Successful showoffs??Sick and tired of this.



  • giantruss
    giantruss Posts: 100
    my experience on mfp has been great and "most " ppl on here have been awsome and really my motivation.

    i hope your experience improves
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Haven't run across this issue myself.

    Me neither. Your post surprises me and makes me think you've had a negative experience with someone in particular. Try to not take it personally. This is the internet after all.
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    I would like to add that I have alot of friends on my FL that have been there long that are soo open to helping out. And I definately appreciate them, and their support. But lately, I have come across a few who have been very rude (not to me) to others. And I Cant stand seeing people get treated so bad. Sometimes people don't have to be rude right to your face, but they come across in an arrogant manner.

    Again, I am not attempting to discount the validity of your opinion, but your last sentence strikes me as...well, the way someone "comes across", in my opinion and life experience, has a heck of a lot more to do with how the person of the recieving end percieves the world than it does with how the first person is actually acting in a majority of situations. Not a hard and fast true, but VERY true as far as I am concerned. I just recommend you don't take these things so personally--not doing so will serve you very well on MFP and in life
  • torie079
    torie079 Posts: 179 Member
    I'm sure youll get over it...
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    I know what ur talking about, when i first got on this website, there was this woman that lost alot of weight and i was like wow what an inspiration, she was one of the first people that i added and i swear not even a couple days later she deleted me for no reason, i was kinda sad because i was like wow this can happen i can do this..and then i was like whatever if shes gonna be that way she wasnt a very good person.

  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Why are there so many people on here that have lost weight, and succeeded, who act like they are big shots? They feel like they are so much better than everyone else. They decline friend requests, they're so rude, and when you ask them questions for help they ignore you. I am so sick and tired of these show-offs. Congratulations for your success, but seriously stop acting like you can step all over everyone else. If i ever reach my goal, I will make sure to help out anyone that needs me, but I cant say the same for everyone else.:huh:

    Ouch! I posted a success story in January sometime and got about 50 friend requests from it. I was very selective with who I accepted, and as a general rule dont accept blank friend requests (it also says so on my profile) - I actually only accepted maybe 12 from this time. The thing is, while I want everyone here to succeed, so many wont. In life (and on the internet) I try to surround myself with positive and motivated people and thats the nature of the friend requests I have. Ive deleted a few people after adding them a few days/weeks earlier because I see they arent actually trying (eating 'bad' food for days on end and then constantly changing their status update to how unfair it is that this doesnt work for them for example). I try and keep my friend list managable - I work, study and train - I rarely hve time to comment on my friends as it is, without accepting more and more on a daily basis.

    The thing is - this can and does work. People here put too much into relying on others - relying on them for inspiration, motivation and to be honest - justification and gratification to be here. People need to remember that noone is responsible for your success/happiness/journey other than yourself. So what if someone doesnt accept you - do you really need a random stranger to acknowledge your existance on the internet? Find someone else. Stop being so soft and letting this bother you. Pick yourself up, dust off and keep going with your journey.

    And if my success and the lack of me wanting to assist you in yours bothers you - like Lozze says - meh, this is the internet. Im not going to stop being shiney, or as you call it - a show off - because I have no more room on my friendlist! Im proud of my achievement and recording it somewhere makes me feel prouder.
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    If they're already at their goal, chances are they've been on this site forever and are already keeping up with a bajillion friends. And probably get another bajillion "WAT AM I DOIN WRONG IM NOT LOSIN WEIGHHHHTTTTT" mails a day. Unless "so many" people are actually responding personally and rudely, I really don't see an issue in some people choosing not to accept requests or reply to mails.
    this :) no reason to rant, they are showing off their success, yes, but if it bothers you click the 'x' button on their profile or forum post.
  • kari574
    kari574 Posts: 99 Member
    If they're already at their goal, chances are they've been on this site forever and are already keeping up with a bajillion friends. And probably get another bajillion "WAT AM I DOIN WRONG IM NOT LOSIN WEIGHHHHTTTTT" mails a day. Unless "so many" people are actually responding personally and rudely, I really don't see an issue in some people choosing not to accept requests or reply to mails.
  • PosyPods
    PosyPods Posts: 25
    I haven't actually witnessed this (but I've only been here for a bit over two months).

