Successful showoffs??Sick and tired of this.



  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    I LOVE reading the success stories and find them immensely inspirational. Occasionally I'll fling off a friend request to a success story poster if something about their story particularly chimes with me or if I want more of an insight into their diet or workout.

    To be honest I'm not that bothered and, in fact, seldom notice if someone doesn't accept or drops me later. That's because I have a hard core of super-motivational friends who are always there supporting me, achieving their own totally awesome goals, and overcoming blips in their progress with the will of a Spartan day after day.

    And because you are so busy (and very good at) inspiring others!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I post my successes on my personal 'wall' to share with my friends, many of whom started the journey the same time as me.

    To the OP... I am sorry you feel this way..perhaps instead of being irritated by the 'show-offs', why don't you make some changes of your own so you too can 'show off'? I happen to enjoy reading of people's successes with weight loss and exercise achievements and find them inspiring.

    For what it's worth, I don't care if a 'message' along with a friend's request is attached or not..I add anyone that requests me, and if the interaction traffic is one-way, then I eventually delete them.

    I hope you understand that MFP is unique in that you get out what you put in...there are great people here, but I do tend to shy away from ever asking for help in the forums because thats where MFP's seedy underbelly thrives.
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    I post my successes on my personal 'wall' to share with my friends, many of whom started the journey the same time as me.

    To the OP... I am sorry you feel this way..perhaps instead of being irritated by the 'show-offs', why don't you make some changes of your own so you too can 'show off'? I happen to enjoy reading of people's successes with weight loss and exercise achievements and find them inspiring.

    For what it's worth, I don't care if a 'message' along with a friend's request is attached or not..I add anyone that requests me, and if the interaction traffic is one-way, then I eventually delete them.

    I hope you understand that MFP is unique in that you get out what you put in...there are great people here, but I do tend to shy away from ever asking for help in the forums because thats where MFP's seedy underbelly thrives.

    Love the success stories, they inspire me every day! I also add everyone but then will delete those that are either a) non communicative or b) into starving themselves and dramatics or c) don't post for over a month. And for what it's worth, that 'seedy underbelly' is precisely what drove me to the search function and I now use it to answer any of my questions. The truth is out there!
  • LoveLaughSweatFuel
    LoveLaughSweatFuel Posts: 38 Member
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I think that it really depends on the person. I've come across MFPers that aren't anywhere near their goal, and are like that.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Since there is so much hate goin on in this thread, here's a little happy for you.

  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I feel like I am a success in the fact that I have lost 85lbs but I feel like I am still learning everyday about my body- my needs (food wise) and how to maintain it all. I still need help. I have no "this is 100% going to work this is how I did it" advise but I also have no problems with people asking me questions either because I ask them ALL THE TIME!

    This is how i feel too. When i posted my 1/2 way progress i had a bunch of friend requests and messages. "What's your secret" was a common question and even one "what diet pills are you taking?" (THE ANSWER IS NONE!!). I accepted the friend requests and answered the questions the best i could, emphasizing what works for me may not work for others. I am not an expert! I am still fumbling along like a newbie...just been here a bit longer. :flowerforyou:

    I have seen the attitude you are referring to from some though. I think they just feel their way is the only way, while i feel everyone has to find their own way. It's a life time commitment so figuring out what works for you long term is the most important part of your success.

    Good luck on your journey!!
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I've had a lot of the successful people add me for support.. Haven't come across any rude ones.. but hey remember Karma. ;D
  • Moriarty_697
    Moriarty_697 Posts: 226 Member
    Who cares? Why get so bothered by a few people who may or may not be slighting you when there are so many others out there who will support you.
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    Why are there so many people on here that have lost weight, and succeeded, who act like they are big shots? They feel like they are so much better than everyone else. They decline friend requests, they're so rude, and when you ask them questions for help they ignore you. I am so sick and tired of these show-offs. Congratulations for your success, but seriously stop acting like you can step all over everyone else. If i ever reach my goal, I will make sure to help out anyone that needs me, but I cant say the same for everyone else.:huh:

    Ummm, how about because they are? Whether it was 5 lbs or 300 lbs, struggling with the mental and physical issues that come with excess weight is a huge challenge and if one reaches their goal; they've accomplished a huge feat in life by working hard and they DESERVE to flaunt it! Not only that, but for many here, it serves as encouragement, motivation, and help on our own journey.

    As far as ignoring someone for help or declining request or being "rude", there could be a million reasons for it. MFP has many glitches; they've been fixing a ton of them all weekend. I can't tell you how many times I get a friend request or an e-mail that doesn't show up for days. Or, someone comments on my feed and I don't get notified of it right away and it's weeks later before I see it. At this very moment, I have a friend request that I've approved 4 times and yet I still have the notification bar pop up telling me that I have a friend request; it seems to be stuck in some kind of MFP friend limbo.

    And some people just don't want to add any ole internet stranger to their friends list either; imagine wanting to get to know someone a little better before just letting them be your "friend." Now that's real uppity; the nerve! Good grief...please someone tell me that this topic doesn't really exist and that I'm delirious from too low a carb intake. BTW...should I be eating back my exercise calories? :laugh:
    Seriously your arrogance is the number one reason that this topic was posted. Get off your high horse.

