry folks...I've got to do it...

    Here we go. Im holding on for the ride. :tongue:
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 207 Member
    How do you figure out how much to up your calories? Also if you up your calories then you would have to up your calories burned, right?? I ask because I'm currently breast feeding so I am supposed to eat an adequate amount to keep my milk supply up... Currently I get 1590 calories a day and usually burn only about 200 (can only light workout for now due to csection). This eat more to lose weight intrigues me..someone help :)
  • sniperzzzz
    sniperzzzz Posts: 282 Member
    How do you figure out how much to up your calories? Also if you up your calories then you would have to up your calories burned, right?? I ask because I'm currently breast feeding so I am supposed to eat an adequate amount to keep my milk supply up... Currently I get 1590 calories a day and usually burn only about 200 (can only light workout for now due to csection). This eat more to lose weight intrigues me..someone help :)
    I really wouldn't like to, say to be honest.
    You may be better off talking too your midwife or doctor.:smile:
  • foxbat2828
    foxbat2828 Posts: 391 Member
    Don't know about everyone, but it seems to work for me and I'm down about 48 lbs., at a minimum, since starting MFP in December ... and that includes a month where I had trouble being able to eat at least my BMR because I couldn't exercise due to bypass surgery. Interestingly enough, after about a month of eating below my BMR, after the surgery, I noticed that my weight loss stalled. I had my surgery in mid-March and spent until about mid-April with no real exercise and eating below my BMR. I still followed the calorie suggestions from MFP, but given that I'm wanting to lose a pound a week, MFP had me at less calories than my BMR ... MFP suggests 1,890 and my BMR is 1,910. The only way to eat at least my BMR under those circumstances was to exercise and eat back those calories ... but with no exercise after the surgery and leaving some calories on the table, I was usually a couple hundred calories under BMR.

    From mid-April until about mid-May, I was stuck at a plateau; however, since I was able to start exercising again in mid-April, I started eating back exercise calories and being able to eat over my BMR. Just last week, after a month of returning back to exercising and eating those calories back, my plateau broke and I dropped about 4 lbs. in just a week. I'll check in officially at cardiac rehab on Monday, but unofficially, on the home scale, it looks like I've also dropped another 2 lbs. in just the last week.

    It may not work for everyone, but for me, it's certainly worked out quite well.
  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    You may be better off talking too your midwife or doctor.:smile:
    You said midwife too!! I'm a midwife. Thanks for that.
  • knowak82
    knowak82 Posts: 200 Member
    People drop calories too fast at the start when there is no need, that's the problem!
    Eventually it is Inevitable you "will" have to lower calories at some point as you get closer to your goal, especially if your aiming for a low body fat percentage. The key is to lower calories slowly, to give your body a chance to adjust, if you shock it its just going fight you.w

    Not entirely true, especially if you are in the eating back your exercise calories camp... Which I am a firm believer in......When I started out at 560 lbs. I worked with a nutritionist as we established me on a 2400 calories a day meal plan and I sustained a avg weightloss of 1 to 2 lbs. a week. Back then I could barely walk from room to room so exercise was next to impossible. I ended up in the pool at the wellness center doing weight displacement walking until I had lost enough weight to get fitted with braces and was able start exercising on dry land... Fast forward 3 years now and down 306 lbs. and my 2nd set of braces per knee... I am now at 254 lbs. and workout 6 days a week doing everything from Pool therapy , weight training, cardio equipment. And I am currently still eating in a deficit to lose 1/2 lb. a week but my total daily caloric intake is now 3200 calories a day. My carbs have increased from 240 grams 3 years ago to 320 grams a day now... So in my case as I am getting closer to my goal weight and my bodyfat continues to go down I am eating more and more and still losing......
    Wait until you are approaching a normal to low body fat percentage, then tell me, you don't need to lower calories in order to keep losing!

    Well I am pretty sure I have approached that normal body fat percentage and it has not cause me to have to reduce my caloric intake at all as I am eating 800-1000 calories more now at 254 lbs. than I was eating at 560 lbs. and I am still in a deficit and losing weight and have been the last 35 months... I am waiting for the body pod at our local university to get fixed so I can go in for an accurate measurement but I am getting pretty close to my end game and maintenance mode...



    You are one bad mama-jama!!!:glasses:

    I think you need to be the posterboy for the EM2WL group! I commend you for your AWESOME weight loss!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 207 Member
    You may be better off talking too your midwife or doctor.:smile:
    You said midwife too!! I'm a midwife. Thanks for that.

    I don't have a midwife...I have a doctor and he knows I am trying to lose weight.. He isn't persistent on me continuing breast feeding. He acts like its more of my own personal choice. He only said to not cut calories in extreme because it can deplete my milk supply. I just wasn't sure IF I were to try and up my calories, how do I figure what to up them to?