    Also, no one is required to add you to their FL or to reply to messages. It's not rude on their part. You're the one imposing yourself on them, so they don't owe you anything, in my opinion.

    Still, I hope you have better luck finding what you're looking for.
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    Why are there so many people on here that have lost weight, and succeeded, who act like they are big shots? They feel like they are so much better than everyone else. They decline friend requests, they're so rude, and when you ask them questions for help they ignore you. I am so sick and tired of these show-offs. Congratulations for your success, but seriously stop acting like you can step all over everyone else. If i ever reach my goal, I will make sure to help out anyone that needs me, but I cant say the same for everyone else.:huh:

    Ummm, how about because they are? Whether it was 5 lbs or 300 lbs, struggling with the mental and physical issues that come with excess weight is a huge challenge and if one reaches their goal; they've accomplished a huge feat in life by working hard and they DESERVE to flaunt it! Not only that, but for many here, it serves as encouragement, motivation, and help on our own journey.

    As far as ignoring someone for help or declining request or being "rude", there could be a million reasons for it. MFP has many glitches; they've been fixing a ton of them all weekend. I can't tell you how many times I get a friend request or an e-mail that doesn't show up for days. Or, someone comments on my feed and I don't get notified of it right away and it's weeks later before I see it. At this very moment, I have a friend request that I've approved 4 times and yet I still have the notification bar pop up telling me that I have a friend request; it seems to be stuck in some kind of MFP friend limbo.

    And some people just don't want to add any ole internet stranger to their friends list either; imagine wanting to get to know someone a little better before just letting them be your "friend." Now that's real uppity; the nerve! Good grief...please someone tell me that this topic doesn't really exist and that I'm delirious from too low a carb intake. BTW...should I be eating back my exercise calories? :laugh:
    Seriously your arrogance is the number one reason that this topic was posted. Get off your high horse.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    Why are there so many people on here that have lost weight, and succeeded, who act like they are big shots? They feel like they are so much better than everyone else. They decline friend requests, they're so rude, and when you ask them questions for help they ignore you. I am so sick and tired of these show-offs. Congratulations for your success, but seriously stop acting like you can step all over everyone else. If i ever reach my goal, I will make sure to help out anyone that needs me, but I cant say the same for everyone else.:huh:

    Ummm, how about because they are? Whether it was 5 lbs or 300 lbs, struggling with the mental and physical issues that come with excess weight is a huge challenge and if one reaches their goal; they've accomplished a huge feat in life by working hard and they DESERVE to flaunt it! Not only that, but for many here, it serves as encouragement, motivation, and help on our own journey.

    As far as ignoring someone for help or declining request or being "rude", there could be a million reasons for it. MFP has many glitches; they've been fixing a ton of them all weekend. I can't tell you how many times I get a friend request or an e-mail that doesn't show up for days. Or, someone comments on my feed and I don't get notified of it right away and it's weeks later before I see it. At this very moment, I have a friend request that I've approved 4 times and yet I still have the notification bar pop up telling me that I have a friend request; it seems to be stuck in some kind of MFP friend limbo.

    And some people just don't want to add any ole internet stranger to their friends list either; imagine wanting to get to know someone a little better before just letting them be your "friend." Now that's real uppity; the nerve! Good grief...please someone tell me that this topic doesn't really exist and that I'm delirious from too low a carb intake. BTW...should I be eating back my exercise calories? :laugh:
    Seriously your arrogance is the number one reason that this topic was posted. Get off your high horse.

    Maybe the problem is in perception, ahem.

