LOVELY LADIES SUPPORT GROUP starts today!! 8/18/09



  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Welcome gaylavest! We usually check/weigh in on Wednesday's and chat about whatever during the week. :smile:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Welcome gaylavest!

    jtodacheeny: I have been in the same boat as you. Have been to my goal weight, and then decided it was ok to have that bad choice or not workout. I gained almost 20 lbs by not being in the mood to watch what I was doing. So again I'm on that downward journey, and I just have to find that determination for not going back to where I know I'm not a happy person. WE CAN DO THIS! :drinker:

    I am actually looking forward to my weigh-in tomorrow. Tried on some pants on Sunday(have not worn these pants since last fall), and the waist band fell down to my hips. So I'm hoping that I have broken that 160# mark!
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Welcome to our group gaylavest :flowerforyou:

    I have worked out 6 of the last 9 days, but I haven't really been watching what I am eating. I hope that I still see some kind of change on the scale....

    I took a sneak peek on Sunday morning, but it was up 3 lbs!!! I did drink a lot of draft beer on Sat night though, so I chalked it up to beer bloat. I hope I was right! I think I will die if I really gained 3 lbs.

    Also, on a totally unrelated note......does anyone else get the PMS and bloating like 2 weeks before their TOM? It seems like that is when the cravings and the bloating start and they just gradually get worse over the 2 week period until I start and then the day after I start, everything vanishes! Weird. :noway:

    Good Luck to everyone at tomorrow's weigh in!

    Gogo :bigsmile:
  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    Hey ladies!!! Sorry I have been just seems to get in the way sometimes and fell off course. If you don't mind, I would like to start from scratch tomorrow. I need to lose this has been effecting my mood and self esteem alot lately, more so than usual. :sad: But tomorrow is a new day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    I'm a happy lady today! :drinker: 159.5 lbs:drinker: Only problem is that this is now those last dreaded 10 lbs to go!!! :laugh:

    Gogo, I don't know that my cycle works the same, but I know two weeks ahead of time I will gain weight, and then the next week I will be really hungry. If I don't give into the hunger (by eating bad things) I will lose weight before and after TTOM, and keep it off. I think that is what helped me with this current weight loss, I didn't give into temptation. :happy:

    racefan, Start from scratch, we are going to make this journey to our goals together. :flowerforyou:
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    I'm a happy lady today! :drinker: 159.5 lbs:drinker: Only problem is that this is now those last dreaded 10 lbs to go!!! :laugh:

    Gogo, I don't know that my cycle works the same, but I know two weeks ahead of time I will gain weight, and then the next week I will be really hungry. If I don't give into the hunger (by eating bad things) I will lose weight before and after TTOM, and keep it off. I think that is what helped me with this current weight loss, I didn't give into temptation. :happy:

    racefan, Start from scratch, we are going to make this journey to our goals together. :flowerforyou:

    Yay!!! Congrats lvnascar! You can do it!

    I am throwing my scale away! I am back up to 163.4, but I have been working out like a mad fiend! I don't understand. For the past ten days I have worked out hard core 8 of the 10 and I felt so sure that I was going to see major results on the scale........well I did, major results the wrong way!:explode: The sad thing is that I felt so good for the past ten days.....until this morning after I weighed in. Then this heavy sick feeling settled over me :sick: My measurements are the same. I am so close to giving up. I am going to try not weighing in and just going by my measurements for the next month or so, but if I don't see something in the right direction I just don't know if I can do it anymore.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    I am throwing my scale away! I am back up to 163.4, but I have been working out like a mad fiend! I don't understand. For the past ten days I have worked out hard core 8 of the 10 and I felt so sure that I was going to see major results on the scale........well I did, major results the wrong way!:explode: The sad thing is that I felt so good for the past ten days.....until this morning after I weighed in. Then this heavy sick feeling settled over me :sick: My measurements are the same. I am so close to giving up. I am going to try not weighing in and just going by my measurements for the next month or so, but if I don't see something in the right direction I just don't know if I can do it anymore.

    I think sometimes our bodies go through a few weeks where we just kind of hang around the same weight going up and down a pound or two, and then finally it starts to move the right way again. That happened to me back in early August. It was frustrating but now I am losing again so don't give up!!

    checking in: down 1.5 pounds, yeah!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    gogo, You are in the same spot I am in, those last 15-10 lbs. It takes some experimentation with your eating and exercise to kick start your body into getting that weight off. Maybe getting that scale away from you for a while is a good idea. :wink: Just don't give up! We all can get to that goal, it just might take a little more time. :flowerforyou:
  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    OK...checking in (for yesterday) and starting from scratch!!!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

    Goal ~ 145 to 150 and toned
    Week 1 ~ 183.0
  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    Well I wasn't expecting much...having some terrible manufactured drama from an ex-boyfriend turned family an Ex-family friend...has caused me to binge and starve. I know it's not healthy, I tell myself that as I do it...and the last few days have been easier. Ugh life can be so maddening sometimes! But I was shocked to see I was down 2 pounds...not sure if it is really "weight" loss, but I will take it this week!