    Really? Really? - There was absolutely nothing arrogant about that post.

    - Why shouldn't people post pictues of their abs - they work damn hard for them
    - I find the folks that are successful are incredibly helpful and motivating
    - why should someone accept FRs if they do not want to. For example, I will not accept a FR if I do not believe we have aligned goals and will delete if I find out later we do not. I want to be able to support my friends and vice versa - not just collect them
    - I am sure the folks with the success stories have a load of FRs and PMs a day - they do have jobs and lives to live and are not responsible for anyone elses success

    You really need to not take these things so personally as they are not about you

    Seriously, you should read my other comments on here to be updated on the original post before critisizing please.
  • scoobiesaan
    Why are there so many people on here that have lost weight, and succeeded, who act like they are big shots? They feel like they are so much better than everyone else. They decline friend requests, they're so rude, and when you ask them questions for help they ignore you. I am so sick and tired of these show-offs. Congratulations for your success, but seriously stop acting like you can step all over everyone else. If i ever reach my goal, I will make sure to help out anyone that needs me, but I cant say the same for everyone else.:huh:

    Simple...they have forgot where they came from!! :smile:
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    I post my successes on my personal 'wall' to share with my friends, many of whom started the journey the same time as me.

    To the OP... I am sorry you feel this way..perhaps instead of being irritated by the 'show-offs', why don't you make some changes of your own so you too can 'show off'? I happen to enjoy reading of people's successes with weight loss and exercise achievements and find them inspiring.

    For what it's worth, I don't care if a 'message' along with a friend's request is attached or not..I add anyone that requests me, and if the interaction traffic is one-way, then I eventually delete them.

    I hope you understand that MFP is unique in that you get out what you put in...there are great people here, but I do tend to shy away from ever asking for help in the forums because thats where MFP's seedy underbelly thrives.
    I have also been successful lost some weight, but not yet at my goal. you misunderstood me. I love the inspirational stories, and i too add the person who posts their success stories. I love before and after pics as well. My problem is that these people sound so nice when they post their inspirational story,and then when you add them they are so rude! NOW not alll of them are like this. I have amazing friends on my list with amazing stories and couldnt be happier with them. But its the few that are arrogant in a rude way that i am referring to.
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    WOW....I can only speak from a person that has had much success on this journey of being on MFP 455 proud days...I continuously share my stories, pictures, support to my pals and others on the site. I create challenges, offer eating tips, and support all over 250 of my pals they can tell you that...It is time consuming but some how I have found the balance.. I currently have more than enough pals but time to time add on a few on..I haven't denied my pending request which is well over 200..I feel so bad about it but I just do not have the room..It's not because I feel like I am better than anyone else only I can't provide that much support and I expect the same support I give... I do agree...I had still clean up my list time to time from people that aren't as serious about their journey as I am.... I do feel like how someone treat their success story is just that..It is their whether their helpful or just cocky that's on them. I wouldn't let it bother me..I see some of the not so nice comments and just keep on moving by ignoring it..
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    I know exactly what the OP means. That is why I never send anyone a friend request. I'll accept it if someone sends me one because no one wants to be my friend anyway LOL. I think that some of the posts in this thread actually just prove her point. It's funny to me how some of you can't see how utterly condescending you're being. Whatever though, that's life. Some people are nice, some people aren't. There are some people here that are gems and have been SO helpful to me and there are some that have been poop heads. That's how it is everywhere, on the internet and off. Just brush off your shoulders!! :)

    Thanks girl! :flowerforyou:
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    Try to remember that this is a fitness forum and not a weight loss one. People who have lost serious weight may now be focusing on a different area of their fitness and health which is why they have no interest in 'friending' someone who does not share the same goals and interests.
    There are some awesome people on here and I'm sure that you will find your groove of friends who will support and guide you on your journey.
    If I had as much success as some of the fitties and not so fitties on here I would brag too. They earned the right because they worked for it. You don't have to read their posts. Every step on this jouney brings us all closer to our goal but it does not mean that we are all on the same path. If you put all the members of this forum in a room together you couldn't expect each person to dedicate the same interest, concern, friendship and time to every other person. We are a wonderfully diverse group, find your place in it but don't whinge when you can't be friends with everyone.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    My experience has been the complete opposite. The people you refer to generally have a good base of knowledge, and because they disagree with you doesn't make them big meanie pies.
  • fitpilatesqueen
    I have only been here for 10 days and only reading. I don´t see this behavior. Some poeple are more private than others. And if they don´t want you in their friends group then you are better off not without them anyway. Chose people who really want to be your friends and ready to be there for you and give you support.
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    I haven' t really seen this. I had one friend who, once she reached her goal, defriended several of us who have not reached goal. She felt that she needed the input and support of those trying to stay at goal rather than those actively losing. Whatever she needs to do for her success, it doesn't bother me.
    Try not to let other people bother you. They are on whatever journey they are on and it's not for us to judge If they don't want to be your friend, it's their loss.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Since there is so much hate goin on in this thread, here's a little happy for you.


    Panda: Did you see this clip on the Chapelle show by chance? hilarious....
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