    This post wasn't arrogant at all, the poster was honest and helpful (explaining the glitches).
  • foot2wood
    foot2wood Posts: 149 Member
    my experience on mfp has been great and "most " ppl on here have been awsome and really my motivation.

    i hope your experience improves
    What He said. I know I'm gonna get mine regardless, so i don't lose a wink of sleep dwelling on the childish ones on here. What is this freaking high school? OH SWEET FANCY MOSES!
  • rcc1988
    rcc1988 Posts: 125 Member
    On the subject of declining friend requests: I have a friend who posts success threads occasionally, and every time she does, she literally gets over 200 friend requests. There's no way she could accept them all.
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    Why are there so many people on here that have lost weight, and succeeded, who act like they are big shots? They feel like they are so much better than everyone else. They decline friend requests, they're so rude, and when you ask them questions for help they ignore you. I am so sick and tired of these show-offs. Congratulations for your success, but seriously stop acting like you can step all over everyone else. If i ever reach my goal, I will make sure to help out anyone that needs me, but I cant say the same for everyone else.:huh:

    Ummm, how about because they are? Whether it was 5 lbs or 300 lbs, struggling with the mental and physical issues that come with excess weight is a huge challenge and if one reaches their goal; they've accomplished a huge feat in life by working hard and they DESERVE to flaunt it! Not only that, but for many here, it serves as encouragement, motivation, and help on our own journey.

    As far as ignoring someone for help or declining request or being "rude", there could be a million reasons for it. MFP has many glitches; they've been fixing a ton of them all weekend. I can't tell you how many times I get a friend request or an e-mail that doesn't show up for days. Or, someone comments on my feed and I don't get notified of it right away and it's weeks later before I see it. At this very moment, I have a friend request that I've approved 4 times and yet I still have the notification bar pop up telling me that I have a friend request; it seems to be stuck in some kind of MFP friend limbo.

    And some people just don't want to add any ole internet stranger to their friends list either; imagine wanting to get to know someone a little better before just letting them be your "friend." Now that's real uppity; the nerve! Good grief...please someone tell me that this topic doesn't really exist and that I'm delirious from too low a carb intake. BTW...should I be eating back my exercise calories? :laugh:
    Seriously your arrogance is the number one reason that this topic was posted. Get off your high horse.

    I find you to be the rude one. There is nothing arrogant about a person having their own way of conducting their own MFP account.
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    So ... how much of their day should someone who's been successful at losing weight be compelled to spend answering messages they receive?
    You make a good point. I have considered that like many people here are saying that they would be busy answering alot of questions. But thats not just what Im talking about. Im talking about their arrogance when they reply to questions. The type of arrogance that belittles others.
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    Why are there so many people on here that have lost weight, and succeeded, who act like they are big shots? They feel like they are so much better than everyone else. They decline friend requests, they're so rude, and when you ask them questions for help they ignore you. I am so sick and tired of these show-offs. Congratulations for your success, but seriously stop acting like you can step all over everyone else. If i ever reach my goal, I will make sure to help out anyone that needs me, but I cant say the same for everyone else.:huh:

    Ummm, how about because they are? Whether it was 5 lbs or 300 lbs, struggling with the mental and physical issues that come with excess weight is a huge challenge and if one reaches their goal; they've accomplished a huge feat in life by working hard and they DESERVE to flaunt it! Not only that, but for many here, it serves as encouragement, motivation, and help on our own journey.

    As far as ignoring someone for help or declining request or being "rude", there could be a million reasons for it. MFP has many glitches; they've been fixing a ton of them all weekend. I can't tell you how many times I get a friend request or an e-mail that doesn't show up for days. Or, someone comments on my feed and I don't get notified of it right away and it's weeks later before I see it. At this very moment, I have a friend request that I've approved 4 times and yet I still have the notification bar pop up telling me that I have a friend request; it seems to be stuck in some kind of MFP friend limbo.

    And some people just don't want to add any ole internet stranger to their friends list either; imagine wanting to get to know someone a little better before just letting them be your "friend." Now that's real uppity; the nerve! Good grief...please someone tell me that this topic doesn't really exist and that I'm delirious from too low a carb intake. BTW...should I be eating back my exercise calories? :laugh:
    Seriously your arrogance is the number one reason that this topic was posted. Get off your high horse.