    Goal ~ 145 to 150 and toned
    Week 1 ~ 183.0
    Week 2 ~ 181.0
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    gogo, You are in the same spot I am in, those last 15-10 lbs. It takes some experimentation with your eating and exercise to kick start your body into getting that weight off. Maybe getting that scale away from you for a while is a good idea. :wink: Just don't give up! We all can get to that goal, it just might take a little more time. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks lvnascar! I really need to hear those words of encouragement to keep me going!

    Ok, since I am not weighing in is my update...

    I worked out 7 of the past 10 days. I have been alternating legs and arms and abs/core for strength training and also running on the treadmill for my cardio. Yay!! I ran 1.5 miles last night without stopping!! I am so proud of myself. I did it really slow, but I still did it!! It took me 22 mins. Maybe next week I will measure to see if I have lost any inches, but I am kind of gun-shy now because every time I would step on the scale, it would be up. I am kind of afraid that it will be the same way with the measurements! As for my eating habits, I have really been trying to be good......I am determined to lose weight during this holiday season! I just keep asking myself if the hostess cupcakes and ding-dongs are really worth it. I would have to run on the treadmill for 2 hours just to burn off one package of chocolate cupcakes!! Def. not worth it! I have been eating lower carb, lower fat, higher protein so that my muscles will start showing.:bigsmile:

    Hope all you lovely ladies did well last week! Fight the good fight--we are worth it! :laugh:

  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Well I wasn't expecting much...having some terrible manufactured drama from an ex-boyfriend turned family an Ex-family friend...has caused me to binge and starve. I know it's not healthy, I tell myself that as I do it...and the last few days have been easier. Ugh life can be so maddening sometimes! But I was shocked to see I was down 2 pounds...not sure if it is really "weight" loss, but I will take it this week!

    Goal ~ 145 to 150 and toned
    Week 1 ~ 183.0
    Week 2 ~ 181.0

    Sorry about the drama. :frown: Congrats on the 2lb loss though! I know it is hard, but try to remember the binging and starving will only kill your metabolism. You can do this!!


  • tiffani82
    tiffani82 Posts: 15 Member
    I would love to join...if you still have a spot. I am new and boy do I need the support. :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No change for me this week, but that is ok. :wink: I have been looking at some of what I have been eating, and I realize that I need to cut out the sodium. Dang it is sometimes hard to believe how much sodium some items contain. :noway: So that will be my experiment for the next week. :smile: I'm just happy that I didn't gain. My workouts have been consistent, with about 6 days of the week. This week has been a recovery from weights, so my workouts have consisted of running, kickboxing and yoga. Monday starts up with weights again, and I will be doing 3 days of weight work with 3 days of cardio at around 45-60 min. And I probably will add cardio of 20-30 min. (running) on my weight days.

    racefan: Away Drama Away!!! :happy: Hey I would take the 2lb weight loss too. :laugh:

    gogo: I'm betting that the running will help with those measurements. I know that running has helped me with the lower half of my body. Keep up the great work. :flowerforyou:

    tiffani: Welcome to the group, and tell us a little about yourself. I like your frog on your weight ticker! :bigsmile:

    Kath: Congrats on the 1.5lb weight loss! :drinker:

    Have a great day!
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    I would love to join...if you still have a spot. I am new and boy do I need the support. :flowerforyou:

    Welcome! :drinker:

    What are your goals and what is your starting weight?

  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member

    Sorry about the drama. :frown: Congrats on the 2lb loss though! I know it is hard, but try to remember the binging and starving will only kill your metabolism. You can do this!!



    Thank you so much...I have a horrible history with that, and would not at all be surprised if that is why I actully am having such a hard time losing now. But my goal is to eat three NORMAL meals a's all baby steps and re-training. I am sure with all your exercising you are doing wonderfully! I have always admired that about your posts!
  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No change for me this week, but that is ok. :wink: I have been looking at some of what I have been eating, and I realize that I need to cut out the sodium. Dang it is sometimes hard to believe how much sodium some items contain. :noway: So that will be my experiment for the next week. :smile: I'm just happy that I didn't gain. My workouts have been consistent, with about 6 days of the week. This week has been a recovery from weights, so my workouts have consisted of running, kickboxing and yoga. Monday starts up with weights again, and I will be doing 3 days of weight work with 3 days of cardio at around 45-60 min. And I probably will add cardio of 20-30 min. (running) on my weight days.

    racefan: Away Drama Away!!! :happy: Hey I would take the 2lb weight loss too. :laugh:

    gogo: I'm betting that the running will help with those measurements. I know that running has helped me with the lower half of my body. Keep up the great work. :flowerforyou:

    tiffani: Welcome to the group, and tell us a little about yourself. I like your frog on your weight ticker! :bigsmile:

    Kath: Congrats on the 1.5lb weight loss! :drinker:

    Have a great day!

    Awesome job on the workouts!!! That is impressive!!!!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    AARGG! Up a pound. Even waited an extra day but still up. Hate that TOM. Crave salt and sweets so much.
    Welcome Tiffani82!!!
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Hey LL's!!

    Just wanted to say hope you had a great weekend, and keep up the good work. Only 2 days to Weds Weigh in!

    Good Luck All! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Down a 1/2lb so 159. I know that at this point the weight is going to go slow, so I'm not worried about my progress. :wink:

    Hope everyone had a good week.