    Maybe the problem is in perception, ahem.

    This post wasn't arrogant at all, the poster was honest and helpful (explaining the glitches).

    Re-read the last 2 sentences and rethink your answer.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I think those last 2 sentences were an attempt to inject humor into his post.

    I also understand you being upset if someone was rude to you or a friend but were they really or were they just trying to be humorous and it was taken badly?
  • EvilPink
    EvilPink Posts: 94 Member
    Seriously your arrogance is the number one reason that this topic was posted. Get off your high horse.

    Actually, arrogance is an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions. Seems like you took care of that when you started assuming and being presumptuous in your claims of people being rude or snotty because they didn't friend you; like you're so worthy of every one falling down at your feet to be your MFP friend. I made no claims of being better than anyone else or being superior to anyone. I have no high horse; I still have a long way to go in my journey and know it. But, I appreciate and value and like the success stories and photos. Those people have been thru it and completed the goal successfully, they can tell me what they did and didn't do, how they accomplished what I want to accomplish. I don't find them self-righteous or rude - I find them helpful. Even if they don't approve my friend request.

    I only defended those who have reached their goals and made suggestions as to why they may not be responding to you and only asserted my opinion that they have a right to show off; especially considering that MFP has a whole topic board dedicated to success. It seems only natural that would be the place for people to "show off." Maybe we should contact tech support and have them remove that board so not to have people getting all snooty with their success photos and stories.

    Rude, yes, I may be, but only because I feel like people here who have worked hard, asserted themselves, done the work to better their lives and reach their goals should have every right to "show off" without fear of hurting someone's feelings. What? Someone uses this site, works their butt off (literally) and then has to keep it quiet because they might offend or appear rude or self-righteous to someone who hasn't reached their own goals yet?
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    Seriously your arrogance is the number one reason that this topic was posted. Get off your high horse.

    Where was the arrogance in her post?
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    Why are there so many people on here that have lost weight, and succeeded, who act like they are big shots? They feel like they are so much better than everyone else. They decline friend requests, they're so rude, and when you ask them questions for help they ignore you. I am so sick and tired of these show-offs. Congratulations for your success, but seriously stop acting like you can step all over everyone else. If i ever reach my goal, I will make sure to help out anyone that needs me, but I cant say the same for everyone else.:huh:

    Ummm, how about because they are? Whether it was 5 lbs or 300 lbs, struggling with the mental and physical issues that come with excess weight is a huge challenge and if one reaches their goal; they've accomplished a huge feat in life by working hard and they DESERVE to flaunt it! Not only that, but for many here, it serves as encouragement, motivation, and help on our own journey.

    As far as ignoring someone for help or declining request or being "rude", there could be a million reasons for it. MFP has many glitches; they've been fixing a ton of them all weekend. I can't tell you how many times I get a friend request or an e-mail that doesn't show up for days. Or, someone comments on my feed and I don't get notified of it right away and it's weeks later before I see it. At this very moment, I have a friend request that I've approved 4 times and yet I still have the notification bar pop up telling me that I have a friend request; it seems to be stuck in some kind of MFP friend limbo.

    And some people just don't want to add any ole internet stranger to their friends list either; imagine wanting to get to know someone a little better before just letting them be your "friend." Now that's real uppity; the nerve! Good grief...please someone tell me that this topic doesn't really exist and that I'm delirious from too low a carb intake. BTW...should I be eating back my exercise calories? :laugh:
    Seriously your arrogance is the number one reason that this topic was posted. Get off your high horse.

    Maybe the problem is in perception, ahem.

    This post wasn't arrogant at all, the poster was honest and helpful (explaining the glitches).

    Re-read the last 2 sentences and rethink your answer.

    Reread and rethought and have come to the same conclusions. This topic IS a little silly, people complaining that the "cool kids" won't help them and are mean. Consider that those people have come a LONG way on their own journey and they have absolutely no obligation to help you with yours. They don't have to be your help, your inspiration or your motivation.
This discussion has been closed.